Fate cards, birth cards, general forecast. Forecast for the year by date of birth Fate cards weekly layout


Human life consists of cycles. One is replaced by another, so Some years seem more successful, while others seem completely unsuccessful. It would be nice to know in advance what to expect in the coming twelve months, right?

What exactly do you want to know: the fate of the relationship you doubt; the future of the career you want to build; possible victories or troubles? Please! Camp's maps allow you to map your life for a period or several years.

You can see exactly which year is prosperous for love and creating a strong family home, which is conducive to career and business, and promises major financial success. Find out your current year, tune in and use all its possibilities to the fullest!

The forecast for the year is compiled from the date of your birth!

That is, if you were born on July 21, then the forecast is made from July 21, 2017 to July 21, 2018. If you were born on January 12, then the forecast is made from January 12, 2018 to January 12, 2019. This is the forecast for your current year.

2017 and 2018 years of life. Select month and date.

This system is a real Grail for those who want to be successful, lucky, enterprising and competently manage their lives. Do you want to knowV what years will you have luck and financial success? success or which year will be the most favorable for starting a family?

Write! All I need isYour date of birth, your type of activity, and additionally, the date of birth of your partner, if the question concerns relationships. In the coming days you will receive absolutely about the exact answer to your question.

Use your knowledge and your luck! Live with pleasure!

P.S. Your personal guide, Papeta Elena.

This system is an original knowledge using 52 Tarot cards. Each person's birth date is assigned one of 52 cards, called "Your Birth Chart." Once you know your birth chart, you know who you are and can find out in advance what will happen to you in the areas of love, family, work, finances, health, relationships with the law, travel and your spiritual life. Fear of the unknown and fear of change can place limitations on how you live your life. These cards will provide you with the knowledge and insight that will help you make the right decisions and open doors to new opportunities. By exploring exactly what your destiny cards represent, you can push aside your fears and doubts so you can move forward with inner strength and confidence. The goal of the system is to transform your internal conflicts and your relationships with other people.

The cards reveal the scenario of your entire life from birth to death. Each of the 52 cards also represents a day of the year. Therefore, your birthday reveals the secrets of your personality to declare what your talents are, what job will bring you the most satisfaction, how you interact with other people, who your most significant relationships are with, what your biggest challenges are and how to get the most out of your life.

Discover detailed information about yourself and valuable knowledge about the science of tarot cards, which comes from very ancient and highly revered mystical knowledge that predates early Egypt. Their exact origin is unknown, but their authenticity speaks for itself. This information gives you timely and practical insight into the events and experiences you are currently going through in your life, with whom and why.

My practice has allowed me to reduce the main characteristics of a person’s personality to the 22 main Arcana of the TAROT. My calculation does not claim to be “absolutely correct,” but it allows you to quickly assess the main milestones of your birth charts and destiny charts. If you need a detailed analysis of your card, I am waiting for you at a personal consultation. I’ll give you a hint and reveal the secrets based on my own many years of experience.


The information you read below may change not only your attitude towards a deck of playing cards, but also all your life .

What do you know about maps?


A dubious instrument for fortune telling and predictions in the hands of gypsies and schoolgirls.

For many years I thought the same thing. Until the books fell into my hands Robert Lee Camp

"The Big Book of Fortune-telling" and "Cards of Your Destiny."

To be honest, because of such a “frivolous” title, I would never have paid attention to these books myself. However, providence wanted me not only to discover them, but also to “immerse” myself in them so deeply that after some time I became a professional specialist in reading cards and card layouts, having, among other things, a higher economic and management education.

I fell in love with cards, and the more I study them, the more I see mathematical perfection card system. In my opinion, this is one of the best tools for spiritual growth, self-knowledge and work on yourself.

So what is it Cards?

Have you ever wondered why in the deck 52 cards and 4 suits, and what do they remind us of?

If nothing immediately comes to mind, I’ll answer you: our year and annual calendar!

In the year, as is known, but not everyone realizes, 52 (!) weeks and 4 seasons!

And the whole year is divided into 7 planetary periods according to 52 day!

Is it getting interesting? And this is just the beginning!

Each card in the deck has its own numerical value (numerical value).

Ace - 1, deuce -2,.... jack -11, queen - 12, king - 13!

Let's add up all the numerical values ​​of all the cards in the deck! It will work out... 364!

Doesn't remind you of anything? Skeptics may now want to say that I am trying to stretch the sum of the numerical values ​​of the cards to the number of days in the year.

But I will remind the skeptics that there is one more special card in the deck, which stands as if apart from the entire deck.

This card is the Joker! And its meaning is attention! - 1 and 1/4.

Total: 365 and 1/4 !!! Thus, the sum of the numerical values ​​of all cards in the deck clearly corresponds number of days in a year !

4 suits correspond to the four seasons and four elements (Water, Air, Earth and Fire). All these things are connected, as anyone familiar with astrology or Tarot cards will confirm.

The 12 meanings of the cards in the deck correspond to 12 months and 12 zodiac signs! I hear, I hear how those who are still among the skeptics are trying to remind me that there are 13 cards in a suit! And I once again want to call on astrologers for help, who will confirm the existence of the 13th zodiac sign - Ophiuchus! And perhaps there was a 13th month that we just don’t know about yet.

If we add the digits of the number 52, we get 5+2 = 7

7 - the number of days of the week, the number of visible planets, the number of corresponding planetary periods in a year. I can talk about the magic number 7 for hours. And here even people far from esotericism will immediately name 7 notes, 7 colors of the rainbow and spectrum, 7 main chakras, 7 heavens.

And those who are at least somehow familiar with any metaphysical sciences will confirm that Seven is the first spiritual number that opens the spiritual sphere. It is not without reason that in everyday life we ​​consider Seven to be the number of luck and good fortune! Experts in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner will confirm that there is a division of life into seven-year periods, and, looking ahead, I will say that in the system described by cards, such a division takes place.

And I want to show you another deck riddle related to the number 7! If you take any suit of 13 cards and arrange these cards in order from left to right, you will see a seven in the very center!

It seems to connect two spheres - earthly (1-6) and spiritual (8-13), and seven really acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual levels. That is why Seven is also called the number of Faith. Because only through Faith we can change our external world with the help of Spiritual Energy, and in a much wiser way than when using our mind, filled with earthly knowledge.

This is what is hidden in such a seemingly ordinary playing deck of cards!

And I dare to assure you that this is only a tiny part of the mathematical patterns encrypted in the cards. Even after 5 years of studying the card system, I still make amazing discoveries in card combinations.

This system is unique, Fate Cards are a magical combination of cards, astrology and numerology, information that can be obtained from it, can become your spiritual guide, helping you better understand how and why you make your life the way it is.

And I realized one more important thing while studying and working with maps. Each card has several meanings and ways of expressing its energy, there are positive and negative aspects. AND only a person's choice, his Will, spiritual level “manifest” and activates various sides and vibrations of the cards in annual and life schedules, as symbols of energy and events occurring in our lives.

So everything is in our hands!

And for this - Cards in hand!

Fate Cards (Love Cards and Fate Matrix) are waiting for you to reveal the secret of your life!

The day on which we are born is determined by one of 53 card symbols. This symbol contains certain properties, just as each element of the periodic table has certain characteristics.

Some elements combine easily, others with difficulty. Some are widely used, while others are found and used very rarely. All this is true of our birth charts, which are somewhat reminiscent of the elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table.

The card associated with our birthday serves as a symbol of a combination of personality and karmic traits. She is not your authentic self. But it helps you see what personality traits you have chosen to express and work through in this life, and also help you understand the patterns that repeat in your life over and over again.

Essentially, all models are copied ways of reacting to certain situations. Typically, the pattern of any birth chart manifests itself in each person as specific personal problems. But these are problems, not predestined curses. With conscious understanding and love, any negative pattern of any card can be transformed into a high expression.

You can step out of the script of your card, rise above it, because you are so much more than it. In fact, we contain the properties and qualities of all 52 cards, and throughout our lives, we somehow make attempts to work with all levels of our evolutionary development, which was originally described by a deck of cards as an encrypted book of all human psychotypes.

Our birth chart serves as a symbol of the main work we have to do in this life. The pattern of our life is formed before we are born, and we choose it ourselves, and this cannot be changed or corrected. The Soul's choice must be made.

Therefore, parents who, for some selfish reasons, decide to interfere in the choice of the baby’s date of birth (for example, using stimulation methods or performing a caesarean section), in addition to purely physiological problems that a competent midwife or osteopath can tell them about, “hang” on the child additional burden in the form of working out several more karmic tasks.

In such children, the Numerological core, which describes the purpose of life and the possibilities for its implementation, our spiritual motivations and methods of life realization, also consists of numbers that are contradictory in their characteristics. Which often has a serious impact on the child’s fate.

To be able to rise above the pattern of our birth chart, we must first understand and accept it, remembering that it is conscious choice of our soul .

The meaning of our incarnation comes down to accepting ourselves with all the positive and negative features of the chart model of the day on which we decided to be born. And only after this can you push those very “Own Boundaries”, become a Free Artist and begin to create your own Canvas of Life!

Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

Fate cards (Love cards)

Natal chart or birth chart often also called a sun chart, much like our astrological sun (zodiacal) sign. All people born under the rule of a particular chart will have a number of similar character traits, although these traits may be expressed differently.

The birth card is the most powerful and important symbol of who we will be in this life. The birth chart is the essence of our soul. This is the card with which we identify most. Each card has a high and low expression. Even though we want to express the highest qualities of our birth chart, we always have the lowest qualities within us. But it depends on our choice which side of our map to present to the world.

If we follow the theory that we ourselves choose the day and place of our birth, the natal chart can be considered as a kind of “case” with appropriate restrictions into which we place ourselves for the rest of our lives.

These “limitations,” whether we like it or not, influence our entire reality until we consciously are able to get out of these frameworks, which, undoubtedly, is our task or the lesson of our life. Having understood and realized these limiting limitations, as well as the inclinations and abilities inherent in us, it becomes easier for us to work on ourselves and reveal our deep (divine) potential.

You can easily determine your natal or birth chart yourself using the table below:


Planetary map is the second most important symbol of our life, with which our behavior is consistent. Some people act more according to their chart than their natal chart. It is determined taking into account the astrological sign.

This is another symbol of what we identify with, but most likely externally. Similar to the rising sign or ascendant in astrological terms.

She shows how we present ourselves to the world , or how the world sees us.

Determining a planetary map is a little more difficult. Since this requires knowledge of the planets that control the signs of the Zodiac, and knowledge of the location of your birth chart in the so-called Solar layout or Life Layout, where each card has its own coordinate points with the corresponding influence of the planets.

Now I can bring to your attention tables with natal and planetary charts for all dates of the year.

In addition, in them you can see your 7 periods of the year, each of which is ruled by one of the 7 planets...


The next most important significators of our personality are our karma arts.

Karma cards also represent different aspects of our personality, but these hidden aspects.

Nevertheless, they exist and have a significant impact on our behavior.

And here, I want to make a small digression and tell you about the magic circle of cards.

A deck of 52 cards is divided into two special groups.

The first group, consisting of 45 cards, forms the magic circle that you see in the picture.

This circle is a cycle of never-ending energy, constantly regenerating itself.

All the cards in it are not placed randomly and in such a way that energy moves from one card to another counterclock-wise .

If you imagine this circle as a group of people holding hands and looking at the center of the circle, the person to your left - This your second "karma card" from which you receive, A on rightthe first "karma card", which you give.

We always we receive with the left female hand , and give it to the right, or male.

One step forward in any direction will show your so-called "cousins ​​of karma". Relationships with which are also quite close, but do not have the degree of intensity that is characteristic of relationships between karma cards.

Thus, energy leaves you in one direction and invariably returns through a certain circle of people, even if you are not aware that the original impulse was sent by you.

That is why in life we ​​do not always see a cause-and-effect relationship. It seems to us that our action should receive a backlash from the person to whom it was somehow directed. But in most cases, we receive “return” completely through other people and after a certain time, until our energy impulse passes through a kind of karmic circle, and will not return to us through the second karma card.

One of the qualities of karma cards is that these relationships are always similar to soulmate relationships . The degree of closeness of such people is very high.

Typically, acquaintances with such people occur under some special circumstances and develop into close relationships quite quickly.

The influence of both karma cards comes from our past lives.

First Karma Card represents to a greater extent negative karmic influence, A second karma card – more positive.

How does this manifest itself?

First Karma Card shows us some weak aspect of our character.

A person whose natal or planetary charts are our first karma map will reflect to us the part of ourselves that we do not love, do not accept, and hide from ourselves and from others. It will act like mirror, therefore can often cause irritation or even indignation. That is why our energy, attention, and efforts will flow towards the first card of karma.

Second karma card represents the area of ​​our life where we have gift or special ability , but we also do not show them to the world.

We like such people, we feel attracted to them. However, we ourselves pose a kind of challenge to them, being for them the first card of karma, reminding them of their own shortcomings.

Therefore, all “karmic relationships,” despite the strong attraction, can be very crafty and intense.

The following table contains all karma cards shown below the main central map.

Test yourself! Have you identified correctly? your karma cards, using karmic circle ?

To be continued…


Don’t let the word “alignment” confuse or confuse you.

In fact, annual schedule according to the system Destiny Cards very far from those card layouts that gypsies or fortune tellers make for girls eager to find out when their prince will ride on a white horse.

Annual layout according to Fate cards determined on the basis of mathematical quadratures and the astrological influence of the planets, as well as the Moon and the Sun.

It combines calendar, numerological, symbolic and astrological influences.

The layout for the year contains cards that will tell you what, when and to whom will happen in the near future.

Layouts for the year are determined for the birth chart (natal chart), planetary chart and your personality chart.

Each of these layouts contains certain information about your life this year. The overall picture consists of these three layouts.

Any map in a yearly scenario (or any other period) symbolizes the event that will happen to you, qualities of personality or consciousness that you acquire or work on during this period, as well as person, which will play an important role in your life in accordance with the scenario and the position of the card in the layout.

There is a plan for the year five cards that determine your life for the whole year.

These are the prospect map, the consequence map (result map), the Pluto map, the environment map and the permutation map (displacement map).

Prospect Map – the main card, which determines the general direction of the year, symbolizes a spiritual state or experience that you gain throughout the year.

Pluto Chart and Consequences Chart are always considered together.

These cards mean problem or lesson The challenges you will have to face, as well as the area of ​​expected changes in life, determine your goals for the coming year, what you are striving for.

In addition to the challenges that arise before you, consequence map (result map) able to outline for you, how will you end the current year?. Anyway her influence is always favorable and extends until the end of the year.

Environment map depicts an area in which you can easily achieve success.

The environment map, like the consequences map, always promises change for the better.

It symbolizes that part of your life in which everything will go well, where you will get maximum results with a minimum of effort.

This may be the person who will source of positive emotions and experiences.

Permutation map describes the area in which you must part with something.

This is kind of the opposite of an environment map.

Firstly, it symbolizes the area of ​​life that will require your active participation.

Secondly, the permutation map can indicate the area of ​​activity in which you are not very sure, you feel unprofessional.

The influence of the permutation map can be very fruitful if you recognize where you need to give your all and just do it. The result will not be long in coming.

Often the permutation card promises changes in life, fulfillment of cherished desires . Don't think she's causing trouble. It may indicate a turning point that will completely change your life.

In addition, the annual layout talks about 7 annual planetary periods, the boundaries of which you can see in the tables above.

What determines our successes and failures? What problems will have to be solved in the near and distant future? These are the questions we ask ourselves at the beginning of each year, worrying about our own plans and contemplating desires. People try to get answers to them in different ways. One of the most reliable and objective ones is provided by the Tarot system. With its help, you can, knowing your age that you will reach in a certain year, figure out what it is advisable to pay increased attention to during this period of time, what your likely achievements will be, and also how to find out timely warnings about possible difficulties.

So, how to get a Tarot forecast for the year by date of birth? For this, only two numbers are needed - the number of the year for which the forecast is being made, and the number of years that the person will “turn” during this period of time. These numbers are summed up. The result obtained is added up by numbers. The result should be a number in the range from 1 to 22. If it is more, find the sum of the numbers again. This range (1-22) is due to the fact that the Tarot forecast for the year is made with the help of the Major Arcana. The resulting final number means the number of the Major Arcana, which will govern a person’s life throughout the year.

Here is an example of calculation. The person was born in 1978. We make a forecast for 2016. Accordingly, in 2016 he turns 38 years old. We count: 2016+38=2054, 2+0+5+4=11. Number 11 has the Arcana Strength.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Therefore, determine the person’s Arcana, read the forecast and draw conclusions...

Description of the Tarot arcana in the forecast for 2020 by date of birth:

In the new numerological forecast for 2019, you can find out what stage of life you are at now, what its features are, what will go well in the coming 2019, and what you need to be prepared for. After all, according to numerology, every year of a person’s life is part of an evolutionary stage. The 9-year numerological cycle has its own rhythm of development and can be represented in the form of 9 feet:

1st year of the cycle - new beginnings and plans;
2nd year of the cycle - establishing relationships, cooperation;
3rd year of the cycle - creativity, creation;
4th year of the cycle - hard work, realization of opportunities;
5th year of the cycle - changes, new opportunities;
6th year of the cycle - responsibility, ordering of affairs;
7th year of the cycle - awareness of life, one’s position in it;
8th year of the cycle - gaining confidence in what has been achieved;
9th year of the cycle - completion of affairs and preparation for the new cycle.

1. In the first cell you must indicate the year for which calculations will be made. (For example, 2019)

2. In the second cell you must indicate the month of your birth.

3. In the third cell you must indicate your birthday.

Horoscope for 2019 – year of number 3

2019 is already upon us. For those who would like to prepare for it as best as possible, we recommend that you find out what numerology has to say on this topic - an ancient science that uses numbers to analyze events that may happen in the life of a person. Numerology claims that each number has its own vibration, carries its own emotional charge, which, in principle, has nothing to do with the numerical value assigned to it.

Numbers help us understand how we can use the universal energy of the universe, set the necessary goals and know what actions should be taken to achieve them. Using numerology, you can determine the time most favorable for a particular action. Of course. Numerology is not an exact science, but an occult science, but it is the most accessible, allowing you to easily understand the principle by which cosmic energy is distributed in each specific issue.

To get an accurate prediction, first of all, you should determine the number that controls your own life - your control number. It will help you predict your future.

Let's use numerology to analyze what can await you in 2019 in the main areas of your life, such as professional activities, finances, love and health. But first we need to give a general description of 2019.

What does the number 3 mean in numerology?

To find out the numerological meaning of the number 2019, you need to add all its numbers in a row: 2+0+1+9=12. We also add the digits of this number to get one digit: 1+2=3. The number 3 will be of decisive importance for the coming year.

Three is the number of the Holy Trinity, this lucky number is a symbol of communication, love of life, generosity. Three is a very dynamic number that does not promise us stagnation and promises change. Number 3 means that this year each of us will be filled with energy and receive the strength necessary to overcome obstacles and fight negative circumstances. Number 3 encourages you to face the problems you have without fear.

Everything seems to be fine. However, the number 3 also has its negative aspects, such as useless fuss and instability. Of course, depending on your own ruling number, the number 3 will have a different impact on the fate of each individual person. But we’ll talk about this a little later, but for now we’ll continue to look at the main characteristics of the coming 2019.

Number 3 predicts that 2019 will be a very dynamic and expansive year. This year you should not be afraid to take risks and go on adventures, especially if it gives you pleasure. However, those people who generally have difficulty making decisions, who are accustomed to weighing and thinking for a long time, may experience certain difficulties. If you consider yourself one of these, for example, you were born under the sign of Libra, you will need to relax, try to be as calm as possible, avoid stressful situations that require immediate action and trust your own intuition more.

The number 3 favors trade, travel and movement. It will give you special eloquence, the potential to persuade and attract others to your side.

In the coming year, it is likely that some scandalous secrets will be exposed, which may cause anxiety and turmoil in society. Number 3 promotes the spread of rumors and gossip, and the media can play a big role in this.

Numerology 2019

So, as we have already said, 2019 is the year of number 3. Many people are likely to have to face critical situations or certain challenges in their lives this year. Therefore, it will be very important to learn to recognize the pitfalls that may come your way. Yes, this year it will be much easier for you to overcome various problems. However, you need to be careful not to fall into some hidden trap - be prudent and try to detect them in time.

At the same time, unlike 2018 – the year of the number 2 – now you should not be overly cautious or hesitate for a long time. Otherwise you will not be able to succeed. In 2018, you sought partnership and conservation of emotional energy, you were distrustful of many things, and you had to retreat every now and then. In 2018, it was recommended to treat everything with distrust and take care of your protection in a timely manner.

But the energy of 2019 is completely opposite. The time is coming to expand, build and promote new plans. This year you are encouraged to be more sociable, you will have many opportunities to make new acquaintances, and a wide variety of meetings await you. Therefore, for some, the coming year 2019 may seem too fussy. However, this is only at first glance.

Try not to miss opportunities to travel and communicate with new people. If you're still single, end it, come out of the shell you've been in throughout 2018. Now she will only bother you. Leave the house more often, go to museums, cinemas, restaurants, go on a trip to another country. You will have many meetings, but try not to lose your head and not fall into euphoria from your own conquests.

2019 will bring you many different surprises and changes. According to the eastern horoscope, the mistress of the coming year is the yellow earthen pig. People born under this sign tend to get along easily with others and are respected by everyone, but they are modest and self-disciplined. Lucky numbers for this sign are 2, 5,8,18, 28. Unlucky numbers are 1, 7,11, 17, 21,27.

2019 is the year of inspiration and motivation

The coming year will provide you with many opportunities for new experiences that will not only give you pleasure, but also lead to personal growth. However, first of all, you yourself will have to believe in your own strength. This will allow you to cope with your fears, even if some situation turns out to be quite uncertain or you need to take risks.

This year, do something that truly inspires and motivates you. Listen to your own feelings. If something makes you tremble internally with anticipation, if the strings of your soul begin to vibrate with joy and pleasure - follow in that direction. You can't go wrong.

Time to discover a new path

Don't be afraid to start new projects or take on new, untested challenges. In 2019, you will be able to significantly expand your horizons and get new sensations. It is possible that someone will discover some new spiritual teaching this year. This may be due to finding a new religion, a guru, or you will join some kind of community. However, you can start studying a new philosophy on your own, for example, learn and try out some new meditations or rituals.

The most important thing is that this allows you to move forward and leads to your self-development. If you already tried to do something new for yourself in 2018, but you didn’t succeed, don’t be surprised. 2018 had a different, closed energy, which hindered expansion. Give it another try in 2019 and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Sagittarians should be a little more reserved this year. This is an extremely fast and impulsive sign, accustomed to acting depending on their emotions. However, if in 2019 they encounter a manifestation of some kind of authoritarianism, for example, from management, their own parents or government agencies, this will be perceived especially negatively by you and can lead to an explosion and clashes, which, in turn, can have unpleasant consequences. consequences for you. Be careful.

Please note that in 2019 it will be more difficult for you to fulfill your obligations. You will be determined to do something new, move forward, try some new methods in work or in relationships. Try to show wisdom and understanding, do not neglect the interests of other people.

If in 2018 it was difficult for you to advance to some new positions because you experienced too many restrictions, now everything will change for the better for you. You may feel as if wings have suddenly grown behind your back, allowing you to soar freely.

If your existing obligations begin to weigh you down and pull you down, try to find a more creative approach to them. Get creative, use your imagination. This will make even the most boring work more enjoyable and joyful.

A period of particularly intense emotions

Strengthening emotions is another characteristic of the number 3. This will especially apply to Scorpios. They are already extremely emotional, and in 2019 they will constantly face situations in which emotions will be in full swing. From the outside it may seem that representatives of this sign themselves are constantly looking for situations in which they can show themselves in all their glory. It is possible that this will indeed be the case - boredom for Scorpios will be unbearable. And what they cannot get in life, they will try to get by watching emotionally stimulating films, reading books or participating in a computer game. In general, 2019 will definitely not be boring for you.

Emotions are not always bad. Often they are the driving force that allows us to achieve success and make our cherished dreams come true. Emotions add flavor to our lives, like seasonings in food, but if there are too many of them, the food will be too salty or over-peppered. Emotions should give us a certain push, but then we need to move on independently. Therefore, you should learn to manage them so as not to become a hostage to the situation.

Love, joy, communication with loved ones, even sadness - you need to learn to make the most of all this, enjoy your feelings, but not let them control you. Even negative emotions can be helpful, but if you feel like you're having too much of them, remember to manage wisely.

It is possible that someone will argue that emotions make our lives more vibrant. And we will not argue with this. However, try to maintain a reasonable proportion. Do not turn a sad situation into a tragic one for yourself, and do not fall into euphoria with joy.

Excess energy can cause life instability

The number 3 in 2019 will fill us with energy. However, its overabundance can lead to the fact that, not finding application for it in real life, you will think too much about imaginary possibilities. There is a great danger that you will completely move into this imaginary world, and this will lead to instability and unreliability in reality.

It is very important to try to maintain the right balance. This can be helped by turning to some spiritual practices. In general, in 2019 you will need to pay special attention to developing your spirituality. Strive for self-knowledge, learn to relax, try to clear your mind. To maintain mental and physical health, take up meditation, yoga, and some other alternative practices. This will help you maintain peace of mind and find harmony in your life in 2019.

Learn to communicate correctly, remember that words can have dangerous power

As we said above, number 3 develops the ability and desire to communicate. So it's no surprise that your communication skills will be at their best in 2019. The problem may be that it's too much. It is very important that you keep your urge to communicate under control.

Number 3 will make you more talkative. If you wish, you can convince anyone of the correctness of your point of view. You will always be able to find the necessary arguments. Communication can help you form new friendships or, if you are single, you can find a life partner.

However, a troika can also make you overly talkative. Someone will chatter incessantly, without thinking at all about what he is actually saying, without choosing the words. This can be especially dangerous against the backdrop of intense emotions, which we have already discussed above. It is not surprising that you may find yourself in a situation where you simply offend people, without meaning to. Remember that even if you are absolutely sure that you are right, the same truth can be expressed in different words. Emotions and thoughtless words can lead to numerous and protracted conflicts. Cancers should be especially careful, otherwise they may fall into complete despair.

Another danger this year is the abundance of gossip and rumors. During this period they will spread especially quickly. People generally like to discuss other people's lives, supplementing it with their own details, which do not always correspond to reality or, at least, turn out to be too exaggerated. Geminis should be careful. They can get carried away, even when acting purely from good intentions. Try this year not to believe everything you hear. And pay more attention to what you write or say.

Overcommunication often leads to someone misinterpreting your words. You will mean one thing, but others will understand something else from your words. Try to clarify any conflict or controversial situation as much as possible; it is possible that you and your opponent will talk about completely different things without knowing it. If you have the slightest doubt, be sure to ask your interlocutor if he understands what exactly you want to say. This will be very important both in your professional field and in your personal life. This way you can avoid many annoying misunderstandings and quarrels out of nowhere.

Social environment in 2019

This year you will probably be able to fully appreciate the importance of friendships. In any case, the number 3 will greatly contribute to this. In 2019, you will actively meet not only your friends, but also new people, this will allow you to establish new connections that will benefit your career advancement and professional growth.

If you have any new ideas or projects, you will be able to bring them to life through personal communication and established contacts. You will be able to inspire people with your ideas and attract a sufficient number of like-minded people to your side. It is possible to open a new joint business in which your old or new friends will take part.

At the same time, if you feel that your current colleagues or friends are limiting you in some way or hindering your development, you can distance yourself from them and create a new social circle. This can be especially important if you are initially subject to some kind of bad influence, as they say - you got involved with bad company.

2019 – Don’t be afraid to follow what makes you happy

This year you will often follow your desires and do things that give you joy and pleasure. Sagittarians will be especially different in this. And this is absolutely correct. Stop being bored and limiting yourself, allow yourself to just live and enjoy life. The only remark is that in the pursuit of pleasure, try not to neglect your main responsibilities. Think about what you really want, determine your needs and move in the indicated direction. If work or any obligations seem too boring to you, use the possibilities of the number 3 and find a creative approach to them. Once you turn boring chores into creativity, they will also begin to give you a lot of pleasure.

Let's sum it up

It doesn't take much effort to understand numerology. This is an extremely simple science, with the help of which you can make some simple forecasts yourself. Having received information about the energy that numbers have, try to use it properly and with maximum benefit for yourself.

In 2019, numerology will tell you how to avoid possible obstacles, help you choose the right direction in life, help you realize your goals and improve your financial condition. This year will be creative and dynamic, it will present you with many pleasant surprises. However, he can seem quite fussy. This is not always a bad thing, sometimes hustle and bustle helps us expand our horizons and see new opportunities in life that we had not seen before. But at the same time, vanity leads to instability, which can cause well-founded fears in some.

To get the most out of this year, try not to spread yourself thin, don’t take on several things at once, don’t get scattered. Set priorities, determine what is really important to you and focus your efforts in the chosen direction.

Since number 3, which rules this year, often leads to misunderstandings between people, try to ensure that your words and actions are as clear as possible and do not allow for double interpretation. There should be no veil, hints or halftones here. This will be important in your professional field and, of course, when communicating with the opposite sex.

Carefully control your emotions, strive not for conflict, but for dialogue. Enjoy life, do not deny yourself pleasures. If you want to go on a trip, do it. And take your friends or loved ones with you.

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