Arcana Six of Wands: Meaning and description. Six of Wands combined with other tarot cards

This card is like a greeting card in a reading. She just says “Happy Victory Day!” According to tradition, the card symbolizes a favorable outcome of any business, its completion to a victorious end, the triumph of will and courage. Its appearance in the reading heralds that a streak of good fortune is beginning, and fate favors the questioner, and what he hopes for will soon happen.

Hopes will come true, wishes will be fulfilled, gifts will be received. She says: you will confidently reach the victorious end, overcome difficulties, do not lose your optimistic mood. This is a card of conquests and victories, bright prospects, life success, progress, efforts that bring rewards (logically it follows the struggle-filled Five and precedes the protection of one’s conquests according to the Seven).

If other cards in the layout hint at some kind of struggle, then the Six of Wands says that the battle will be crowned with inspiring success. In general, as a rule, it falls out after some difficult life test, a period of hard work, giving a reason for joy. Even if this is not the case, in any case, its appearance suggests that this period is very favorable for undertakings, be it starting a family or making a career. Success in any chosen field of activity is guaranteed!

The Six of Wands is also in charge of all kinds of important and joyful news.

This card allows for successful business trips.

As the resulting card of the alignment, the Six of Wands suggests that all previous influences are needed to make a person more mature, strong and courageous to move along his own path, overcoming difficulties, resistance and conflicts. As one modern tarot reader noted, the Six of Wands is not a “rotten compromise,” but rather a victory after a struggle and a well-deserved (although sometimes seemingly “undeserved”) reward.

This card cannot be called intimate; it always has an element of pomp and parade - publicizing success, proclaiming it to others.

“Here he comes, the conquering hero.” And it doesn’t go, but it goes! This is a man who has stood the test of strength and proven that he is not a fool. He has conquered the force he was fighting and is now open to positive communication. He realized his own value and significance, and now he transmits this discovery to others. This card is in charge of an active life position. Full of strength and self-confidence that impresses others. However, there is an element of a mask here, as if a person’s strength depends on how much he can demonstrate it to others (“put on a good face,” no matter how the game goes).

This is also significant because the Six of Wands often speaks of being in the spotlight. Well, in the spotlight, a mask is simply necessary. A public figure, a person whose popularity is created by collective opinion. Sometimes the card says that the external, ostentatious side of things is very important for a person - some events, PR (this can manifest itself both at the level of friends and neighbors, and on a mega-scale).

But first of all and above all, the Six of Wands is a card of satisfied ambition, pride. According to it, a person often receives recognition and admiration. There may be an element of narcissism and the risk of forgetting about the feelings of other people. At its worst, the card describes an arrogant, arrogant person.

If the questioner cannot identify himself with this card at all, then it simply heralds the need to adapt to someone stronger.

In general, this is a map of material and social actions, controlled by the instinctive forces of masculine nature, actions taken in complete harmony and fusion with this energy. The card can symbolize inspiration, turning to higher planes - teaching, spiritual growth, service, awareness of your path in this life, in the Universe. The reversed Six of Wands emphasizes humility, vows of obedience, silence, renunciation of brilliance and glory.

Astrological associations: “The second decade of Leo symbolizes the fullness of living life and confident mastery of its material and spiritual riches. This decade is ruled by the social planet Jupiter. Respect for cultural achievements and traditions develops inner nobility and connects a person’s goal with the tasks of other people, who at the same time, naturally , become his assistants.

In the situation described by this card, it is important not only to show strength of character, but also to strive to use your will for joint creation, showing the complacency characteristic of Leo and elevating your subjective ideals to universal ones. Luck and power over others can give a person excessive pride. His sense of superiority can irritate other people, turning them from potential friends into enemies - thereby returning the person to the task of developing self-awareness.

A more attentive attitude of a person to weaknesses, on the contrary, opens the way to further heights, helping to become a conductor of spiritual energies and strengthening his internal power over himself, which is the basis of external leadership. The task of this decade is to master powerful energy channels that increase Leo’s natural ability to give and give.”

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: believe that everything will be fine, continue your path and achieve victory! Moreover, it is very important to do this through honest means, open struggle, and pursuing a noble goal. Demonstrate strength and self-confidence to others, behave as a model for others.

As an obstacle: pride and snobbery that prevent you from facing the truth. Self-praise that takes you away from reality (for example, the case when for others you are a winner, but you still feel lousy). Reassessing your capabilities. Showmanship, over-interest, star fever. The desire to force everyone to adapt to themselves. The shadow side of the card is the triumph of power, abusing the subordinate position of the weak, in general, forceful actions and an imperious manner. The risk of falling from the conquered peak (if the Tower is also present in the scenario, then with a great roar).

This is the case when achievements allow you to be in the forefront and on the crest of the wave. A brilliant card for career matters!

Achievement, approval, satisfaction are under her control, as well as triumph, fame, success in the grandest sense. This can be either the successful completion of a long-term project or simply the effective resolution of work matters. A map of truly effective efforts, progress, and fulfilled desires. Things have been brought to success (at least intermediate) as a result of hard work, and what you hope for will soon happen, all that remains is to dispose of the fruits wisely and calmly.

Organizationally, the Six of Wands can describe the stage when, following the strife of the Five, the participants in events consolidate around the emerging leader. Motivation, confidence, development of an action program. The difficult stage of changes and transformations of the Five of Wands has come to an end, obstacles have been overcome, and creative activity can begin.
The Six of Wands indicates the prospect of getting an excellent job or recognition of one's professional merits. Career growth, promotion, salary increase. A map of brilliant specialists, the best in their field. They dispatch their opponents without blinking an eye. However, this is a card of fair, interesting competition, a healthy challenge, confrontation, a duel of wills from which everyone benefits.

Like the Ten of Pentacles, the Six of Wands can mean working in a large institution, a large company.

At a lower level, the card can be played out as the fate of the very successful “six” (the symbolic meaning of this word seems to be superimposed on the “official affairs” traditionally attributed to the wands). In terms of astrology, this is an overly successful VI house (by the way, it is the sixth house!), when the abundance of perfectly fulfilled duties leads to almost complete absorption in work rhythms, and a person turns into a cheerful, efficient automaton, for whom, in a certain sense, the authorities pray. It remains to be noted that in ancient clashes the Six of Wands is associated with servants, servants, workers, and in traditional astrology it is the VI house that is responsible for servants and workers.

Successful defense of a diploma, passing exams, obtaining a qualification. Taken peaks. Public acceptance. Fame. Glory. Reward. According to the Six of Wands, there are all sorts of spectacular numbers in their business - bypassing competitors and the like.
Favorable business development, conquering new markets. Progress in business, the enterprise is gaining momentum.
Productive negotiations.

Prosperity and success. Profit, a reward for your efforts. After a period of struggle - financial success and acquisitions, improvement of situation. Investments, including long-term ones and those associated with a share of risk, will pay off. Favorable chances for improving your financial situation, opening up new opportunities. Winning. Receiving gifts. Abundance, wealth, prosperity.

It is believed that this card symbolizes a time of happiness, peace and cooperation, harmony and mutual understanding in the family. However, everything is so simple here. Here there is a victor-triumphant, even if there seems to be no vanquished. What kind of fight was this? “What was it, whose victory?”

There is an emphasis on overcoming the difficulties of the previous period, and if the partners are united and equally understand the essence of these difficulties, then the Six of Wands is an excellent card, indicating that they have emerged victorious from their trials, and their union is truly viable . Everything that could be destroyed has already fallen apart as a result of past actions, and the moment has come when you should forget about everything and plunge headlong into the structure of your life. “The flame burns again,” writes Ziegler, “love, rebirth, creative power unite and strengthen each other.”

But if one was a “difficulty” for the other, then it makes sense to look for the other under the horse’s hooves. This card can also describe the triumphant side in a love triangle, in general a person who forces everyone to adapt to himself, a playmaker in a relationship. According to the Six of Wands, serious family conflicts are coming to an end, and especially situations in which someone else has appeared.

It’s a surprising thing, but in ancient interpretations the Six of Wands is confidently assigned the meaning of home, home life, family life, and housekeeping. Even more surprising is that this is confirmed in modern practice.
Among the meanings that can be found in personal books are such as “home improvement, mutual trust in the family, correct views and relationships, respect for other people’s needs.”

The “messenger” aspect is also strong in the Six of Wands - sometimes this card is accompanied by a declaration of love, an open expression of feelings (and received favorably). This card speaks of winning someone's heart. The fortress fell, the winner entered in triumph and perhaps without a fight. He may use some means to express his affection, such as some token gifts or other grand gestures. With appropriate surrounding cards, the Six of Wands increases the likelihood of a legal marriage, and in ancient interpreters, marriage is one of its meanings.

Recovery after illness.
Inverted - weakness of the immune system, inability to overcome the disease. Falling from height.

In the Six of Wands reversed, the horse becomes a “Trojan”. The enemy is at the gate, betrayal, treason. Fall from heights after success. The weakness of a leader, “a colossus with feet of clay.” Employees can contribute to the failure of their superiors. The whole situation turns out to be “phony”, an appearance without a real basis, dust thrown into the eyes. Benefits are superficial and unreliable, success is fragile. It may come later than expected - or it may go to someone else rather than the person asking.

The meaninglessness of the benefit compared to the effort expended.

The reversed card has mainly two meanings: failure and pride. From an astrological point of view, she resembles a planet in decline: she has the highest opinion of herself, but in fact - a lack of power of manifestation and failure, a “fall” and an element of shame. In an inverted position, the Six of Wands means exaggeration of one’s own importance and, at the same time, fear of failure (it is very difficult to accept morally). Hence - waiting, fear, reinsurance, fear, apprehension, doubt in one’s abilities. But in both cases, be it pride or insecurity, there is a loss of followers. Inability to compromise in relationships.

According to the inverted Six of Wands, there is criticism from others or lukewarm praise. They do not take into account the success achieved by a person and belittle its importance. Jealousy of other people's success, forcing you to put a spoke in your wheels. Unpleasantly experienced news about other people's victories.

At a low level, the card works like Virgo, giving subordination, dependence, helpfulness, constraint in thoughts and manifestations, servility and, at the same time, poor performance of duties, unprofessionalism.

Bad news. Success without satisfaction, superficial gain, insufficient gain. You should not count on victory and wait for good news. Obstacles can ruin an entire enterprise. Victory can literally slip away from under your nose.
Another meaning: waiting, a delay in time (including caused by someone’s treachery). Misunderstandings, loss of information, letters, documents, failure to receive news. Postponed trip.

Goddess of Victory Nike

Archetype of the winner-triumphant

St. George the Victorious

Entrance to Jerusalem

“Triumph and defeat should be perceived equally, because it is all just an illusion.”

Good news. Victory. A triumph achieved through hard work. Completion. Honors. Confession. A positive outlook for the future. Career advancement. Increased social status.

Bet on your victory!

Once you win, don't become arrogant.

Card of the day
You can be sure of victory, because today is a day of luck for you! Good news awaits you. Moreover, if you have just ended a losing streak: today you will be convinced that things have gone uphill, and you can safely “taxi to overtake.” If you have done some good deed, then today you will receive a well-deserved reward and recognition. Celebrate your triumph and share this holiday with others. Rejoice yourself and please your close friends.

Reversed card
Excessive arrogance. Transient success. A dubious victory. Fear of the enemy. Obstacles. Defeat.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Six of Wands is a card of victory. The hero is surrounded by his followers who greet him. He has not yet reached his goal, but is already close to it. He envisions and intends to get to the goal. This suggests that he is a very confident person. He also realizes that he needs the support of other people - without them he cannot achieve his goal. He does not at all want any of his comrades to suddenly take up arms against him and block his path when victory is already so close.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Six of Wands
  • Is everyone rallying around you?
  • What victory are you celebrating?
  • Are you aware of the needs of your environment?
  • Do you feel confident and positive?
  • Do you feel legitimately proud?
Key Ideas
Realize your fears and overcome them, to do this you need to learn to believe in yourself. You will, of course, win if you consistently rely on yourself and work together with other people to achieve your goal.
Direct Card: You treat your friends with respect, and they really appreciate it.

Reversed Card: Who are you neglecting?

Direct Card: You take on positions of responsibility. This is excellent preparation for adult life.

Reversed: You do everything in your power to hinder your teammates who are really trying to learn. Stop it. This reflects poorly on you.

Direct card: You are close to your goal. The guy or girl of your dreams is almost aware of what an amazing person you are.

Reversed card: You rate yourself too low. Your self-esteem is very far from the truth. There are people who will really be happy to get to know you closely. Give them this chance.

Direct Card: You and your family make a great team!

Reversed card: Stop judging relatives. You are not better than them - you are just different.

Direct card: You have almost realized your deepest dream or are close to realizing your ambitious aspirations. You compete and will soon win.

Reversed Card: Lack of self-confidence prevents you from directing all your efforts towards victory. What you are capable of, you consider unattainable, and therefore you do not achieve it.

Direct card: You feel great and look great.

Reversed Card: Do you feel like the worst person you can be? Now is the time to develop self-confidence.

Direct card: Keep working hard. Soon you will receive the financial reward you deserve.

Reversed card: Money slips away like sand through your fingers. You need to learn how to handle money.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Louise was very nervous. The day of the annual student awards was approaching, and she knew that she had won many awards. She half looked forward to this day with hope, and half really wanted to know whether she would make herself a laughing stock. She was worried that her friends would think she was "too positive." The card showed that it was better for Louise to just relax and enjoy life. If her friends laugh at her, it will only be out of envy. She definitely deserved all the praise and will remember this day for a long time as a day of personal victory.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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Success. Victory. Achieving the goal.

This is a card for achieving worldly goals and well-deserved success. The effort required to complete a task has been crowned with success, and you have a feeling of accomplishment. "Six" is a number that signifies harmony and is usually associated with recognizing someone's merit and hard work. This card sometimes depicts a horseman with a laurel wreath on his head or, more often, six wands crossing in the shape of the letter "X" (in the Tarot of Thoth this card is called "Victory"). The Six of Wands reflects satisfaction with the present and anticipation of the struggle to achieve one's goals in the future.

The Six of Wands signifies the pinnacle of success: the moment of triumph when we reap the fruits of our efforts. This card marks the completion of a certain cycle of our activities and reminds us of the upcoming beginning of a new stage. The paradox of this card is that, on the one hand, it represents confirmation that we have already achieved a lot, on the other hand, it calls us to realize that there is still a lot to be done. In other words, while she offers to celebrate the success achieved, she does not guarantee that it will be durable. The Six of Wands predicts an exciting period in our lives when we can enjoy recognition from other people. Everything we have done in the past to reach our present position is admired by everyone. All this gives us self-confidence, which can inspire other people to conquer similar heights. This card encourages us, in this time of triumph, not to lose sight of the goals that remain to be achieved.
Choosing this card means that you have the opportunity to enjoy a period of success in your life: you may receive a promotion or have good prospects for doing your job successfully; you can improve your qualifications or take exams. The Six of Wands often foretells public recognition and honor. It promises to achieve your goals. You are optimistic and can rest on your laurels with a clear conscience for some time, knowing that you deserve the thunderous fanfare that sounds in your honor. However, you also understand that you cannot stand in one place forever, and soon you will have to set off to meet new achievements.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Conquest. Victory. Good news. Profit. Moving forward. Expectation. Desires come true. Results of efforts.
Reversed meaning
Indefinite postponement. Fear. Fear. Infidelity. Superficial benefit. Insufficient winnings.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Six of Wands is a sign of very good news, a message of hope, news of victory, and also a possible indication of the receipt of gifts.

Inner meaning
Here the Questioner can expect something new to appear on the scene, but this time the news is good.

Expect very good news, a message of hope, news of victory. In addition, there may be an indication of the imminent receipt of gifts. Either way, what you were hoping for will happen soon.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: good news is on the way. Hopes will come true, wishes will come true. Gifts will be received. You have completed or will soon complete a significant conquest; you will win something. You have brought your business to success and are about to receive rewards and recognition for your efforts.

Reversed or Negative: Delays most likely caused by treachery. Your fears are justified. Prepare for battle: the enemy is at the gate. Betrayal, infidelity, obstacles that can overpower or destroy your enterprise.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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Following the infighting of the Five, a leader or winner appears in the Six, around whom all other participants in the events are grouped, swearing an oath of allegiance to him. It can also be rallying around an accepted program of action. This card represents the success, victory, pride and elevation of one single person through his courage and skill. On the card of the Waite-Smith deck we see a laurel-crowned winner raised high above the crowd. This could be a real victory, gaining power or receiving a prize. Perhaps you have gained public recognition, become a public figure, or received an award for your achievements. You can be a leader, or you can support someone else who is and follow him faithfully. You may be expecting someone of high social standing to lead you. This person may bring you good news or let you know that your hopes and desires have come true. Or others put you on a pedestal, asking you to take responsibility or the reins of power. Your motivation and confidence can inspire them to follow you or work together as a team.

However, this state of affairs will depend largely on goodwill. The Six promises mutual benefits for both the leader and followers acting in concert and together. On the other hand, this card represents a collection of people whose collective opinion can either make or break someone's popularity.

Traditional meanings: home and family life, home, servants, housekeeping. Messenger. Good news. Fulfillment of hopes, desires, expectations. Resolving difficulties. Either rest or work alternately. Quarrels and discord among the servants. Effort brings reward. Progress.

Reversed Six of Wands
After the strife of the Five, the Six of Wands can predict a fall from heights. This is a real Trojan horse. Traditionally, she warns that victory and success are always transitory. The enemy is already at the gate, and perhaps betrayal and betrayal await you. News and messages are lost or delayed; Various misunderstandings may occur, misunderstandings may occur. Employees or subordinates may be unfaithful, withhold support, or even contribute to the downfall of their boss. On the other hand, you may be too arrogant and condescending towards those who are lower than you. Victory can literally slip away from under your nose. Obstacles will suddenly appear in your way. There may be delays in business. Probably a feeling of fear and anxiety.

Proceed with caution, especially if you are dependent on others in some way, but do not let mistrust develop into alienation. Pride can both elevate you and bring you down from the heights you have achieved. The situation may turn out to be all appearances without any real basis, and the leader may be weak or ineffective. A hero or other public figure may have feet of clay, like the Colossus of Rhodes. You may have to back up to get rid of an uncomfortable situation and reckless commitments. Or perhaps you just don’t want to become a leader and are resisting this turn of events in every possible way. You may have secret ambitions and inner achievements; You should not hide your well-deserved laurels from others.

By projecting victory onto others, you may feel jealous, distrust their abilities, or even try to put a spoke in their wheels.

In terms of health, it could be a failure of antibodies to fight off an infection or a literal fall from somewhere.

From a shamanic point of view, this is a cavalcade of faeries emerging from a magical hill. They are ready for all sorts of tricks and can drag anyone who meets them on the way. It can also be a descent into the lower world, a journey of self-discovery, similar to the descent of the goddess Inanna into the underworld.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: infidelity, betrayal, betrayal. Fear, caution, apprehension. Waiting, hope and hope. Delay in fulfillment of hopes. Delays. Bad service. Short term benefit. Superficial goods. Lost letters. Self-confidence, self-belief. Confidence. Foresight.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
Today I feel like a winner, returning from the war.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
Good news, an encouraging message, news of victory - these are some of the meanings of the Six of Staves card. It depicts a warrior returning home safe and sound. On its peak, raised upward, is a winner's wreath.

The Six of Wands suggests that the Questioner can safely count on the emergence of something new in the current situation, which will greatly facilitate the efforts made. This Arcanum marks favorable changes and outside help.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - E/Ё, number - 6,
Ruled by the planet - Venus, Sun, no zodiac sign,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 14th hexagram (“Possession of many”),
Weather conditions - fog,
The corresponding color is green,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the sephira Tifferet.
Card meaning
Straight position
The interpretation of the card will be as follows: rapid advancement; promotion; success in creative self-expression, science, art; luck, honor, glory, fulfilled hopes, gifts. This Arcanum indicates the intervention in the situation of some good news that will change everything for the better, a significant gain either personally by the Questioner, or with someone else’s help. Travel possible. The querent should appreciate luck and try to achieve more.
Inverted position
In this case, the card warns the Questioner that he may not be the first to reach the goal; obstacles and delays caused by treachery will arise on his way. The Questioner's fears will be confirmed: the enemy will raise his head. We must prepare for betrayal, infidelity, and deception. You should be wary of transactions and contracts - it is not recommended to purchase real estate. The card indicates possible fraud, forged documents.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Six of Wands is a card of success and reward for effort and hard work. You emerge victorious from all trials and conflicts. It was a difficult phase and now you are reaping the rewards of your perseverance. You can start building a house, start a family, master a new profession or change your place of work - success is guaranteed! The presence of this card in the layout also characterizes you as a contactable, easy-to-communicate person.

Reversed is the “always second” card. Predicts the loss, failure or victory of another person.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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VI. Six - the rider crowned with a laurel wreath carries his stick, decorated with a laurel wreath. Foot people with sticks at his side.

Straight position:
this card can correspond to several meanings. Outwardly, it is a triumph of victory. But this is also important news: the kind of news that a king's envoy could bring to the state. It is also the expectation of the completion of personal aspirations, the crown of hope, etc.

Reverse position:
apprehension (gloomy forebodings), fear (like fear of a victorious enemy at the gate), betrayal (as if someone is opening the gates of a fortress to enemies), treachery, etc.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Jupiter in the 10th house as a symbol of success and fame.
The Six of Wands is a card of victory, success, glory and “national recognition”, and from here joy and satisfaction. To be completely precise, it represents the publication of success, the proclamation of victory. So in everyday life it can simply mean good news, without any pomp or parade. As a rule, this card shows that our work and our efforts will be crowned with success. Sometimes it is an unexpected “undeserved” success.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Second decade of Leo from August 3 to 12.
Astrological equivalents: transition from the Eighth House to the Ninth, the planets Venus and Jupiter.
The second decade of Leo symbolizes the fullness of living life and confident mastery of its material and spiritual riches. This decade is ruled by the social planet Jupiter.
Respect for cultural achievements and traditions develops inner nobility and connects a person’s goal with the goals of other people, who naturally become his helpers. In the situation described by this card, it is important not only to show strength of character, but also to strive to use your will for joint creation, showing the complacency characteristic of Leo and elevating your subjective ideals to universal ones.
Luck and power over others can give a person excessive pride. His sense of superiority can irritate other people, turning them from potential friends into enemies - thereby returning the person to the task of developing self-awareness.
A more attentive attitude of a person to the weak sides of life, on the contrary, opens the way to further heights, helping to become a conductor of spiritual energies and strengthening his internal power over himself, which is the basis of external leadership.
The task of this decade is to master powerful energy channels that increase Leo’s natural ability to give and give.
Victory. This state of triumph is achievable if you are guided by higher aspirations. With unethical methods, part of the power is inevitably lost. The Six of Staves is not a rotten compromise, but a victory after a hard struggle and a well-deserved reward.

Straight position:
In an upright position, the card can symbolize inspiration, an appeal to higher planes - teaching, spiritual growth, service, awareness of one’s path in this life, in the Universe.
Victory is a very interesting card. It often falls out after some difficult life test. There seems to be an echo of all the distant planets in this chart, and none of them can be clearly identified. The card can mean: conquest, triumph, good news, profit, advancement, expectation, desire realized through hard work; the situation of Jacob, who served fourteen years for Rachel. At a low level, the card works like Virgo, giving subordination, dependence, helpfulness, constraint in thoughts and manifestations, servility.

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the card means pride and snobbery. A person learns something, receives some kind of life lesson, and then runs around and shouts about it at all intersections, inflating its importance and pretending to be a guru. At the same time, there is an unwillingness to understand that one life lesson opens the way to an endless chain of subsequent ones. Endless delaying, waiting, fear, overestimating one’s own strengths and capabilities (or underestimating the same), “fraud,” unearned income. In addition, the Six of Staves symbolizes expectation and hope. This card in an inverted state again symbolizes Virgo, thus showing Venus, which is relevant for this sign and gives such situations as visiting, leisure, entertainment, pleasant pastime, communication. The card can also symbolize a light love interest, a holiday romance.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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A horseman with a staff in his hand and a laurel wreath on his head solemnly enters the city. The rest of the staffs, as well as flags, flowers and other objects, are in the hands of the public welcoming him. In the Aquarius Tarot, all the wands are in the hands of the rider, which, however, does not change the meaning of the card. This is a Triumphant, a man who achieved his goal, who brilliantly completed the most difficult task. It foretells the success of the business you have begun: after all, you have already done so much, endured so many difficulties, and have come most of the way. Therefore, do not lose heart, victory is already close.
In practice, this card means success beyond all expectations. And even inverted, it retains its meaning; only success may come later than expected - or it will not come to you.

Prediction using fortune telling cards is an ancient art, the origins of which go back centuries. A magical attribute, represented by mystical colorful symbols with special meanings, is still used in rituals today. The interpretation of a Tarot deck consists of a comprehensive analysis of each element of the layout, and therefore such a powerful, complex craft is not amenable to every magician. What is the true power of magic cards? The classic Tarot deck has remained virtually unchanged over the years, and the suits, which represent certain feelings and actions of people, have remained the same. An all-encompassing forecast affecting all areas of human life is a powerful weapon possessed by the chosen few.

Prediction using fortune telling cards is an ancient art.

Such a special Six of Wands in Tarot

The Six of Wands Tarot is an ancient sign that predicts predominantly favorable changes in human life. Omens of rapid success adorn any layout and instill hope in the soul of the questioner. How can the 6 of Wands help?

The nature and character of the Six of Wands in the Tarot deck

The Six of Staves belongs to the suit of Wands in the magical Tarot deck and indicates a long-awaited victory. Success in all endeavors, old and new affairs, in love and business relationships - such an ancient symbol softens the forecast, no matter what cards fall after the Six. The sign speaks of a path already taken. A past filled with trials, tribulations and losses that led the questioner to a well-deserved reward. If the long-awaited joy has not yet illuminated a person’s life, then the Six card foreshadows imminent changes for the better. The expectations that the questioner built will be justified and will be returned with many benefits. Anyone who knows how to wait in humility, according to the traditional interpretation of the Tarot deck, always receives a reward.

Tarot Six of Wands predicts probable events that have not yet occurred:

  • leadership, long-awaited victory over enemies;
  • bad news;
  • undeserved laurels;
  • gaining control over a lost life.

The card is predominantly good in nature, but in an inverted position it carries a negative message.. If the direct symbol is a prototype of a person with leadership qualities, then the Six in the reverse position sets the questioner up for future bad news. The victory that man has been striving for for so long will go to his enemy, and the series of failures will seem endless. Unfair struggle, intrigue, meanness - negative trends predicted by the Six.

New things on which special hopes were pinned will turn out to be failures or empty. Partners with whom there have been no problems before will let you down at the most inopportune moment. The pronounced negative message of the inverted Six is ​​not softened even by the presence of favorable cards in the layout. The Suit of Wands contains important advice - if you are prepared for possible problems, then solving momentary troubles will not seem like a big tragedy.

Tarot cards do not create the immediate future, but only translate probable events through magical symbols. His future fate depends only on the will and mood of a person. Any problems cannot last forever, and if you follow the recommendations of the Six, amazing victories will follow after a protracted black streak.

Tarot spread for human personal development

The meaning of the 6 Wands of the Tarot, which is understandable even for an inexperienced magician, in a self-development scenario can contribute to unexpected predictions. A symbol of results, aspirations and victories over enemies appears quite often, especially in cases where a person with ambitions and far-reaching plans calls for the help of a powerful deck. The success predicted by the sixth card of the suit of Wands is a natural and logical phenomenon, a consequence of the work done and efforts made. The Six’s warning in this situation is regarded as an important note that helps the questioner avoid undesirable consequences. The victory that a person strives for should not go against his beliefs. Superiority over others, inflated self-esteem and excessive ambition will reduce all success to zero.

The Six of Wands indicates the beginning of a new learning

The Six of Wands, the meaning of which symbolizes readiness for spiritual growth, indicates the beginning of new learning. A person who succeeds in professional life, seeing the sixth card of staffs in a personal reading, must take away one single important truth - the growth of the soul is as significant as increasing knowledge in business or profession. You should learn to listen to the people around you, see their aspirations and fears, understand them, then one day the world will no longer seem so prickly and hostile. Six does not give direct instructions for action, but it allows you to see the root cause of many hidden complexes and mental “clamps”.

Tarot deck cards often predict a person’s spiritual insight. A sensitive and receptive magic deck feels the zeal of the soul for growth and accumulation of worldly wisdom. If the question with which the questioner turned to the Tarot concerns spiritual practices, then the answer of ancient symbolism is categorical - all the things started will certainly lead a person to incredible joy. Heavy thoughts will soon leave the anxious soul and calm will reign in it.

Tarot card spread for professional achievements

The 6 of Staves when considering future success in business or professional life marks changes only for the good. Bosses and colleagues will appreciate the zeal of the questioner, his knowledge and abilities. Soon the best time will come to move up the career ladder, because the Six predicts a series of successful coincidences of circumstances. Respect and assistance are what one should expect when one invokes the magic of fortune telling cards.

A common interpretation of the Six in a work scenario:

  • completion of started tasks with receipt of remuneration;
  • a serious breakthrough in a matter that a person has been working on for a long time;
  • career advancement;
  • universal recognition and glory.

A similar card of the Wands suit represents artists, creative and public people. Six promises glory, incredible fame and worship in the near future. A favorable forecast also affects more mundane events, such as an increase or a bonus. It’s easy to interpret the sixth card of staffs; just consider its position in the layout. A direct symbol always creates a pleasant, pleasing forecast for the questioner.

Relationships and personal life

A leader at work is not always a leader in relationships. Cards that predict career advancement from a radically opposite perspective look at problems in connections between lovers or friends. If there is a sudden discord in a strong couple, the Six of Wands promises long-awaited reconciliation and reunion. Conflicts will subside, and partners will be able to take a fresh look at each other. The past, along with all the problems, will disappear as if it never existed.

The sixth card of staves warns that in order to avoid a repetition of the situation, you should understand the reasons for protracted quarrels, is there a little psychological pressure and resistance coming from partners?

Good news, if the auspicious Tarot symbol is correctly interpreted, will serve as the beginning of positive changes in existing relationships. For lonely people, such a sign promises a new, promising acquaintance.

The Six of Wands promises long-awaited reconciliation and reunion

Six of Wands and other Tarot cards in the reading

The Six of Wands, in combination with equally powerful symbols of the Tarot deck, creates alliances that simply need to be interpreted correctly. Separately, magical signs with bright images can indicate the personal qualities of the questioner or the characteristics of his environment. A tandem of several cards at once creates a forecast of completely different quality. Complex, covering emotions, actions, and intentions of people. A clear picture of the future is revealed through the combination of:

Four of Pentacles and the sixth symbol of Wands

Seven of Pentacles and the Card of Staves

An unfavorable combination of two cards that are positive in nature can upset the questioner. Instead of the desired victory, fate will soon create obstacles that will be very difficult to overcome.

Eight of Pentacles and Six

If the questioner has been harboring an interesting idea for a long time, then the union of two positive symbols of the Tarot deck recommends immediately starting to implement the plan. Good luck and blessings from higher powers will accompany the rapid implementation of plans.

A deck of magical Tarot cards helps you decide on your future course of action, tactics and attitude towards new beginnings. Tips, recommendations, warnings - food for thought. It depends only on the person whether the thoughts generated by the cards will be beneficial or soon harmed by unwanted details of the future. Experienced magicians claim that a Tarot deck is never good or bad; the only thing you can expect from it is the truth.

6 of Wands is a symbol that foretells positive changes. Victory will be won, the triumphant will receive glory. In love, Arcan speaks of success in a relationship or personal victory of one of the partners. In health - portends improvement. In business, the card reads the income and success of enterprises. Although you cannot hold out in this position for long, the 6 of Wands is a good card. An omen of good fortune gives hope for a positive outcome. The questioner can be sure: success awaits him in any undertaking.

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      Description of the map

      Despite its apparent simplicity, this Arcana is endowed with a rather complex meaning. It affects several areas at once - victory, long-awaited success, and what accompanies reaching the top: fame, envy, crowd recognition.

      In the Rider-Waite Tarot, the Arcana 6 of Wands depicts a winner with a laurel wreath on his head. He drives past the crowd greeting him. A second wreath adorns his staff. Some decks depict a traveler carrying a bunch of staves on his shoulder.

      • In the Thoth Tarot, the 6 of Wands card harmoniously depicts scepters with different tips. On the wands you can see lotus flowers (symbolize love), heads of the Phoenix bird (rebirth from the ashes), balls with snakes (meaning creative power, the eye of the Horus). The background color of the card is purple. In the ancient Egyptian tradition, it was a shade that symbolized a long-awaited victory, a breakthrough.

        Mythological meaning

        The Six of Wands is associated with the glorious stories of Alexander the Great as he carried out his victorious processions. The symbol of the Arcana can be the numerous conquests of Julius Caesar. The legends about the winged goddess Nike also correspond to the Six of Staves.

        Important! Tarot readers often give the following thoughts in connection with this card: when a person finds himself at the top, crowned with glory, he wants to stay there forever. But it’s worth remembering: the higher you are, the more painful it is to fall. This should be taken into account if 6 Wands are dropped.

        General value

        The meaning of the 6 of Wands card is associated with its victorious energy, the glory of the winner at the moment when the admiration of the crowd is addressed to him. Inspired by this power, a person quickly frees himself from the fatigue of battle and is full of readiness for new victories. He is full of enthusiasm and is ready to infect others with his motivation.

        This hero has gained significant experience and is ready to become a true leader and inspiration for others. But he still faces another test - this time with pride. A clue for him is the behavior of people who may turn away, irritated by the hero’s excessive narcissism. Then fear will take the place of pride: only enemies remain around.

        This test is one of the most difficult, and not everyone is able to pass through it. But if a person shows pride, then in the next Arcana - the Seven of Wands - he will inevitably have to face his fears.

        6 of Wands says that any business will have a positive outcome. Victory will bring satisfaction, and a bright streak is expected in life. If at the moment the questioner has problems, then the 6 of Wands promises that everything will be resolved in his favor - and the victory will be all the more valuable.

        Advice! If 6 Wands fall out in a reading, this means that the questioner can believe in his own strength. It’s definitely worth trying to do something – all doors are open now. But this must be achieved in an honest way.

        Often the 6 of Wands falls out after a difficult period when things were going badly. The lasso indicates that the testing period has come to an end.

        Upside down

        The card indicates a loss of leadership position. The 6 of Wands in an inverted position indicates that there are many unreliable people around the questioner. Enemies take the place of friends. Those around him are pushing him to lose.

        The efforts that the questioner makes bring only a meager income. Also, the inverted 6 of Wands speaks of unpleasant feelings - a person is unsure of his abilities, does not want to take a step forward, even if success is already on the horizon.

        Card of the day

        In the “Card of the Day” layout, 6 of Wands recommends enjoying your successes and praising yourself for things you have accomplished to a victorious end. There is no need to hide positive experiences. This day is great for meeting loved ones, doing a good deed, or going somewhere.

        In the reversed position, the 6 of Wands says that you should not give in to despondency if obstacles or bad luck arise along the way today. There is no need to blame other people for mistakes. It is more useful to engage in introspection, to be alone for a while. You should behave with restraint and delicacy - quarrels with loved ones are possible.

        What does the Arcana symbolize for relationships?

        The 6 of Wands is a symbol of a short moment in life, the highest triumph, which cannot last forever. For example, if the beloved reciprocates and agrees to share the bed.

        The 6 of Wands is a good card for relationships. She talks about harmony. Nothing will overshadow this idyll.

        There is one important aspect here: at least one of the participants in the love union is eager to tell the whole world about his love triumph. He is filled with the desire to show off and show off. Arcanum 6 of Wands gives advice: you should not interfere with such a desire.

        Sometimes the card indicates that one of the partners is lucky to gain fame and be in the spotlight. The 6 of Wands does not say whether success is deserved. Another point is important: the other half should be proud of these achievements. The husband can rejoice with his wife that she received a certificate or sewed a wonderful dress. Employees sincerely rejoice at the success of a colleague who was able to solve a difficult problem, and thereby benefited the entire department.


        Regarding the physical condition, the 6 of Wands speaks of victory over the disease, the long-awaited overcoming of difficulties, and the effectiveness of therapy. Sometimes tarologists compare the meaning of this card with the state when, after a very long paralysis, the patient was able to move his little finger. Basic meaning of 6 of Wandsin matters of health - treatment methods will bring their effect, the right strategy has been chosen in the fight against the disease.

Tarot cards are a world filled with mysterious symbols and mysterious predictions. To penetrate the veil of secrecy, it is enough to study the meaning of the cards in the ancient deck. It is recommended to start your acquaintance with the minor arcana. For example, from studying the meaning of the 6 of Wands. In Tarot, each card has several interpretations, so you need to read it depending on the topic of fortune telling.

In Tarot, each suit is a representative of a certain area in a person’s life. Thus, the Wands personify internal energy. This is a person’s reason, aspirations and ambition. The will to win, ideology and talents are also under the auspices of the Wands.

The suit is often called Staves, Maces or Sceptres. But their meaning remains unchanged. The scepter is a symbol of power. Therefore, the suit is depicted precisely in the form of this object.

In astrology, Wands are identified with the element of Fire. Like the signs of the Fire trine, the suit of Scepters symbolizes energy, open-mindedness and determination. At the everyday level, Staves are equated to the professional sphere. But often the suit also appears in the scenario for personal relationships.

Wands, like cards of any suit, should be interpreted depending on the context of fortune telling. The same card can have very different interpretations in different layouts.

The meaning of any symbol in the Tarot is usually read by its image, as well as in accordance with the interpreter. The Six of Wands is no exception. The interpretation of this arcana is depicted in the drawing of the card.

Tarot readers call the Six of Staves succinctly - Victory. The Thoth system map shows a horseman riding into a city. He is greeted by an enthusiastic crowd. The traveler holds a wooden staff in his hands, and his head is crowned with a laurel wreath. The people surrounding the horse are joyfully waving flags and the same clubs. A lone bird flies over the stage.

A man on a horse is a triumphant man. He has achieved success and demonstrates it to others. The card carries deep symbolism, demonstrating the joy of the first victory. The path taken by the winner was not easy. It is quite possible that the person had to struggle with difficulties alone. This is indicated by a bird soaring in the sky.

However, Wands in positive cards, which is the Six, symbolize enormous potential. The man on the map has walked part of the way and has already tasted success. He is still far from his final victory, but his strength is at its peak.

The card also symbolizes a person who can ignite a crowd. This is a born leader who knows how to instill ideas. He is a good speaker and a wise leader. Many people want to be under the protection of this leader.

The meaning of the correct lasso

In the correct position, the card describes a situation where a worthy reward is received for the work done. This is success without any “buts”.

Brief description of the symbol:

  • Fame and recognition;
  • Victory, successful completion of the first stage;
  • Leadership skills;
  • Huge potential;
  • Peace and harmony in relationships;
  • Good news, good omen;
  • Victory over difficult thoughts and worries;
  • Career growth;
  • Making the right decision;
  • Reconciliation;
  • Reward for work.

In the correct position, the Six of Wands Tarot lasso has a favorable interpretation. Its meaning applies to any activity or sphere. The card is interpreted as unconditional success.

Victory of the Six of Staves- blessings that did not fall from the sky. The man worked hard on this matter, even if the process itself was invisible to others. Having flown thousands of miles alone, overcoming all the difficulties, he can finally boast of his achievements.

Some combinations of cards will be eloquent. For example, in combination with the Nine of Coins, the Six of Wands promises strengthening of financial condition. The Empress foreshadows unexpected success, when even the questioner himself did not believe in his victory.

Card upside down

Most Tarot cards have two radically different interpretations. The Six of Wands in an inverted position is read as a negative lasso.

Brief description of the wrong Six:

  • Bad news;
  • Putting things off;
  • Delay of success;
  • There will be victory, but not soon;
  • Betrayal and infidelity of loved ones;
  • Cheating in relationships;
  • Defeat in the “battle”, colossal losses.

In the wrong orientation, the card indicates that the matter of interest is being delayed. The process is going on, but so slowly that its results are practically not felt.

Often the wrong lasso is interpreted as treachery and impulsiveness. A person is not driven by ambition. In relationships with others, he is dishonest and deceitful.

Arcanum is not entirely negative. He only warns about the need to keep the gunpowder dry. A person is on a dangerous path, so you need to be prepared to protect your interests. The Wands call for throwing away indecision. There is no place for doubt in such a dangerous situation.

Some cards confirm the danger described by the 6 of Wands Tarot. Its combination with the Hierophant indicates trust in unverified facts. The Ace of Wands speaks of a wrong decision or a rash act.

Professional sphere and money

In a work and career reading, the Six of Scepters lasso has two different meanings. They differ in the position of the card in fortune telling, and are interpreted using neighboring cards.

Standard character orientation

In the correct position, the card represents unprecedented success in work. We are talking about talent, powerful energy and the desire to conquer heights. There is also public recognition. This interpretation is especially strong when paired with the Star lasso.

In questions about entrepreneurship and business, the card describes positive dynamics. You should not expect sky-high heights and rapid victories. To catch a fish from a pond, you have to work hard. However, the Wands speak of the querent’s strength and his willingness to fight difficulties. The Four of Staves also predicts a favorable outcome.

The Emperor in the layout symbolizes ahead of competitors and victory over ill-wishers. The Rider of the Six sits on a horse, while the rest prefer to walk.

Often the lasso portends an improvement in one’s financial situation. The work of the questioner will be duly rewarded. This interpretation is especially favorable for the ordinary employee.

Incorrect position of the Six

In a reversed orientation, the Six of Wands does not give a specific answer. It indicates the uncertainty in the case and the impossibility of predicting its outcome. The lasso also speaks of unfavorable relationships with colleagues or management.

A reversed card warns of tension in the workplace. You can’t relax, because your competitors are not asleep. You should also take a closer look at those who call themselves allies.

The combination of the Six and the Priestess is considered dangerous. Such proximity speaks of certain facts that have become known to the public. This information will soon be used to the detriment of the questioner. The hermit in the reading warns of problems that the querent will have to solve alone.

Personal relationships and love

In a reading for relationships and love, the Six of Staves card is interpreted differently. The key here will be the position of the lasso and the symbols surrounding it.

Favorable deck forecast

The correct position of the Arcana of the 6 Wands of the Tarot is considered favorable. Its meaning in relationships is positive, since the card portends a quick overcoming of difficulties. If the problematic period has not yet ended, then soon difficulties will still leave the love union.

The Six of Staves symbolizes excellent prospects in relationships. It describes a harmonious union where mutual understanding is achieved by default.

The card is often interpreted as forgiveness if there is a long-standing resentment. Arkan promises reconciliation and the desire to correct mistakes.

For a lonely querent, the card describes a situation in which he will find reciprocity where he did not even expect it. This is the conquest of love and victory over rivals.

The Arcanum World next to the Six personifies human sexuality and the ability to win hearts.

Dangerous prediction of the alignment

In the interpretation of the reversed Six of Wands, the gender of the querent matters. For girls, such a symbol means hopes that will not come true. Perhaps she is waiting in vain for a proposal or is trying unsuccessfully to influence a careless partner. The lasso personifies inevitability, so you shouldn’t expect changes when paired with a guilty person.

For a man, the card can mean defeat. Attempts to woo the lady will not be successful. Now you should not make a marriage proposal if a Six was received in the scenario.

When paired with a magician, the minor lasso speaks of empty promises and manipulation for personal gain. The Five of Cubes personifies the capriciousness and stubbornness of the other half, because of which her partner fell into real despair.

Health analysis

In health scenarios, the Six of Wands means victory over illness. The card shows a warrior returning alive and unharmed. The deck predicts excellent health and positive dynamics of recovery.

In an inverted position, it speaks of a slow but sure improvement in the condition. There may be some fatigue, but overall the condition is satisfactory.

Prophecy for the coming day

As a card of the day, the Six of Wands advises not to hide your emotions. Any achievement should be regarded as a personal victory. You should also not hide your joy from others. It is recommended to celebrate with family and friends.

Often the card of the day is an inverted Six. She talks about the despondency that can seize a person on this day. Don't dwell on failures and plunge into apathy.

The lasso portends a difficult day in relationships. Quarrels within the family circle are possible. It is also possible that you will have to solve problems alone.

Combinations in fortune telling

Any layout is a story in which all the cards are interconnected. Neighboring arcana can either strengthen the meaning of the Six Staves or weaken it. The proximity of the elders is especially clearly reflected in the minor arcana. Combination of the Six of Wands with other arcana:

Tarot cards never give a succinct answer. Reading a layout is like delving into a book. Everyone finds their own moral in it. Cards should be interpreted using intuition, because it is intuition that connects a person’s consciousness with the area of ​​the unknown.

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