English sounds for children: read the transcription correctly. How to teach a child to read quickly in English How to teach a child to read in English exercises

Phonetics is a section that studies sounds. Its main goal is to teach you how to correctly pronounce English sounds and words, and also to develop your ability to perceive the speech of native speakers. Therefore, in order to learn to speak and read English correctly, you need to know the English alphabet and learn the pronunciation of individual phonemes and the words in which they are used. English phonetics The English language is built on the Latin alphabet, has only 26 letters (instead of the usual 33), but almost twice as many sounds are superimposed on these familiar letters, namely 46 different phonemes. English sounds are very important for language learners, so you need to understand how they are used in speech and why.

As stated above, a distinctive feature of the English language is the huge number of sounds that do not correspond to the number of letters available. That is, one letter can convey several phonemes, depending on the letters that are next to each other. Based on this, it is necessary to speak very carefully and carefully. Incorrect use of a particular sound leads to misunderstandings.

For example, the word "bed" (bed) and the word "bad" (bad) They are pronounced and written almost identically, so it is quite easy to get confused about them. At this stage of learning English, many begin to transcribe pronunciation in Russian in order to facilitate the memorization process.

However, this “relief” is very misleading, as it often leads to even greater confusion between words with similar pronunciation. After all, both words “bed” and “bad” in Russian can be transcribed exclusively as "bad" without reflecting the duality of sound in any way. Therefore, it is better to learn sounds separately.

Learning English phonetics will undoubtedly bring some clarity to the pronunciation and mastery of all phrases and words that will come your way during learning.

First of all, you should create a dictionary in which you will designate all the sounds in traditional transcription, and then, next to them, their sound version in your native language.
Special cases of pronunciation should also be indicated, indicating that this word needs to be pronounced in a special way or writing down that it is impossible to give an analogy of the Russian sound. London - London For convenience, it is better to divide phonemes into groups. For example, consonants, vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs. It is also necessary to constantly practice and perform exercises of this type:

The main city of Great Britain is London. London - ["lʌndən]- 6 letters, 6 sounds. Let's find it on the map of England. Where is it? Then, let’s check with our friend: How do you write it? How do you spell it? Now spell this name - Spell this name for us:

- London - [Landen]

This way you will practice not only the pronunciation of sounds, but also learn useful words and phrases in a foreign language.

Now let's move on directly to their writing and pronunciation.

Sounds of English

Let's get acquainted with a brief description of all sounds using this table




[ı] short [and], as in “outside And»
[e]similar to [e] - “sh” e exist"
[ɒ] short [o] - “in O T"
[ʊ] short, close to [y]
[ʌ] similar to Russian [a]
[ə] unstressed, close to [e]
looks like a long [and]
[ɑ:] deep and long [a] - “g A lk"
[ə:] = [ɜ:] long [ё] in “sv” e cla"
long [y], like “b” at lk"
[ᴐ:] deep and long [o] - “d O lgo"
[æ] Russian [uh]

Diphthogs (two tones)

[hey] - same
[ʊə] [ue] - poor
[əʊ] [оу] - tone
[ᴐı] [ouch] - join
[ouch] - kite
[ea] - hair
[ıə] [ie] - fear

Triphthongs (three tones)

[ауе] - power
[yue] - European
[aie] - fire


[b]Russian [b]
[v]analog [in]
[j]weak Russian [th]
[d]like [d]
[w]short [y]
[ɡ] like [g]
[z]like [z]
[ʤ] [d] and [g] together
[ʒ] like [f]
[l]soft [l]
[m]as M]
[n]like [n]
[ŋ] [n] “in the nose”
[p][p] aspirated
[r]weak [p]
[f]like [f]
[h]just exhale
[ʧ] like [h]
[ʃ] average between [w] and [sch]
[s]like [s]
[ð] voiced [θ] with voice
[θ] tip of tongue between upper and lower teeth, without voice
  • Double vowels are read as one sound: moon - - [moon] or bitter - ["bitǝ] - [bite]
  • Voiced consonants in English, unlike Russian, do not become voiceless: in a word good [good] the sound [d] is pronounced clearly, just like [g] in dog [dog] etc.

The meaning of correct pronunciation

As I already said, it is very important and extremely necessary to improve English pronunciation, because a large number of words in this language differ by only one or two sounds. But sometimes, even such a small difference is critically significant for correct and accurate contact with primary native speakers.

English is an international language. It can be useful for an adult in various areas of life. English has become especially relevant with the advent of computers, so in many educational institutions language teaching begins in the first grade. Schools often teach large volumes of information that are difficult to digest. Many parents, when preparing their child for school, think about the need to teach him to read English. How quickly your son (daughter) will master this language depends on the quality and completeness of the parents’ knowledge.

English, being an international language, is 100% useful in life, and it is better to teach it from childhood, when the child’s mind is most receptive to new things, and this can be done at home

Parents should be confident in their own knowledge, so as not to mislead the child with erroneous pronunciations, when independently teaching the child the basics of English at home.

Learning languages ​​trains a child’s memory, improves speech skills, and increases vocabulary. English is the base language. After mastering it, other foreign languages ​​are easier to learn.

How to teach reading in English?

According to scientists, preschool children are able to almost instantly “absorb” information and copy sounds and intonation. But how to teach a child to read English? Teaching a little fidget a foreign language from scratch is not easy, but if the parents succeed, the child can easily enter any educational institution that places high demands on potential students.

Starting from the very basics

It will be easier for your child to study in a class with in-depth study of foreign languages.

The optimal age to start learning English is 5 years. Classes should not be too long (an hour a day) so that the child does not become overtired. The result of the training will be visible only after 1-2 months.

  • If among your friends there are native speakers of the dialect and the child can communicate with them often, then he will master a foreign language faster.

Learning to read even in your native language is not so easy and takes a lot of time. But the better a child reads in his native language, the easier it will be for him to learn to read in a foreign language. If the child has not mastered reading his native speech well, parents should not rush to teach him to read texts in a foreign language.

In Russian, children learn to read syllables. This method is not suitable for reading English. In some general educational institutions, they learn to read whole words at once without learning the alphabet. This approach can teach gifted children with well-developed visual memory to read, but for the average child this method is ineffective.

Stage one

Learning English through a fun game allows children to quickly grasp the basics of the language

First you need to introduce your child to the English alphabet, teach him to recognize and pronounce the letters of the English language. The baby must learn to associate the images of letters with sounds.

Transcription- This is an image of the sound denoting a letter on paper. Previously, many educational institutions paid increased attention to the study of transcription. Today it is not taught in schools.

English, like any other language, has its own characteristics, so in the process of learning the alphabet you will have to face some difficulties:

  1. Individual letters in English can be read differently depending on their location in a word: G (as “j” and “g”), C (“ts” or “k”), S (“s” or “z”) "), Y (“ay”, “and” or “th”) and others.
  2. Some letters of the English alphabet are completely identical in appearance to letters in the Russian language (P, A, H, X B and others). A child may confuse them due to different pronunciations.
  3. Combinations of two specific letters give a completely different sound (example - sh, th and so on.).

If your child has recently learned the Russian alphabet, it will be difficult for him to readjust, and remembering letters that are similar in both languages ​​will be especially problematic. Only repeated repetition will help the child cope.

Read also: What a child should be able to do at 6 months: developmental features

You can learn the English alphabet in the same way as the Russian alphabet. For this, bright colored cards with letters are used, special musical rugs with the alphabet are designed to interest the baby, you can draw letters on paper yourself, and show them in English books.

After your child has completed all the letters of the English alphabet, you need to spend several lessons consolidating the acquired knowledge. The mother can show the child cards with letters so that he can name them out loud.

Stage two

Pictures with captions in English help to better understand and remember the meaning of the word

You need to start teaching your child with the simplest words: dog, cat, box, fox, love, man and so on. You need to move on to learning long, complex words gradually so that the child is less confused about letters and combinations that are written one way and pronounced differently.

Having mastery of the English alphabet and knowledge of the simplest words, a child can put individual letters into words, as in the Russian language.

You can study words in the same way as you studied words in Russian. The child needs to point to surrounding objects, animals, plants and voice their names in English. This can be done at home, on a walk, at the zoo. The child will quickly remember everything and will soon begin to point his finger at the wolf, fox, tiger in the cage and say “wolf”, “tiger”, “fox”.

Stage three

At this stage, you need to go through long words with complex combinations of letters. At this time, it is important to control the child’s correct pronunciation of words.

The child must read short texts in English, but the main thing is not speed, but understanding of the material read. Ask your child to translate the words he read into Russian to make the reading meaningful. It is understanding that underlies the learning process. You cannot force a child to simply cram; he must understand the meaning of the phrases being spoken. At this stage, various audio recordings will be useful, from which the child can learn correct pronunciation by repeating the words after the speaker.

To help your child learn English as effectively as possible, you should listen to these helpful tips:

  1. Need to purchase books in English for the little ones with many colorful pictures that can interest the baby, and simple texts so that the child does not have difficulties reading and understanding them.
  2. For diction development You should invite your child to read simple poems, tongue twisters, and listen to children's songs in the language they are learning.
  3. To better assimilate the material, you need to actively use game form of learning.

How to organize classes in a playful way? There are many options, such as playing with cards. Cards with bright drawings are laid out on the table. Each card depicts one object (table, book, cup) or animal (dog, cat, pig). The child reads the English text and points to cards with words that he found in the material he read. For example, the sentence contained the word “orange” and the child should point to a card with a picture of an orange. This game allows you to combine the spelling of a word, its sound and visualization.

You can lay out toy animals on the floor, the English names of which the baby already knows. The mother names these animals in English, and the child looks for them and brings them. This game is fun to play with several children as they race to find the right animals.

You can play a game in which your child will need to speak only in English for several minutes. He can try to compose whole sentences, or simply pronounce individual words in the language he is learning. As motivation for winning this game, you can offer your child a tasty and healthy prize - a banana or an apple, for example. This type of encouragement works very well for many children.

Another effective way of game learning is reading a fairy tale in English. The child will be interested in reading a story that is already familiar to him and translating it together with his mother. Examples of such fairy tales are “The Sleeping Beauty”, “Kolobok”, “The Pockmarked Hen”.

For interactive learning, you can watch a cartoon in English with your child or play a children's educational computer game.

Don't forget: Each child requires an individual approach, and therefore all children learn the material differently. Some people learn quickly and easily remember letters almost the first time, while others need to repeat the material they have learned several times.

Every year, our center's phone is ringing off the hook with calls from concerned parents of second-graders who are in danger of finishing the year with a D in English. For the most part, the main reason for poor grades in school for elementary school students is the inability to read. In this article we will look at why this happens and how parents can help their child learn to read in English.

Why do children read English poorly?

In order to understand the causes of the problem, let's remember how your child learned to read in Russian. Most likely, while still in kindergarten, your child learned the Russian alphabet, began to put letters together and form words. The child read slowly at first, syllable by syllable, but then, with practice, he learned to connect syllables into whole words faster and faster. When reading words or phrases in Russian, the child understood what he read perfectly, and the reading process made sense and brought pleasure to him. By reading in Russian, the child learned something new.

Now let's look at how your child is taught to read English at school. The child learns the English alphabet and begins to try to connect letters into syllables and words, but bad luck - simply connecting letters cannot read in English... Unlike the Russian language, in which each letter corresponds to one sound, in English the same the letter (especially the vowel) is read differently. Of course, in the English language there are so-called “reading rules” for specific letters and letter combinations, but they do not apply to all words. Moreover, at the initial stage of learning there are so many words that are read “not according to the rules” that they begin to confuse the child.

Our practice shows that teaching a 7-8 year old child “reading rules” takes much more effort and time than teaching a child to read a specific word. The abstract thinking of a child of this age is not yet well developed enough to remember all the rules and a long list of exceptions. Therefore, in modern methods of teaching English, the approach of teaching reading words as a whole, rather than letter by letter, is becoming increasingly popular.

With this approach, the child first learns the meaning of the word and how this word is pronounced, learning to pronounce this word independently. And only at the next stage does the child see how this word is written and begins to compare the written letters and the pronounced sounds. When working with this method, reading in English becomes natural and harmonious for the child, since the child understands what he is reading and, just like when reading in Russian, gets acquainted with some new story. This is exactly the approach we use in our new project.

What can you do to help your child quickly learn to read English?

1. Start English classes at the age of 4-5. Teaching English to preschoolers is aimed at ensuring that the child learns as many words as possible in English, learns how to pronounce them correctly and name them independently, and feels the first successes. Regular classes in preschool age will lead to the fact that by the age of 7-8 your child will already have a good vocabulary and, most importantly, will learn to confidently pronounce these words, and therefore all English sounds.

2. Read as much as possible from the audio recording. All modern textbooks come complete with a disk on which the reading texts are voiced by native speakers. Regularly, or best of all, daily, read with your child for 10-15 minutes. On different days, read the same passage in different ways - loudly, quietly, in a whisper, in turns, in roles, etc. Read along with the audio until the child can read the passage independently. Be sure to remember that the child must understand what he is reading and why he is reading.

3. Write the most important words while pronouncing them. A child will learn to read at the moment when three word shells are combined into one in his brain: content (the meaning of the word), sound (the pronunciation of the word) and graphic (the spelling of the word). Therefore, choose the most frequent words and ask the child to write this word and at the same time pronounce the sound he writes. Depending on the child’s handwriting, write these words on 1-3 lines (5-7 times). Such daily lessons for 10-15 minutes will be enough to speed up the process of developing reading skills in English.

Hello my dear.

Very often, parents want their children to learn English as soon as possible. And reading skill is far from the last place in this matter. But if in the Russian language it is clear on some intuitive level what needs to be done, then the English language is already a problem. So mothers turn to me for advice on how to teach their child to read in English.

And today I decided to answer all your questions: how to do it at home, how to do it quickly and correctly, and what exercises you should pay attention to first.

The most important thing before you start

To teach your child to read from scratch, you need to learn at least a few words in another language. Believe me, if you immediately sit down to learn to read, you will only get screams, hysterics and a wild aversion to learning the language in the future.

While you are still very young and have not entered 1st grade, simply learn new words together, memorize them by ear, and teach your child the sound of English words. It is important that he understands what the word he pronounces means.

Most educational institutions include a foreign language in their curriculum only when students enter 3rd grade. But it won’t be difficult for your child to start learning the basics immediately after entering 2nd grade.

By this point, he will have already been taught how to read correctly in his native language, he will understand that letters form certain sounds and form words. Believe me, in this case the learning will go much faster. By the way, if your child is already a schoolboy, I advise you.

Where to start?

If we talk about how to properly teach a child to read in English, then the most correct answer will be -. This should be done in the most interesting ways for the child: teach him with the help of songs, toy blocks or magnets, cards and coloring books - in general, everything that your imagination can reach.

But remember that letters and sounds are different things, especially in English. Therefore, when studying, pay special attention to this. By the way, your child will quickly learn this point if it passes here is a course from LinguaLeo - Milana and I really liked it, so I recommend it - and you can also taste it!))

A method of teaching a child to read, which is called Phonics(Phonix). The gist of it is that your children do not learn letters separately from words. They learn the SOUND, which in most cases is formed by this letter. That is, they remember the letter “s” not as “es”, but as “s”. It’s like in Russian: we call the letter “em”, but pronounce it “Mashina”.

Remember, my dears, that all children are different and sometimes remember information for a very long time, so you should not rush your baby, much less move on to learning something new until you have mastered the previous material 100 percent!

If you want your child to develop their thinking at a super fast pace, you need to practice motor skills. It has long been known that any activity involving manual work will be of great importance for the mental victories of your children!

Nowadays new toys are constantly appearing on the market, many of which are pure trinkets!!! Personally, I’m only for useful games! Therefore, I strongly advise you this is the thing for his future prodigy. Not only your child, but also you will absolutely love it. Enjoy your time!

The next stage after the alphabet is reading syllables. Tell your child how vowels connect with consonants, how much they are friends. And only then move on to the last stage - words.

Transcription is the basis

One of the most important points when learning a language, both at school and at home, is correct transcription.

Transcription is graphic display of pronunciation(I dedicated it to her, where I sorted out all the icons, gave exercises with answers and shared the secrets of memorizing the signs of English transcription ) .

At first, it seems that it is simply unrealistic to read the transcription, because there are some incomprehensible “hooks and icons”. But I assure you, everything is much simpler. Below I will show you in the most detailed form how all the sounds of the English language are read. If you already know what the English alphabet sounds like, then you will be interested to see how the letters you already know are spelled out in transcription.

But in addition to the sounds that we know thanks to the alphabet, the English language also has sounds that are not shown in alphabetic letters, but are created by certain combinations of them. Let's look at their transcription and voicing in Russian speech ().

Unconventional way

There is another way to teach children to read. It is practiced both when teaching the native language and a foreign one. This method consists in starting learning not from parts to the whole, but, on the contrary, from the whole to parts, that is, from whole words to letters. I would recommend using this method from early childhood - from the age of 3. On you will find common English words for children (voiced), which, if desired, can be printed and used in the form of cards - so the child will quickly remember not only their translation, but also the correct one way of reading.

This method is based on the child’s ability to associate a written word and an audible combination of sounds. And given the fact that children’s memory is usually many times better than our adult memory (if there is a moment of interest, of course!), this method can bring much faster results than the traditional one. I will definitely tell you more about it, but in a separate article. Subscribe to my blog so you don't miss out.

I can also recommend the book to you « Learn to read English» (wonderful author Evgeniya Karlova) - it perfectly combines usefulness and interest. Every parent will be able to teach their child to read English words, since the material is presented in a very accessible form.

Another worthy book How to learn to read English (M. Kaufman) . What is very remarkable is that in parallel with learning to read, acquaintance with the English-speaking culture occurs. This awakens the child’s interest and curiosity in the language... And interest, as you know, is already 50% of success! If not more...

Practice, practice and more practice

Oh, how I love the practical parts. So today I have prepared for you some exercises with words that will help your child quickly master this difficult task - reading in English. The essence of the exercise is to group words by sounds. A child, reading a certain group of words, will remember the combinations of letters that he sees. Thus, a clear concept will be formed in his head of how this or that word is read. Of course, exceptions in English... are a dime a dozen, and it’s impossible to keep up with them all. Therefore, the more your child reads, the faster he will master correct reading.

say, may, lay, stay, way, pay, play

mate, fate, rate, late, gate

game, came, make, Kate

sun, fun, run, gun, cut, but, nut

twice, ice, rice, mice, ice

sit, pit, fit

fine, nine, mine, shine, line

not, spot, lot

gone, done

fork, cork

cope, smoke, rose, nose

here, mere, fear, tear

pure, cure, lure

mare, bare, dare, care

shy, sky, my, by, buy

And if you still have questions - and I’m sure that even if there are none at the moment, they will definitely appear again - then welcome to the comments. I will be glad to explain to you everything that is unclear, dispel all doubts and help you understand even better how quickly.

Be the first to gain new knowledge.

That's all for today.

Did you know that the English alphabet consists of 26 letters and 46 different sounds? The same letter can convey several sounds at the same time. Just don't panic! We'll tell you how easy it is to remember English sounds without boring tables and cramming.

As a rule, in English lessons, a child keeps a separate dictionary, in which the pages are divided into three columns: “word”, “transcription”, “translation”. New words are written down there, which you then need to learn. And if everything is clear with the “word” and “translation” columns, then with “transcription” there are often difficulties.

What is transcription? This is a kind of instruction on how to read a word. It is usually written in square brackets. For example: . The characters that are inside the square brackets are the sounds of the English language. One character = one sound. Only these symbols do not always look like letters of the alphabet . Let's look at the English sounds that are most difficult for a child and how to learn them:

We select associations

It's no secret that complex things are easier to remember using the method of associations. This rule works especially well for children.

ʊ - short [y] - very similar to the icon "horseshoe"
æ - wide [e] - open your mouth wide and say “e”. We call this symbol "bug icon" 🐞
ŋ - [ny] - a funny sound that is similar to how the Baby Elephant spoke in the cartoon “38 Parrots” 🐘. You need to say “n”, but a little “on the nose”, like you have a runny nose. Try holding your nose with your fingers, opening your mouth slightly and saying “n.” Happened?

- interdental [z]
θ - interdental [s]

To remember this pair of sounds, you can tell your child a whole fairy tale: “Once upon a time there lived a little bunny (our tongue). But he was very timid, so he sat in the hole (in his mouth) all the time. But one day he dared to stick the very tip of his nose out of the hole (put the tip of the tongue between the teeth). At first he said quietly [θ], and then loudly [ð].

s, d, n, t- [s], [d], [n], [t] - remember the episode of “Jumble” about English pronunciation? “You need to talk as if there is a hot potato in your mouth,” is the best explanation for the baby. When you make these sounds the tongue touches the hard palate and alveoli, a little further than in Russian.
r- [r] - the English “r” is not like ours. In Russian, the tongue seems to tremble in the mouth. In English, language "wraps up" tip back towards the soft palate.
w- [у]/[в] - there is no such sound in the Russian language either. First we stretch out our lips, trying to say “y”, but then our lips should seem "spring", without closing and returning to a smile. Remember how you say “Wow!”
e- narrow [e] - similar to the Russian “e” without the “y”. When pronouncing, we open our mouth quite a bit.
ə - dull [e] - dull, slightly “compressed” sound, very short and almost indistinguishable. When you say the word "m" O loko", then you pronounce this sound in place of the first “o”. The symbol is called funny"schwa".
ɜ - middle [e] - reads like the letter e in the word “ice”.
j- [th] - very important don't be confused with the letter Jj (“jay”)! In transcription, this symbol means something completely different from the letter.

To make things even easier, we drew the main characters of English transcription with the appropriate sounds of the Russian language.

Advice site: Tell your child that he copes with sounds brilliantly. After all, at this stage, the baby should feel relaxed and not hesitate to experiment. Otherwise, the child will think that he looks funny and will refuse to continue classes.

If home lessons do not bring the desired results, come to us. Teachers of the site will always find an easy way to even the most complex knowledge 📚 free!

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