Speech disorders in preschool children. Formation of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech Lexico-grammatical structure

Game as a means of developing the lexical and grammatical structure of children with severe speech impairments

At speech development of preschoolers and correction of its underdevelopment, the formation of lexical and grammatical skills comes to one of the leading places - this is one of the main tasks of remedial education and upbringing of children with severe speech impairments.

One of the pronounced features of speech children with severe speech impairments(TNR) is the discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary: children understand the meaning of many words, the volume of their passive vocabulary is sufficient, but their use in speech is very difficult.

The poverty of the active vocabulary is manifested in the inaccurate pronunciation of many words - the names of wild animals, birds, professions, parts of the body and face. The dictionary is dominated by verbs denoting daily everyday actions. It is difficult to assimilate words with a general meaning, denoting the assessment, condition, quality and attribute of an object.

Formation of grammatical structure of speech occurs with greater difficulties than mastering a dictionary. Violation of the syntactic structure of a sentence is expressed in the omission of sentence members, incorrect word order, and the absence of complex constructions.

The formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is a long and labor-intensive process.

    optimally combine lexical material with grammatical material in the classroom;

    introduce children to a new grammatical category and purposefully practice it on each lexical topic, using a large number of exercises;

    constantly maintain interest in the lesson and lexical and grammatical material, which allows you to achieve a significant learning effect;

    approach things creatively, using different gaming techniques and equipment;

    include educators and parents in the work on developing the lexical and grammatical structure.

Work in the following areas:

1. Vocabulary development:

    activation and enrichment of vocabulary on the topic;

    description of objects, structural features;

    naming actions with objects given on the topic;

    naming characteristics based on several parameters: shape, color, size or appearance, color, habits.

2. Formation of grammatical concepts:

    exercises on inflection (number, gender, case);

    exercises on word formation (diminutive suffix, verb prefixes, formation of relative and possessive adjectives);

    use of prepositions;

    drawing up sentences of different structures with gradual complication.

I teach through exercises and didactic games with visual material. Visual materials include natural objects, toys, pictures, and I also use a variety of task cards, punch cards, and educational games.

The development of vocabulary is closely related to the development of the grammatical structure of speech, especially word formation and inflection. In this regard, many games and tasks for developing vocabulary can also be used to develop the grammatical structure of speech.

Didactic games and tasks can be used at work.

Vocabulary development

Games and tasks:

"Pick a picture"(classification of items: vegetables - fruits; clothes - shoes).

“Find the extra object.”

"Compare objects"(explain how objects differ: a cup and a glass; a tomato and a pumpkin; an airplane and a bird, etc.).

“Call it in one word”(after reproducing the generalizing word, it is proposed to name other objects that belong to the same thematic group).

“Name the parts”:

Shirt: sleeves, collar, cuffs, fastener, pocket;

House: foundation, wall, roof, window, door: porch.

“Match the corresponding pictures to the following words”:

Tall, thin, spotted... (giraffe);

Shaggy, club-footed... (bear);

Small, fast, agile... (squirrel);

"Opposites"(development of antonymy).

Formation of polysemy of words (words that sound the same, but have different meanings, for example, the words “nose”, “needle”, etc.).

“Pick up as many names of objects as possible”(nouns) goes to the name of the actions (verb) (who?) - girl, bear...; (what?) - time, rain... etc.

“Who eats what?”(from pictures):

The cat laps the milk;

The dog chews on a bone;

"Sun"(choose as many words as possible that answer the question “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”).

Children lay out rays: the sun (what kind?) - bright, shiny, cheerful, yellow, spring;

Compiling descriptive riddles according to a specific plan (for example, about clothes: striped, long, warm, woolen, worn in autumn, winter. What is it? (Scarf.)

Development of grammatical structure of speech

1. Development of word formation.

In order to develop word formation, I use the following working methods (games and tasks) with children:

"Call me kindly"(formation of diminutive nouns).

“What for what?”(formation of nouns using the suffix -nits- work with cards).

“Who has whom?”, “Whose baby?”(formation of names of cubs in singular and plural).

"Dad, Mom, Me"(children clarify the names of domestic animals and their cubs: they call dad, mom and cub).

“Whose tail?”, “Whose trace?”(formation of possessive adjectives).

“What juice?”, “What soup?”, “What compote?”; game "Porridge"(formation of relative adjectives).

Comic game “We drove, we drove...”(differentiation of verbs with prefixes).

Work on related words (helps to clarify the meanings of words, highlight morphemes in a word and correlate them with the meaning, morphological analysis of the word, for example: select “relatives” words for the word “snow”.

Formation of complex words (make one word out of two: he flies - ... (airplane), he rolls - ... (scooter).

Formation of grammatical meanings (game “He, she, it, they” (differentiation of gender).

2. Tasks and game exercises to reinforce the inflection of nouns, verbs and adjectives

Goal: to develop in preschoolers inflection, differentiation of the nominative singular and plural; consolidation of the forms of accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental cases - first without prepositions, then constructions with prepositions, prepositional case.

Games and exercises:

"One is many"(differentiation of singular and plural nouns);

“Which of which?”(fixing the genitive case form of nouns);

“Who will we give what to?”(fixing the form of the dative case of nouns);

"Who lives where?"(fixing the form of the prepositional case of nouns);

"Two and Five"(consolidating the form of genitive singular and plural nouns);

consolidation and differentiation of prepositions: IN, ON, UNDER, FOR;

"Playing with verbs"(consolidating the agreement of nouns and verbs in number);

“My, my, mine, mine”, “Greedy”(agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns);

"What colour?"(consolidating the agreement of adjectives with nouns);

"Sweet tooth Carlson"(agreement of nouns with adjectives in gender, number).

Thus, the proposed games and tasks can be used in working with children with severe speech impairments. The acquired knowledge and skills are reinforced during speech therapy hours and at home.

The inclusion of a variety of games and tasks for the development of lexical and grammatical structure in the classes of speech therapists and teachers plays a positive role in the remedial education of children with severe speech impairments.


Speech disorders in children are diverse in their manifestations. Some shortcomings concern only pronunciation, others affect the processes of phoneme formation and are expressed not only in pronunciation defects, but also in difficulties in sound analysis.

There are disorders that cover both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical systems, which is expressed in general speech underdevelopment.

Children with general speech underdevelopment are the main contingent of speech therapy groups in preschool educational institutions; they constitute a complex, heterogeneous group in terms of the severity of the defect and the nature of its occurrence.

Violations of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech are the leading defect in the structure of OHP, since children have late speech formation, a poor vocabulary, agrammatism, defects in pronunciation and phoneme formation, incorrect use of verbs, case endings, prepositions, conjunctions, as well as incorrect agreement in speech. gender and number, which affects children’s communication with others. With general underdevelopment of speech, complex and persistent writing disorders are observed, associated with disorders of all components of speech and their interaction.

Speech development is considered in psychology and pedagogy as the general basis of training and education. One of the main tasks of speech development is the formation of its lexical and grammatical structure of speech. Already at preschool age, a child must master a vocabulary sufficient to understand the speech of adults and peers.

Thus, a violation of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech leads to the fact that the child does not correctly master his own speech and incorrectly formulates his own speech statements. Incorrect assimilation of the laws of language leads to violations of the morphological structure of the word and the syntactic structure of the sentence.

1.1 Formation of the lexical-grammatical system in children is normal

Under the lexico-grammatical side of speech understand vocabulary and its grammatically correct use.

Words- the main lexical unit expressing a concept. In each word, you can highlight its meaning or the meaning contained in it, its sound composition (sound design), and morphological structure.

Dictionary - these are words (basic units of speech) denoting objects, phenomena, actions and signs of the surrounding reality.

There are active and passive dictionaries.

Active Dictionary- these are words that the speaker not only understands, but also uses. An active vocabulary largely determines the richness and culture of speech.

The child's active vocabulary includes common vocabulary, but in some cases - a number of specific words, the everyday use of which is explained by the conditions of his life.

Passive dictionary- these are words that a speaker of a given language understands, but does not use himself. The passive vocabulary is much larger than the active one; this includes words whose meaning a person guesses from the context, which emerge in consciousness only when they are heard.

Grammatical structure- a system of interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences.

There are morphological and syntactic levels of the grammatical system.

The morphological level presupposes the ability to master the techniques of inflection and word formation; syntactic - the ability to compose sentences, combine words in a sentence grammatically correctly.

By the age of 1 year, the child develops amorphous, babbling words consisting of stressed syllables. The so-called “root words” do not combine according to the rules of grammar and mean, in a given situation, both actions and objects.

By the 2nd year of life, a child’s vocabulary contains about 300 words, where each word is associated with a specific object or action. At this stage, the passive vocabulary is larger than the active one: the child understands spoken speech well and follows the adult’s instructions.

The grammatical structure of a sentence is acquired by the child in stages. The following forms of the word appear first: Nominative case singular and plural, Accusative case of nouns; imperative mood. Third person singular present tense form of verbs. The sentence includes up to 3-4 words.

By the age of 3, a child’s vocabulary contains more than 1,000 words. Words are formed - generalizations denoting generic concepts. The meanings of words are clarified. The volume of the vocabulary increases due to the enrichment of the child’s life experience and generalization with surrounding adults. Children learn the general rules of form formation; simple prepositions appear in their speech: in, on, at, with. A sentence consists of 5-6 words, relationships in it are expressed using prepositions and inflections. The agreement of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases is fixed.

By the age of 4, the vocabulary increases to 1600-1900 words. Of these, according to A.N. Gvozdev, 50.2% are nouns, 27.4% are verbs, 11.8% are adjectives, 5.8% are adverbs.

At this stage, verbal control is formed. Complex prepositions appear: because of, from under. The agreement of the adjective with the noun is fixed. The sentence becomes more common, compound and complex sentences with the conjunction so, because, which appear.

By the age of 5, children master a set of words denoting basic geometric shapes, know the measurements of certain quantities, and define spatial relationships differentially and accurately. The dictionary consists of 2200 words.

With normal speech development, children by the age of 5 master all types of declension of nouns. Some difficulties relate to the use of nouns in the genitive and prepositional plural cases. By this time, children have mastered the basic forms of word agreement.

After 5 years, children identify parts of objects, compare them according to general and particular characteristics, assimilate the properties of objects, and begin to use words denoting abstract concepts.

Thus, by the end of the preschool period, by the time they enter school, children have a fairly diverse vocabulary and a sufficient command of the grammatical structure of their native language.

When developing the speech of preschoolers and correcting its underdevelopment, the formation of lexical and grammatical skills comes to one of the leading places - this is one of the main tasks of remedial education and upbringing of children with severe speech impairments.

One of the most pronounced is the discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary: children understand the meaning of many words, the volume of their passive vocabulary is sufficient, but their use in speech is very difficult.

The poverty of the active vocabulary is manifested in the inaccurate pronunciation of many words - the names of wild animals, birds, professions, parts of the body and face. The dictionary is dominated by verbs denoting daily everyday actions. It is difficult to assimilate words with a general meaning, denoting the assessment, condition, quality and attribute of an object.

Formation of grammatical structure of speech occurs with greater difficulties than mastering a dictionary.

Violation of the syntactic structure of a sentence is expressed in the omission of sentence members, incorrect word order, and the absence of complex constructions.

The formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is a long and labor-intensive process. But if you skillfully interest children and think through the structure of the lesson, you can achieve significant results. To this end, I decided to conduct in-depth work with children.

Set the following tasks:

  • optimally combine lexical material with grammatical material in the classroom;
  • introduce children to a new grammatical category and purposefully practice it on each lexical topic, using a large number of exercises;
  • constantly maintain interest in the lesson and lexical and grammatical material, which allows you to achieve a significant learning effect;
  • approach things creatively, using different gaming techniques and equipment;
  • include educators and parents in the work on developing the lexical and grammatical structure.

At the beginning of the school year, I conduct monitoring to identify the levels of development of vocabulary and grammatical structure in children with severe speech impairments. He showed that they have a low level of development of both vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. Since the group contains children of different ages and with different diagnoses, I select correctional tasks of different levels of difficulty.

I work in the following areas:

1. Vocabulary development:

  • activation and enrichment of vocabulary on the topic;
  • description of objects, structural features;
  • naming actions with objects given on the topic;
  • naming characteristics based on several parameters: shape, color, size or appearance, color, habits.

2. Formation of grammatical concepts:

  • exercises on inflection (number, gender, case);
  • exercises on word formation (diminutive suffix, verb prefixes, formation of relative and possessive adjectives);
  • use of prepositions;
  • drawing up sentences of different structures with gradual complication.

I teach through exercises and didactic games with visual material. Visual materials include natural objects, toys, pictures, and I also use a variety of task cards, punch cards, and educational games.

Especially word formation and inflection.

In this regard, many games and tasks for developing vocabulary can also be used to develop the grammatical structure of speech.

I will focus on what didactic games and tasks you can use in your work.

Vocabulary development (and Games and tasks):

"Pick a picture"(classification of items: vegetables - fruits; clothes - shoes).

“Find the extra object.”

"Compare objects"(explain how objects differ: a cup and a glass; a tomato and a pumpkin; an airplane and a bird, etc.).

“Call it in one word”(after reproducing the generalizing word, it is proposed to name other objects that belong to the same thematic group).

“Name the parts”:

Shirt: sleeves, collar, cuffs, fastener, pocket;

House: foundation, wall, roof, window, door: porch.

« Match the corresponding pictures to the following words:

Tall, thin, spotted... (giraffe);

Shaggy, clubfoot... (bear);

Small, fast, agile... (squirrel);

« Opposites"(development of antonymy).

Formation of polysemy of words (words that sound the same, but have different meanings, for example, the words “nose”, “needle”, etc.).

“Pick up as many names of objects as possible”(nouns) goes to the name of the actions (verb) (who?) - girl, bear...; (what?) - time, rain... etc.

“Who eats what?”(from pictures):

The cat laps the milk;

The dog chews on a bone;

"Sun"(choose as many words as possible that answer the question “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”).

Children lay out rays: the sun (what kind?) - bright, shiny, cheerful, yellow, spring;

Compiling descriptive riddles according to a specific plan (for example, about clothes: striped, long, warm, woolen, worn in autumn, winter. What is it? (Scarf.)

Development of grammatical structure of speech

1. Development of word formation.

In order to develop word formation, I use the following working methods (games and tasks) with children:

"Call me kindly"(formation of diminutive nouns).

“What for what?”(formation of nouns using the suffix -nits- work with cards).

“Who has whom?”, “Whose baby?”(formation of names of cubs in singular and plural).

"Dad mom,I"(children clarify the names of domestic animals and their cubs: they call dad, mom and cub).

“Whose tail?”, “Whose trace?”(formation of possessive adjectives).

“What juice?”, “What soup?”, “What compote?”; game "Porridge"(formation of relative adjectives).

Comic game “We were driving,we were driving..."(differentiation of verbs with prefixes).

Work on related words (helps to clarify the meanings of words, highlight morphemes in a word and correlate them with the meaning, morphological analysis of the word, for example: select “relatives” words for the word “snow”.

Formation of complex words (make one word out of two: he flies - ... (airplane), he rolls - ... (scooter).

Formation of grammatical meanings (game “He, she, it, they” (differentiation of gender).

2. Tasks and game exercises to reinforce the inflection of nouns, verbs and adjectives

Goal: to develop in preschoolers inflection, differentiation of the nominative singular and plural; consolidation of the forms of accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental cases - first without prepositions, then constructions with prepositions, prepositional case.

Games and exercises:

"One is many"(differentiation of singular and plural nouns);

“Which of which?”(fixing the genitive case form of nouns);

“Who will we give what to?”(fixing the form of the dative case of nouns);

"Who lives where?"(fixing the form of the prepositional case of nouns);

"Two and Five"(consolidating the form of genitive singular and plural nouns); consolidation and differentiation of prepositions: IN, ON, UNDER, FOR;

"Playing with verbs"(consolidating the agreement of nouns and verbs in number);

“My, my, mine, mine”, “Greedy”(agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns);

"What colour?"(consolidating the agreement of adjectives with nouns);

"Sweet tooth Carlson"(agreement of nouns with adjectives in gender, number).

Thus, the proposed games and tasks can be used in working with children with severe speech impairments. The acquired knowledge and skills are reinforced during speech therapy hours and at home.

The inclusion of a variety of games and tasks for the development of lexical and grammatical structure in the classes of speech therapists and teachers plays a positive role in the remedial education of children with severe speech impairments.

The grammatical structure of speech is the interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences. It combines morphemics, syntax and word formation. Its development in children occurs through imitation of the speech of adults. The child's structure develops without any help. A disruption of this process is often observed. Our article provides information that will help you find out how the grammatical structure of speech develops in children.

General information about grammatical structure

Grammar is a discipline that studies the structure of language and its laws. Thanks to her, speech becomes formed and understandable to everyone around. K. D. Ushinsky believed that grammar is the logic of language. Preschoolers who master it also develop their intelligence.

The grammatical structure of speech is an object that has been formed over many years. The basis for its study is knowledge of relationships and the surrounding reality. However, at first, the child’s speech is formless from the point of view of syntax.

It is important for parents to promote the development of the grammatical (syntactic) structure of children's speech. Otherwise, the child may develop dysgraphia (impaired written speech). For prevention, it is necessary to use various methods and ensure that children develop comprehensively.

The following stages can be distinguished in language acquisition:

  • understanding the meaning of what was heard;
  • borrowing words from the speech of adults and peers;
  • formation of other words by analogy with already known ones;
  • assessment of the correctness of speech construction.

The sequence of development of the syntactic structure of speech

Children learn grammatical structure gradually. This is due to age characteristics and complexities of the Russian language system. The child's grammatical structure is fully formed by the age of 8.

The following stages are involved in the development of grammatical structure:

  • error correction;
  • perfection of the syntactic side of speech;
  • developing interest in the native language;
  • control over the correct speech of others.

Stages of speech development in children

Parents and teachers should promote the development of the morphological system of the Russian language. It is important that the child understands how to bow correctly. It is also necessary to help master the peculiarities of syntax.

In younger and middle ages, special attention is paid to morphological features. The grammatical structure of speech in preschoolers at this stage is just beginning to form. At this point, you will need to help the child understand how word formation occurs using suffixes, prefixes and endings.

At primary school age, syntax improves and becomes more complex. At this stage, the child must find and correct errors in his speech.

Problems in the development of the grammatical system in preschool children with special needs development

It is no secret that the correct development of spoken and written speech plays an important role in the life of every person. Thanks to the grammatical structure, each of us can understand what others say.

A child’s speech is closely related to his mental and physical development. That is why it is important to promptly pay attention to the presence of various violations and get rid of them. A study of the grammatical structure of speech in children proves that its development occurs in strict sequence.

General speech underdevelopment is a disorder in which the child has a variety of complex speech disorders. There are three types of this deviation:

  • 1st stage. Characterized by a complete absence of speech.
  • 2nd stage. In this case, speech is present. There are no gestures or babbling words. There are distortions in the sound and syllabic structure.
  • 3rd stage. In this case, phonetic-phonemic and lexical-syntactic underdevelopment is observed.

The grammatical structure of the speech of preschool children with special needs development develops slowly. They have disharmony of linguistic components, as well as morphological and syntactic systems. Experts say that such children have instability and rapid loss of attention. They, unlike their peers, have reduced auditory memory and memorization efficiency.

Correctional work with children with special needs development involves the development of syntactic structure. It causes the most problems in such preschoolers. For correction to be effective, the child must understand the role the morpheme plays.

Children with general speech impairment have difficulty selecting and combining grammatical means. It is explained by the incompleteness of some language operations.

Dysgraphia with unformed grammatical speech

The grammatical structure of speech is the interaction of linguistic units with each other. Parents and teachers should carefully monitor its development in children. If violations occur, it is imperative to contact a specialist to prevent more serious consequences.

With delayed development of syntactic structure, dysgraphia may occur. This disease is characterized by the inability to master writing with a sufficient level of intelligence. Violation of grammatical agreement is one of the symptoms of deviation. It is important that parents do not scold the child for mistakes, but first of all try to figure out why they occurred. Perhaps the child has a disorder, the correction of which should be carried out by a specialist.

Agrammatic dysgraphia is caused by incompleteness of the lexical-syntactic structure of speech. In this case, it is difficult for the child to establish the sequence of words in a sentence. There are often syntactic violations in which children miss significant parts of the sentence. If these symptoms are present, any highly qualified specialist will diagnose that the development of the grammatical structure of speech is slow. This is possible if you do not want to learn or if there are violations.

Development of vocabulary and syntactic structure

Experts distinguish two types of vocabulary acquisition - qualitative and quantitative. They are closely interconnected. The quantitative increase in vocabulary is due to the child’s surrounding world. Its replenishment is associated with the speech of adults and peers. It is known that today a three-year-old child has about 3 thousand words in his vocabulary.

Accumulated words cannot themselves serve as a means of knowledge and communication. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech plays an important role. To communicate and learn, a child needs to correctly construct sentences and phrases using the basics of grammar.

With age, the child gradually begins to acquire a semantic meaning for the words that are in his stock. At first, errors in the use of roots, prefixes and suffixes may be observed.

By about three years of age, the grammatical structure of children’s speech is formed. They begin to understand the main principles of constructing sentences and phrases. At this age, the child declines words according to cases and numbers. He can construct simple and complex sentences. The vocabulary gradually increases. At this stage, it is important to give the child enough attention and use educational games.

The grammatical structure of speech of the senior preschool group is gradually improving. Children master types of declensions and conjugations, forms of alternation of sounds and At this stage, the volume of the child’s vocabulary plays an important role. At the age of 4-5 years, children can use them thoughtfully, and thanks to the grammatical structure, modify them.

Modern methods of forming syntactic structure

The development of grammatical structure is an important stage in full speech and psychological development. These days, schools place high demands on future students. This is due to the fact that recently there has been a significant increase in the complexity of the school curriculum.

Modern work on the formation of the foundations of grammar contains the following categories:

  • inflection;
  • word formation;
  • coordination;
  • formation of sentences and phrases.

The child should become familiar with all of the above basics in preschool age. Formation work must be carried out systematically. Parents play a huge role in this process.

Methods for forming grammatical speech

Methods through which grammatical speech is formed include exercises on word formation and their modification, as well as retelling short stories.

The first two options are used when teaching children of primary and secondary preschool age. The exercises are effective in developing grammatical speech in a 4-6 year old child. However, modern textbooks offer tasks for all age groups.

Techniques used to form grammatical speech

Pedagogical techniques that are used to form grammatical speech are varied. They are determined by the content, the level of unusualness of the material, the speech characteristics of children and their age. The main techniques for teaching grammatical skills include:

  • example;
  • explanation;
  • comparison;
  • renewal.

Thanks to them, it is possible to eliminate possible errors when constructing sentences and demonstrate to the child the correct constructions.

Didactic games

Recently, the grammatical structure of speech has become especially popular. This is an effective way to consolidate existing skills. A ball is often used in didactic games. In this case, the adult should pass it to the child and name an object, for example, “table.” The preschooler needs to name the same object, but in a diminutive form - “table”, etc.

A game in which the child must draw an object on a piece of paper and then explain what exactly he drew (item, quantity, size, color) is also effective.

Let's sum it up

The grammatical structure of speech is the connection that exists between phrases and sentences. It is thanks to him that a person can communicate with other people. It is important to monitor the correctness of grammatical structure from an early age. Any violations may indicate possible deviations in the child’s development.

If there are errors that are not related to ignorance of the rules, it is important to contact a speech therapist in a timely manner. To form grammatical structure in preschoolers, didactic games are often used. This method is one of the most effective.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more active his mental development is. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of children’s speech, its purity and correctness, preventing and correcting various violations, which are considered to be any deviations from the generally accepted norms of a given language.

1. Development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech in ontogenesis.

The lexical and grammatical side is understood as the dictionary and

its grammatically correct use.

A dictionary is words (basic units of speech) denoting objects, phenomena, actions and signs of the surrounding reality. There are passive and active dictionaries. A passive dictionary is understood as the ability to understand words, while an active one means their use in speech. The level of vocabulary development is determined by quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Grammatical structure is a system of interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences. There are morphological and syntactic levels of the grammatical system. The morphological level presupposes the ability to master the techniques of inflection and word formation, the syntactic level presupposes the ability to compose sentences and combine words in a sentence in a grammatically correct manner.

The development of the grammatical structure of speech in ontogenesis is described in the works of many authors: A.N. Gvozdeva. T.N. Ushakova, D.B. Elkonina and others.

In the works of A.N. Gvozdev, taking into account the close interaction of the morphological and syntactic systems of language, identifies the following periods of formation of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

Period I - the period of sentences consisting of amorphous root words (from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 10 months). This period includes two stages:

1) one-word sentence stage;

2) the stage of sentences from several root words.

The first stage of the 1st period (1 year 3 months - 1 year 8 months). At this short-term stage, the child uses only individual words as sentences (one-word sentences). In his speech there is only a small number of words that he uses to express his desires, needs, and impressions. At the same time, to clarify the meaning of his statement, the child often uses gestures and intonation. The first words that a child uses do not have a specific grammatical form; they are amorphous root words. In different sentences they are used in the same sound design, without modification.

The main part of the words consists of nouns denoting the names of persons, objects, onomatopoeia (booh, bi-bi, mu, meow), babbling words (di - “go”, moko - “milk”).

The second stage of the 1st period (1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months) is the stage of sentences from several root words. At this stage, the child combines first two, then three words in one statement, i.e. a phrase appears in children's speech. There is no grammatical connection between words. The child combines words into statements, connecting them only with intonation and the generality of the situation. In this case, words are used in sentences in the same amorphous, unchangeable form. Nouns are used either in the nominative singular case, or in a truncated, distorted, unchangeable form. Verbs are presented either in the infinitive form or in the 2nd person singular imperative form (give, nisi, fall).

An analysis of children's utterances at this stage shows that children pick up from the speech of others only the general content, the general meaning of the word, expressed in its lexical basis. Formal and symbolic means of language are not differentiated and remain outside the sphere of its perception. Thus, when perceiving various forms of words (house, houses, home, house, etc.), the child perceives only the common part of these words (house).

When combining amorphous root words, the child does not yet pose and cannot solve the problem of choosing the desired grammatical form and uses the same form of the word in different word combinations.

Period II - the period of mastering the grammatical structure of sentences (1 year 10 months - 3 years). This period consists of three stages:

1) the stage of formation of the first forms of words (1 year 10 months - 2 years 1 month);

2) the stage of using the inflectional system of the language to express the syntactic connections of words (2 years 1 month - 2 years 6 months);

3) the stage of mastering function words to express syntactic relations (2 years 6 months - 3 years).

The first stage of the 2nd period is characterized by the appearance of the first forms of words. At this stage of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, children begin to notice various connections between words in a sentence. Unlike the previous stage, at which all words were used in the same, unchanging form, at this stage the child begins to use different forms of the same word in speech.

The first grammatical forms of nouns are the following: nominative singular and plural forms with endings -ы, -и (phonetically always -i due to softening of consonants), accusative case forms with ending -у (kisu, doll), sometimes genitive case forms appear with the ending -ы (no kitty), the ending -e to indicate a place, while the preposition is not used (tole instead of on the table).

The first grammatical forms of verbs are: the imperative mood of the 2nd person singular (go, carry, give), forms of the 3rd person singular present tense, without alternation in the stem (sits, sleeps), reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.

By the age of two, adjectives appear, most often in the form of the nominative case, masculine or feminine, but without agreement with nouns.

Thus, the first grammatical relationships between words begin to appear in the child’s speech: agreement of nouns in the nominative singular with an indicative verb (matik igaet - “the boy is playing”), some forms of verb control (give kitty). However, the child’s speech contains a large number of agrammatisms.

At this stage, there is an expansion of the sentence structure to 3-4 words (Tanya is playing with a doll - “Tanya is playing with a doll”).

By the age of two years, a child’s vocabulary contains about 300 words, where each word is associated with a specific object or action. At this stage, the passive vocabulary is larger than the active one, the child understands spoken speech well and follows the adult’s instructions.

The second stage of the 2nd period is the stage of using the system of inflections to express word connections (2 years 1 month - 2 years 6 months). At this stage, many more grammatical inaccuracies are encountered in children's speech. Some inflections are replaced by others, but within the same grammatical meaning.

Among the grammatical forms of nouns, prepositional forms of indirect cases are learned: accusative, genitive, instrumental.

In the speech of children, differentiation is observed between the singular and plural of indicative verbs, the change in persons (except for the 2nd person plural) is learned, the forms of the present and past tense are differentiated, but in the past tense the forms of the masculine, feminine and neuter gender are still mixed.

The inflection of adjectives has not yet been learned. In the speech of children, both correct and incorrect agreement of the adjective with the noun is observed. In the plural, adjectives are correctly used only in the nominative case. In some cases, adjectives are used after nouns.

Personal pronouns have already been learned.

In children's oral speech at this stage, some semantically simple prepositions appear: in, on, y, s, but their use does not always correspond to the language norm; substitutions of prepositions and confusion of endings are observed.

The structure of the sentence is expanded and complicated to 5-8 words, complex sentences appear, first without conjunctions, then complex sentences with conjunctions.

The third stage of the 2nd period is the stage of mastering function words to express syntactic relations (from 2 years 6 months to 3 years). A characteristic feature of normal speech development is that the acquisition of prepositions occurs only after the acquisition of the most functional grammatical elements of the language - inflections.

At the initial stages of speech development, there are no prepositions in children's speech (“on the table” - tole). But this period is short-lived. Having learned to isolate and use inflection, the child then introduces into this construction the missing third element - a preposition, expressing the lexical and grammatical meaning using a preposition and inflection. At this stage The child correctly uses simple prepositions and many conjunctions, but when using more complex prepositions (because of, from under) agrammatisms are observed.

The assimilation of more specific rules of inflection continues, including the differentiation of the morphological system of declension of nouns: the assimilation of plural endings -ov, -ami, -ah, case endings of the nominative plural -a, -ja (horns, chairs).

At this stage, the agreement of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases is consolidated.

In the speech of children at this stage, the further development of complex and complex sentences occurs, and many function words are learned.

In this way, many grammatical forms are generally acquired. However, the morphological system of the language has not yet been fully mastered.

By the age of three, a child’s vocabulary contains more than 1,000 words.

Generalization words are formed. The meanings of words are clarified. The volume of the vocabulary increases due to the enrichment of the child’s life experience and communication with surrounding adults.

III period - the period of further assimilation of the morphological system (from 3 to 7 years).

By the age of four, the vocabulary increases to 1600-1900 words. At this stage, verbal control is formed. Complex prepositions appear: because of, from under. The agreement of the adjective with the noun is fixed. The sentence becomes more common, compound and complex sentences with conjunctions appear: so that, because, which. In the speech of children under 4 years old, sometimes there are still cases of fixed stress during inflection (on a horse), a tendency to unify the base (peni - “stumps”, levy - lions). After 4 years, this kind of occasionalism disappears from children's speech, only disturbances of alternation in the stems of verbs remain (I will pay instead of “I will pay”). The agreement of an adjective with a noun in indirect cases and verb control is mastered.

By the age of five, children's vocabulary consists of 2,200 words. With normal speech development, children by the age of five master all types of declension of nouns, that is, correctly use nouns and adjectives in all singular and plural cases. Some difficulties that children encounter relate to rarely used nouns in the genitive and nominative plural cases (chairs, trees, trees). They learn the basic forms of word agreement: nouns with adjectives of three genders, nouns with numerals in the nominative case.

In the sixth year of life, children master lexical and grammatical structures and use them quite freely. They are less likely to make mistakes in word agreement, in the case endings of nouns and adjectives, and often correctly use the genitive case of plural nouns.

Thus, by the time they enter school, children have a fairly diverse vocabulary and a sufficient command of the grammatical structure of their native language.

2. Reasons for the occurrence of agrammatisms in children.

Agrammatisms in children's speech are a natural phenomenon. They have their own dynamics, a dialectic of emergence and survival. They arise as a result of complexly organized work of the developing consciousness to generalize and analyze the facts of perceived and one’s own speech, active search activity, experimentation with words, and subsequently, elementary awareness of individual facts of grammar, which leads to the development of the grammatical structure of the language.

A.G. Arushanova noted that with successful speech development in the fifth year of life, a child experiences an explosion of word creation. This is manifested in active experimentation with words (bookcase, clothes, fur coat, mother pig, little elephant son, wolf cubs). Here the teacher’s task is to support this natural activity of the child, his bold experiments with words. Without his own cognitive activity, a child will never become the master of his word.

But the child’s speech does not always develop well. Sometimes a child amazes us with frequent and persistent grammatical errors and has great difficulty mastering the grammatical structure of the language, which is accompanied by other shortcomings in the development of the child’s speech. This disorder was first established by R. E. Levina and defined as a general underdevelopment of speech.

General speech underdevelopment - various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system with normal hearing and intelligence.

The cause of general underdevelopment of speech can be various adverse effects, both in the prenatal period and during childbirth, as well as in the first years of the child’s life, which can lead to damage or underdevelopment of the child’s brain (infections or intoxication of the mother during pregnancy, toxicosis , birth trauma, asphyxia, incompatibility of the blood of mother and fetus by Rh factor or blood group, diseases of the central nervous system (neuroinfections) and brain injuries in the first years of a child’s life).

The occurrence of reversible forms of general speech underdevelopment may be associated with unfavorable environmental and educational conditions. Mental deprivation during the period of the most intensive formation of speech leads to a lag in its development. If the influence of these factors is combined with an organic deficiency of the nervous system or with a genetic predisposition, then speech development disorders become more persistent.

Despite the different nature of the defects, these children have typical manifestations indicating a systemic disorder of speech activity. One of the leading signs is the later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3-4, and sometimes by 5 years. Speech is ungrammatical and insufficiently phonetically designed. The most expressive indicator is the lag in expressive speech with a relatively good, at first glance, understanding of addressed speech. There is insufficient speech activity, which drops sharply with age, without special training. However, children are quite critical of their defect.

According to the severity of the manifestation of the defect, four levels of general speech underdevelopment are conventionally distinguished. The first three levels are highlighted and described in detail by R.E. Levina, the fourth level is presented in the works of T.B. Filicheva.

Thus, at the first level of speech development, children do not use morphological elements to convey grammatical relations. Their speech is dominated by root words, devoid of inflections. The “phrase” consists of babbling elements that consistently reproduce the situation they denote using explanatory gestures. There is no or only a rudimentary understanding of the meaning of grammatical changes in words. Children are unable to distinguish between the singular and plural forms of nouns, the past tense of verbs, the masculine and feminine forms, and do not understand the meaning of prepositions.

At the second level of speech development, children show gross errors in the use of a number of grammatical structures:

1) incorrect use of case forms (driving a car instead of “by car”);

2) errors in the use of masculine and feminine nouns (de patya - “two briefcases”, de tui - two chairs);

3) lack of agreement of adjectives and numerals with nouns (pat bek, pat matyn - five squirrels, five cars; bsin adas - red pencil, bsin eta - red ribbon).

Children experience pronounced difficulties when using prepositional constructions: often prepositions are omitted altogether, and nouns are used in the nominative case (the book is on the table); it is possible to replace the preposition (hyp lyatet with dividim - a mushroom grows on a tree). Conjunctions and particles are used extremely rarely. The distinction and understanding of singular and plural forms of nouns and verbs (especially with stressed endings) is more developed. Forms of masculine and feminine past tense verbs. Difficulties remain in understanding the number forms and gender of adjectives. The meanings of prepositions differ only in a well-known situation. The assimilation of grammatical patterns largely relates to those words that early entered the active speech of children.

The third level of speech development is characterized by persistent errors in the coordination of an adjective with a noun in gender and case (I needle the canopy - I play with a blue ball. I don’t have a blue ball - I don’t have a blue ball); confusion of gender of nouns (de veda - two buckets); errors in the agreement of the numeral with nouns of all three genders (two ruti - two hands, five hands - five hands, pat mided - five bears). Errors in the use of prepositions are also typical: their omission (I give it to my aunt - I am playing with my sister; Molasses is in my hand - the handkerchief is in the bag); replacement (the cube falls and melts - the cube falls off the table); reticence (after climbing a girl, she climbed a tree, after climbing a wisa, she went outside). Impressive agrammatism is also revealed, which manifests itself in insufficient understanding of the change in the meaning of words expressed by changing the prefix, suffix, etc.

At the fourth level of speech development in children, residual manifestations of lexico-grammatical underdevelopment of speech are not clearly expressed. There are errors in the use of genitive and accusative plural nouns and complex prepositions. In some cases, there are violations of the agreement of adjectives with nouns, when in one sentence there are masculine and feminine nouns (I color the ball with a red felt-tip pen and a red pen), singular and plural (on a large table, small chairs), violations persist in the agreement of numerals with nouns

In children with OHP, there is a violation of the syntactic structure of sentences, expressed in the omission of sentence parts, incorrect word order, and the absence of complex constructions.

Since lexical and grammatical constructions cause enormous difficulties for children with general speech underdevelopment, special attention should be paid to their formation.

3. Using didactic games and exercises to form the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

The grammatical structure of speech is formed primarily in everyday communication and in various types of children's activities - in play, design, and visual arts. And an important pedagogical condition is the competent organization of this activity by adults in everyday life.

The most important type of children's activity is play. The advantage of game methods and teaching techniques is that they arouse increased interest and positive emotions in children, and help to concentrate attention on the learning task, which becomes not imposed from the outside, but a desired personal goal. Solving a learning task during a game involves less expenditure of nervous energy and minimal volitional efforts.

A special group of games are didactic games. The main goal of any didactic game is learning. Therefore, the leading component in it is a didactic task, which is hidden from the child through play. The originality of a didactic game is determined by the rational combination of two tasks: gaming and didactic. If the educational task predominates, then the game turns into an exercise, and if the task is a game, then the activity loses its educational value.

According to A.V. Mendzheritskaya, the essence of the didactic game is that “children solve mental problems proposed to them in an entertaining way, find solutions themselves, overcoming certain difficulties. The child perceives a mental task as a practical, playful one, this increases his mental activity.”

In didactic games with grammatical content, the tasks of activating and clarifying one or another grammatical form or grammatical phenomenon are solved. Such games have been developed to help children master difficult forms of inflection (plural genitive case, imperative mood of the verb, gender agreement of words, etc.), methods of forming words (names of baby animals, people of different professions, cognate words) . It should be emphasized (A.G. Arushanova) that a child will not have enough life to “play” all the grammatical forms of the language through didactic games and exercises. They have a different meaning: to stimulate children’s search activity in the field of grammar, to cultivate in children a linguistic sense, a linguistic attitude to the word and elementary forms of awareness of linguistic reality.

Didactic games and exercises with grammatical content can be carried out with the entire group of children in the classroom, or in their free time with small subgroups of children, involving inactive and shy children in the activity.

When working with preschoolers of primary and middle age, all games are played using toys, real objects and their images.

Special games and exercises have been developed that are designed to teach children how to change words correctly and help them remember difficult forms of words necessary for everyday communication. These are well-known games: “What’s missing?”, What is Misha missing for a walk?” (for the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns); “Wonderful bag”, “Multi-colored chest” (for mastering the gender of nouns); “Orders”, “Do you want? - We want” (for verb conjugation); “Hide and Seek”, “What Has Changed?” (for the assimilation and activation of prepositions and adverbs), etc. It should be emphasized that in the game the child is not aware of its true purpose. He sees and understands the task of the game: to be attentive, remember how objects stood, recognize a toy by description, etc. In games and exercises, a child acquires grammatical knowledge and skills, as if outside of consciousness. At a younger age, in addition to didactic games for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, one should use dramatization games that do not have a narrow didactic focus, but a broad general developmental effect.

With children of senior preschool age, board-printed games are used, in which children learn and consolidate knowledge in practical actions not with objects, but with images in pictures. Such games include: lotto, dominoes, paired pictures.

A special role in the speech development of children of senior preschool age is assigned to verbal didactic games (without visual material). In verbal didactic play, children learn to think about things that they do not directly perceive and with which they are not currently acting. This game teaches you to rely on the idea of ​​previously perceived objects in solving a problem.

You can use the following games and exercises with grammatical content: “One-many” (formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases), “Which, which, which?”, “Correct the mistake,” “Blurred letter” (word agreement in a phrase and sentences), “Good is better” (formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs), “Say the other way around” (formation of antonyms), “Whose tail? Whose paw? (formation of possessive adjectives), etc.

The element of competition in games in older preschool age increases children's interest in completing tasks and ensures better assimilation of program material, helps children complete tasks clearly and correctly, without making mistakes.

The use of special didactic games and exercises makes it possible to most successfully solve the issues of developing the grammatical structure of speech.

Larisa Kozionova

A comprehensive game guide for the development of lexical and grammatical structure of speech« Speech sunshine»

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech considered sufficient developed if by the age of 5 the child masters all grammatical categories of his native language. That is, he says expanded phrases, using complex and complex constructions, correctly coordinates words, using case and generic endings, and uses prepositions.

Having analyzed the level child development visiting the speech center, 40% of children were diagnosed with lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

Today, speech therapists are offered many didactic games on development of PH categories. But each of these benefits are aimed at developing any one component of grammar.

Increasing number of children with LGND and absence from the market comprehensive manuals for the development of vocabulary-the grammatical side was pushed to the need to create comprehensive manual.

I present to your attention a comprehensive game guide for the development of lexical and grammatical structure of speech« Speech sunshine»

The manual is a blue playing field, denoting the sky, a yellow circle with a diameter of 10 cm is pasted on it, around 6 rays - « Sun» .

A box in which files contain cards with descriptions of games, and subject pictures. A tray on which object pictures are placed during the game. On solar rays and pasted onto object pictures "Velcro" (tape – contact or Velcro tape). Thereby allowance can be used both horizontally and vertically.

The purpose of this benefits:

Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of children's speech.

Tasks that are solved during the use of this benefits:

1. Enrich your vocabulary.

2. Practice the ability to correlate nouns with pronouns he, she, it, they.

3. Develop skills in forming relative and possessive adjectives.

4. Practice using words with diminutive suffixes and increasing suffixes.

5. Practice agreeing nouns and numerals.

6. Promote development the ability to select several words - signs - for an object.

7. Develop the ability to act together: in a pair or group of children.

Value I see benefits in that, What:

it can be used in a speech therapist’s office, in a group by a teacher, and independently by children of senior preschool age;

can be used in individual and subgroup lessons;

the guide helps develop thinking, ability to independently compose and analyze answers;

allowance allows you to implement different forms interaction: teacher - child, child - child.

"Summer Winter", "Spring - Autumn"

Target: Enrichment of vocabulary by selecting words on a given topic.

Progress of the game: To the center sunshine a card is placed with the image of a berry (summer, snowflakes (winter, snowdrop (spring, yellow leaf) (autumn). Children post pictures depicting objects or natural phenomena related to a given time of year, explaining their decision (I put a ray with a picture of a rainbow because it happens in the summer).

"He, she, it, they"

Target: Correlating masculine, feminine, neuter singular and plural nouns with the pronouns he, she, it, they.

Progress of the game: To the center sunshine cards are placed in turn with the image of a girl - she, a boy - he, a girl and a boy - they, the sun - it. Children should put pictures on the rays that can be said - she, he, it, they.

"Flies, swims, crawls"

Target: Activation of subject, verb dictionary.

Progress of the game: To the center sunshine cards with the image of the sky (flies, earth (crawls, water) (floats). Children put pictures on the rays depicting objects, animals, birds, insects that perform this action, justifying the decision made. (I put a picture of a dragonfly because it flies.)

"Big small"

Target: an exercise in the use of words with diminutive suffixes and increasing suffixes.

Progress of the game: To the center sunshine A card with an image of a dwarf or giant is placed. Children post pictures of various objects and call them affectionately (if there is a dwarf in the center) or name a word by adding the suffix -ish (if there is a giant in the center). You can use subject pictures in different ways lexical topics.

"What is he doing?"

Target: Consolidation of use in speeches common offers; activation of the verb dictionary.

Progress of the game: A card with a written question is placed in the center "What is he doing?". Children put pictures of actions on the rays and say what is drawn. (Mom cooks delicious porridge.)

“Let’s make juice or jam”

Target: Formation of skills in the formation of relative adjectives.

Progress of the game: A card with a drawn glass is placed in the center. On the rays, children take turns laying out pictures depicting berries, fruits, and vegetables. Children say what juice they made (The picture shows a cherry. The juice is called cherry.)

"How many?"

Target: Exercise in agreeing noun and numeral.

Progress of the game: To the center sunshine a picture with the numbers 1 is posted (3, 5) . Pictures depicting various objects are laid out on the rays. Children name what the number of objects will be depending on the chosen number (one tree, one ball, three balls). In this game you can also use object pictures in different ways. lexical topics.


Target: Consolidating the ability to select several signs for an object.

Progress of the game: To the center sunshine a card with a written question is placed "Which?". Children put a picture of any object on the petal and describe it using several definition words (Rubber ball, round, multi-colored, large.)

Option 1 “Whose tail?”

Target: Formation of practical skills in the formation of possessive adjectives.

Progress of the game: Cards depicting the tails of different animals are laid out on the rays in turn. Children determine and name whose tail it is, and find this animal.

Option 2 "Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?"

Children sort out upside-down pictures with animals. The presenter throws the dice and places it in the center sun dropped picture(eyes, nose, paws, tail, ears (ear, muzzle). Each child takes turns gluing a picture onto the ray and calling out the new word formed depending on the elongated animal. (fox tail, cat ear, dog face, squirrel paws, etc.).

While using this benefits the following were received results:

Children's interest in educational activities has increased;

The level of practical skills in word formation and inflection has increased;

Children's ability to give full, expanded, a reasonable answer.

In the future I plan

Diversify the database of subject pictures by lexical topics;

Prepare picture material for work on the use of prepositions in children's speech, on the formation of prefixed verbs, on the correct use of gender endings of adjectives.

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