Gaining the power of the family to fulfill desires. The legacy of ancestors

The manifestation of connection with the egregor of the genus is conscience (shared message). Therefore, very personally and alone with yourself, analyze what place motivation by conscience occupies in your thoughts and actions. This will be the strength or weakness of your connection to the ancestral energy field.

A person without family support is like a tree without roots.. Not viable. And its offspring branches may not even be born. Singles, families without children - the last in the family.

If our actions correspond to the aspirations of the family, we will gain ancestral consciousness. We will be able to use the general memory and all the knowledge accumulated in it. This is what our ancestors called sanity, because having connected to the generic egregor, we act according to the “rule”, i.e. Right.

Revolutions and atheism cut off the ancestral roots of most clans. But today it is important to know not the pedigree as such, but to understand the life of past generations. Through this, the revival of the race is possible.

The ancestors had a ritual of blessing, so that the connection between generations is never interrupted. Parents and grandparents blessed their descendants to accomplish any deeds, to create a family.

It's as simple as everything ingenious - bless your son in the morning when he goes to school. Or a daughter who is going on a date. And you will connect children to the enormous energy of the family, provide protection from misfortunes, misfortunes, bad company, rapists, robbers on the streets, envy.

Contact your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Ask for their blessings for yourself and your children. There are no complex rituals or long-winded prayers here. “I bless you!” And immediately the inclusion in the family occurs, as if a light bulb instantly flashes after the click of a switch.

We may quarrel or disagree with our parents, or act against their will. The result will be the same sooner or later. Many years later we whine: “But mommy was right!” Before it’s too late, sincerely ask for forgiveness from your parents and make peace. Respect for old age and care for youth is the basic law of the family. Forgive your parents who could not give you love and education. Understand that if your birth occurred in a family of alcoholics or beggars, then this is a karmic condition for the incarnation of the soul. Ask for forgiveness and blessings in hindsight. After this, life begins to change not only for a single person, but for the entire family as a whole. After all, the energies of the egregor are just waiting to be “switched on” in order to come to the aid of descendants living in dark times and strengthen the race as a whole for centuries.

The more often you remember, mentally turning to your ancestors, the stronger they are, the higher the energy of the clan, and therefore the more powerful the help in solving earthly affairs and tasks. A person cannot exist and develop outside of the clan. The program will always operate, whether we want it or not. But the only thing we can (and, in fact, must do) is change and improve this program. Observe the laws, purifying the family, correctly remembering departed ancestors, respecting them and loving the living. The ancestral program always corresponds to our personal karma.

The soul, choosing parents, nationality, place of incarnation, becomes a link in the chain of generations. And if incarnation occurs in a family burdened with curses and negativity, then this is a chance to cleanse the entire family. One bright ancestor and his connection with one living light is enough - the entire race can be cleansed and gain different energy vibrations.

Our family is a source of strength and support on the one hand, and on the other hand, our karma and our path. If a normal and outwardly successful person puts his mother or grandmother in a nursing home to live out his days alone, then his children or grandchildren will do the same to him, if not worse.

A person achieves perfection in matter and in spirit, helping his family for seven generations in the future and seven generations in the past. The accumulation of the power of piety of the family passes from generation to generation. And vice versa, if we degrade and follow the path of temptation and vice, do not respect and love our elders, abandon our children, we siphon energy from the family for generations to come. And with each generation it gets worse and worse.

This explains why one is born healthy and into a wealthy family, while the other is born with birth defects and is abandoned by their parents.

How we use our power depends only on us. By strengthening and purifying the family, we increase the power of piety - this is the basis for the birth of healthy and brilliant children. The Vedas say: “Through a son a person comes to the Higher world, through a grandson he gains Immortality, through a great-grandson he enters the abode of light! There is no death!

A genus is, first of all, a living tree, a structure, it lives according to its own laws, and the main thing for a genus is to survive and increase its strength, to grow from a small tree into a mighty tree, and then grow into a whole Grove.

The family of each living person has knowledge and strength, as well as wisdom, love, luck, prosperity and other resources. These resources have been developed and acquired over centuries and millennia. As long as at least one person from the Family is alive, he can revive it, the only question is how much effort it will cost. All resources are distributed among the members of the Family.

We often hear the phrases: “the family doesn’t work out”, or “there is a family, but there is no money”, “no money”, “no children” or “children die in infancy”, “I build and build, I go and go, but everything falls apart , nothing works out”... Why is this so? Why can many today “boast” of such a position?

It's simple, previous generations have accumulated a lot of destructive things (fears, accusations, grievances, etc.). This destructive element blocks all Ancestral streams - resources accumulated earlier. This negativity has been accumulating for a long time, at least 2000 years, but Rody has suffered the most over the last 300 years. How this happened and why we will not talk now; this is the topic of a slightly different article. The main thing is to understand that no one except those living today will be able to free the springs from the rubble. If you don’t realize this and start acting, then your Rod will simply dry up.

Man is a walking tree. When a person thinks of himself as a family tree, he will never block the currents that feed and grow him. When a person takes his place, he is valuable to the Family, because such a branch of the Family is alive, conducts streams and passes them on, preserving and multiplying. Having taken his place, a person restores the hierarchy within himself and in his family. The currents of his ancestors begin to nourish him, he conducts them and shares them with all his relatives who are manifested (alive) and passes on these currents to their descendants.

Here is the image of a healthy tree, a tree is healthy when the juices flow unhindered throughout the entire tree, then the tree is beautiful, lush and rich in fruits, which can symbolically be called descendants.

Here is the recipe for you: help your ancestors free the streams from blockages, then you will have strength, but take care of the strength, increase it and pass it on to your descendants, teach them to take care of their Family, the knowledge of the Family, the wisdom of the Family, then they too will be able to preserve and increase its wealth . Remember that a lot of power is hidden in all living relatives, so it is important to maintain contact with them. If you do not dine at the same table at least once a year, you are no longer related, family ties are lost and the tree splits, it ceases to be a single whole.

Dates: 09/16-09/25/2019

Friends, family ties greatly influence our lives today. What happened in your family a hundred or two hundred years ago can determine your character traits and your very destiny. Having learned and understood the history of your family, you can create a MIRACLE and very quickly change your life for the BETTER!

The genus influences the fate of a person as an integral part of itself. It is known that sometimes the genoscope begins to prevail over the horoscope. As you know, the fate of a person is clearly influenced by 7 previous generations. Therefore, working with your Family is very important!

  1. Connection of generations and generic scenarios - educational material.
  2. Healing the family tree - meditative practices.
  3. Restoring relationships with parents - practice and meditation.
  4. Initiation into energy REMOVAL OF FAMILY TREE KARMA

Family Tree Karma Removal is an excellent energy for releasing and clearing karmic imprints inherited from your ancestors that may be manifesting through you. This will help you release old patterns and burdens and cleanse your soul. This energy also has the ability to undo old vows and covenants that your ancestors made, remove negative emotions, clear blockages in your energy channels, strengthen your immune system by removing addictions and habitual patterns, powerfully clearing paths to abundance and gaining wisdom.

  1. Courses are held in closed groups, organized specifically for a specific course of study. In a single energy sphere of healing and love
  2. Every day you will receive practical tasks and recommendations for their implementation, as well as all the necessary training material
  3. You will be able to connect and complete tasks at any time during the day (08.00-24.00 Moscow time) (undergo initiations, participate in collective circles and meditations)
  4. Some course programs include training webinars that you can connect to online or listen to recorded
  5. During the entire training, there will be an online chat in which you can ask questions and communicate with other participants!
  1. GROUP ENERGY: As practice has already shown, collective work in a single stream (dedication and training) gives quick and effective results than individual training
  2. CONVENIENT FORM OF TRAINING: You will need 1-1.5 hours a day to perform daily practices in your personal space (without leaving home) and at a time convenient for you. If you have any questions, you receive quick online support (consultation) from the Master or other group members!

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  • Dates: 08.28-09.08.2019 /Founder Hari Andri Vinarso/ Friends, initiation into the energy of the “Essential Cleansing Sequence” will help you easily and effortlessly cleanse...

How to gain the power of the family

In this chapter I would like to talk about the special Power inherent in man. And not only to humans, but to all living things. This is the Power of the Family. Many manifestations of this Power in our world still remain a mystery.

For example, why one ant does not know how to build an anthill. And even ten, twenty and thirty Ants do not do this. They just run around and fuss around stupidly. And only when a certain number of them is collected, as if on command from a single center, they begin to create their home according to certain rules. An anthill is a very complex multi-story structure, but every ant clearly knows what to do. Scientists divided the anthill under construction with a thin lead sheet in half, thereby eliminating the possibility of communication between Ants. But these hardworking insects continued to build an anthill on both sides of the leaf as if nothing had happened. Moreover, all the moves clearly connected with each other from different sides of the sheet.

It turns out that not only ants and other insects behave this way. The same thing happens in migratory birds. One bird doesn't know where to fly. And two and five don’t know either. But when there is a certain number of them, one of them becomes the leader of the pack and leads the rest along a strictly established route. Where does she get the information she needs? Previously, scientists thought that only an experienced male who already knew this path could become a leader. But it turned out that the leader of the flock could be a very young bird that had never flown this way.

It is interesting to note that human life is subject to the same rules. If each of us lives on our own, then we will engage in any activity we like, but we will never know what we really need for a full life.

In esotericism there is such a thing as egregor. This is an energy information field that unites people connected to each other in a certain way. For example, there are family, industrial, religious, etc. egregors. But for our full life, we need our own Ancestral egregor, formed by the aspirations, desires and aspirations of our ancestors. Joining it occurs as a result of fulfilling the Commandments and Ancestral Traditions left to us by our ancestors. The manifestation of unity with the Ancestral egregor is called Conscience (shared message).

The legacy of our ancestors on this planet is very long. According to the Vedas, it dates back several million years. And all this colossal experience, all this information is contained in you and me. It is written at the genetic level. What a huge Power! When we say that we defeated the Swedes near Poltava, we literally mean that WE took part in this battle. Actually WE remember this. If I hear that many, many thousands of years ago, our ancestors left their ancestral home of Hyperborea and moved to the Eurasian continent, then every cell of my body responds to this information. This knowledge is written in the depths of my subconscious.

If our actions correspond to the aspirations contained in the Ancestral egregor, if we fulfill the Commandments of the Ancestors and sacredly honor the Traditions, then we will gain ANIMALS CONSCIOUSNESS (joint knowledge with the Ancestral Family). That is, we will be able to use the general memory and everything that is accumulated in it. Our ancestors called such actions sanity, because, having connected to our Ancestral egregor, we act according to the Rule, that is, correctly.

The connection between generations and their harmonious interaction is very important for all members of the Family. Without interaction with Rod, spiritual development is impossible. More precisely, it is possible up to a certain level, beyond which you can go only by being filled with the energy of the Family. For this, it is especially important among relatives to learn to understand each other and help each other. The clan fosters respect for each other, veneration of elders, and this is a necessary condition for spiritual development. The effort and energy invested in building these relationships pays off handsomely.

In fact, respect and veneration for elders is a very serious asceticism. Together with respect for ancestors and elders, the Magi and spiritual mentors, the Power of the Family comes to us. Previously, no important things were done without the blessing of parents. The children were obedient, they understood what a connection with the Family was. This is a huge Power. This is a special Power. Power of Life.

Just as a tree without roots dries up, so a person without a connection with the Family is incapable of life. Therefore, if you have grievances against your parents and complaints against them, forgive them immediately. The only feeling that we can and should have for our parents is a feeling of deep love, respect and gratitude.

Sometimes some people, having read my or other books and learned something new, immediately run to their parents and begin to teach them how to live. But this is not right, there is no need to teach parents - we are not entitled to this according to our status. Just change yourself, start pleasing them with your own changes and achievements in life, and then your parents will imperceptibly begin to change according to the law of reflection.

I once went through this myself and eventually realized that our parents are the best teachers for us. Through them Rod raises us. And we won’t get away from this. This is our karma, destiny.

- A what to do when your father is an alcoholic? – one seminar participant asks me. – How can I respect such a person? After all, there is nothing left of the person left in him.

Your problem, I say, is that you have forgotten who gave you life. Through whom did you come into this world? It is very important to understand that your soul has chosen the best parents and the best family for itself.

The woman looks at me in surprise.

Yes, yes, don't look at me like that. I'll say even more. You are no better than your father. Our pride tells us that he is this and that, and I am good, I am correct. But take a closer look at your father. Try to understand very deeply the reasons for his behavior. Apply the law of reflection. According to this law, you behave in the same way in life.

But I don't drink.

– L this does not necessarily have to manifest itself through alcohol. These could be problems in your personal life, at work, with children. After all, he is a man, and you are a woman, and also his daughter.

“We often judge parents for their behavior,” I continue, “and at the same time we do not understand that they act this way not because they are bad, but because we cannot understand otherwise. Remember the law? The Universe takes care of us in many ways, and these ways correspond to our character. Change your character and the help will be different.

One day I went to my parents to talk. They were finishing watching some Mexican or Brazilian series. I haven’t watched TV for many years, but I didn’t bother them, but decided to watch it with them. “At the same time,” I think, “I’ll see what’s being shown on the box now.” It turned out to be very interesting and instructive.

According to the plot of the film, a drunkard father who lived in the slums came to his daughter, a very respectable lady, to ask for money for her mother’s treatment. The daughter was the eldest in the family, and once, when she was fourteen years old, her father kicked her out of the house. “There’s no point in feeding parasites,” he said. “Go and make your own way in life.” And she struck. It was very difficult for her, she had to work a lot to feed herself, but gradually she earned some money, then became successful in business, opened her own store, and bought a house. And now about twenty years have passed since she was kicked out of her home, and the old man came to her to ask for money.

How dare you even come to me? – his daughter shouted at him. - You are a nonentity! You threw me out onto the street, and now that I have become successful, you suddenly remembered me.

And then this old man said very wise words to her:

You know, you should really be thanking me.

You? Thank? For what? – the woman was indignant.

Then, twenty years ago, I helped you change your destiny. If I hadn't kicked you out, you probably wouldn't have all this now. Look at your brothers,” her father continued. – One died of tuberculosis, the other was a drug addict, and the third – the youngest – has already contacted With a gang of criminals.

It is unknown what would have happened to you, but one thing is clear - nothing good would have happened. You needed a push and I gave it to you. Cruel? Yes. But it wouldn't have worked out any other way.

After these words, her father turned around and left. And his daughter thought very seriously.

The next day she came to her friend and told her everything. And she told her that her father was right.

“Sometimes the blows of fate,” said a friend, “help us become stronger.”

After this, the main character began to take care of her parents and help her brothers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the revolution cut off the roots of most Clans. And further, the activities of the state were aimed at further disrupting the connection between generations: mass migrations of people, repression, and rejection of spirituality led to the fact that we got Ivanovs who do not remember kinship. Now the time has come to restore ancestral roots and connections between generations.

We, living in the big cities of the “civilized” world, began to forget about the existence of the Family. Sometimes the owner of an elite dog knows its pedigree down to the tenth generation, but we have no idea about our own pedigree. And if we are still somehow familiar with the lives of our parents, then what do we know about the second, third generation?..

To understand your life well, it is advisable to carefully study the lives of your loved ones. Where were they born, how was their childhood, how did your parents meet, under what circumstances, what was their relationship? It is also important to know what their purpose and occupation was. By deeply understanding these issues, you can understand a lot in your life. And if you immerse yourself in the life of grandparents...

In fact, what is important is not the number of tribes of your Clan (although this is important), but the depth of understanding of the life of previous generations. And even more important is to establish good relationships with living relatives. It is through them that the entire Rod will be revived.

One day I met a very interesting person who had been interested in Slavic Vedism for a long time. Due to the nature of his activities, he was in Africa, in the capital of Nigeria, as part of a Ukrainian delegation. There I met a Nigerian who had once studied in Moscow at the Patrice Lumumba University. He invited him to visit the jungle where his tribe lived.

– I was extremely surprised! - said my friend. – Imagine, a tribe of Africans lives deep in the jungle according to the Vedic laws of our ancestors. They still have a communal tribal system,” the acquaintance continued his story, “but they cannot be called wild. Quite the contrary: we, with our vices and passions, are savages against them. Everything about them is harmonious and correct. Younger people honor and respect their elders. They are consulted on everything. Young men who reach a certain age undergo a series of serious tests and initiations. Everyone does their own thing, and first of all, for the benefit of the community. They have a council of elders that decides all issues. There is a shaman, like our sorcerer, who is consulted on important matters and to whom people turn for help in case of illness.

Can you imagine, this Nigerian has forty names: Kitoko Njaha Matumba... etc. I ask him: “Why so many?” And he answers me: “Here you are Andrei Mikhailovich. Everyone knows that your father's name is Mikhail. Well, these are the names of all my ancestors up to the fortieth generation.” - “So, do you remember them all?” – I ask him. “Of course,” he replies. – When I was little, my grandparents told me about each of them. What they were like, how they lived, how they distinguished themselves, what benefit they brought to the tribe. And since childhood I wanted to be like them, I also wanted to do something important for my tribe. Therefore, I went to study in Moscow. And now he has returned home. I only now realized that such upbringing provides a serious basis for a person’s moral development. After all, if I have such glorious ancestors, then I cannot even imagine doing anything bad in life, otherwise I will disgrace my entire Family. But I want my grandparents to tell their grandchildren and great-grandchildren something good about me.”

Once upon a time, my grandfather told me,” the acquaintance finished his story, “you, Andrei, must live your life honestly and with dignity, so that when the time comes, appear before the Ancestors and Gods and tell them: “You gave birth to me, and I did this and that for the prosperity of our Family, People, Power, for the increase of the Slavic Family.”

To ensure that the connection between generations is never interrupted and that ancestral energies flow freely, our ancestors had a ritual of blessing. Parents and elders in the family blessed their children and grandchildren to create a family and to accomplish any business. This is a very important ritual. He allowed everyone in the family to gain access to the energies of the Family.

Nowadays, young people in most cases do not know this ritual and live without the blessing of their parents. Moreover, much is done contrary to the advice of ancestors, and is even completely overshadowed by their curses. Maybe our parents did not receive blessings from their parents either. And they themselves need Rod’s help and support.

A person deprived of parental blessing has his access to the energies of the Family blocked, and it becomes much more difficult for him to cope with certain life situations. We have developed a special meditation called “Blessing”. It allows you to receive blessings on the subtle plane along the entire chain of generations, connecting with the souls of your ancestors. These actions can change a lot in life, and new, unusual energies of Rod will flow into your life.

You can do this yourself. Main - realize the importance of the blessing and be sincere in your desire to receive it.

Second important action - sincerely ask your parents for forgiveness for disobedience, for often going against their will.

Third - again, sincere gratitude to your parents for the act of your birth into this world. You must realize that your parents are the best for you. And you are the best child for them. Your soul chose them among other couples and wished to incarnate through this man and this woman.

And finally, fourth – take some real step towards your parents. This could be a specific action if they are nearby. Or a phone call, a kind letter if they are far away.

Finally, go to your parents and ask for their blessing, as they say, in hindsight. Try to explain to them why you need it. I think they will understand you.

As a rule, after receiving the blessing, life begins to change not only for the person who has undergone this ritual, but also for relatives throughout the Family. Favorable relationships are established, connections are established, problems go away, and various tasks are solved more easily.

A person cannot exist outside of his Kin. Rod's program will affect us whether we like it or not. The only thing we can do is change this program by working on ourselves. After all, we are the masters of our lives. Of course, this is not an easy task, but it needs to be solved.

The ancestral program always corresponds to our personal karma. Before appearing in this world, our soul “chooses” parents, gender, nationality, place and time of birth. Each of us is a link in the chain of generations. And we all rely on the experience of our ancestors. As Gustave Le Bon wrote: “The fate of the people is controlled to a much greater extent by the dead generations than by the living ones... We bear the weight of their mistakes; we receive a reward for their virtues.”

The ancestral program is the cumulative actions of our ancestors. And at the same time, it completely reflects our personal karma. If you want to find out about your past lives, it's very simple. And moreover, reliably. Look around. Look into the depth of your Family. For example, your mother is a teacher and your father is a military man. This means that in one of your past lives you were a teacher, and in another you served. If one grandfather is an accountant, and the other fought and died at the front, then in one life you dealt with money, and in the other you defended your Motherland and died a brave death. The same goes for character and abilities. If one of your relatives abuses alcohol, then the same problem existed in a past life. If your mother had a very good voice, and your father wrote wonderful poems, then you also have these same abilities at a deep genetic level.

Explore your Family with love, attention and respect. This will help you better understand yourself, your problems, and realize your purpose. Believe me, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself. We are currently preparing a unique CD “Tree of Family”, which will contain a program for compiling your family tree, your pedigree, a questionnaire for in-depth research of ancestral programs, several meditations and other useful information.

You need to know your roots, you need to study your family tree. Those who do this sometimes discover a certain connection of events that are repeated in the family from generation to generation. Many of our problems today are in one way or another connected with some events from the past.

Where to begin?

For in-depth work, it is advisable to collect information about three to four generations of your ancestors. Start by asking your immediate family about key events: birth, school, wedding, death. Information about the type of activity, family relationships, financial situation, and what diseases there were in the family will also be useful. Also collect as much information as possible about your relatives' brothers and sisters, your uncles and aunts. Create a family photo album. Perhaps the family has preserved diaries and letters. After this, restore connections with distant relatives. Send them letters. Explain that you are creating a family history and you need detailed information about loved ones.

In many cultures, the Rod is represented in the form of a tree. Tree is the oldest symbol of Life. From the deep past, the Image of the Family Tree has come to us, reflecting the unity and connection of three times: past, present and future. The roots of the tree represent the ancestors, the trunk - the living ones, the crown, branches - the future of the Family, descendants, the continuation of the Family in eternity... Fruits and seeds that sow the space around the tree, as well as foliage that fades in the fall and turns green again in the spring - a sign of endlessly regenerating life in change of generations...

In the unconscious memory of humanity lives the prototype of the Sacred World Tree, reflecting the divine world order of the Universe...

There were Sacred Groves in which our ancestors communicated with their Family Trees and performed rituals that supported the integrity of the Family Trees. By honoring the Ancestral Trees, they revived the movement of ancestral energies and gained access to the power of the Family. They understood the importance of a connection with their native land, a connection with Nature, which feeds strong, prosperous families through its roots.

Rice. eleven

Based on the idea of ​​the Family, our ancestors had a special art of RODOLADA - this is the art of creating a family, preserving love and harmony between spouses, raising children, arranging the family space, the family hearth. This is a holistic ideological system of views about the family, about the roles of husband and wife, about parental responsibilities, about duty to the Family and society. One who masters this art maintains a spiritual connection with the roots of his Family and receives the power of the Family through the continuity of generations in the family. Such families are carriers of the spiritual power of the People. A happy family is the basis of the Family; prosperous Family ensures the prosperity of the Motherland. Our School has developed and regularly conducts several in-depth seminars dedicated to the art of RODOLADA.

Every genus, every family tree is of great importance in the human garden! We must understand the role of the Family, our purpose in this incarnation, the enormous responsibility in the chain of family ties. Our ancestors with their lives prepared for our coming here, we prepared the coming for our descendants. Why is communication with your relatives important? We are like branches of one tree - the drying out of some leads to the death of the entire Family Tree.

Before the adoption of Christianity by Prince Vladimir, throughout the entire territory of vast Rus' and the lands adjacent to it there was a single Slavic-Aryan Native Faith. It had different names: Russian Faith, Native Faith, Vedic Orthodoxy, Rodobozhie. It was not a religion in the modern sense of the word. It was a holistic worldview, the Faith-Veda, according to which there is a single and richly manifested God the Parent, who gives birth to everything that exists and does not exist. And his name is the Most High Family.

Everything is united by the Family and resides in the Family,

The gods came from Rod and are kept by Rod,

And people are the essence of the Divine race in Revealing.

Therefore, live in childbirth, glorifying the Forefathers.

This is what the Karbs say in the knowledge of the Pokon Family of the Almighty.

And in the Book of Veles it is written: “God is one and multiple. And let no one divide that multitude and say that we have many gods.”

The Supreme race is the source of everything. He gives life to everything that exists at all levels of existence: in the world of Rule, the world of Reveal and the world of Navi. Rule is the highest world of the Gods, the Light of the Family and the Truth. This is where words like “Truth”, “rule”, “justice”, “rule” come from. Reality is the manifest world, the world of people. Nav is the hidden world, the world of Darkness, the lower world of dark entities and dead souls, burdened with falsehood.

Everything that was born by Rod still carries his name: Rod, Rody, people, Motherland, Nature (Rod’s dowry), breed, Spring, beard (wealth of Rod), rye (the main grain that gives life). The soul of a people is imprinted in its language. The genus is an eternal, indivisible whole, growing from one sacred root. Our ancestors knew about the spiritual-physical unity of man and the Universe. Heavenly Family - the spiritual part of the Universe and Earthly human race – its material embodiment. The symbol of the Tree of Life and the symbol of the Tree of Family are identical to each other and reveal one of the laws of the Universe, according to which the Universe was created from the primary divine energy: what is above, so below, what is in the small, so is in the big.

Many people know the oldest Vedic symbol of the Family:

Rice. 12a

It consists of several parts:

Rice. 12b

It is not difficult to guess the name ROD in them.

This ancient symbol of our ancestors reflects two primary manifestations of the Family: Belobog and Chernobog. These are two opposites of existence, like day and night, truth and falsehood, birth and death. It is said about them in the Book of Veles (VK, D.11-A): “...Belobog and Chernobog will perunite and thereby keep Svarga in balance, so that the World will not be defeated.” Rod, Belobog and Chernobog represent the Great Triglav of the World: three main states: Creation, Destruction and Preservation.

Next, the Most High Family manifests itself in the eternal birth of the Gods, incarnating in its child manifestations: Svarog and Lada (male and female incarnations of the Universe) and their descendants, down to earthly people. That is people and Gods were and are blood relatives, and not creatures alien to each other. Our ancestors called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbozh, but not slaves. This is the main feature of the Native Orthodox Faith - everything resides in the Family, everything in the world is one: Man, the Gods, and Nature.

Manuscripts from the 16th century have been preserved, which talk about how Christian priests in Rus' at that time carried out explanatory work. “There is a creator of everything, God, and not Rod,” they said. But people didn’t argue. “That’s right,” they agreed, “the Creator gave birth to the world. That’s why his name is Rod.”

God is one and at the same time multiple. Every person and every nation experiences it at different levels in accordance with the level of their spiritual development. Therefore, at different times he calls it differently, meaning the same thing. The human race is a tree, and peoples are different branches. We are all one. One organism! Therefore, it is inappropriate for the branches of the same tree to be at enmity with each other. Organs, tissues and cells of a single organism should not destroy each other.

So, our Family is, on the one hand, a source of Power that gives us life, and on the other hand, it is our Karma, our Path. There is our Path and the Path of the Family. One cannot exist without the other. Each of us has our own purpose. And it is closely intertwined with the fate of Rod. We must do something, we must go through something in order to change our personal karma and the karma of our Family.

Our ancestors knew that a person, achieving perfection, helps his Family for seven generations into the future and seven generations into the past. This is how the Power of Piety of the Family accumulates, which passes from one generation to another. And vice versa, if we “give our soul to dark forces,” then we not only degrade ourselves, but also pump out the energy of our Family for dozens of generations forward and back. This, by the way, explains why one person has some benefits at birth, while another does not. Why is one born healthy and the other sick? It’s not only about his personal karma, but also about the karma of the Family. How we use this power depends only on us. The power of the Piety of the Family is the basis for the birth of a brilliant child. Today it is secret knowledge.

There is such a saying: “Through a son a person comes into the Higher world, through a grandson he gains immortality, through a great-grandson he enters the abode of Light... There is no death...”

If we lead a righteous life, then we give our descendants great Power of Life. They are born with great potential. This is very accurately reflected in one Kurdish fairy tale.

On a warm spring day, the padishah and the vizier went for a walk. They see an old man planting a walnut tree. The padishah drove up to him, greeted him and asked:

Father, why are you suffering in your old age? Don't you know that the walnut tree does not bear fruit quickly? Will you live to see that time?

“Dear padishah,” the old man answers. “If your late father had not worked and left you no treasury, would you be able to reign now?” Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers planted many trees, the fruits of which we eat. And we plant trees so that their fruits can go to our children and grandchildren.

The padishah liked the old man’s words and ordered to give him ten gold coins. The old man took the money, turned to the tree and said:

Thank you, dear tree!

Father, why are you thanking the tree? – the padishah asked offendedly.

May your life last, padishah! You can see for yourself that my tree is already bearing fruit.

After this answer, the padishah ordered to give the old man ten more gold pieces.

The old man took this money, bowed to the padishah and said:

Now I have taken the fruits from my tree. Every tree bears fruit once a year, but mine bears fruit twice a day.

Universal peace and happiness will be established on Midgard-Earth when each person returns to his ancestral roots and fulfills his destiny. Therefore, everyone should strive to know themselves and their Race, to accept with their hearts the wisdom of divine laws, our unity in the Human Race, the Heavenly Race and the Supreme Race.

The enemy of the human race and the fight against him Dear E.P.! Where will I begin to cry about my accursed life of deeds? Is it because I entered into such an important stage of life as marriage without a crown, without God’s blessing? Is it because I entered into such an important stage of life as marriage? responsibilities

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Lesson 89 About how to gain personal power The world around us takes care of us always, everywhere and in everything. And this help comes to us in different ways. And always in accordance with our character. The Universe provides us with everything we need for our development. There are two ways

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Step one - study the family Most people do not know all their relatives. Not only does he not communicate with them, but he has not seen them and often does not even know about their existence. So, the first step is to create your own family book, an encyclopedia of the family, in which there will be

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Step two - development of the family This step requires serious readiness and also certain efforts. More or less than step one is difficult to say, because it can be different for everyone. For some, studying the genus will not be difficult, for others it will be easier to take the second step, but

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Step three - distancing from the clan Two important steps have been taken towards the clan - you know it, you have smoothed out the rough edges, built good relationships with most of your relatives, your parents began to listen to you, which means that at some stage of building relationships with the clan you need

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From the book Angels Among Us by Virce Dorin

From the book Meditations for Every Day. Unlocking inner abilities author Dolya Roman Vasilievich

Analysis of the genetics of the genus In addition to the collective, universal human unconscious, ancestral archetypes also influence our lives. Gender information is stored in the DNA structure. This ability of physiology is to store memory cells about generic characteristics - eye color, nose shape,

Meditation “Keepers of the Family” Having created an atmosphere of silence in yourself, stand facing east so that there is free space behind your back. Fold your palms into a boat on your chest and through your heart greet the Spiritual Parents, as well as the Guardians of the Family. After

How to gain the power of the Family.

I would like to talk about the special Power inherent in man. And not only to humans, but to all living things. This is the Power of the Family. Many manifestations of this Power in our world still remain a mystery. For example, why one ant does not know how to build an anthill. And even ten, twenty and thirty ants do not do this. They just run around and fuss around stupidly. And only when a certain number of them is collected, as if on command from a single center, they begin to create their home according to certain rules.

An anthill is a very complex multi-story structure, but every ant clearly knows what to do. Scientists divided the anthill under construction with a thin lead sheet in half, thereby eliminating the possibility of communication between the ants. But these hardworking insects continued to build an anthill on both sides of the leaf as if nothing had happened. Moreover, all the moves clearly connected with each other from different sides of the sheet.

It turns out that not only ants and other insects behave this way. The same thing happens in migratory birds. One bird doesn't know where to fly. And two and five don’t know either. But when there is a certain number of them, one of them becomes the leader of the pack and leads the rest along a strictly established route. Where does she get the information she needs? Previously, scientists thought that only an experienced male who already knew this path could become a leader. But it turned out that the leader of the flock could be a very young bird that had never flown this way.
It is interesting to note that human life is subject to the same rules. If each of us lives on our own, then we will engage in any activity we like, but we will never know what we really need for a full life.

In esotericism there is such a thing as egregor. This is an energy information field that unites people connected to each other in a certain way. For example, there are family, industrial, religious, etc. egregors. But for our full life, we need our own Ancestral egregor, formed by the aspirations, desires and aspirations of our ancestors. Joining it occurs as a result of fulfilling the Commandments and Ancestral Traditions left to us by our ancestors. The manifestation of unity with the Ancestral egregor is called Conscience (shared message).

The legacy of our ancestors on this planet is very long. According to the Vedas, it dates back several million years. And all this colossal experience, all this information is contained in you and me. It is written at the genetic level. What a huge Power! When we say that we defeated the Swedes near Poltava, we literally mean that WE took part in this battle. Actually WE remember this. If I hear that many, many thousands of years ago, our ancestors left their ancestral home of Hyperborea and moved to the Eurasian continent, then every cell of my body responds to this information. This knowledge is written in the depths of my subconscious.

If our actions correspond to the aspirations contained in the Ancestral egregor, if we fulfill the Commandments of the Ancestors and sacredly honor the Traditions, then we will gain ANIMALS CONSCIOUSNESS (joint knowledge with the Ancestral Family). That is, we will be able to use the general memory and everything that is accumulated in it. Our ancestors called such actions sanity, because, having connected to our Ancestral egregor, we act according to the Rule, that is, correctly.

The connection between generations and their harmonious interaction is very important for all members of the Family. Without interaction with Rod, spiritual development is impossible. More precisely, it is possible up to a certain level, beyond which you can go only by being filled with the energy of the Family. For this, it is especially important among relatives to learn to understand each other and help each other. The clan fosters respect for each other, veneration of elders, and this is a necessary condition for spiritual development. The effort and energy invested in building these relationships pays off handsomely.
In fact, respect and veneration for elders is a very serious asceticism. Together with respect for ancestors and elders, the Magi and spiritual mentors, the Power of the Family comes to us. Previously, no important things were done without the blessing of parents. The children were obedient, they understood what a connection with the Family was. This is a huge Power. This is a special Power. Power of Life.

Just as a tree without roots dries up, so a person without a connection with the Family is incapable of life. Therefore, if you have grievances against your parents and complaints against them, forgive them immediately. The only feeling that we can and should have for our parents is a feeling of deep love, respect and gratitude.
Sometimes some people, having read my or other books and learned something new, immediately run to their parents and begin to teach them how to live. But this is not right, there is no need to teach parents - we are not entitled to this according to our status. Just change yourself, start pleasing them with your own changes and achievements in life, and then your parents will imperceptibly begin to change according to the law of reflection.

I once went through this myself and eventually realized that our parents are the best teachers for us. Through them Rod raises us. And we won’t get away from this. This is our karma, destiny.
- What to do when your father is an alcoholic? - one seminar participant asks me. - How can I respect such a person? After all, there is nothing left of the person left in him.
“Your problem,” I say, “is that you have forgotten who gave you life.” Through whom did you come into this world? It is very important to understand that your soul has chosen the best parents and the best family for itself.
The woman looks at me in surprise.
-Yes, yes, don't look at me like that. I'll say even more. You are no better than your father. Our pride tells us that he is this and that, and I am good, I am correct. But take a closer look at your father. Try to understand very deeply the reasons for his behavior. Apply the law of reflection. According to this law, you behave in the same way in life.
- But I don't drink.
- And this does not necessarily have to manifest itself through alcohol. These could be problems in your personal life, at work, with children. After all, he is a man, and you are a woman, and also his daughter.

“We often condemn our parents for their behavior,” I continue, “and at the same time we do not understand that they act this way not because they are bad, but because we cannot understand otherwise. Remember the law? The Universe takes care of us in many ways, and these ways correspond to our character. Change your character - and the help will be different.
One day I went to my parents to talk. They were finishing watching some Mexican or Brazilian series. I haven’t watched TV for many years, but I didn’t bother them, but decided to watch it with them. “At the same time,” I think, “I’ll see what’s being shown on the box now.” It turned out to be very interesting and instructive.

According to the plot of the film, a drunkard father who lived in the slums came to his daughter, a very respectable lady, to ask for money for her mother’s treatment. The daughter was the eldest in the family, and once, when she was fourteen years old, her father kicked her out of the house. “There’s no point in feeding parasites,” he said. “Go and make your own way in life.” And she struck. It was very difficult for her, she had to work a lot to feed herself, but gradually she earned some money, then became successful in business, opened her own store, and bought a house. And now about twenty years have passed since she was kicked out of her home, and the old man came to her to ask for money.

How dare you even come to me? - his daughter shouted at him. - You are a nonentity! You threw me out onto the street, and now that I have become successful, you suddenly remembered me.
And then this old man said very wise words to her:
- You know, you should actually thank me.
- You? Thank? For what? - the woman was indignant.
- Then, twenty years ago, I helped you change your destiny. If I hadn’t kicked you out, you probably wouldn’t have all this now. “Look at your brothers,” her father continued. - One died of tuberculosis, the other was a drug addict, and the third - the youngest - had already become involved with a gang of criminals.
It is unknown what would have happened to you, but one thing is clear - nothing good would have happened. You needed a push and I gave it to you. Cruel? Yes. But it wouldn't have worked out any other way.
After these words, her father turned around and left. And his daughter thought very seriously.
The next day she came to her friend and told her everything. And she told her that her father was right.
“Sometimes the blows of fate,” said a friend, “help us become stronger.”
After this, the main character began to take care of her parents and help her brothers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the revolution cut off the roots of most Clans. And further, the activities of the state were aimed at further disrupting the connection between generations: mass migrations of people, repression, and rejection of spirituality led to the fact that we got Ivanovs who do not remember kinship. Now the time has come to restore ancestral roots and connections between generations.
We, living in the big cities of the “civilized” world, began to forget about the existence of the Family. Sometimes the owner of an elite dog knows its pedigree down to the tenth generation, but we have no idea about our own pedigree. And if we are still somehow familiar with the lives of our parents, then what do we know about the second, third generation?..

To understand your life well, it is advisable to carefully study the lives of your loved ones. Where were they born, how was their childhood, how did your parents meet, under what circumstances, what was their relationship? It is also important to know what their purpose and occupation was. By deeply understanding these issues, you can understand a lot in your life. And if you immerse yourself in the life of grandparents...
In fact, what is important is not the number of tribes of your Clan (although this is important), but the depth of understanding of the life of previous generations. And even more important is to establish good relationships with living relatives. It is through them that the entire Rod will be revived.
One day I met a very interesting person who had been interested in Slavic Vedism for a long time. Due to the nature of his activities, he was in Africa, in the capital of Nigeria, as part of a Ukrainian delegation. There I met a Nigerian who had once studied in Moscow at the Patrice Lumumba University. He invited him to visit the jungle where his tribe lived.

I was extremely surprised! - said my friend. - Imagine, a tribe of Africans lives deep in the jungle according to the Vedic laws of our ancestors. They still have a communal tribal system,” the acquaintance continued his story, “but they cannot be called wild. Rather, on the contrary: we, with our vices and passions, are savages against them. Everything about them is harmonious and correct. Younger people honor and respect their elders. They are consulted on everything. Young men who reach a certain age undergo a series of serious tests and initiations. Everyone does their own thing, and first of all - for the benefit of the community. They have a council of elders that decides all issues. There is a shaman, like our sorcerer, who is consulted on important matters and to whom people turn for help in case of illness.

Can you imagine, this Nigerian has forty names: Kitoko Njaha Matumba... etc. I ask him: “Why so many?” And he answers me: “Here you are Andrei Mikhailovich. Everyone knows that your father's name is Mikhail. Well, these are the names of all my ancestors up to the fortieth generation.” - “So, do you remember them all?” - I ask him. “Of course,” he replies. - When I was little, my grandparents told me about each of them. What they were like, how they lived, how they distinguished themselves, what benefit they brought to the tribe. And since childhood I wanted to be like them, I also wanted to do something important for my tribe. Therefore, I went to study in Moscow. And now he has returned home. I only now realized that such upbringing provides a serious basis for a person’s moral development. After all, if I have such glorious ancestors, then I cannot even imagine doing anything bad in life, otherwise I will disgrace my entire Family. But I want my grandparents to tell their grandchildren and great-grandchildren something good about me.”

Once upon a time, my grandfather told me,” the acquaintance finished his story, “you, Andrei, must live your life honestly and with dignity, so that when the time comes, appear before the Ancestors and Gods and tell them: “You gave birth to me, and I did this and that for the prosperity of our Family, People, Power, for the increase of the Slavic Family.”
To ensure that the connection between generations is never interrupted and that ancestral energies flow freely, our ancestors had a ritual of blessing. Parents and elders in the family blessed their children and grandchildren to create a family and to accomplish any business. This is a very important ritual. He allowed everyone in the family to gain access to the energies of the Family.

Nowadays, young people in most cases do not know this ritual and live without the blessing of their parents. Moreover, much is done contrary to the advice of ancestors, and is even completely overshadowed by their curses. Maybe our parents did not receive blessings from their parents either. And they themselves need Rod’s help and support.
A person deprived of parental blessing has his access to the energies of the Family blocked, and it becomes much more difficult for him to cope with certain life situations. We have developed a special meditation called “Blessing”. It allows you to receive blessings on the subtle plane along the entire chain of generations, connecting with the souls of your ancestors. These actions can change a lot in life, and new, unusual energies of Rod will flow into your life.
You can do this yourself. The main thing is to realize the importance of the blessing and be sincere in your desire to receive it.

The second important action is to sincerely ask for forgiveness from your parents for disobedience, for often going against their will.

Third, again, sincere gratitude to your parents for the act of your birth into this world. You must realize that your parents are the best for you. And you are the best child for them. Your soul chose them among other couples and wished to incarnate through this man and this woman.

And finally, fourth - take some real step towards your parents. This could be a specific action if they are nearby. Or a phone call, a kind letter if they are far away.
Finally, go to your parents and ask for their blessing, as they say, in hindsight. Try to explain to them why you need it. I think they will understand you.

As a rule, after receiving the blessing, life begins to change not only for the person who has undergone this ritual, but also for relatives throughout the Family. Favorable relationships are established, connections are established, problems go away, and various tasks are solved more easily.
A person cannot exist outside of his Kin. Rod's program will affect us whether we like it or not. The only thing we can do is change this program by working on ourselves. After all, we are the masters of our lives. Of course, this is not an easy task, but it needs to be solved.

The ancestral program always corresponds to our personal karma. Before appearing in this world, our soul “chooses” parents, gender, nationality, place and time of birth. Each of us is a link in the chain of generations. And we all rely on the experience of our ancestors. As Postav Lebon wrote: “The fate of the people is controlled to a much greater extent by the dead generations than by the living ones... We bear the weight of their mistakes; we receive a reward for their virtues.”
The ancestral program is the cumulative actions of our ancestors. And at the same time, it completely reflects our personal karma. If you want to find out about your past lives, it's very simple. And moreover, reliably. Look around. Look into the depth of your Family. For example, your mother is a teacher and your father is a military man. This means that in one of your past lives you were a teacher, and in another you served. If one grandfather is an accountant, and the other fought and died at the front, then in one life you dealt with money, and in the other you defended your Motherland and died a brave death. The same goes for character and abilities. If one of your relatives abuses alcohol, then the same problem existed in a past life. If your mother had a very good voice, and your father wrote wonderful poems, then you also have these same abilities at a deep genetic level.

Explore your Family with love, attention and respect. This will help you ray

I have been working with Rod for a very long time... I know that this is very important, because Rod influences our destiny and the fate of our children directly... I know for sure that seven generations down have an impact on everything in our life and death...

Why do you need to work with Rod?

1. You can find out the tasks and place in the Family.

2. Perhaps you are not playing your role in Rod’s scenario... and this can be replayed, adjusted, smoothed over, prayed for...

3. You may incorrectly sense a cause-and-effect relationship in relationships with relatives, draw only negativity from negative experiences... It is possible to go down to the first ancestor and help him, and he will help you, and then the whole Family will help you)

4. By restoring the male and female birth streams, you will not only improve relationships with your family, but also harmonize relationships with the opposite sex, and also ensure a more harmonious and enlightened life for your children and grandchildren.

The concept and acceptance of the Genus and Ancestral programs contain the main lessons for the Soul. It is no secret that Rod has a common soul, a kind of egregor, strength, power, binding fluid. Whatever you want to call it. The Soul of the Family carries all the information and all the ancestral programs; the well-being of everyone in the family depends on the integrity and harmony of this Soul.

We carry not only our code laid down at birth, but we are a kind of cocktail of genetics of the entire Family, everyone who participated in the creation of our Family Tree...

  • Every “self-respecting” Soul wants to incarnate into its Kind in order to give it new energy, new knowledge, new experience.

  • The race will never forgive if we do not want to strengthen it, bring it to a new experience of the Soul for incarnation (simply, give birth to descendants).

  • Sometimes, due to some reasons, the connection with the Rod can be weakened and even lost. To do this, you need to conduct meditation to restore connections and remove negative programs.

Working with Rod

Address before meditation.

  • I ask the Angels of Karma for help in harmonizing and balancing the energy system of my Family.

  • I express my will to be grounded while doing this work.

  • I ask you to carry out the work as comfortably as possible for me with the appropriate intensity and speed.

  • I ask that this work not stop until the energy system of my Family is completely healed.

Before reading the meditation text, imagine the following:

You stand in the center, your father is behind you to the right, your mother is to your left. (The sides should not be confused. This is important.)
Each parent has a hand on your shoulder.
Further, using the same principle, we go deeper into generations.
Behind the father (in the same order) are his parents, after the mother - hers. And below, who from distant generations you no longer know, simply mentally designate and imagine simply in the form of figures.
The result is a “pyramid” with you at the “top”.
To your right is the male (paternal) branch of your Family. On the left is female (maternal).

Now we pronounce the main text.

Preferably out loud. And imagine that your entire Family is saying this at the same time as you.
With gratitude for the Gift of Life, I hug and bless my entire Family with Love.
In the name of I AM the ONE, I accept responsibility for the destinies of my Family.
Pause. (Allow the energies to pass through and do their work).
In the name of I AM the ONE and LOVING, I express my will to restore the broken connections in the energy system of my Family by including in it:

  • all those expelled and forgotten;

  • everyone unwanted and deprived of love, respect and support;

  • all the unborn, rejected before their incarnation.

Pause. (Pass the energies, feel them).

In the name of I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will to transform the energies of separation, rejection and destruction (regardless of their source) into the energies of Love and Unity at all levels, in all generations, in all destinies of my Family.

Pause. (Feel the energies, absorb them).

In the name of I AM the ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I bless with Love and release those who of their own free will choose to leave the energy system of my Kin.

Pause. (Feel the energies, accept them, taste them to the fullest).

In the name of I AM the ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I accept the Power of my Family with gratitude and Love.

In the name of I AM the ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, from now on and forever, the flow of Light, Wisdom and Love of my Family flows unhindered through me and my generation into future lives for the benefit of my loved ones, Humanity, the Earth, the Universe.

Let it be done... Pause. (Make this pause long, sweet, beautiful, record the energies).

I thank the One Loving Eternal.

Take breaks between parts of the meditation, enjoy the energies, close your eyes, feel. This is your kind that came to make you stronger, more sensitive, wiser. Use it. Love you.

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