Harmony technological lesson cards. Technological map of the Russian language lesson of the educational complex "Harmony" "Acquaintance with prefixes and suffixes" (second grade)

  • The name of the educational complex is “Harmony”.
  • Item name- mathematics
  • Lesson topic – division of multi-digit numbers by 4
  • - 4th grade.


UMK – “Harmony”

Topic: “Dividing multi-digit numbers by 4”

Goal: formation of educational competencies (information, design, communication, creative) of grade 4 “B” students in the subject area of ​​mathematics

– cognitive UUD;

Regulatory UUD;

- – communicative UUD.

  • To consolidate students’ knowledge on the topic area and perimeter; improve computing skills,

Problem solving skills

  • Teach students to draw conclusions
  • Learn to work in a group.

Equipment used: chalkboard, instructions, pen.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental Question

Why do you need to know the divisibility test by 4?

Problematic question

How can you find out if a number is divisible by 4 without calculating?

Dividing multi-digit numbers into single-digit numbers.

Derivation of the test for divisibility of a number by 4.

Study questions:

What signs do we know of divisibility of numbers by 2.3?

How to divide a multi-digit number into a single-digit number using a “corner”?


Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formation of UUD

Organizing time

Communicative:planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

Regulatory: organizing your educational activities

Personal: learning motivation

A minute of penmanship

On the desk series of numbers: 20344, 441, 236, 1016

Read the number. Find the "extra" number. (441). Prove it.

Write down the entire line for this number, writing each digit correctly in the cell.

Cognitive: structuring your own knowledge.

Communicative:organize and plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

Regulatory: control and evaluation of the process and performance results.

Personal: assessment of acquired material.

Cognitive: the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form.

Personal: self-determination.

Regulatory: goal setting.

Communicative:the ability to enter into dialogue and participate in a collective discussion of an issue.

Regulatory: assessment of one's own activities in the classroom

Verbal counting

Game "Climb the stairs".

Mathematical dictation.

Individual and frontal work.

Learning new material.

Group work

№ 263

The solution of the problem

№ 262


Today we will continue our fascinating journey through the mysterious and great country of “Mathematics”. You have to think, calculate, compete,open and explore a new topic.

- Guys! The country of Mathematics is located high in the mountains. But if you complete the tasks correctly, you will be able to get there. Let's try and play the game "Climb the stairs».

- Examples are written on the steps. Your task: calculate the answer, find it and send it to your example. If the answer is chosen incorrectly, the turn goes to the other player.

- Well done! We have reached the country of Mathematics.

But look, the doors are locked. To open them, you need to match the code to the lock.

Write down the number of the example in which the error was made.

1 . 96000: 100 = 960

2 . 1250: 10 = 125

3 . 95000: 1000 = 950

Calculate and write down the answer.

355 – 50*7

Write down the number of the correct statement.

To find the divisor you need:

  1. Multiply the dividend by the quotient.
  2. Divide the dividend by the quotient.

Solve the problem orally and write down the answer.

The student solves 10 examples in 40 minutes.

How long does it take on average to solve

One example?

What code did you get? 3 5 2 4

For the fourth year we have been traveling through the streets, squares, and alleys of Mathematics and have learned a lot. Let's test your knowledge.


Increase the quotient of 350 and 7 by 20.(70)

From 800, subtract the product of the numbers 30 and 9.(530)

To 50 add the quotient of 36 and 6.(56)

How many dm are 240 cm?(24 dm)

Find the perimeter of a square with side 9 cm.

(36 cm)

What is the width of the garden if its area is 54 square meters? m, and length – 9 m.(6 m)

1. Determining the topic of the lesson.

You will learn the topic of today's lesson by solving the examples correctly and writing the corresponding letters under the answers.

500 * 6: 100E

4000*3: 100 N

950 – 720 + 42D

140: 70 * 20 I

(270 – 50) * 10 L

272 30 2200 30 120 40 30

The word is written down in a notebook. Examination.

At the board, children explain the solution to the example and write the letter for the answer.

Children are given instructions according to which they determine the sign of divisibility by 4. Each group makes a conclusion.

There are three diagrams on the board. Choose the right one.

Solve the problem.

Quantify student work

Participate in repetition work: in a conversation with the teacher, they answer the questions posed.

Children solve the problem together with the teacher.


Municipal budgetary educational institution of Vladimir

"Secondary school No. 10

with in-depth study of foreign languages"

  • The name of the educational complex is “Harmony”.
  • Name of the variable textbook, textbook author– N.B. Istomina, Mathematics.
  • Item name- mathematics
  • Lesson topic – finding the area and perimeter of geometric figures.
  • Class where the lesson was taught- 4th grade.


UMK – “Harmony”

Textbook "Mathematics" edited by N.B. Istomina

Collective project

Topic: “Area and perimeter of geometric shapes”

Goal: development of educational competencies (information, design, communication, creative) of students of grade 4 “B” in the subject area of ​​mathematics through the inclusion of students in a collective project.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving:

1) personal learning outcomes:

- formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions, other points of view;

Development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning.

Development of the ability to work with information (collection, systematization, storage, use)– cognitive UUD;

Formation of initial forms of personal reflection –regulatory control systems;

- developing the ability to listen and hear an interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, express one’s point of view and argue for it,

- developing interaction skills in static pairs and groups– communicative UUD.

3) subject learning outcomes:

  • To consolidate students’ knowledge on the topic area and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice.
  • Develop the ability to find area and perimeter, square and rectangle, as well as irregular shapes.
  • Teach students to draw conclusions and formalize the results.
  • Introduce students to examples related to the practical need to measure areas and perimeters.
  • Learn to work in a group.
  • Learn to make calculations.
  • Develop independent research skills.
  • Develop the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.
  • To develop mental activity, creativity and logical thinking of students when performing practical work.
  • Build competencies (information, design, communication, creative)

Equipment used: chalkboard, task cards, colored pencils, ruler, pen.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental Question

Why do you need to be able to find area and perimeter?

Problematic question

Squares: triangles, irregular shapes. How to create an algorithm for finding the area of ​​a geometric figure of irregular shape?

Independent research:

Calculation of areas and perimeters of geometric figures.

Deriving formulas for calculating the area of ​​a triangle and irregular figures.

Study questions:

What areas of figures can we find?

What do you need to know and be able to do for this?

Where in life will we need this knowledge and skills?


Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formation of UUD

Organizing time

The teacher welcomes students and checks their readiness for the lesson.

Students are ready to begin work.

Motivation for learning activities

Today we have an unusual lesson, you have already noticed. Each of you has a pass to this lesson in your hands.

What is a pass?

Can you guess what the lesson will be about?

Take a seat at the desk that corresponds to your pass. Be careful.

Geometric figures

About geometric shapes

Understanding the learning task (updating what has been previously learned)

Look how beautiful these gardens are. The royal park of Versailles near Paris, the imperial Peterhof park near St. Petersburg, and the legendary Gardens of Babylon are known throughout the world. Many people worked on their creation. How do you think their work began? It all started with designing a garden. Garden design is an ancient art.

A landscape design company approached us with a request to design a garden. If we correctly calculate the area and perimeter of the garden objects, the trading company “Our Garden” will provide discounts on planting material.

Here is a plan of this garden.

And at this time we continue to get acquainted with the garden plan. It has: a house, a lawn, a flower garden, an orchard.

What geometric shapes do the garden objects have the formula for?

What areas of figures can we find?

Triangles, rectangles, hexagons.

Square, rectangle.

Remember the finding formulas. Among the formulas I have proposed for finding areas and perimeters, find those that will help us find the area and perimeter of a square, the area and perimeter of a rectangle. Find them on the board.

The formulas for the areas of which figures are not familiar to us?

Area of ​​a triangle.

Discovery of new knowledge (learning new material)

What do you think is the topic of our lesson today?

What will we learn in class?

area of ​​a triangle

Find the area of ​​a triangle, observe, analyze, work according to plan, in a group.

Regulatory UUD

I invite you today to be mathematicians, researchers and independently find a way to determine the area of ​​a triangle and try to create a formula for finding the area of ​​a triangle yourself.

Work in a group. Remember the rules of working in a group.

Treat each other politely, speak in a quiet voice, work actively, taking the assigned task seriously, and listen to others.

Cognitive UUD

Group work

Assign roles.

Using the task cards, make the necessary calculations. And cards with performance algorithms will help you draw a conclusion about the work done.

Communicative UUD (posing questions, proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information)

Reflection (lesson summary)

Will the trading company provide discounts on planting material?

Have we calculated the area and perimeter of the garden objects correctly?

What did you learn in the lesson? What did you learn?

Evaluate your work on assessment sheets.

Technological lesson map

A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge


Subject area b: Mathematics (N.B. Istomina)

Class: 3rd grade (part 2)

Subject: Statement of the educational task. Numbering of multi-digit numbers. Introducing a new counting unit - a thousand. Analysis of the structure of three-digit and four-digit numbers. Classification of multi-digit numbers.

Target. Create didactic conditions for setting an educational task: get acquainted with the new counting unit - a thousand, learn to read and write four-digit numbers.

Learning Objectives aimed at achieving personal learning outcomes:

    the formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions, towards another point of view;

Learning Objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes:

    developing the ability to work with new information on a topic (select, highlight, summarize);

    developing the ability to construct speech statements;

    developing skills to work in static groups and pairs (communicative UUD);

    formation of initial forms of reflection (regulatory UUD).

Learning Objectives aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes:

    mastering knowledge about numbering multi-digit numbers

Lesson equipment(creation of a prepared information and educational environment): teacher’s PC, textbooks, sheets for independent work, cards for working in pairs, cards for self-assessment.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD

Self-determination for activity.

Motivates students to start the lesson

They enter into a dialogue with the teacher: on what basis can numbers be divided into 2 groups?

How are the numbers in the two rows similar?

    33, 84, 75, 22, 13, 11, 44, 53

    91,81, 82. 95, 87, 94, 85


Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities

Suggests increasing the number of the first row by 2 hundred and writing down the resulting numbers in ascending order (performs option 1)

Option 2 - increase the number of the second row by 7 hundred and write the resulting numbers in descending order

Perform calculations on the options and write down the resulting numbers in the workbook in accordance with the task.

Cognitive, communicative

Setting educational objectives.

Organizes work in static pairs on No. 149 (part 2) to determine the topic of the lesson. The teacher in the position of a consultant encourages students to put forward hypotheses regarding the acceptance of educational tasks. A problematic situation arises: how to continue the series of numbers 991, 992, 993, 994..

Work in pairs, formulate the topic of the lesson (“Game attentive student”) If there is difficulty, use a calculator and name the smallest four-digit number. In the textbook they read the arguments of Misha and Masha and formulate the topic of the lesson.

Regulatory, cognitive

Building a project for getting out of difficulties (organizing interaction with students on the topic of the lesson):

"Four digit numbers"

Working with textbook exercises pp. 49-50

Individual work No. 152

Work in static groups No. 153

Organizes an exchange of views on the question: What is the name of the new category, which is in fourth place from the right

Organizes independent work of students, encourages students to put forward hypotheses

Organizes work in static groups

Organizes the game “Stomp and Clap”

They independently put forward and justify hypotheses, participate in dialogue, reflect on No. 151, find the rules by which series of numbers are compiled.

They exchange opinions, make additions and amendments.

According to the proposed instructions, the numbers are compared.

Perform work in static groups followed by verification.

Cognitive, communicative, personal


Cognitive, communicative, regulatory

Primary fixation No. 154

Participate in the game. "Who is the most attentive"



Independent work with mutual checking according to the standard

Encourages you to do independent work. Writing down numbers from dictation.

3579, 20 hundreds, 300, 1234, 17, 6054, 1903, 8000, 1001

Creating a situation of success. (For those who have made mistakes, the situation of success lies in identifying the causes of the mistakes and correcting them)

Perform independently

work with

mutual verification according to the sample. Self-esteem.

Regulatory, cognitive, communicative

Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Fill out table No. 155

Reflection of activity.

Organizes children’s independent activities and helps with difficulties.

What was difficult?

What exercises did you like?

What do you need to work on at home?

Choose your homework from TVET.

Children solve the problem:

“Misha found out that when he was 1 year old, his dad was 21 years old. He decided to make a table..."

Children solve the problem and record the calculation results in a table.

Students evaluate their activities in class.

Regulatory, cognitive

Predicted result:

    a basic level of skills will be formed to work with information on a topic, construct speech statements, work in pairs and groups;

    initial forms of reflection will be formed;

    a basic level of ability to write four-digit numbers and be able to read them correctly will be formed

Irina Andreevna Chernobay
Technological map of the Russian language lesson of the educational complex "Harmony" "Acquaintance with prefixes and suffixes" (second grade)

Technological map of the Russian language lesson in 2nd grade OS« Harmony» , teacher Chernobay I.A.

Topic Introduction of concepts « console» And « suffix» (« Meet me: other parts of words!)


Forming an idea about prefixes and suffixes as parts of words, having their own meaning and performing important work in the word.

Foster a culture of behavior during frontal work, individual and group work.

Form a UUD:

- Personal UUD: A vision of rich possibilities Russian language, the emergence of elements of a conscious attitude towards one’s speech and control over it. Satisfaction from awareness of one’s achievements, from overcoming educational difficulties that have arisen. A positive attitude towards learning, elements of self-respect as a learner.

- Regulatory UUD: Recognize and accept the learning task. Plan your actions, perform educational actions in a materialized, speech or mental form, use speech to regulate your actions. Monitor the process and results of activities (one’s own and others’, make adjustments. Evaluate one’s achievements, recognize difficulties, look for (together with the teacher) their causes and ways to overcome them.

- Communicative UUD: Enter into educational collaboration with classmates, participate in joint activities, provide mutual assistance, exercise mutual control, and show a friendly attitude towards partners. Create oral and written statements, choose the most accurate ones language means.

- Cognitive UUD: Realize the need for new information, draw it from the textbook, from the teacher’s explanation. Understand information presented in schematic form and translate it into words. Know general methods for solving specific linguistic problems, find them in the specified sources linguistic examples to illustrate certain concepts, rules, patterns.

Watch the value linguistic units, carry out analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification of language material according to given criteria, work with models, build simple reasoning, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions, formulate them, summarize the information received.

Planned result Subject:

Know the concepts « console» , « suffix» .

Be able to: highlight prefix and suffix in a word; call signs of prefix and suffix;

Personal: Be aware of the rich possibilities Russian language, the emergence of elements of a conscious attitude towards one’s speech and control over it. Recognize your achievements and overcome learning difficulties that arise. Have a positive attitude towards learning, show respect for yourself as a learner.


lesson with the help of the teacher; plan your action in accordance with the task; make necessary adjustments to the activity after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made (Regulatory UUD).

Be able to listen and understand the speech of others; express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD).

Be able to navigate your knowledge system; analyze objects; find answers to questions in the text and illustrations; convert information from one form to another: compose answers to questions (Cognitive UUD).

Basic concepts Word, meaning of the word, words with the same root, parts of the word, root, suffix, console, ending.

Interdisciplinary connections Russian language, literary reading, world around



Additional Soloveychik M. S., Kuzmenko N. S. Textbook Russian language"To the secrets of our language» 2 Class, 2h.

Soloveychik M. S., Kuzmenko N. S. Problem book, part 3

Educational presentation

Organization of space Front work, individual work, work in pairs, work in groups

Technology carrying out Activities

students activities

teachers Tasks for students, the completion of which will lead to the achievement of planned results Planned results

Subject UUD

I. Motivation for learning activities (2 minutes)

Goals: - creating conditions for students to develop an internal need for inclusion in educational activities;

Type specification lesson;

Clarification of the thematic framework. Talk about the rules of behavior lesson, explain why these rules need to be followed.

They pronounce the motto lesson, determine the type lesson.

Organizes students to begin lesson.

Clarifies the thematic framework. - We are pleased to welcome you to our guest class! Say hello guys!

Start our lesson I would like to have a motto. Help to me: SLIDE No. 1

The nut of knowledge is hard, but still

We are not used to retreating!

Will always help the student

A simple motto: "Want to know everything!"

What is our motto? lesson? ("Want to know everything!")

Why is it useful to gain NEW KNOWLEDGE?

(Knowledge makes us smarter and the world around us is better)

I wish you to become smarter and improve the world around us. Be able to express your thoughts orally; negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication and follow them (Communicative UUD).

II.Penmanship. Updating of reference knowledge (8 min)


updating basic knowledge and skills;

Recording numbers in notebooks, designing the type of work.

With the help of a teacher repeat basic knowledge, make up a support table

Organizes the formulation of topics and goals lesson by students, checking homework


1. Read the words. What word "extra"? Why? (mower – different meaning).

2. Write it down. a line of words that are united by a common meaning, observing all the rules of calligraphy.

braid braid braids

Which word is the test word? Why? Label them.

What other spelling? (combination CHK/CHN)

3. Find variations of the same word. (braid, braids). What is the difference? What is the ending for? (to connect words in a sentence)

4. Find a couple of cognates (braid-braid / braids-pigtail / braid-mower). What do these words have in common? (meaning and root). Select it.

5. What is the meaning of the root? (it contains the meaning of the word).

* polysemy of words

RESULT: What parts of the word did you remember? What is their significance? Let's start making a table - a support.

Be able to express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD).

Be able to define and formulate goals for lesson with the help of the teacher(Regulatory UUD).

III. Creative application of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks) Formulation of the topic lesson, goal setting.

(20 minutes)

Target: organization of topic formulation lesson by students;

Organization of goal setting lesson by students;

Work on introducing concepts « suffix» , "ending"; their symbol; training in identifying and highlighting parts of words.

Complete the thought. Make a word from parts.

They answer the questions asked.

With the help of the teacher, they formulate the topic and goals lesson.

Replace the description of the object with its name, highlighting parts of words. Organizes students' work on assignments.

Introduces concepts and notations prefixes and suffixes.

These scientific words came to our language from an ancient foreign language, Latin. Translated into Russian language they mean: console(scientists also call it differently - prefix) - « placed in front» , A suffix –"framed".

Task 509 you need to complete the thought orally

The first spring flowers that begin to grow while still under the snow are called (under-snow-nick-i)


What are we talking about?

Let's put this word together from parts, like parts of a construction set, and write it down.

Let's denote the known parts of the word. Repeat about their work.

Have you named all the parts? Problem? (Yes)

On we will repeat the lesson known knowledge or gain new ones? (new)


What are the stages of acquiring knowledge? (what don't I know? Find a way yourself)

What should we learn about today?


Define the purpose of our lesson


What other parts are there in the word?

Do they have their own job?


Remember what "keys" to the discovery of knowledge we use? (work with a textbook/encyclopedia/reference book; information from the Internet; ask a teacher/parent).

What rules for working in a group do you know?

Today we will use the tutorial.

Task 510 – learn about unfamiliar parts of the word.

Using information from the textbook, fill out the assignment sheets.



Name and label the not yet specified parts of the word snowdrops.

RESULT: What parts of the word did you recognize? What is their significance? Let's finish creating a table - a support.

Be able to identify the root and ending in a word.

Be able to identify the stages of learning. activities;

Ability to identify type, topic and purpose lesson

Ability to work in a group

Know what it is console, suffix, be able to find and label them.

Know how to find parts of words, be able to determine the composition of a word and designate its parts.

Construct clear statements; answer questions, listen to others' answers. (Communicative UUD)

Perform analysis language material, model conclusions, use them for practical purposes; establish cause-and-effect relationships, summarize the information received. (Cognitive UUD)

Construct short business messages, including those based on summary tables and diagrams (Communicative UUD)

IV. Supervisory task (10 min)

Target: strengthening the ability to select antonyms for the proposed words, mark the part of the word with which they are formed. Complete the task according to the instructions independently. Organizes work class on the task.

Task 511 (TPO)– Replace with one word, indicate all parts of words known to you, do not forget about spellings:

Tiger cub

A man whose job is to fly an airplane

Boy who studies at school

A child who is not yet old enough to go to school

Little Oak

small birch

Birch sap (Which)

Sea shore (Which)

Work in class(which)

RESULT: What task did you perform? Spelling of which spellings repeated?

EVALUATE YOURSELF Know what antonyms are, be able to select antonyms for the proposed words, highlight the parts of the word with which they are formed. Distinguish between the method and the result of an action; control the process and results of activities (one's own and someone else's); evaluate the correctness of actions and make the necessary adjustments. Be able to plan your actions in accordance with the task at hand (Regulatory UUD).

V. Reflection of educational activities on lesson, homework instructions (3 min)

Goals: work on the formation of adequate self-esteem of students. Perform self-assessment of work.

Write down homework. Organizes reflection.

Gives marks for lesson.

Gives instructions for homework. -What is the theme of our lesson?

What goal did you set?

Based on the goal lesson, what is the result d.b. achieve?

Have you reached it?


What parts can words have besides the root and ending?

What work does each part of the word do?

How are the new parts of words similar? What is the difference?

At home: With. 106 information; ex. 514 Make generalizations about working on assignments lesson. The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities (Personal UUD).

Technological map of fine arts lesson No. 6 date _______________________________________ Lesson topicBeads from berries and garlands of flowers

Target Identify the originality of the figurative language of decorative and applied art (stylization, rhythm, symmetry, color harmony).

Tasks: - learn to distinguish between warm and cool colors

Create a rhythmically organized composition;

Evaluate the expressiveness of the results of your creative activity and peers;

Distinguish objects created by a jewelry artist from works of painting and graphics.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities


    Organizational moment (1 min.)

    Checking readinessstudents for the lesson.

Preparing the class for work

Goal setting (3 min.)

Guys, pay attention to the world around you. How beautiful everything is around! Flowers, green trees, blue sky, snow-white clouds. Even the colors of the cars on the streets are different. The basis of all this wealth of colors is united by three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. By combining these three colors we get the remaining colors. For example, if you mix red and yellow, you get a dark red color; if you combine blue and red, you get violet; combining yellow and blue gives you green.

A rainbow can have different stripes of colors. Of these, three are primary colors, and the remaining four colors appeared from the combination of these colors.

How do you understand the phrase “cool” colors?

How do you understand the phrase “warm” colors?

- - look at p.25. Show the color that is closest to the color of gooseberries (yellow-green), then currants (red-orange).

Lesson topic:

answer questions. Participate in discussion

Cognitive (development of the ability to comprehend text)

Regulatory (in collaboration with the teacher, set creative and educational tasks)

Introduction to the topic of the lesson (.)

Physical exercise (3 min.)

Draws attention to the reproductions on pages 26 and 27 of the textbook.

Since ancient times, flowers, fruits and berries in different countries of the world have personified the wealth of the ancestral land. Many holidays: birthdays, wedding days, spring, summer and autumn holidays are accompanied by bouquets, wreaths or garlands of flowers, herbs or berries. In India, there is a tradition of placing a garland of flowers around the neck of the guest of honor. In some African tribes, colored hoops made from multi-colored seeds and fruits are decorations and amulet. A talisman is something that protects a person from misfortune and illness. Therefore, when a person was given a decorative ornament in the form of a wreath, garlands, rings, bracelets or beads, it was assumed that this decoration would serve as a guard, a talisman.

Artists who make decorative jewelry are called goldsmiths. Instead of berries and flowers, they use precious and semi-precious stones, metals, colored glass, plastic, etc.

Showing interest in the topic

Consider the rows of beads that are located on page 28, pay attention to the fact that the rhythmic connection of beads (alternating beads) can be varied, for example, one small one, followed by a large one and again a small one. Or three small ones, then one large one, and again three small ones. Beads can be different in shape and size.

Consider the techniques for making beads from plasticine (or colored plastic), which are shown on pages 28-29.

- * I invite children to create their own beads for their mother (sister, grandmother or friend), using a cold, warm or mixed (contrasting warm and cold) range of colors. An important stage in making beads is the idea expressed in the name. I would ask the children to come up with a name for the intended image, for example, “Cold colors of the morning”, “Hot sunny flowers”, “Color circle of joy”, “Mom’s smile”, “Sunny day”, etc.

looking at samples

Discuss the work plan


    How do you imagine decoration?

    I suggest that you first draw different chains of beads using markers. Choose the best option and make beads from plasticine.

    As the work progresses, I celebrate successful undertakings and remind the children to select the color design of the beads that matches the design. So that, if necessary, they mix the colors of the plasticines. For example, in order to make the color more delicate, it needs to be mixed with white plasticine.

    If desired, and if there is free time left, students are invited to make a jewelry set consisting of beads, a bracelet, earrings and a ring.

Apply new knowledge when performing work

perform a drawing

Creating color at work

Regulatory (work according to the model

. Exhibition of student worksand their discussion.

    Look how many beautiful decorations you have made from plasticine!

    What mood do you get when you look at crafts?

    Tell us what colors you chose.

2. Generalization.

    Cleaning the workplace.

self-assessment of one's own performance

Technological map of fine arts lesson No. 7 date ____________________________

Lesson topic: Day and night.

Goals: reflect the state of nature (sadness, joy, anxiety), using the expressive capabilities of graphic materials: dot, line, stroke, spot.

Tasks:- learn to express emotional judgments about the beauty of the night landscape;

Perform a graphic composition using the expressiveness of black and white contrast;

Evaluate the expressive qualities of black and white images, come up with original names for your drawings;

Distinguish graphic works from paintings.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities



Checking readinessstudents for the lesson.

Good afternoon guys!

I hope that our meeting will be useful and interesting for everyone.

Motto will help us along the way: boldly go forward, don’t stand still, what you can’t do alone, we will do together

Preparing the class for work

Personal (increasing the level of motivation for educational and creative activities)

Goal setting

Illustrations depicting different times of day

What time of day is shown? (day and night)

Do artists see this time of day in the same way?

What will the lesson be about?

Textbook page 30 – read the topic of the lesson?

What are we going to learn?

Participate in discussion

Introduction to the topic of the lesson (.)

Physical exercise (3 min.)

Discussion of illustrations in the textbook on pages 30-33.

Why did the artist Konstantin Bogaevsky depict the glow of the moon in such an unusual way (p. 30 of the textbook)?

In what form of art: painting or graphics, were the works of K. Bogaevsky and F. Maserel performed? (graphics, pp. 30, 31 of the textbook).

Why didn't artists introduce color into their compositions?

What means of artistic expression: point, line, stroke, spot did K. Bogaevsky use in the drawing “The Shining City”, and F. Maserel – in the engravings from the “Night” series?

* Reading the poem “New Moon” by K. Balmont.

Look at the children's drawings on pages 32-33 of the textbook and determine:

*What does "new moon" mean?

* Which drawings best reflect the content of the poem?

* As a result of the discussion, it turns out that not a single drawing fully reflects the lines of this poem. Each person sees night in his own way - that mysterious time of day: someone allegorically, in the form of a portrait of a beautiful girl, someone depicts night in the city, someone sees a night landscape with the image of a lonely animal howling, looking at the moon and etc.

Showing interest in the topic

Answer questions

Reading a poem

Cognitive (give an initial introduction)

Personal (development of aesthetic feelings)

Communication (forming your own opinion)

Personal (spiritual and moral development of children through the formation of a special attitude towards nature)

IV. Demonstration of the sequence of work on a drawing

(The goal is to build a new way of acting)

Children are given white and black sheets of paper, white and black gel pens in advance. The technology of work is clear to children: to draw images on a black background, you need to work in white, and on a white background, in black (see sheet 21 of the Creative Folder).

Come up with your own story on the theme “Night - Day”. Complete the drawing using the contrast of white and black colors.

* Young draftsmen come up with an idea for a drawing (plan) and can say it out loud: I will draw Queen Night in black on a white background. I will draw Day and Night: on one side the sun and flowers, and on the arc side the moon and trees. I will draw in white the Day in the form of a prince with a crown that will shine like the sun. I will draw a chess kingdom of the White and Black King - the King of the Night and the King of the Day, etc.

Examining samples

Discuss the work plan


correctness of the task

Regulatory (development of the ability to receive and retain information, planning your actions in accordance with it)

Communicative (ask essential questions)

V. Independent work of children

) Creative practical activities of students

Perform a drawing

VIII. Reflection (lesson summary).

1. Exhibition of student worksand their discussion.

    What mood do you get when you look at the drawings?

2. Generalization.

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

- What did we learn in class today?

    Cleaning the workplace.

take part in the discussion

Communication skills (ability to express one’s thoughts)

Personal (focus on understanding the reasons for the success or failure of the work performed

Technological map of fine arts lesson No. 8 date ____________________________

Lesson topic: The natural world gives us materials for creativity

Target: expand the understanding of second-graders that any artistic material can become material for creativity, and a wise artist is, first of all, an attentive viewer who learns from nature's wisdom.


Learn to distinguish between the visual capabilities of different artistic materials and the main types of fine art: architecture, graphics, painting, sculpture, decorative and applied arts;

Express the idea through a composition on the theme “Home”.

Evaluate the expressive qualities of a craft or drawing, come up with original names for creative works.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities




Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

Preparing the class for work

Personal (increasing the level of motivation for educational and creative activities)

Goal setting

We all strive so much to be surrounded by beautiful things that very often we ourselves try to decorate what seems too faceless to us.

And then different ornaments made of multi-colored wire appear on the bicycle, and beads are sewn onto handbags, etc.

Today you will try your hand at a larger business -

design the decoration of your home, or create a fairytale home.

Participate in discussion

Cognitive Regulatory (in collaboration with the teacher, set creative and educational tasks)

Introduction to the topic of the lesson (.)

Physical exercise (3 min.)

-- – What you will do in class is called design. In modern life, you often hear this word: designer furniture line, landscape designer, clothing designer, etc.

- What is design?(Students' answers.)

The very concept of design appeared in the early 30s of the twentieth century.Design (translated from English asdesign ) – artistic design of objects. Before this, design engineers treated the appearance of machines and machines with disdain, and cared mainly only about making them work better

What artistic materials does nature store?

Since ancient times, how have people (artists, architects, etc.) used certain materials to build their homes, to decorate the exterior and interior of the house, to create dishes and clothing?

Game "What - What?" (see sheets 22, 23 of the second-grader’s Creative Folder).

As visual material, you can use reproductions of the textbook located on p. 34-37, and on other pages, and on the spreads of the textbook, starting a new section (pp. 4-5, 40-41,84-85,134-135).

Showing interest in the topic

Answer questions

Reading a poem

Cognitive (give an initial introduction)

Personal (development of aesthetic feelings)

Communication (forming your own opinion)

Personal (spiritual and moral development of children through the formation of a special attitude towards nature)

IV. Demonstration of the sequence of work on a drawing

(The goal is to build a new way of acting)

- After the game, we conclude thatany natural material can be used by humans for different types of artistic creativity: in architecture, decorative and applied arts, painting, graphics and sculpture,

creative task on page 38 of the textbook, the children begin to complete it.

Discuss the work plan


correctness of the task

Regulatory (development of the ability to receive and retain information, planning your actions in accordance with it)

Communicative (ask essential questions)

V. Independent work of children

) Creative practical activities of students

After discussing the idea, students begin practical work.

(Five to ten minutes before the end of the lesson, I give marks. Saying the child’s name, I ask him to show his work. If the student has not yet completed the image, then I give a mark for the stage of work.)

Apply new knowledge when performing work.

Perform a drawing

Regulatory (work according to the model

VIII. Reflection (lesson summary).

1. Exhibition of student worksand their discussion.

2. Generalization.

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

- What did we learn in class today?

3. Cleaning the workplace.

Self-assessment of one’s own activities

take part in the discussion

Communication skills (ability to express one’s thoughts)

Personal (focus on understanding the reasons for the success or failure of the work performed

Technological map of fine arts lesson No. 9 date ____________________________

Lesson topic: Secrets of the underwater world.

Target: learn to appreciate the unusual forms of the inhabitants of the underwater world.


Be smart when solving riddles about the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom;

Analyze the expressiveness of architectural buildings;

Carry out illustrations using means of artistic expression: color, line, rhythm, etc.;

Evaluate the expressive qualities of a craft or drawing, come up with original names for creative works

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities



Preparing the class for work

Personal (increasing the level of motivation for educational and creative activities)

Goal setting

Continuing the theme of the previous lesson, “The natural world gives us materials for creativity,” we can say that the artist, being an attentive viewer, studies the natural world around him, observes it and uses the impressions received in his work. Thanks to the capabilities of modern communication and information computer technologies, a person can get acquainted with the life of the underwater depths.

Today I invite you all to lift the blue blanket of the Earth and look into the underwater kingdom. Water is the most mysterious and beautiful natural element. A harmonious and beautiful world will open before you. And then we will try to create all the diversity and splendor of the underwater world.

Participate in discussion

Cognitive Regulatory (in collaboration with the teacher, set creative and educational tasks)

Introduction to the topic of the lesson (.)

Physical exercise (3 min.)

Multimedia presentation.

On pages 42 and 43 of the textbook there are inhabitants of rivers, seas and oceans; look at them carefully.

The perception of reproductions can be supplemented by real shells. If this is a large shell, then it can be placed to the ear of 1-3 students so that they listen to the “sound of the sea.”

Admiration of these forms gave rise to many architectural ideas among artists.

Showing interest in the topic

Answer questions

Reading a poem

Cognitive (give an initial introduction)

Personal (development of aesthetic feelings)

Communication (forming your own opinion)

Personal (spiritual and moral development of children through the formation of a special attitude towards nature)

IV. Demonstration of the sequence of work on a drawing

(The goal is to build a new way of acting)

Look at pages 44-45 of the textbook.

Which architectural structure do you like best? Why?

Today, using any art materials, you will have to reflect the beauty of the underwater world. Draw an illustration for the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Little Mermaid" or create an image of the underwater palace in which she lives.

Discuss the work plan


correctness of the task

Regulatory (development of the ability to receive and retain information, planning your actions in accordance with it)

Communicative (ask essential questions)

V. Independent work of children

) Creative practical activities of students

If the work is completed a little earlier, then the teacher can invite the children to color the Mermaid’s castle with a gold and silver gel pen or colored pencils (see sheet 26 of the Creative Folder).

(At the end of the creative work, if the drawings were made using watercolors or gouache, then they are dried; if using graphic materials, then immediately give selective ratings.

When adding grades to the journal, you can develop certain tactics. You can walk around the class and isolate the drawings completed at 4, and give the rest of the children a grade of 5 for the time remaining until the end or after lessons.

Those students who are given a 4 need to give an explanation of their work, draw their attention to what they will need to take into account next time in order to achieve a better result.)

Apply new knowledge when performing work.

Perform a drawing

Regulatory (work according to the model

VIII. Reflection (lesson summary).

1. Exhibition of student worksand their discussion.

2. Generalization.

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

- What did we learn in class today?

3. Cleaning the workplace.

Self-assessment of one’s own activities

take part in the discussion

Communication skills (ability to express one’s thoughts)

Personal (focus on understanding the reasons for the success or failure of the work performed

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