Similar in sound but different. Cognates

Phonemic hearing responsible for distinguishing phonemes (sounds) of speech. It helps us distinguish between words and word forms that sound similar and correctly understand the meaning of what is said.

Development of phonemic hearing in children- the key to successful learning of reading and writing, and in the future - foreign languages.

The following games can be used to develop phonemic awareness.

I. We distinguish words that sound similar.

Game "Right and Wrong". The adult shows the child a picture and loudly and clearly names what is drawn on it, for example: “Wagon.” Then he explains: “I will name this picture either correctly or incorrectly, and you listen carefully. If I'm wrong, clap your hands. Wagon – wagon – wagon – wagon – fakon – wagon”, etc. First, give words that are easy in sound composition, then more complex ones.

Game "Listen and choose". In front of the child are pictures with objects whose names are similar in sound:

cancer, varnish, poppy, tank
juice, bitch
house, lump, scrap, catfish
goat, braid
puddles, skis
bear, mouse, bowl, etc.

The adult names 3-4 words in a certain sequence, the child selects the corresponding pictures and places them in the named order.

Game “Say the Word.” The adult reads the poem, and the child finishes the last word, which matches the meaning and rhyme:

There's not a bird on the branch -
Small animal
The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.
His name is... (squirrel).
Don't be afraid - it's a goose
I’m afraid of him myself... (afraid).

I'm always dirty
Helps out... (water).

The ox is afraid to enter the house:
- The floor will bend under me... (the floor).

The little siskin whistled:
- Ew, whew, whew!
I’ve been drinking dewdrops in the morning... (drinking!)
II. We distinguish syllables.

The easiest sounds for a child to pronounce are: f, v, p, b, n, therefore it is better to start distinguishing syllables from elementary combinations that include precisely these sounds.

For example, you pronounce a series of syllables, changing the last one, and the baby says that it’s extra (pa-pa-pa-ba). You can complicate the game by introducing erroneous syllables in the middle or beginning, changing the vowels (ba-ba-bo-ba, ga-ka-ka-ka).

Game "Same or Different". A syllable is spoken into the child's ear, which he repeats out loud, after which the adult either repeats the same thing or says the opposite. The baby's task is to guess whether the syllables were the same or different. The syllables you need to select are those that the baby is already able to repeat correctly. This method helps develop the ability to distinguish sounds spoken in a whisper, which perfectly trains the auditory analyzer.

Pure talk. The adult begins, and the baby finishes the last syllable.

Ba-bo-ba - there are two tables by the road... (ba).
Za-zu-za - go home, ko... (for).
Ti-di-ti - to the moon le... (ti).
De-de-te - let's sit in the dark... (those).
Lu-lu-lu - I like green onions... (lyu).
Fe-ve-fe - I’ll sit on the so... (fe).

Gradually, during this period, the child must master the ability to distinguish between all oppositional sounds: whistling and hissing, voiced and voiceless, fricative and plosive, hard and soft.
III. We distinguish phonemes.

At this stage, the child learns to distinguish phonemes (sounds of his native language). You must start with distinguishing vowel sounds.

Guess game. The baby has pictures of a wolf, a baby, a bird. An adult explains: “The wolf howls: ooo-oo”, “The baby cries: a-a-a”, “The bird sings: i-i-i.” We ask the child to pick up a picture that corresponds to the sound pronounced by the adults.

Similarly, we learn to distinguish consonant sounds.

Game "Sound Lost". The child must find a word that does not have a suitable meaning and choose the right one:

Mom with barrels (daughters) went
On the road along the village.

We got into the spoon (boat) and - let's go!
Along the river back and forth.

The bear cries and roars:
He asks the bees to give him ice (honey).

We carry boards up the mountain,
We will build a new room (house).
Step six:
Listen and analyze

IV. Dividing words into syllables.

At the final stage in the development of phonemic hearing, we teach the child to divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables in a word, and be able to “clap” and “tap” the rhythmic pattern of two- and three-syllable words.

Game "How many sounds?" At this stage, children are able to determine the number of vowel sounds during continuous pronunciation (one, two or three vowel sounds: a, ay, oui, aea). The child must put down as many sticks on the table as the sounds he heard.

Game “Letters, get in order.” Cards with letters lie in front of the baby. An adult pronounces combinations of vowel sounds, first two at a time: ay, ia, then three sounds at a time: aui, iau. The child lays out the letters on the table in this order.

Then we proceed to the analysis of consonant sounds. We start by teaching how to isolate the last consonant sound in a word that necessarily ends in t or k. As a training, we offer an exercise with pictures or objects "Last Sound": the baby must clearly pronounce the name of the object or what is shown in the picture, focusing on the last sound.

You can arrange the pictures in two columns, in the first - pictures whose names end with the sound t, and in the other - with the sound k.

We show the child a picture and say its name, omitting the last sound (ko..., pau..., ma...). The baby says the word and then says the sound that was missed.

Exercise “Find the word, find the sound”: the child must insert the correct word into the poem and determine which sound is missing. If he completed this task easily, you can ask where the sound was missing: at the beginning, middle or end of the word.

The old k...ot (mole) is digging the earth,
He lives underground.

It's dark for us. We ask dad
We should turn on the la...pu (lamp) brighter. (tigers) entered the arena,
We all became silent out of fear.

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Words with the same root that are close in sound but do not have the same meaning (recognise - recognize, dress - put on, signature - painting) are called paronyms (from the gr. para - near, onyma - name). Paronyms, as a rule, refer to the same part of speech and perform similar syntactic functions in a sentence.

A2. In which sentence should we use COMICAL instead of the word COMIC? 1) In life, the completely comic and the completely tragic are rare. 2) The audience immediately liked Beaumarchais's comic opera. 3) The actor’s comic gesture caused laughter from the audience. 4) This clown has a COMICAL expression on his face.

1. We differentiate the lexical meanings of paronyms by selecting synonyms, antonyms or phrases. 2. We carry out a semantic analysis of sentences. 3. Determine the correct answer. We carefully read all the sentences, three of them will be somewhat similar: either the highlighted words will be directly related to the noun from which they are derived (democratic related directly to democracy, military to war, etc.), or, conversely, one of the words will be directly related to the noun, but the other three are not. But if you suddenly encounter words like subscriber, subscription, then this algorithm will no longer work. Here you will have to apply the method of elimination and logical reasoning. Note. By delimiting lexical meanings in this task, you can avoid errors associated with certain similarities in sound, morphemic structure and grammatical features of paronymous words.

Anecdotal anecdotal, artistic artistic, archaic archaic, irresponsible irresponsible, grateful grateful, swampy swampy, everyday everyday, age-old eternal, great-majestic, guilty guilty, hostile enemy, water water, military military, educational educational, shake shake, every kind, elective selective, harmonic harmonious, major capital, annual yearling, pride pride, humane humanitarian, double bifurcated, actual effective active, demonstrative demonstrative, diplomatic diplomatic, diplomat diplomat, gullible trusting, life worldly, evil malicious, banner sign, engineering engineering, information informative , information informatization, skillful artificial, stone stony, inert bone, horse horse, conservation conservation, colorful coloring, icy ice, intolerant intolerable, dangerous wary, master acquire, condemnation discussion, fearful frightened frightened, imagine provide, respectful respectable, irritation irritability, hidden secretive, tactful tactical, technical technical, lucky - successful, actual factual, master's economic.

In which sentence should we use DIPLOMANT instead of the word DIPLOMAT? 1) Leonid Ivanovich was considered a real DIPLOMAT in communicating with people around him. 2) The success of a state’s foreign policy largely depends on the experience and talent of DIPLOMATS. 3) You sound like a DIPLOMAT, but things are not going well. 4) DIPLOMATS of the Moscow Ballet Competition took part in the final concert.

Aquatic – 1) Peculiar to water, characteristic of it. 2) Living, growing in water. 3) Intended for navigation, associated with communication by water. Aquatic - 1) Living, growing in water, living on water, near water. 2) Carried out with the help of water, driven by water or the force of falling water. Designed for movement on water.

In which sentence should we use WATER instead of the word WATER? 1) Near the grassy bank, invisible flies and WATER beetles draw complex shapes on the river surface. 2) In rainy weather, the flower stores moisture and can survive on its WATER reserves for a long time. 3) WATER carnivals have become popular, especially among young people. 4) Ill-conceived reclamation has disrupted the WATER balance in our area.

1) Gregory was an unusually talented and interesting person, although he was considered an ETERNAL student. 2) Dry pine forests on the banks of the river mixed with ETERNAL oak groves, with thickets of willow, alder and aspen, 3) Polina Ivanovna hid these letters for ETERNAL storage in an antique closet. 4) The author wanted to write about the joys and difficulties of the writer’s ETERNAL work on the word, on style.

ETERNAL adj. 1) Infinite in time, having neither beginning nor end. // Time-independent, time-invariant. 2) Enduring, not ceasing to exist for many years, centuries. // Persistent for centuries. // Not limited to anything. terms, unlimited. // Lifelong, lifelong. // Immortal. // 3) Operating for a long time. 4) Constantly existing, located somewhere. in nature. 5) Constantly doing the same thing or being in the same state, position. 6) Constant, unchanging. // decomposition Constantly used (about clothing, about household items). // decomposition Constantly repeating; incessant. CENTURY adj. Living, existing, lasting for centuries, for a very long time. // Very old, ancient. // decomposition Long-standing, old.

1) Gregory was an unusually talented and interesting person, although he was considered an ETERNAL student. 2) Dry pine forests on the banks of the river mixed with ETERNAL oak groves, with thickets of willow, alder and aspen. 3) Polina Ivanovna hid these letters for ETERNAL storage in an antique closet. 4) The author wanted to write about the joys and difficulties of the writer’s ETERNAL work on the word, on style.

1) The words of a weak-willed person never turn into actions, into ACTIONS. 2) This young man is capable of noble ACTS. 3) The guys enthusiastically discussed the selfless ACTION of their classmate. 4) In former times, students were punished with soldier service for great actions.

HOSTILE adj. 1) Filled with enmity, hostility. // Expressing hostility. 2) Unkind, hostile, seeking to cause harm. // In a state of hostility; hostile, hostile. ENEMY adj. 1) Correlative in meaning. with noun: an enemy associated with him. 2) Characteristic of the enemy, characteristic of him. 3) Belonging to the enemy.

1) Oksana was ready for anything, but still did not expect such a dry, even HOSTILE reception. 2) In this capricious air there was the elegance of the south, its emphasized beauty HOSTILE to the north. 3) A HOSTILE regiment was stationed around this settlement. 4) In folk tales, animals sometimes act as a HOSTILE force that is dangerous to people.

1. In which sentence should you use MILITARY instead of the word MILITARY? 1) Fedorov was a MILITARY man and had a good idea of ​​what trials lay ahead for the soldiers of his regiment. 2) For his bravery he received another MILITARY rank. 3) He experienced a lot in life, but managed to maintain a MILITARY bearing. 4) The MILITARY industry of this country is very developed.

2. In which sentence should you use BUDNEY instead of the word BUDNAL? 1) One day, on a weekday morning, my grandfather and I were shoveling snow in the yard. 2) From one EVERYDAY environment it would be necessary to drag her into another that is the same or even more monotonous and boring. 3) This artist devotes significant space to depicting the EVERYDAY side of war. 4) “So we’ve arrived home,” the captain said in a different, everyday voice.

3. In which sentence should we use SUBSCRIBER instead of the word SUBSCRIPTION? 1) I found an expired library subscription that was lost six months ago. 2) SUBSCRIPTIONS of the telephone network are required to pay for the services of the station. 3) We purchased SUBSCRIPTIONS to the museum for a series of lectures on Russian painting of the 19th century. 4) Sale of SUBSCRIPTIONS to the swimming pool is open.

4. In which sentence should we use EFFECTIVE instead of the word EFFECTIVE? 1) The circus performers developed an EFFECTIVE trick for the performance. 2) Countess Orlova, an EFFECTIVE woman, always attracted the attention of others. 3) The reader’s performance was memorable and EFFECTIVE. 4) In addition to surgery, doctors suggested other EFFECTIVE methods of treatment.

5. In which sentence should we use LONG instead of the word LONG? 1) LONG sleeves of clothing prevented a person from working. 2) The LONG alley ended in a dead end. 3) The awkward LONG guy immediately attracted the attention of the commission. 4) His vacation turned out to be LONG and interesting.



(Greek paronymos; this, see paronymy). Words that are similar to each other in form or etymological structure.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


Linguistic words that are similar in sound, but differ in meaning (for example, “advisor” - “adviser”, “ice” - “ice”).

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


Greek, paronymos; etymology see paronymy. Derived words.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(pair... gr. onoma, onyma name) words that are similar in sound, for example, betray and sell, base and basis.

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART,, 2009 .

See what "PARONYMS" are in other dictionaries:

    - (from para... and Greek onyma name) words different in meaning, but similar in sound (base and basis). The similarity of paronyms can lead to errors in speech (introduced instead of reposed). Paronyms are often used in puns; see also… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PARONYMS- (from Greek para – near + onyma – name). Cognate words that are close in meaning or partially coincide in their meaning (“banking” - “banking”, “stand up” - “become”, “dramatic” - “dramatic”). P. is sometimes also classified as having different roots... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    - (from para... and Greek ónyma name), words different in meaning, but similar in sound (“base” and “basis”). The similarity of paronyms can lead to errors in speech (“introduced himself” instead of “reposed”). Paronyms are often used in puns; see also… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Paronyms- (intralingual paronyms) – words that are similar in form, but different in meaning. They are sometimes formed through single-root borrowings; it is more difficult for native speakers of the recipient language to distinguish between them; cf.: decor decorum, fact - factor, modern - modernism, tone... ... Language contacts: a short dictionary

    Paronymy (from the Greek near, with + name) partial sound similarity of words with their semantic difference (complete or partial). Also, the term paronymy is usually used to refer to such a phenomenon in speech when two words sound similar to some extent, but... ... Wikipedia

    - (from Para... and Greek ónyma name, title, word) words that are close to each other in sound, the partial coincidence of the external form of which is accidental, that is, not due to either semantics or word-formation processes, for example... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Words connected by proximity relations of form. More often they have the same root, for example: whiten/whiten, patriotic/patriotic, dress/put on. They differ in compatibility. The correct use of paronyms is an indicator of speech culture. Literature and language... ... Literary encyclopedia

    - (Greek raga near) onyma, onoma name). Words with the same root, similar in sound, but different in meaning or partially coinciding in their meaning. Aromatic aromatic aromatic; banking banking; stand up; heroic heroic;… … Dictionary of linguistic terms

    - ]Greek πᾰρά near, near, ὄνομα name) Similar-sounding words that do not coincide in meaning; in a narrower sense, words with the same root that have similarities in sound and partly in morphemic composition and therefore can be mixed (represented... ... Handbook of Etymology and Historical Lexicology

    paronyms- (from the Greek para near and onyma name) words with the same root, similar (but not identical) in sound, but (by prefixes or suffixes) and not the same in meaning: put on, put on, signature painted, spectacular, effective. P. are used in artistic... Dictionary of literary terms


  • Paronyms. A guide to preparing for the Unified State Exam, Ivanova Inga Alekseevna. The illustrated manual will expand and deepen students' understanding of paronyms - words that are similar in sound and morphemic composition, but differ in lexical meaning. Their subtle meanings...
  • Paronyms in Russian. The most complete explanatory dictionary, V.I. Krasnykh. The dictionary contains about 1500 paronymic series, including more than 3500 paronyms. Paronymic series are arranged in alphabetical order (according to the first component of the series). The dictionary entry consists...

Lexical norms (use of words).

This task tests your ability to distinguish between paronyms.

Paronyms- words that are similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning.

Lexical norms The Russian language refers to the rules for using words and phrases in strict accordance with their meanings. Violation of lexical norms leads to the fact that statements become ambiguous, as well as to serious speech errors. Compliance with the lexical norms of the Russian language presupposes the ability to choose the right word from a number of similar or identical in content, i.e., synonymous words, as well as the ability to distinguish between paronymous words.

Paronyms are:



distinguished by final letters.

Prefix paronyms.

In task A2 they occur quite rarely, so they are not so difficult to remember.


U pay - Give, contribute (money) in compensation for something (most often we are talking about a large sum of money) ABOUT pay - Pay for something
ABOUT kid someone On put it on yourself
Prev put - Present, communicate something to someone. To introduce someone, to give them the opportunity to get acquainted with something. Having found something worthy, to petition for something Predo put - To put something at the disposal of someone, for the use of someone. To give someone the opportunity to say, do something, or dispose of something.
IN shake off - Lift it up and shake it with force. Shake off - Shake, throw off, throw off.
By Verification - Reconciliation exactly. Roll call to check the available composition of people (special). About verification - Establishing the correctness of something, the correspondence of something to something.
About judge - To analyze, think about, thoroughly consider, expressing your thoughts about something or someone. ABOUT judge - Express disapproval of someone, recognize something as bad. To sentence someone to some kind of punishment, to pronounce a guilty verdict, to accuse.
Intolerant - someone who cannot be tolerated, unacceptable. Not taking into account other people's opinions, devoid of tolerance. Not With tolerable - Exceeding patience, difficult to bear.
ABOUT squeak - An error in the spelling of something. by absent-mindedness. From squeak - A formal answer that does not affect the essence of the matter.

Suffix paronyms.


Most paronyms are associated with the difference between the same root adjective and participle.


Suffixes –USH-/-YUSH-, -ASH-/-YUSH- refer to participle suffixes and indicate the producer of the action.

COLORFUL. Features bright colors.

DYING. Serving for coloring something, containing paint (special).

Differing in ending letters.

Base- Foundation, basis. support for something; strong point. Warehouse, storage or supply point. Basis– A set of historically determined production relations that form the economic structure of society and determine the nature of the superstructure.
Subscriber– The owner of the subscription (person or institution). Subscription– The right to use something for a certain period, as well as a document certifying this right.
Ignorant- Rude, ill-mannered, impolite person. Ignorant– Poorly educated person, ignorant; a person ignorant of any field of knowledge, layman.
Destination– The person to whom the postal item is addressed (person or institution). Addressee– The one who sends the postal or telegraphic item (person or institution)
Diplomat– An official engaged in diplomatic activities and work in the field of foreign relations. Diploma holder– A person awarded a diploma for successful performance at a competition, festival, etc. A student preparing a final or diploma thesis.


This chapter does not present all the examples that are possible in task A2. More often than not, you will have to look in a dictionary to determine the meaning of words.

Algorithm of actions.

1. Determine what part of speech the paronymous words are.

2. Read the sentences carefully. Maybe you will find something in common in the words that are combined with paronyms.

3. Think about what word they can be formed from. Perhaps the difference lies in the fundamentals!

4. Look at what part of the word the words differ in: prefix, suffix, etc.

5. If possible, remember the differences in meaning.

Remember! If you suddenly come across words like subscriber – subscription, this algorithm will not work.

Analysis of the task.

In which sentence should the word HOSTILE be used instead of the word HOSTILE?

1) Animals and plants sometimes act as HOSTILE forces in fairy tales.

2) He found himself in a world HOSTILE to him.

3) The tank division managed to break the HOSTILE enemy defenses.

4) They were not prepared for such a HOSTILE reception from the local residents.

Hostile And hostile belong to paronyms - adjectives. Let's try to figure out what word(s) they are formed from.

Hostileenmity(hostility, mutual hatred, hostile relationship) + suffix - ebn-. Meaning - expressing a hostile attitude.

Hostileenemy(a person fighting for other, opposing interests, opponent) + suffix – esk-. Meaning - belonging to the enemy.

This means that paronyms are formed from different words, therefore the difference should be sought based not so much on the suffixes, but on the basis of the words.

In options No. 2, 3, 4, the context expresses the attitude: in hostile world, hostile defense, hostile reception. And in option No. 1, according to the context, affiliation should be indicated: instead of hostile forces must speak enemy forces.

Thus, correct option number 1.


1. In which sentence should we use DIPLOMANT instead of the word DIPLOMAT?

1) Leonid Ivanovich was considered a real DIPLOMAT in communicating with people around him.

2) The success of a state’s foreign policy largely depends on the experience and talent of DIPLOMATS.

3) You sound like a DIPLOMAT, but things are not going well.

4) DIPLOMATS of the Moscow Ballet Competition took part in the final concert.

1. Words that are close in lexical meaning, but different in sound - SYNONYMS 2. The branch of the science of language that studies a word and its meaning - LEXICA 3. Words that are similar in sound, but different in lexical meaning - HOMONYMS 4. The basic unit of language, possessing form and content - WORD 5. Words that are opposite in lexical meaning - ANTONYMS 6. Words denoting objects and phenomena that do not exist in our time - HISTORISM 7. Words that were replaced by synonyms in the process of language development - ARCHAISMS 8. Stable combinations of words having a holistic meaning - PHRASEOLOGISTS

In one meaning it is a synonym for the word flaw, in another it is a synonym for the word deficiency. One of the antonyms of the word light and a homonym of the word denoting a large number. In one meaning it is a synonym for the word unique, in another it is an antonym for the word thick. In one sense the antonym of the word close, in another the synonym of the word sweeping. An antonym of the word severity and a homonym of the word denoting a fur-bearing animal. A synonym for the word language and a homonym for a word denoting one of the parts of speech. A synonym for the word forest and a homonym for the word denoting a drill, auger. A noun that can refer to clothing and to a river in different meanings. A noun that can refer to a weapon, a mine, or a tree in different meanings.

Chichikov's purchases caused more trouble for officials. Igor held a sword in his right hand. Onegin was threatened with ruin. Turning near a huge boulder, we walked along an open rock valley to the mouth of the river. Your grief is not grief..., it’s a matter of life,” said the old man. Dual standards do not apply in politics...

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