Why do the innocent suffer? Why does God allow suffering, the death of children and terrorist attacks.

— If a person has never tried ice cream, it will be difficult for him to describe its taste. The same applies to life in God. You can talk about it a hundred times, but all words will be empty.

Thus, very often people who poorly understand the ways of life in God, who do not know the sweetness of life with God, try to explain the will of God to other people. If a child dies, they say to the unhappy mother: “The Lord wanted to take an angel for himself...”. If people die in a terrorist attack, they explain to their relatives: “The best died…”. That is, they make such a fascist out of God. But what kind of God is this who takes away what I love most?

This is not true, the Lord does not want anyone to die. And He proved it, He himself went to death. God mourns every murdered child, every victim of a disaster. He created us and took responsibility for everything that happens to man, including our fall.

When blaming God for any catastrophe or terrorist attack, we must remember that God Himself gives His life for the salvation of man.

Therefore, we, as Christians, must understand that with all the pain and absurdity of death in the world, no one can be blamed, but everyone must try to fight death within themselves.

The world will always test us as the image of God for strength - how beautiful this image is or how much it is desecrated. Remembering the words of Christ, “the dead bury their dead,” we can die without living. Because a person’s life is real only when his death is not meaningless, when he can devote it to something.

We shouldn't talk about the taste of ice cream without ever trying it, but we should try to taste it. To be with God means to have the experience of prayer, the experience of inner conversation with Him. And then only, based on this real experience, will a person be able to console other people.

And it is very important to remember that in the face of death and misfortune we all stand at the judgment of God. The person I loved died - whether it was due to his old age or an accident - I, as a Christian, understand that this person is now answerable to God for his entire life and for me as well. Which means I’m also at this trial. This is why we pray for the dead.

Why does God allow wars? Why does God allow children to die? Why does God allow terrorist attacks?

The toughest question people ask is: Why does God allow children to die? Why is there pain and suffering in the world? To talk about such issues in a Christian way, we need to know the basics of our faith. And the first, most important question in such a serious conversation is the question of the origin of evil. Where did evil come from in the world, who is responsible for it?

We have observed the presence of evil in the world from the first days of human life: small children fight for their toys, unable to speak, show jealousy, defend their primacy, and so on. The biblical answer to the question of the origin of evil lies in that catastrophe, in that fall, which we call original sin.

The point is not that the first people sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. This name “forbidden fruit” is incorrect. The man was told that he could not eat from the tree, and it was explained why: because it was not time yet, because the person was not yet ready, not ripe, to taste this fruit. There was no direct prohibition, because God does not play around. If He did something impossible for man, it would simply be impossible for man. But this was the education of freedom.

And this is the only true answer, because the Savior came to our world in order to share with us all this horror and all this sorrow, to transform it from the inside, and not in order to switch buttons and reconfigure the program...

prot. Maxim Kozlov

– How to talk about what happened? You can only cry and pray. All the time blaming and reproaching God - Where have you been, where have you been? - impossible. We live in a world where our every word, our every deed is reflected in this world.

Any big war begins with a quarrel in a communal apartment. But we don’t think about it, we don’t notice it.

By and large, we organize all wars and all terrorist attacks against each other ourselves - albeit small, microscopic, but terrible. When we take revenge on each other, we fight against each other, we hate each other, we do not forgive each other. These terrorist attacks exist in our lives, but we don’t notice them because they are of homeopathic size.

And we carry out such terrorist attacks every day - with an insult, a curse, a wish for someone else to die. They happen in our world all the time, they happen to us every day, and we pay attention to them and perceive them as a tragedy only when they grow to catastrophic proportions.

Archpriest Alexy Uminsky

– Crimes and misfortunes have haunted us at all times. Unfortunately, terrorist attacks and other intentional killings of people have already become commonplace and commonplace. All this is sinful and terrible, but murders are committed in large numbers every day all over the world. If we talk about massacres, we can recall Nazi Germany, the beginning of the last century in our country, and in other places around the planet.

But God is Love, and this is unchangeable. The Apostle Peter clearly answered the question “how does God allow evil?” The Lord does not hesitate, He is long-suffering, gives us time to repent and correct ourselves, and calls us to unity with Himself. The moment will come when God will intervene and destroy all evil, and this will be the end of the world. The Grace of God, Divine Love will fill everything and everyone. People who accept this with joy will attain eternal bliss. People for whom life with God is undesirable will, by this reluctance, doom themselves to eternal torment.

The Last Judgment awaits each of us, not just terrorists. Are we ready? I’ll say about myself: I’m not ready, and therefore I’m not rushing the second coming of Christ, but let everyone decide for themselves. God gives us time to repent and prepare for the end of the world, which for everyone personally will come with the end of his earthly life, and then the resurrection and the Last Judgment.

Returning to the death of people in Brussels, I will say: misfortunes happen, but we should accept the will of God with humility and patience.

You shouldn’t create psychosis for yourself in a quiet apartment by endlessly reading the news.

Yes, such events remind us that we are mortal, we can die unexpectedly on the way from or to work. Therefore, we should prepare to meet God and use the time allotted to us for good.

And one last thing. Do we pray for murderers who physically destroy other people and spiritually destroy themselves?

Archpriest Konstantin Ostrovsky

I don't want to say platitudes. A lot has been said. Everything is obvious and very scary. It’s scary because it doesn’t leave us with the feeling that we are still approaching some kind of difficult outcome. However, this feeling is not new and is no longer experienced by us as acutely as by those who saw and heard the Savior during the days of His earthly sojourn with us. From the moment of His Ascension, those who followed Him looked forward to His glorious and great return, probably more than even tomorrow. So the most mysterious and terrible book of the New Testament ends with a call to the One who will come to this world for Judgment: “Hey, come, Lord Jesus...” (.).

Apparently, there is no place left on this earth where there is no pain and suffering. Death in this world is, alas, an irreversible process. Even in the circle of loved ones, with a glass of water, with prayer and blessing, but the person will die. He will die in poverty and sorrow, lonely and embittered. And this is even worse. This can also happen on board an airliner, in a residential building, at the airport and in the subway. And the worst thing in all this is that a person, no matter how collected he is, no matter how much faith and perseverance he has, will still not be completely ready for this. It won’t, because death for a mortal person, paradoxically as it may seem, is still unnatural. He was not created for death and sorrow. But what happened cannot be reversed; it is impossible to turn on the reverse for the moment “before meeting the snake”, and there is no need to do so. Because the price for this careless consent has already been paid. She is immeasurably high. And this is the price of blood. His Blood.

This means that in all this madness and horror, it’s time to remember that every tear will be wiped away and sorrow will receive consolation. But this will not happen through joint statements or all sorts of actions and operations. And even more so, no compensation in the world can make up for the loss of a loved one.

I believe that if a person, having seen, even on a screen, in a news broadcast, someone else’s terrible misfortune, sighs with at least a drop of compassion for someone who is in distress, or has died, is homeless and is in despair, then evil will definitely stumble.

At least in his heart. There are already too many of these places, where horror and death have almost merged into the color of the eyes, in this world. And we must have compassion without thinking about whether they will sympathize with us? What is the benefit of loving only those whom we know for sure that they love us too. There have been quite a few such opinions on the Internet in recent days: “so what about the explosions, so what about Brussels, and which of them was worried about our airliners, about the attacks on our cities and schools, and who imposed sanctions?......etc.” d." With this logic, it’s not far from joy “that your neighbor’s cow died.” With the same logic, children's slides are filled with tar and they are also offered to be impregnated with sarin.

Such non-accidents and clearly inhuman calculations on them must also be taken into account. Take it into account in order to know who and why truly rejoices in pain and death, suffering and chaos. Take this into account so that you are horrified by this and do not pass by. To understand that indifference, especially conscious indifference, is the most fertile soil for a terrible and deadly emptiness in the soul, which those who do not need flesh and blood strive to occupy.

The time of Lent is given in order to learn to love. In the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian we ask for this daily together with chastity and humility. It does not indicate who specifically and for what. If there is no love, then there is no prayer, and if there is no prayer, then we do not seek the opportunity to be with Him, to breathe what His Kingdom is filled with. As it is done to “one of these little ones,” so it will be done to Him. Moreover, the words “Yes, I am coming soon” were uttered a very long time ago. And God forbid that this soon does not become painful and unexpected for someone.

Priest Andrey Mizyuk

A person who recognizes the existence of God knows that He is the basis and primary source of the Universe, ideally reasonable, ideally fair and the source of endless love. The love and suffering of innocent people seems incompatible with such a characterization.

Suffering, Death and Sin

God established the laws of nature according to which the material world exists - physical, chemical, biological. It is well known what happens when people refuse to respect these laws - for example, if a person smokes, he eventually gets lung cancer.

Why does God allow the innocent to suffer? Does this make sense? How can one reconcile faith in an all-powerful, loving God and such blatant injustice?

Suffering fills the earth

When you meet people who have experienced a terrible tragedy, it is difficult to talk about suffering. If I were now looking into the eyes of a mother whose child died, a husband whose wife died, a son whose mother died, I don’t know what I would say... Although I myself experienced similar things and understand how difficult it is. My wife died, three of my grandchildren died in infancy. The world becomes black and white instead of color. Food loses its taste when you are close to a loved one going through the experience of dying. I would like there to be no suffering, for everyone to live happily, cheerfully, joyfully, so that no one gets cancer or multiple sclerosis, so that people never get into car accidents.

Why does God allow suffering?

Why God allows suffering is a question that worries many people today. If we do not know the truth, we will always blame God for all the troubles that cause us pain. The article will help you figure this out and give a comprehensive answer. Book - Think and Grow Rich!

Does God Really Care About Us?

Perhaps at some point in your life you have asked, “If there is a God who really cares about us, then why does he allow so many things to happen?
suffering? We have all experienced suffering or know someone who has.

Yes, throughout history, people have suffered pain and mental anguish caused by war, cruelty, crime, injustice, poverty, disease and the death of loved ones. In our 20th century alone, more than 100 million people were killed in wars. Hundreds of other millions were injured or left homeless and homeless.

Why does God allow the innocent to suffer? Does this make sense? How can one reconcile faith in an all-powerful, loving God and such blatant injustice? Bishop PANTELEMON of Smolensk and Vyazemsk reflects.

Deserved suffering is easier to accept

It is probably easier to die for a high idea, perhaps it is joyful to die in the name of love; you can calmly go to your death if you have committed a serious crime and understand that you are worthy of punishment. It happens that criminals themselves want to be punished. In the lives of the saints there is a story about one robber who killed many people, including children. In those days, criminals sometimes hid from justice in monasteries. The monks lived separately, wore special clothes behind which they could hide. This robber also went to the monastery and was accepted by the monks. At first he deceived them, but then he repented and received forgiveness from God - every sinner receives forgiveness from God.

It is very painful when loved ones pass away. It is doubly painful if these close ones are small children. And in moments of greatest despair, believers ask the question about the existence of God, about how he could allow this to happen. Life knows many examples when people, after family dramas, turned away from the faith that it did not save the people dear to them. But the tenets of religion tell a different story: only a truly religious person is able to answer the main question: why with me?

Proportionality of sin and death
More than once in the Holy Scriptures you can find an explanation that for every sin there is a punishment and the most terrible of them is death. Understanding the cause-and-effect relationship of these links can be extremely difficult. People are accustomed to thinking tritely: there is a sin, say, taking the life of another person, and in addition to criminal liability, the killer must suffer heavenly punishment in the form of his death or the death of people close to him. But this is very simplistic thinking.

More serious than questions about miracles or the relationship between science and the Bible is the vexing problem of why the innocent suffer, why children are born blind, why a promising life is ruined in its prime, or why social injustice exists. Why do wars break out all the time, in which thousands of innocent people die, children are burned alive, and many become crippled for life?

In the classical formulation, this problem goes like this: Either God is omnipotent, but not good and does not want to stop evil, or God is good, but not omnipotent if He cannot stop evil.

There is a general tendency to blame God for evil and suffering and to hold Him entirely responsible for it.

There is no simple answer to this complex question. This issue cannot be taken lightly or scholastically. As the famous expression goes, “those who have not had wounds have no scars.” But there are some factors to keep in mind in this matter.

The Bible says that God does not want anyone to suffer.

He created a world without suffering (in the beginning) and also prepared a place in the future (heaven) where there will be no suffering (Rev. 21:22).

Ps. 9:9,10: “And He will judge the world with righteousness, He will execute judgment on the nations with righteousness. And the Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in time of trouble.”

John 10:10: “I have come so that they may have life with... Abundance.”

Rome. 2:4: “...The goodness of God leads you to repentance.”

John 3:17: “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.”

Open 21:4: “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” (this applies to those who will be in heaven.)

See also Isa. 11:6-9; 1 Cor. 15:50-57; Open 21:1-5; Ezek. 18:23.32; 33:11.

Although God created the universe without suffering (Gen. 1), he also gave man freedom of choice, and man can reject God if he wishes (Gen. 3:1-3).

Seeing and knowing all the horrors that have happened throughout human history and are happening today. Seeing how the majority of the inhabitants of our planet suffer and suffer, someone may say: “Where is God looking? If he is loving and just, as the Bible says, then why does he allow people to suffer? No matter how contradictory it may sound at first glance, God allows all these horrors because He is loving and fair. Don't be so quick to dismiss this idea. To understand this better, I suggest you reflect on some illustrative examples. I'll start with some examples from my personal life. Three incidents from my early childhood come to mind.

— My mother was involved in my upbringing, because... my father was looking for “truth in wine,” and he had no time for me. So, one day, when my mother was holding me in her arms, I really wanted to touch the brightly glowing light bulb. Mom said that I would get burned, but I, not understanding the essence of what was said, still broke free and stretched my hands to the light bulb.

The suffering and untimely death of innocent people, even babies, is one of the most painful issues. Many people, not finding an answer to it, turned away from the faith. Meanwhile, it is a believer who is able to both understand and accept the answer to this question.

A person who recognizes the existence of God knows that He is the basis and primary source of the Universe, ideally reasonable, ideally fair and the source of endless love. The love and suffering of innocent people seems incompatible with such a characterization.

Suffering, Death and Sin

“The penalty for sin is death,” says the Scriptures. Not a single Christian denies this, but people often understand this formulation in a simplified way. Punishment is presented as a legal concept: action - trial - sentence. It even pushes people to condemn God for the “cruelty of sentences.” In reality, the punishment for sin is not “criminal” but “natural.”

Will something like the Great Flood await us in the future? Why does a good God allow mass death and suffering of people? Is it right for a Christian to be afraid of disasters and how can this fear be overcome?

Why does God send people disasters like a flood, earthquake, etc.?

The very formulation of the question - “for what?” - from a Christian point of view is incorrect. When it comes to the suffering of an entire people during a natural disaster, this catastrophe can only be explained by the action of an angry God from the position of pagan religions, but not from those ideas about God that are revealed in the Gospel. True, in the Old Testament you can also find references to God being angry with people, to God being the avenger of evil, to God being the destroyer of sinners. But the Old Testament Revelation was given to one, very specific people, based on its level of intellectual, moral and general cultural development.

Why does God allow suffering? Because he is cruel and unfair?

Dear readers, seeing and knowing all the horrors that have happened throughout the history of mankind and are happening today, seeing how the majority of the inhabitants of our planet suffer and are tormented, someone may say: “Where is God looking? If he is loving and just, as the Bible says, then why does he allow injustice and suffering for people? No matter how contradictory (at first glance) this may sound, God allows all these horrors because He really is loving and fair. Please do not be so quick to dismiss this idea. To understand this better, I suggest you reflect on some illustrative examples. I'll start with examples from my personal life. Three incidents from my early childhood come to mind.

Why does God allow such suffering? You spare everything, because everything is Yours, soul-loving Lord.
Little by little You reprove those who are mistaken and, reminding them of what they are sinning, You admonish them so that, having retreated from evil, they will believe in You, Lord. Possessing power, You judge leniently and rule us with great mercy, for Your power is always in Your will.

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. But as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.

If we judged ourselves, we would not be judged. Being judged, we are punished by the Lord, so as not to be condemned with the world.

God would not want to give us sorrows, but our trouble is that without sorrows we do not know how to be saved!

Priest Dionysius.

Answers of the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye to questions from viewers of the Orthodox television company "Soyuz".

– “The orphanage was shown in the “News” program. Children were treated very cruelly there: older children beat younger ones (children - schoolchildren 7-8 years old). How does the Lord God allow little children to suffer like this? They are already punished.”

– We shift our sins onto God. The Lord has nothing to do with the fact that children are beaten or insulted. The Lord gave every person free will. Man must, as a rational being, act according to the truth of God, according to the rules of life on earth that the Lord established for man. But since people have retreated from God, from the truth of God, from moral life, they break the law, and for this they receive punishment from God.
There is no need to blame God for this. We have ourselves to blame.

We need to make more efforts and diligence to educate people in morality, spirituality, in the fear of God, so that they are not evil.

Why does God allow children to suffer at all? Why do monstrous atrocities happen and God remains silent? This is a scary question. For many, it is a stumbling block and a reason to abandon faith forever. Believing in a God who allows hunger, disease, death, and terrible epidemics is not just strange. It’s even immoral, as if we were worshiping a ruthless creature without a drop of compassion, who sees us only as slaves for his entertainment. But the reality is more complicated.

The end does not always justify the means. It is not always possible to obtain the desired result through power or super-knowledge. We forget that we have desires, dreams, we want something, we strive for something. Frankly speaking, billions of people on the planet are pulling it in different directions with conflicting desires.

Imagine that right here and now you want there to be no wars. So that there is no hunger. For the whole world to prosper. Can you say that a Chicago mobster or a Chinese triad member wants the same thing? Or a politician from south-eastern Europe? Can you guarantee that everyone on the planet is willing to give up a piece of bread so that an African child does not go hungry? What should we do about those who sponsor wars, develop weapons, and feed off criminal activities?

We have to admit that everyone is different. There are those who do not care about the suffering of other people's children. There are those who, in essence, do not care about the suffering of their neighbor (even if a person sympathizes with the suffering, it is not a fact that he speaks from the heart). And there are those (there are many of them!) who make money from suffering.

Let's imagine that we raised money for treatment and meals for children in Africa. Can we ensure that every penny reaches every child? Can we guarantee that corrupt officials will not steal money allocated for children? Can not.

And if we assume that we miraculously raised money and fed Africa, can we give a guarantee that African children will not be corrupted by this approach - they are looked after and not asked for anything in return? This is a very strong motive to become freeloaders who give nothing to the planet in return. Would it be fair for smart, literate, hard-working people to spend their money and health on supporting the laziness of others?

God simply cannot solve the problems of this planet in a way that seems obvious to us in a righteous heat of the moment. And therefore God tries to solve our problems by working with our consciousness. We ourselves (each of us) must mature into a high culture of relationships based on love.

Let's say God wants to restore order according to our ideas. To do this, He needs to remove criminals, corrupt officials, arms sellers, and creators of low-quality products and medicines from the planet. Leaving only the righteous who are eager to serve others. Wouldn't the approach of such a God be monstrous? After all, we would have to remove everyone who is not useful to the planet. Perhaps you or I would be among them.

Often, zealots of the “good” and caring God themselves do not understand what kind of God they are asking for (or what kind of God they are dreaming of). The God who rules this planet physically is no different from a tyrant, because He would establish His direct dictate to each of us. And the laws would be implemented absolutely. It is unlikely that we would be satisfied with a law that immediately punishes with death for a rude word and does not give a chance for correction. The planet would be an idyllic greenhouse in which vegetable people would grow.
There is a very interesting fantasy mini-series on this topic called "Childhood's End". The plot is unpredictable and interesting - a certain “super-ruler” arrives on a spaceship and restores order on earth - stops wars and strife (by force), gives water and food to everyone. And people stopped being happy.

The struggle for survival has disappeared, the thirst for knowledge has disappeared, evolution has disappeared. Scientific centers closed (after all, the super-ruler provided everything ready-made). The outcome of the plot was the end of the world. Humanity and our entire planet disappeared from the map of the universe. Because I had to pay too much for this path.

The value of God the Trinity, the God of the Orthodox, is in His trust. We believe that God created and gave us this planet so that we could learn to be human on it, and go from stone axes to star princes, beautiful and fiery. To put it bluntly, God does not perceive this planet as our end point. Our planet is a harsh education of babies for future life in the universe.

So what? Will there always be wars, destruction and suffering of children on earth?

Christians believe that God Jesus Christ will return at his second coming and do exactly what God is accused of not doing today. Will put things in order. The preparatory and qualifying stage in the life of our planet will be completed. And, as the name suggests, this process will be scary. Because all evil will be isolated forever. And this will be the final point in our history. The old will end and a new one will begin, something unknown to us and wonderful for good people.

We wait for our God, we wait impatiently, because we love Him. But we are also afraid, because we, too, may be among those who did not live up to the hopes of heaven. And then woe to us, because there will be no death at the second coming - people will gain complete physical immortality. And for those who are poor in soul and defiled in body, this will be a disaster. Eternal trouble. We will simply be transferred to a world where everyone is like us - greedy, petty, rude. We will be with our own kind...

Will God be the cause of our torment?

No, by our nature we will torture each other. With your own shortcomings. And this is the worst punishment. And God forbid, in fact, we end up on the side of those who lived and were to the detriment of this planet. Rude, tactless, indelicate, unmerciful, and completely unable to love. You don't have to go far to see hell.

It’s enough today, right now, to look at the behavior of Internet trolls, at the rudeness on social media. networks and heated abuse on forums. Imagine a community of people who hate the whole world and themselves and get a clear picture of what can await each of us if we don’t change.

It’s easy to miss the truth about us behind the word “sinner.” It's easy to draw yourself a grotesque character from medieval comics about sorcerers and witches. Well, let's give us all a modern term. A little rude, a little disrespectful, a little greedy, a little unfaithful, too emotional in arguments, disrespectful with parents, tyrannical with children, envious and on Fridays we want to kill our work colleagues. Doesn't look like heavenly skills, alas.

We are not going crazy on this planet simply because THEY exist. People who are eagerly awaited by heaven. Good people, people living according to heavenly laws. The heavenly man smiled at you - and life no longer seems so unbearable. A heavenly man sat with you and wiped away your tears. Heaven is when EVERYONE is heavenly. Hell is when you are left alone among Internet trolls, envious people and rude people who hate each other. When the bright eyes of the sons of Heaven are no longer visible. When you see only the embittered eyes filled with fierce hatred. When you yourself are filled to the brim with hatred.

We need to be careful what we wish for. Because God will bring order to Africa. And children will NEVER go hungry again. And for many, this day will become the most terrible, sending them forever to their own kind. And the heavenly ones will rejoice. They will rightly rejoice when they see others like them around them - clear-eyed and pure.

And you know. It’s easy to get carried away, to fall into envy of certain “heavenly things,” forgetting that in your chest there is an amazing seed shining with azure light. Grain of the heavenly man. Just let it grow, open the Gospel, recognize the dark sides of your soul and sprinkle them with tears of hot repentance before heaven. And together we will admire the beautiful blossoming flower of your soul.

“There is so much madness in the world that the only excuse for God is that he does not exist,” Stendhal once said. The entire history of mankind is a history of suffering. From time immemorial, people have been haunted by endless wars, violence, oppression and bullying, terrible crimes, cruel executions, and the triumph of injustice crying to Heaven. Even in peacetime, earthlings are tormented and exterminated by disease, hunger and all kinds of natural disasters. And, it would seem, really - why has the Lord never brought order to the Earth, allows so much evil and allows His creatures to suffer so much?

Temptation of Adam and Eve

If there is no God, then all earthly madness can be explained solely by human stupidity, natural selection, the eternal struggle for a place in the sun and absurd accidents. But in this case, the very existence of people and their suffering, in essence, becomes meaningless and hopeless. From the point of view of Orthodox Christians, everything in the world has a deep meaning and can be explained.

The first people on earth lived happily in God's beautiful and harmonious paradise. One day, Adam and Eve frivolously listened to the tempting serpent and violated the only commandment given to them by God. When they ate a certain forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the world was attacked by evil, and the nature of all living beings was damaged and distorted. The first parents lost contact with God, became sinners and were expelled from paradise. The earthly world was created by the Creator for people and is interconnected with them. When the masters of nature lost their greatness and immortality, their entire habitat changed. Because of Adam's fall and the sins of his descendants, man turned from a ruler into a slave of nature, his body and passions, the earth lost the ability to bear fruit abundantly, and all living beings, one way or another, are doomed to suffer.

Many are perplexed: if the Lord did not want people to know good and evil, then why did He even hang the forbidden fruit on the tree?! It’s the same as hanging a bare wire in a room with small children and demanding that they not touch it, and when they do receive an electric shock, you also cruelly punish them for their curiosity! Why did God allow the devil to reach people and not prevent the impending catastrophe? Let's try to figure it out.

According to the teachings of the Church, primordial man possessed complete knowledge and the deepest knowledge of the created world. He knew God personally, so intimately and obviously, as no other saint could subsequently know. For this reason alone, comparing Adam with a small child cannot be objective.

In only one aspect was the knowledge of the ancestors incomplete. They did not know in practice what evil was, had no real experience of contact with it, and had little idea of ​​what existence without God was, and what kind of nonentity man turns into when he falls away from the Creator. God’s warning “you will surely die” was only theoretical knowledge for them. The theory, not supported by practice, could not prevent people from breaking the fatal taboo. But we can hardly blame Adam and Eve for this stupidity. If any of us were in their place, we would probably do the same.

Mark Twain's joke: “If the serpent had been forbidden, Adam would have eaten it too” is very close to the truth. After all, the very first commandment was established by God so that a person could easily realize his love for Him, or just as freely refuse this love. In the Hebrew language, the phrase “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” is a stable idiom, meaning the absolute completeness of knowledge, making a person equal to God and independent of Him. Therefore, the forbidden fruit cannot be taken primitively and literally. The ancestors were destroyed not by its use itself, but by the motivation of their actions and the state of their souls at the moment when they doubted the goodness and truth of God, believed Satan and decided to become “like God,” self-sufficient and great. By breaking the commandment, a person, in essence, betrayed the Lord, trampled on his love for Him and infected his own soul with death.

Further sad consequences were not punishment, but a natural consequence of the falling away from the Source of all being. To figuratively understand the essence of this catastrophe, imagine a branch broken off from a tree, which, although it will remain green for some time in a vase, is inevitably doomed to dry out, having lost contact with the roots that gave it vitality. Or imagine a smart computer that was connected to a powerful server via LAN, and then suddenly decided that it was completely self-sufficient and broke the connection with it, becoming defenseless against network viruses, hackers and software errors. It is so arranged that the fullness of human existence is realized only in his union with God. A break with Him inevitably entails degradation, destruction and other grave consequences.

Having twisted their souls and their own nature, Adam and Eve could no longer remain in paradise. They were burdened by communication with God and a sense of their own unrepentant guilt. Further stay in the Garden of Eden became painful. This burden of the presence of God and the desire to hide from Him will haunt fallen man until the very end of earthly history.

All talk about God punishing and punishing someone is nothing more than a figure of speech, which is easier for primitive people to understand than talk about God-Love. In fact, there was no punishment from the Heavenly Father. The main essence of evil lies in the departure from God and the break with Him. Adam and Eve punished themselves by entering the path of evil and falling into the power of the law of death and suffering. All the tempting promises of the devil turned out to be disastrous lies.

Zmiy and his team

Dr. S. was excellently educated, respected, and showed great promise. But one day he wanted to become the most important doctor in the world. However, all his intrigues and attempts to achieve a leadership position ended in failure. S. went crazy, was fired and became a dangerous charlatan, creating his own “center” where patients are only fooled and maimed, and fleeced like crazy. For now, they still tolerate him, warning people about the dangers of treatment from this madman. But sooner or later the unfortunate doctor will have to answer for everything he has done over the years...

Something similar to this figurative story happened in the celestial spheres. The first in the universe, even before the creation of the material world, fell were the angels created by God. One of God’s main assistants, Dennitsa, aka Lucifer, once lost his mind due to immense pride. God's creature wanted to become God and take His place, and about a third of the heavenly spirits supported him. Such an inadequate assessment by Lucifer of his power and perfection resulted in a war, as a result of which the rebels were defeated and overthrown.

The fall of the proud angels created not evil itself, but its disembodied carriers, whose existence turned into a dull, hopeless hell. When the Lord created man, gifted with freedom and having flesh, the opportunity opened up for evil spirits to seduce people and through them bring disharmony, anger and suffering into the earthly world.

Envying God, but not having the slightest opportunity to harm Him, the demons extended all their hatred of the Creator to His creations. Their anger is so great and boundless that they even hate each other. The very fact of their own existence is very painful for them, worse than that of any mad dog. The meaning of existence for them was the desire to destroy and destroy everything that they could put their “dirty paws” to.

God's love is limitless, and in case of repentance, demons could return to the rank of angels. But their monstrous, ineradicable pride and malice forever closed the path to salvation for them. They are only capable of steadily developing in evil and envy.

Why does God tolerate evil?

But why didn't God destroy the demons and allow them to harm and tempt people to evil? We are unlikely to get a definite answer to this question in earthly life, but we can understand something in general terms.

It is very likely that if there were no devil, man would have fallen without his help. People have the bad habit of wallowing in sins, unbelief and empty vanity that does not benefit the soul, forgetting about God. Many give themselves over to the power of Satan. But the meaning of life does not lie in earthly pleasures and benefits. The true purpose of our entire earthly life is preparation for Eternity. Each of us needs to know good and evil, learn to distinguish between them and make a voluntary choice. Our fate after death directly depends on how pure we are and how ready we are to unite with the Lord. For an unprepared dirty soul in the afterlife, it will be, to put it mildly, very uncomfortable and difficult. The one who has not lived his life in vain will find eternal joy and happiness, and will never step on Adam’s rake again.

If you find yourself in a room filled with natural gas, where we cook our food, we can be fatally poisoned or explode. In its pure form, the gas is odorless. In order to notice and eliminate its leaks in time, a foul chemical odorant is added to it, the smell of which is familiar to everyone.

Human suffering and pain are also a kind of “odorant”, signaling that our bodies and souls are in danger and that they have been taken over by harmful destructive processes. For example, those who like to self-poison with alcohol are forced to put up with severe hangovers and depression. And a person who causes insults and harm to his neighbors, or corrupts the soul with immoral thoughts and actions, is tormented by remorse.

It is clear that you can suppress a hangover with medications and new doses of poison, and the conscience of the villains petrifies and atrophies over time, ceasing to cause anxiety and discomfort. But the results of such a life quite soon lead to irreversible consequences. Imagine a person who has lost sensitivity. He drinks boiling water, puts his hands in the fire, and does not feel pain from burns and wounds. Of course, he soon inevitably dies.

“I don’t do harm to anyone, I don’t have bad habits, and I still suffer - why should I do this?!” - other people are indignant. But if you look carefully, any of us will have shortcomings and sins that prevent us from achieving the perfection necessary for salvation in Eternity. Without shocks and suffering, people remain in a world of illusions and self-delusion. Which of us is completely free even from thoughts of condemnation and anger, from pretense and lies in any of its manifestations, from passions and forbidden desires? Outwardly, we may seem kind and righteous, but if we delve well and honestly into our soul, we can find in it such ulcers and black spots that we don’t even want to think about, and which we are sometimes afraid to admit to ourselves. But I really don’t want to delve into myself and admit the bitter truth! It’s easier to come up with an excuse that some of God’s commandments are “outdated” and no longer relevant. As the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Leibniz said: “If geometry were as contrary to our passions and interests as morality, then we would also argue against it and violate it in spite of all evidence.”

In the soul of a person all his life there is a struggle between good and evil. By allowing us sorrow, the Lord heals our internal “sores.” Often, only after serious falls do people come to their senses and begin to fight their evil “second self”, which, by the way, attracts troubles and suffering to us and our loved ones. A consolation for us can be the fact that God, in contrast to the inexorable automatic “karma” that representatives of Eastern teachings believe in, often shelters a person from the consequences of his sins, averting from him those well-deserved “punishments” that he could and can't stand it. Allowing us to suffer only to the extent that it contributes to our healing. That is why a hooligan and an ugly person who does not know what he is doing can seem for a long time to be an invulnerable darling of fate. And in the five minutes without a righteous man, failures and sorrows sometimes pour in like from a cornucopia, even for the most seemingly trifling thoughts, making him even stronger and more tempered.

The “Dying Diary” of John of Kronstadt is very instructive. Dying from cancer, he suffered severe pain. There is a recording in which he repents and laments that during the next unbearable attack, he lost his temper and blasphemed God and the Mother of God for the fact that he was suffering so much. Even such a great saint, who healed thousands of sick people with his prayers, is capable of discovering dark spots in his bright soul through pain! But he perfectly understood the essence of his painful reaction to suffering, and thanked God for giving him the opportunity to see what the true state of the soul was, and what other “sores” needed to be healed and cleansed by repentance.

No matter how much demons dream of ruining everything, they are by no means free in their actions, and can only do what God allows them to do. The bite of a poisonous snake is fatal, but a skilled doctor knows how to prepare medicine from its poison. Likewise, the Lord, who turns any evil plans to good, uses the carriers of evil as a means to heal human souls. Satan, demons, as well as people who do evil, in fact turn out to be a kind of “scalpel” in the hand of a merciful God, who is trying to bring every human soul to intelligence and perfection, to heal and save, even at the cost of very painful “operations.”

Alas, it is impossible to live on this earth without suffering. But we can treat them not as a necessary evil, but as a school of self-knowledge and personal education, teaching us brotherly love, humility and wisdom, and detachment from everything petty and vain. A sincerely believing Christian, even in the most terrible and inhuman conditions of life, can become righteous and perfect, and gain the experience of heavenly existence already on Earth.

Sacred freedom

I have heard puzzling questions: “Why did the omniscient Lord, who foresaw what temptations of good and evil would lead to, not create people in such a way that sin and evil could not arise in their souls at all?” The whole point is that creatures artificially programmed for obedience, deprived of freedom of choice, would no longer be human. These would be biorobots, zombies, or, if you like, slaves. And God is interested in and loves those who are free personalities who have the opportunity to sincerely love and choose goodness without coercion, according to personal free choice.

There is an old philosophical riddle on this topic: “If God is omnipotent, can He create such a heavy stone that He himself cannot lift it?” It would seem that if he cannot create, then he is not omnipotent, and if he creates but does not lift him up, then he is still not omnipotent. In fact, the Lord has already created such a “stone”. This stone is a person created for happiness and bliss. In the vast world subordinate to its Creator, there is a territory over which He has no power. This is the heart of a person, endowed with the sacred freedom to love or not love his Creator and choose the path of his life. It is on this territory, beyond the control of God, that evil is so often born as a result of freedom misused by man.

The Lord loves us and wants us all to be happy and saved. And we bring on all the troubles and misfortunes ourselves. The main evil is the darkness that lives in the hearts of people who do not want to let the light of God's Love into themselves. If God forcibly expelled this darkness, then there could be no talk of any true love, for “robots” cannot love! A person is allowed everything, and only he can decide for himself - in which direction to move, towards Light or darkness.

Many would like God to stop all the villains in time and neutralize any Hitlers and Chikatilos even before they become dangerous to society. But in this case, He will again have to roughly trample on human freedom.

We are outraged by the cruelty of the villains who appeared before the court, not even suspecting how many of them have not yet been caught, and how many people around us who seem quite normal, but have darkness of evil thoughts in their souls. Too many of us would have to be "handcuffed" from infancy onwards. No, and there was not a person on earth who did not at least once cause pain and harm to other people. God looks at everything that happens from the point of view of Eternity, providing everyone with the most favorable conditions for healing his soul, depending on his condition. He is in no hurry to stop a person on his confused everyday roads and is long-suffering, waiting for misfortunes and suffering to bring people to their senses and turn their hearts to truth and goodness. And it destroys evil only when it is really necessary. Any evil has its limit. And any villain is responsible for his deeds not only before God’s Court. Even if he is not punished by earthly court or human revenge, the life of one mired in evil already on this earth turns into a real hell.

Who causes diseases and disasters?

But what about natural disasters that wipe out entire cities and continents? Here, a metaphysical relationship between a society mired in sins and responses from nature may well be at work. God delays the fatal outcome to the last and waits for human repentance and correction, but sooner or later the cup of patience is overflowing, and cataclysms happen.

Man-made troubles and disasters bother us much more. Let us remember how much evil civilized man has done over the last century alone, how he irreparably polluted the earth and air with chemical waste and radiation, violated nature and its harmony with gross, short-sighted interference.

An equally painful question is where do pathogenic viruses and microbes come from, and why doesn’t God destroy them? Some people believe that this dirty trick is sent to people by the devil, causing pathogenic mutations. But another version is more likely. Initially, man was invulnerable to any microbes and viruses created by God. But after the Fall, the world stopped perceiving man as its ruler. Our nature has changed, and some microorganisms have become harmful and dangerous to us. Our immune system protects us, but it can’t always cope with them. In favor of this version, we can cite the example of allergies to the most harmless substances, when a person can even die after smelling ordinary wildflowers or, say, eating a fruit that is an allergen for him.

Some diseases, such as cancer, occur when cells in the human body are damaged and mutated. But often people themselves generate these mutations with their own thoughts and words.

A doctor I know told me about patient O., who had breast cancer. For the time being, she was absolutely healthy and strong, but one day she became very angry with one person and wished him to die of cancer. Soon her wish boomeranged at her. Before O.'s illness, few people loved her; she was known as an evil and frivolous godless person. But a rapidly progressing fatal illness led her to faith and gracefully changed her soul. When a friend quoted to her her own statements from the recent cloudless past, O. was sincerely perplexed and did not believe that these were her own thoughts and words. The disease, capable of destroying only the body, led her to complete moral recovery and helped her find blissful Eternity.

On the other hand, people's prayers sometimes pull their loved ones out of their deathbeds. During the early “dashing 90s,” when the provinces lacked basic medicine, my friend Alexandra’s wife literally begged for her son, who was dying of severe pneumonia. At some point, she felt that her prayer had been answered. And literally immediately the baby coughed up a whole lump of green mucus. The temperature, which had not gone away for many days, began to drop before our eyes, and after a couple of days the child was healthy.

Another amazing case was told in one of the Internet forums by Vera Danilova. Her friends’ 1.5-year-old daughter was dying in the best Moscow hospital. One by one, the chemical elements necessary for life disappeared from her blood. Doctors said there was no chance of recovery. And then, on the advice of a friend, the desperate father, who had not previously been noted for religiosity, went to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and spent several hours kneeling at the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, begging to save his daughter’s life. And a miracle happened - his daughter began to recover, and a month later the doctors declared her fully recovered. After this, the whole family - father, mother and their two children were baptized and became sincere believers.

Why do the innocent suffer?

I know a family who lost a small child. The tragedy led parents fixated on material wealth to faith and spiritual rebirth. They gave birth to a daughter, and consider their late son to be the guardian angel of their family. On the other hand, not everyone manages to survive such grief. Not long ago, unable to bear the mental anguish, the father of a terminally ill girl jumped out of the window of a cancer center.

But why, why do innocent children suffer in the world?

The reasons can be very different. One of them is the relationship between parents and their children. The sins of fathers and mothers often make the most innocent - their beloved children - suffer. Such cases can be allowed by God to push perishing sinful parents to correction. My friend A. told me about cases when his unbridled life directly affected the health of his beloved daughter. When he got drunk on vodka and suffered from a hangover, his little baby, in unison with him, suffered from a loss of vitality, stomach pain and nausea. And as soon as he committed a serious offense, which he could well have not done, his daughter became seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital. Having understood this relationship, for the sake of the health of his beloved child, he stopped drinking and put an end to many sins.

From the point of view of Eternal Life, not a single child’s suffering passes without a trace and is useless. This is how the world lying in evil is structured, that very often the best and purest people are forced to suffer and even die “for their friends.” The souls of such heroes, voluntarily or involuntarily sacrificing themselves, unite with God and find eternal happiness and peace. Martyrdom, according to the canons of Christianity, is the pinnacle of righteousness and the maximum possible acquisition of spiritual benefits. And the people around the martyrs get a chance to start a new life and become better, cleaner and kinder. It is only important to draw the right conclusions and never despair.

Sooner or later, earthly history will end, and humanity will move into a different form of existence. All souls from Adam to the last man on Earth who want to be saved and unite with God will acquire new, eternal bodies. In the new world there will be no more evil or suffering, but only eternal love, joy and boundless happiness. To become residents of that future world, you just need to try here and now to live according to your conscience, not offend anyone and do good for the sake of love for goodness itself. Then even this earthly world will become cleaner and better, and we ourselves will feel during our lifetime that the good, heavenly state of the soul is not a myth, but a completely tangible reality.

In most major religious movements, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Vaishnavism (a branch of Hinduism), God is presented as an Almighty intelligent person. Based on this definition, the question absolutely naturally arises: why does God allow suffering, war and death of children? After all, based on the definition of His power, if He only wants to, all wars and suffering, including the suffering of innocent children, will be stopped and prevented. Based on the definition that the Almighty is an omnipotent person, we can conclude that God consciously allows wars and suffering, including the suffering and death of children.

The most common answer to this question is usually: “God allows suffering and war because it is retribution for human sins.”

But here the following logical question arises: “Why and why does God allow the suffering and death of innocent children? After all, they have not yet had time to commit various sinful acts? Is this fair?

But in order to answer this question, it is necessary to highlight two main points from knowledge about non-material (spiritual) nature. Unfortunately, most people, and even clergy of different religious denominations, either do not have this knowledge or do not have it fully.

The first basic knowledge about immaterial nature.

According to the most ancient sacred scriptures on Earth - the Vedas, which are the heritage of ancient highly developed civilizations, all existing universes can be divided into two groups. One fourth of the total number of all universes are universes that have a material (molecular, atomic) structure, including ours. All objects, including living ones, have a molecular structure, which we know about from high school physics and chemistry courses.

Three quarters of the total amount is occupied by universes that have a transcendental (spiritual) - finer structure. All objects of these universes (including the bodies of living beings) have a subtle transcendental structure. Such bodies have many more properties.

The second basic knowledge is about immaterial nature.

The second main point is knowing the fact that human consciousness is an immaterial energy substance that continues to exist after the death of the material body. More detailed research, including scientific research (a documentary is presented), is covered in the article: and.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, after the death of the physical body, human consciousness in the form of the energy body (soul) is associated in a certain way with the fertilized egg. The energy body then reads and deciphers the encoded information in the DNA. According to this decoded information, a three-dimensional drawing is constructed, in accordance with which the physical body of the embryo begins to form. Otherwise, the material body simply cannot form (“by itself”). More about this

Knowledge of reincarnation also existed in European countries until the 6th century AD.

In 553 AD, the 2nd Council of Constantinople was convened. At this council, some of the teachings of such theologians as Theodora of Mopsuete, Theodoret and Iva were rejected. Fifteen anathematisms were announced. Most of all, the discussion of the transmigration of the soul found interest in these anathemisms. The same topics were discussed at the last local council in 543. Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus and their followers all spoke together about the transmigration of souls, and Origen said the same thing. The opinion of the church was as follows: the soul is born simultaneously with the body. The Roman Church did not accept the decisions of this council until the very end of the sixth century.

By order of Emperor Justinian, the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul, left even by Constantine, was removed from the Bible. They just had to rewrite the Bible, although they forgot to remove something from the Gospel. Here is an excerpt from the Gospel confirming the apostles’ knowledge of reincarnation:

“And as he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked Him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:1-3).

A natural question arises: when could he have sinned before he was born blind? The answer is clear: only in your past life.

Another episode from the Bible: Jesus Christ says: (Matthew ch. 11 v. 14) “And if you want to accept, he is Elijah, who must come.” The disciples ask Him: “How come the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” Jesus answered them: “It is true that Elijah must come first and arrange everything, but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him as they wanted.” Then the disciples realized that He was talking to them about John the Baptist. (Matthew 17:10-13)."

It is interesting that Emperor Constantine appointed the organization “Correction”, which changed all the Gospels. As a result, all texts in Aramaic are declared heretical and destroyed! The only manuscripts left are those written in Greek, the earliest of which dates back to 331 - six years after the Council of Nicaea! That is, a huge amount of evidence and conclusions for three hundred years after the death of Jesus were destroyed. They removed information about the life of Jesus from 12 to 30 years old, although the Tibetan gospel remains, telling about the journey of the young Jesus to Nepal, India, Persia, to the dolmens of Vedic Rus' (more details: Apocrypha). The secret archives of the Vatican contain a lot of evidence forbidden to the general public, including the gospels that have survived to this day: from Nicodemus, from Andrew, from Peter, from Bartholomew, from Mark, from Barnabas. They were so feared that they were forbidden to even mention them.

Thus, the doctrine of reincarnation was artificially eliminated from Christianity.

And another very important point is the knowledge about reincarnation, and why this knowledge was removed. A person who thinks that everything ends with death, as a rule, is very afraid of death. This is very beneficial for those who want to manage people. In ancient times, the top of religious organizations that “oversaw” one of the religious movements were in close cooperation with the administrative authorities. A person can be forced to do a lot under pain of death. The fear of death turns a person into an ignorant animal, as does the lack of responsibility for what he has done. Our distant ancestors, having knowledge of reincarnation, were fearless. A person who can be intimidated turns into a puppet. And the lack of responsibility for his actions makes him a disgusting and fearful “person” who, out of fear of death, is ready to do anything. Including accumulating material values ​​by any means, thinking that this is the only thing that can “save” him. It is precisely such “personalities” that are needed in the majority by those who want to control people and the world as a whole. A reasonable person who has real knowledge cannot be manipulated. The mind can only be controlled by its owner, and no one else. Therefore, for those who sought, under pain of death, to control the human masses as effectively as possible, it was extremely important to remove true knowledge about the non-material form of human life, that is, about the eternal life of his consciousness.

Knowledge about a living being as an immaterial entity has always existed. This is how the soul is described in ancient scriptures:

“Just as the soul moves from a child’s body to a youth’s and from there to an old one, so at death it passes into another body. These changes do not bother one who has realized his spiritual nature.” ).

“The soul is neither born nor dies. It did not arise once in the past and will never cease to exist. She is unborn, eternal, always existing, immortal and original. It is not destroyed when the body dies.". ) .

“Know that what permeates the entire body is indestructible. No one can destroy the immortal soul .

Human consciousness (soul), after the death of the physical body, does not move into another body randomly. According to the Vedic scriptures, a person’s soul moves into a new physical body, according to what picture will be in his consciousness at the moment of separation of the soul from the material body (the moment of death of the body). If the pre-death picture of consciousness displays material objects, then the next life will take place in a material body on the planet of the material world.

Yogis who have achieved perfection in controlling their consciousness can leave their material body without waiting for physical death. At the same time, their consciousness (soul) is transferred to a certain place either in the transcendental (spiritual) world, or to a planet in the material world with a very highly developed civilization. A brief overview of all spiritual practices is given in (published on our website).

In the transcendental universes, which occupy ¾ of the total number of universes, there is no suffering or war. There is also no death of the body. A living entity who has achieved the right to reside in the transcendental world remains in his natural state of happiness.

The only thing, what makes a living being incarnate again and again in the material world in a physical body is the desire to possess living and non-living material objects!

It is this unbridled desire that causes wars and much suffering on Earth.

But why does God allow children to suffer and die?

The fact is that “child” is only a temporary designation for the physical body of a living being. The living being itself (soul) incarnated in this body for only one reason: the desire to see and possess living and non-living material objects!!

The main result of spiritual practice is detachment (later complete renunciation) from material objects and interest in them. The path of spiritual development is designed to ultimately ensure that human consciousness is completely focused on certain spiritual energies or objects (depending on the religious direction). If this main goal of spiritual development is achieved, then at the moment of death of the material body, the person does not incarnate in the material world. If this goal is not fully achieved, then human consciousness (soul) is embodied in a material body, but on a planet of the material world - with a civilization highly developed in spiritual terms (this is also known from the ancient Vedic scriptures). There, life expectancy is much longer, there are practically no wars, suffering and diseases.

Our civilization is moving along the path of material progress. And the further this development occurs, the more victims, wars and suffering occur. Material development cannot, by definition, bring happiness. The higher the material capabilities, the more sophisticated the methods of redistributing spheres of influence, the purpose of which is the selection of material values. This is a deadlock that ends in large-scale disasters.

A living being has a certain degree of freedom of choice. Otherwise there would be no point in his existence. An object that does not have a certain (more or less) freedom to choose actions cannot be called “living”. Depending on how a living being manages its freedom of action, it is embodied in a certain body. If a living being has attachment and desire to possess material objects, then he will be reborn in material universes until he can realize that everything he sees belongs to the Source of all energies - the Supreme Mind (this is one of the basic concepts of religion).

You can read more about how, in the process of certain spiritual practices, to begin to recognize yourself as a spiritual conscious unit, in the article (the link will open in a new additional “window”)

All this happens by analogy with a computer game. Games are also invented for those who have the desire and want to play them according to certain rules. The only difference is that the Creator of the universe is more skillful and perfect compared to the creators of computer games.

A person always has a certain freedom of choice. In order to take full advantage of it, you must have the necessary information. All the necessary information about physical and metaphysical things is presented in a condensed form in an immortal work. This scripture is reflected in a dialogue that took place about 5 thousand years ago. If you decide to gain more knowledge about intangible nature, then you need to start by studying. The “online” option is published on our website.

Peace to everyone! S. Amalanov

I would like to present to you an excerpt from Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov’s lectures on the topic:

“Why does the Lord allow little children to die?”




There are some other options. For example: a small child lived for several years and passed away. Parents are now suffering terribly, thinking: what kind of punishment is this?

But there was no punishment. This man simply fulfilled his little fate. In general, he hasn’t even lived yet. He just wasn't supposed to do it. And where does he go? To heaven! Because he is supposed to enjoy it. And the parents, because they don’t feel it, because they are in great anxiety, because they have lost their happiness. They do not understand that he went to the higher planets and became a guardian angel for them. ( Explanation: “...went to the Higher planets...”, means that the soul (consciousness) of the child has embodied in the body of a living being from the Higher planetary systems of our universe. You can read more in the site article: )
Continuation of the lecture by Torsunov O. G.

“He will now send God’s grace to them all his life, and only because they gave him the opportunity to work off his bad fate. And go where he was supposed to go. Do you understand? And if these parents calmed their minds, they would feel God’s grace from their child and would be pleased. Well, of course not like that, but they were very grateful. And they felt the purity of this child, and felt the grace.

One man came up to me and said: “Oleg Gennadievich, I had a very clean and bright family. I had two children and a wife. All of them were engaged in spiritual practice. And in my life I have never known and do not know cleaner and more decent people. And don’t think that I’m telling you this simply because I lost them. You see, I’m not nostalgic, I’ve really never seen such people in my life. We had a happy family. And one after another, all three of them, they passed away before my eyes. Now I have a question for you Oleg Gennadievich, what kind of misfortune do you think this is? You say that when a person lives a righteous life, he receives happiness. Why do I, living a correct life, receive such terrible suffering?” I prayed a little in my mind, and what God told me in my heart, that’s what I told him. I told him: “In fact, all your relatives, they went to the higher planets, up. (Means their consciousnesses (souls) were embodied in bodies on more developed higher planetary systems of the universeapprox. admin). They are now experiencing great happiness from the fact that they have worked out their bad fate here on this Earth, and are waiting for you there. And the time will come, and you will unite with them, and you will all live together, being in the greatest happiness.” This was my answer to him. He looked at me, his gaze became very firm and strong. He told me: “I knew that you would tell me this. Because I feel it myself. I wanted to make sure of this again, so I asked you.”

And his gaze shone with purity and he rejoiced in his heart. This means he accepted his fate and won. And his fate was wonderful, and will be wonderful.

But if you think that you don’t need such a wonderful destiny, then you are not ready for this. And God didn’t plan such a fate for you, understand? I didn't plan to. Each person receives only what he can carry. Don’t think that if you now follow this path of victory over fate, God will now “load” you with these difficulties. No, it will be easier on the contrary. Why? Because God only sends such difficulties to great people. And they are not “disgusted” by all this. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid that everything in your life will be bad, difficult, just because you have taken the path of self-improvement. Everything will be the other way around! The more a person takes this path, the more his fate softens.

There are certain stages of this mitigation. The first stage is called the stage of knowledge and discovery of a new world. A person feels that life has changed. He feels that this world is different, not the same as he previously thought. And he begins to feel the beauty of this world, and he studies, studies, studies. And he likes life. He feels that it is not in vain that he lives thanks to this study. How many of you have reached this stage, raise your hands?

The next stage of victory over fate is that a person finds other friends. He makes many friends who follow the same path. And he is happy to be friends with them, and he sees this as his own - a new destiny, a new life. Raise your hand - how many of you are going through this stage?

And the next stage is that a person really begins to understand WHAT he should do in life, and begins to change his activities. His activities become different. And he feels happiness from it. How many of you have reached this stage? And the next stage is that after he has received a new activity, he deepens his victory over fate, and as a result begins to establish relationships with his loved one. And this is like a miracle for him! Because he never believed in it. And these relationships really change, change, become better. And even if this loved one is an alcoholic, he stops drinking. And everything is changing for the better, but very slowly. Because this stage is difficult to overcome.

And when a person goes through this stage, he then sees how his children change. And he begins to influence his children. Children begin to change. And the next stage: parents and older relatives change. They also embark on a blissful and sublime path. And so, everything around a person gradually becomes clean and beautiful.

And when everything around a person has become clean, he does not see bad people around his life, he does not see deception, he does not see dirt, then this means that he is already worthy of heavenly life right here on Earth. And he will live a heavenly life here. This is heavenly life: to see only good people around you, only good work, only have good health, have good relationships with relatives, see good children. This heavenly life comes to man right here on Earth. And if a person, for the sake of God, says to himself that I... This woman here, her name was Queen Kunti ( Above, Torsunov gave an example of prayer about difficulties in order to always think about God) She lived 5 thousand years ago, she told God, she had the five holiest sons on Earth. There were no more holy people at that time. And she told him: “Listen, free me from attachment to my sons. Just as the Ganga strives and flows only towards the sea, without being distracted by anyone else, so I want to strive only towards You ( to God)". Another exam for a woman, right? Remember, you don’t need to imitate such people, it’s impossible. If a person renounces all the earthly happiness that he received in this life, he finds himself in a spiritual reality that cannot be described in words. I can't tell you anything about this. Because I don't know anything about it myself. But know, even if a person goes to heaven, and this is in this reality (highly developed"paradise" material universeapprox. admin) in the next life, then he still continues to develop there as a person and engage in spiritual practice. This man has nothing to lose. Therefore, a person who develops as a person works on himself, he never loses anything.

And therefore, I tell you all that you all have a good destiny. Because fate is not what’s on the map ( astral) drew. And fate is what a person strives for and how he lives. There are people who are degrading.

There are people who live like everyone else and do not change anything in their lives. And there are those who develop, and thus become successful living beings. Know that there are very few lucky ones. There may be only one percent on Earth, or maybe less. And that's why you don't meet as many like-minded people. Because there are, in principle, very few such people who want to develop in this life. Mostly people just live like everyone else. And some are degrading. Also not so much, well, more of course than those who are progressing.


Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich - doctor and psychologist, professor at the Bombay Institute of Vedic Health. Specialist in the field of Ayurveda, dermatovenerology, acupuncture, acupuncture, reflexology, herbal medicine, traditional medicine. He has his own methods of treating and diagnosing diseases, which are highly effective and have been tested in the system of the Ministry of Health. He has two Russian patents for inventions. Graduated from Samara Medical Institute, internship in dermatovenerology, Moscow Peoples' Friendship University, specializing in acupuncture.

Dr. Torsunov received his second education in classical oriental medicine Ayurveda in India. Has patients all over the world.

Vice President of the Association of Ayurvedic Doctors of Russia.

Defended a scientific dissertation on the topic of public health. Gives lectures. The results of statistical studies of people who constantly listen to his lectures are as follows:

50% of people give up their bad habits completely. The other 50% who don’t quit improve their relationship with the bad habit.

65% - people improve their relationships in the family.

67% - people improve their attitude towards nutrition and daily routine.

47% - people improve their relationships at work. And much, much more.

The fundamental difference from the standard approach to human psychological health is the combination of general psychology with the ancient Vedic science of life and family relationships.

- research, statements. quotes from famous scientists about God. Documentary film "DEVOLUTION OF HUMAN".

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