Rice fried with paprika, onions and champignons. Rice with champignons: recipe and cooking tips

It is better to use rice with elongated grains that do not stick together during cooking.. The grains should first be sorted and washed to remove as much sticky flour as possible from the surface of the grains. The water should be cold. It is necessary to rinse until the drained liquid becomes clear. The most convenient way to do this is to pour the grains into a small colander. After this, add hot water (200 ml) to the rice, cover with a lid and wrap in a towel.

While the grains are steaming, you need to prepare the mushrooms and vegetables. It is better to remove the top film from the caps of champignons or portobellos and renew the cut on the stems. Then the mushrooms need to be cut into not very small pieces. Carrots and onions must be peeled and cut into strips.

A cauldron is suitable for cooking, but if you don’t have one, you can use a wide pan with a thick bottom. Heat vegetable oil in it. The onion must be sauteed over medium heat for 3-4 minutes until transparent.

Then you need to add the carrots and continue to fry for another 5 minutes.

After this, mushrooms should be added to the vegetables. After mixing everything, you need to cover the pan with a lid so that the Portobello juice releases. In it, mushrooms and vegetables should be simmered over low heat for 7 minutes.

Place the steamed rice in a colander to drain the water. Then it should be transferred to a pan with vegetables and carefully leveled.

The dish must be salted and peppered, then pour in 400 ml of boiling water.

Cover the pan tightly with a lid and reduce the heat to low. The food should simmer over low heat for at least 40 minutes until all the liquid is absorbed. After this, press the unpeeled garlic cloves into the center and add chopped cilantro.

Covering the pan again with a lid, you need to keep it on the fire for 5 minutes, then, without opening, let it brew for another 15 minutes.

Serve everything hot.

Rice groats are a staple food for more than half of the world's population, and this is completely justified, because it is an excellent source of energy. In addition, rice is a classic dietary component that is widely used in diets to restore and maintain health.

Recipes based on rice with vegetables and mushrooms are simple and always a win-win. The results are amazing, nutritious and very tasty dishes.

Step by step nutritious recipe

Rice is an excellent dietary product. Moreover, along with other cereals, it is better absorbed, as it contains little fiber. Thanks to this property, rice side dishes are used in the diet of athletes, lenten and medicinal diets. Rice with champignons is an example of a healthy, tasty, light dish that will please everyone.

For 100 g of rice you will need 200 g of water. Take a stewing pan with a tight lid and boil the required amount of water in it. Add rice and cook over high heat for three minutes. Then cook for another ten minutes, but on low heat. Then reduce the heat to low and cook for the next 10 minutes. Do not remove the lid throughout cooking. It is important to note that rice comes in different varieties; the cooking time for each may vary; it is indicated on the package.

While the rice is cooking, you should prepare the dressing for it. Fry the onion and carrots (chop the first one, grate the second one).

Add mushrooms to the onions and carrots and cook them for 7 minutes. Pepper and salt.

Add boiled rice to the vegetables, stir and let the ingredients exchange flavors. 2-3 minutes will be enough.

Place the finished dish on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Recipe for cooking mushrooms with rice and vegetables

If you want to cook a simple, but at the same time exquisite and tasty dish, then there is nothing better than rich, aromatic rice cereal combined with the delicate, unique taste of mushrooms. The recipe makes 6 servings.

Required ingredients:

  • Basmati rice – 400 g;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • mushrooms – 250 g;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 60 ml;
  • spices, spices, salt.

The total time required to prepare the dish is 50 minutes, of which 15 minutes are required for preparing the ingredients and 35 for actual cooking.

The calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 83.3 kcal.

Cooking method:

Rice with chicken and champignons

This is an excellent choice for a holiday table, because the set of components can satisfy everyone. The dish turns out to be very nutritious, but at the same time healthy, satiates well and for a long time. But most importantly, it is easy to prepare.

You will need:

  • rice and mushrooms in equal proportions – 100 g;
  • chicken fillet – 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil – 50 ml;
  • finely chopped clove of garlic;
  • sauces to taste – 50 ml soy and 1 tsp. oyster;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • sesame seed oil – 1 tbsp;
  • vinegar to taste;
  • greenery;
  • spices.

Cooking time – 1 hour. Calorie content - 116.3 kcal per 100 g.

For this dish you need to use already cooked rice. You can boil it in advance. It is important not to salt the rice during cooking.

The mushrooms need to be peeled and cut into quarters, thoroughly fried in oil. Set them aside separately. The same story with chicken meat (fillet). It needs to be cut into small pieces.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Finely chop the garlic.

The garlic must be quickly fried in the oil in which the mushrooms were fried. Throw in the onions and add sesame oil.

After all the preparations, you can proceed directly to the composition of the dish. Take a wok pan, heat it, add a little sunflower oil. Place onion and garlic in a frying pan, add chicken. Cook it over high heat for several minutes. Add the sauces, one at a time, then sugar, mushrooms and let all ingredients heat up. The final touch is to stir in the rice and lightly simmer it with all the ingredients. Sprinkle with herbs.

Cooking and serving a dish in a pot

Required ingredients:

  • chicken wings - 4 pcs.;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • rice - 80 g;
  • vegetable broth - 2 cups;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking time – 1 hour. Calorie content - 108.4 kcal.

For this recipe, you can use any mushrooms you like. These can be champignons, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and others. They need to be peeled, cut into pieces and boiled in water, after salting it to taste.

Then the mushrooms must be sautéed in vegetable oil. Before assembling the pots, you need to fry all the ingredients of the dish. After which you can put them in pots - first the wings, and then mushrooms, garlic, vegetables, rice. Pour hot chicken broth over contents.

Set the oven to preheat. You need a temperature of 180 degrees. Bake the pots for 40 minutes.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker?

Rice with mushrooms can be either independent or a side dish if you are used to having a big lunch. Despite the apparent simplicity of the recipe, preparing rice cereal correctly is not so easy. If the rice is peeled, then it is very easy to overcook and, accordingly, it may not be cooked enough.

But the situation was significantly simplified with the invention of such a device as a multicooker. Special cooking modes allow you to successfully achieve the condition for this cereal.


  • raw mushrooms – 300 g;
  • rice – 100 g;
  • chicken or vegetable broth – 200 ml;
  • sesame oil – 20 g;
  • spices to taste.

Required cooking time is 30 minutes. Calorie content per 100 g – 90 kcal.

Below is a step-by-step recipe for cooking rice with champignons in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil into the container of the unit. Turn on the "fry" mode and heat. Sauté the onion for 5 minutes;
  2. While the onions are frying, rinse the rice with cold water and chop the mushrooms. Add them to the onions and stir;
  3. Pour chicken or vegetable broth into the existing products, select the pilaf mode, close the lid of the device and wait for the program to complete;
  4. It is very important to add spices to the dish 5 minutes before completion and mix thoroughly;
  5. It is best to serve the dish immediately to the table, hot. Rich, spicy, very appetizing rice is ideal both as a side dish and as a main dish. It can be flavored with fresh herbs and sour cream;
  6. If you are used to eating heavily, then this rice will act as an excellent side dish for chicken or fish dishes. Enjoy its taste and benefits.

Knowing the types of rice, you can wisely choose cereals, providing yourself with the necessary food product:

  1. Brown rice is the healthiest (minimally processed), so it should be consumed more often;
  2. Round rice is versatile and is often used in both sweet dishes and fillings;
  3. Long grain cereals are usually used for spicy main dishes and also as a side dish.

Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

Rice is an excellent side dish that can be used for preparing hot dishes and eaten at almost any time of the day. Experts say that such cereals go well with mushrooms. The result is a relatively inexpensive, fairly simple and very tasty dish. Take, for example, rice with champignons. The recipe for its preparation is not particularly complicated. Yes, and everything can be done in different ways.

According to many housewives, a side dish of rice must certainly be crumbly. But in practice, not everyone can achieve this. Experienced professionals advise trying the original version - rice with champignons. The recipe for such a dish requires a minimum set of ingredients:

  • for 160 grams of long grain rice 1 onion, 350 grams of champignons, salt, ground black pepper, half a glass of chicken broth and a little vegetable oil.

When all the components are assembled, you can start cooking the rice with champignons. The recipe includes the following steps:

  1. The first thing you need to do is rice. It must be rinsed well, then filled with water in a ratio of 1:2 and cooked, stirring occasionally, over low heat for 20 minutes. If you pour boiling water over the cereal, it will take much less time.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. First peel the mushrooms and then cut them into thin slices.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, and then fry the onion in it until golden brown.
  5. Add mushrooms, salt and stir. The flame should not be too large.
  6. Place the boiled rice in a frying pan, pepper and add broth.

As soon as all the moisture has evaporated, the side dish can be considered ready. It turns out simply amazing rice with champignons. The good thing about this recipe is that excellent results are obtained from the simplest products that undergo minimal processing.

Pilaf in pots

You can also cook wonderful rice with champignons in the oven. A recipe with a photo will help you control the correctness of the work at each stage. First you need to collect all the necessary ingredients:

  • for 200 grams of mushrooms 1.5 cups long grain rice, 1 carrot, onion, water, salt and vegetable oil.

For the work, you will need a cutting board, a frying pan, a knife and several clay pots. The process technology is, in principle, simple:

  1. Peel the mushrooms, carefully cut into thin slices, and then lightly fry them in oil.
  2. Chop the onion and grate the carrots (or cut into slices).
  3. Add the vegetables to the mushrooms and lightly fry the ingredients together.
  4. Rinse the rice well so that it does not stick together after cooking.
  5. Place the fried foods on the bottom of the pots.
  6. Sprinkle rice on top and add salt. As you know, this grain greatly increases in volume during cooking. Therefore, half the volume of each pot should remain free.
  7. Pour boiling water over the contents so that the liquid covers it by 1-2 centimeters.
  8. Place the pots in the oven.

In 40 minutes the dish will be ready. You can serve it to the table in the same container or transfer it to plates and garnish with chopped herbs.

Italian risotto

Risotto is a great option for using mushrooms with rice. Step-by-step recipes will be needed for those who are trying to cook the famous Italian dish for the first time. To work you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of rice (round), 300 grams of champignons, 500 grams of chicken breast, 35 grams of vegetable oil, 15 grams of salt, 150 milliliters of dry white wine, an onion, 100 grams of Parmesan cheese, 50 grams of butter and a bunch of fresh parsley.

Preparing such a dish in practice is not at all difficult:

  1. First, put the chicken meat in a pan with cold water, put it on the stove and cook for 20 minutes after boiling. After this, it must be separated from the bones and chopped randomly.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, cut into thin slices and fry for 5 minutes in butter.
  3. Add chicken to them and continue processing for another 5 minutes.
  4. Bring the chicken broth back to a boil.
  5. At this time, in another frying pan, lightly fry the onion, cut into quarter rings, in vegetable oil.
  6. Add washed rice to it. Heat the products together for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Pour wine over them and simmer with constant stirring for 5 minutes until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  8. Pour broth over rice and onions. This should be done gradually, adding ½ cup at a time. The next part is introduced only after the previous one has had time to be absorbed. This will take approximately 25 minutes.
  9. Add mushrooms and chicken to the rice.
  10. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and chopped herbs.

As soon as the mass is completely warmed up, it can be served.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls

Those who are against animal products will really like the delicious cabbage rolls, which are filled with rice and champignons. The recipe with photos will help you step by step to follow all the stages of preparing this popular dish. In this case, the following components will be required:

  • 1 glass of rice cereal, 1 head of cabbage (Peking cabbage can be used), 10 olives, 4 onions, a glass of tomato puree, 2 carrots, salt, 50 milliliters of vegetable oil and 500 grams of champignons.

The whole process consists of several steps:

  1. Place the cabbage in boiling water for 3 minutes, then remove and cool. This will make it easier to sort it into sheets.
  2. Boil rice in salted water over low heat. The ratio of cereal and water can be 1:1.5.
  3. Fry diced onion, grated carrots and finely chopped mushrooms in a frying pan. The mixture needs to be slightly salted. If desired, you can add any spices available in the house to taste.
  4. Add rice and chopped olives. Mix everything well.
  5. Put a little filling on each cabbage leaf, and then roll them in any convenient way.
  6. Lightly fry the formed cabbage rolls and place tightly in the mold.
  7. Prepare the sauce. To do this, fry the remaining onions and carrots, then add tomato and a glass of water.
  8. Pour the prepared sauce over the cabbage rolls and place the pan in the oven for 20 minutes. In this case, the temperature inside should already be 180 degrees.

Place delicious cabbage rolls on a plate along with vegetable dressing.

Rice is an excellent side dish that can be used for preparing hot dishes and eaten at almost any time of the day. Experts say that such cereals go well with mushrooms. The result is a relatively inexpensive, fairly simple and very tasty dish. Take, for example, rice with champignons. The recipe for its preparation is not particularly complicated. Yes, and everything can be done in different ways.

with mushrooms

According to many housewives, a side dish of rice must certainly be crumbly. But in practice, not everyone can achieve this. Experienced professionals advise trying the original version - rice with champignons. The recipe for such a dish requires a minimum set of ingredients:

  • for 160 grams of long grain rice 1 onion, 350 grams of champignons, salt, ground black pepper, half a glass of chicken broth and a little vegetable oil.

When all the components are assembled, you can start cooking the rice with champignons. The recipe includes the following steps:

  1. The first thing you need to do is rice. It must be rinsed well, then filled with water in a ratio of 1:2 and cooked, stirring occasionally, over low heat for 20 minutes. If you pour boiling water over the cereal, it will take much less time.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. First peel the mushrooms and then cut them into thin slices.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, and then fry the onion in it until golden brown.
  5. Add mushrooms, salt and stir. The flame should not be too large.
  6. Place the boiled rice in a frying pan, pepper and add broth.

As soon as all the moisture has evaporated, the side dish can be considered ready. It turns out simply amazing rice with champignons. The good thing about this recipe is that excellent results are obtained from the simplest products that undergo minimal processing.

Pilaf in pots

You can also cook wonderful rice with champignons in the oven. A recipe with a photo will help you control the correctness of the work at each stage. First you need to collect all the necessary ingredients:

  • for 200 grams of mushrooms 1.5 cups long grain rice, 1 carrot, onion, water, salt and vegetable oil.

For the work, you will need a cutting board, a frying pan, a knife and several clay pots. The process technology is, in principle, simple:

  1. Peel the mushrooms, carefully cut into thin slices, and then lightly fry them in oil.
  2. Chop the onion and grate the carrots (or cut into slices).
  3. Add the vegetables to the mushrooms and lightly fry the ingredients together.
  4. Rinse the rice well so that it does not stick together after cooking.
  5. Place the fried foods on the bottom of the pots.
  6. Sprinkle rice on top and add salt. As you know, this grain greatly increases in volume during cooking. Therefore, half the volume of each pot should remain free.
  7. Pour boiling water over the contents so that the liquid covers it by 1-2 centimeters.
  8. Place the pots in the oven.

In 40 minutes the dish will be ready. You can serve it to the table in the same container or transfer it to plates and garnish with chopped herbs.

Italian risotto

Risotto is a great option where you can use champignons with rice. Step-by-step recipes will be needed for those who are trying to cook the famous Italian dish for the first time. To work you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of rice (round), 300 grams of champignons, 500 grams of chicken breast, 35 grams of vegetable oil, 15 grams of salt, 150 milliliters of dry white wine, an onion, 100 grams of Parmesan cheese, 50 grams of butter and a bunch of fresh parsley.

Preparing such a dish in practice is not at all difficult:

  1. First, put the chicken meat in a pan with cold water, put it on the stove and cook for 20 minutes after boiling. After this, it must be separated from the bones and chopped randomly.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, cut into thin slices and fry for 5 minutes in butter.
  3. Add chicken to them and continue processing for another 5 minutes.
  4. Bring the chicken broth back to a boil.
  5. At this time, in another frying pan, lightly fry the onion, cut into quarter rings, in vegetable oil.
  6. Add washed rice to it. Heat the products together for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Pour wine over them and simmer with constant stirring for 5 minutes until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  8. Pour broth over rice and onions. This should be done gradually, adding ½ cup at a time. The next part is introduced only after the previous one has had time to be absorbed. This will take approximately 25 minutes.
  9. Add mushrooms and chicken to the rice.
  10. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and chopped herbs.

As soon as the mass is completely warmed up, it can be served.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls

Those who are against animal products will really like the delicious cabbage rolls, which are filled with rice and champignons. The recipe with photos will help you step by step to follow all the stages of preparing this popular dish. In this case, the following components will be required:

  • 1 glass of rice cereal, 1 head of cabbage (Peking cabbage can be used), 10 olives, 4 onions, a glass of tomato puree, 2 carrots, salt, 50 milliliters of vegetable oil and 500 grams of champignons.

The whole process consists of several steps:

  1. Place the cabbage in boiling water for 3 minutes, then remove and cool. This will make it easier to sort it into sheets.
  2. Boil rice in salted water over low heat. The ratio of cereal and water can be 1:1.5.
  3. Fry diced onion, grated carrots and finely chopped mushrooms in a frying pan. The mixture needs to be slightly salted. If desired, you can add any spices available in the house to taste.
  4. Add rice and chopped olives. Mix everything well.
  5. Put a little filling on each cabbage leaf, and then roll them in any convenient way.
  6. Lightly fry the formed cabbage rolls and place tightly in the mold.
  7. Prepare the sauce. To do this, fry the remaining onions and carrots, then add tomato and a glass of water.
  8. Pour the prepared sauce over the cabbage rolls and place the pan in the oven for 20 minutes. In this case, the temperature inside should already be 180 degrees.

Place delicious cabbage rolls on a plate along with vegetable dressing.

Cereals occupy one of the main places in our diet; light side dishes and rich porridges will find their admirers in every home.

However, the dish can be improved by preparing regular rice with champignons, the recipe will no longer be ordinary and will take pride of place in your cookbook. This option for preparing cereal is very suitable for a hearty lunch, as a main course, and mushrooms will add a pleasant taste and aroma.

Rice has the ability to remove toxins; given this property, it is suitable as lunch on fasting days, for people who control body weight.

You can choose the type of rice for cooking at your discretion, which will fully meet your taste. But we use steamed rice, such grains retain more benefits, when finished they become white and do not stick together.

Rice with champignons


  • - 1.5 cups + -
  • - 3 glasses + -
  • — 400 g + -
  • - 2 pcs + -
  • — 1.5 pcs + -
  • - 3 tbsp. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 0.5 tsp + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -

How to cook rice with champignons

The cooking process will not take much time if you cook the rice and dressing at the same time.

  1. To prepare a good dish, it is very important to rinse the rice thoroughly: fill it with water, stir several times, the water will turn white - it needs to be drained. You need to repeat this several times until it becomes transparent.
  2. Pour the washed rice into the pan and pour in two and a half glasses of water, add salt and set to cook over high heat. After boiling, the heat should be reduced and stirred periodically so that the grain does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  3. Peel the carrots and onions and rinse thoroughly under running water. The onion should be chopped and the carrots should be grated.
  4. Wash the champignons well and cut into strips.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and fry the onion and carrots for three minutes. Add chopped mushrooms, salt and stirring constantly, fry until tender for ten minutes.
  6. After cooking the rice, add butter to it, mix and, cover with a lid, let stand for a few minutes.
  7. The rice is ready, now add fried champignons and basil to it. If desired, the dish can also be seasoned with salt and pepper. Mix everything well and serve.

This wonderful rice dish can be served as a main appetizer, or used as a side dish for meat and fish!

Light pilaf with champignons

We also have a wonderful recipe for pilaf with champignons; this dish will fit perfectly into your daily diet.

It will be especially useful during Lent, and for lovers of light and vegetarian dishes, it will be a real find.

Everyone loves pilaf without exception, and this option can open up new possibilities for its preparation, and your culinary abilities will be appreciated.


  • Rice - 2.5 cups;
  • Water or vegetable broth - 5 glasses;
  • Champignons - 700 g;
  • Onion - 3 pcs;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Turmeric - 0.5 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.

How to make pilaf with champignons

Of course, you can cook this dish in a saucepan or cauldron, but if you have a slow cooker, it’s better to use it. This will greatly simplify the cooking process, and the dish will be even more healthy.

  1. Wash and peel the vegetables, cut the onion into half rings and carrots into slices or squares; it is better not to use a grater.
  2. Rinse the champignons and rice well under running water, peel the garlic.
  3. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “fry” mode for five minutes, then add the mushrooms, fry everything together and simmer for ten minutes.
  4. Now add rice, spices and water, you can stir if you wish, or you can leave it like that. Add the whole garlic and turn on the “pilaf” mode on the multicooker.

All you have to do is wait for the signal that it’s ready, put it on portioned dishes and invite your family to the table to taste a very unusual, but very tasty pilaf.

Now you know how to properly cook rice with champignons, the recipe for which you can choose yourself, and make it even more interesting at your own discretion.

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