Report on the use of modern educational technologies. Report on the use of modern educational, psychological and pedagogical technologies in educational activities Report on modern technologies in kindergarten

Report on the use of modern educational technologies

Teacher of the Children's Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2, Slavyansk-on-Kuban Municipal Educational Institution Slavyansky District

Maria Mikhailovna Alkaeva

The environment in which a child lives and develops is changeable and impermanent. A little person always feels the need to see goals, build social connections, and join a team of children and adults. As a teacher, I am faced with the task of helping a child adapt to the society of a preschool educational institution, using modern technologies in the process of upbringing and education. I organize my activities so that a certain order of my actions contributes to the children achieving the predicted results. In my practical activities I use the following technologies:

During the pedagogical process, I take into account the age-related physical and neuropsychic characteristics of my students, the individuality of character and educational potential of each, and I apply a person-oriented approach, the basis of which is the uniqueness of the child’s personality.

I believe that the use of new methods and techniques for physical education and children’s health plays a big role during the period of children’s adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. Preserving health makes it easier to get used to a new environment, allows you to strengthen the immune system of children, which is important for the further full mental and physical development of my pupils. The conclusion I made helps in the work to form a meaningful attitude in children to their health as a value.

In my practical work I use the following health-saving technologies:

Finger gymnastics (development of hand motor skills);

Exercises to develop breathing (hardening method);

Psycho-gymnastics (to relieve emotional stress);

Relaxation games (to relieve nervous tension);

Dynamic pauses (during GCD and other regime moments);

Health-improving gymnastics (elements for the prevention of flat feet);

Preventive acupressure (prevention of respiratory diseases);

Morning exercises (daily);

Waking up exercises (every day after a nap).

I was convinced that these technologies give sustainable long-term results due to the systematic use of them.

Gaming technologies provide me with great assistance in organizing direct educational activities. By using games and play exercises, I ensure that children are interested in the perception of the material being studied, I attract them to mastering new information, and I make play tasks more accessible. I love that the game always requires children to be mentally and physically active. Game educational technologies allow my students to more easily perceive informative material, captivating them during educational activities. The knowledge gained in this way is well absorbed by children.

In my practical activities I use the following gaming technologies:

Game situations (during direct educational activities and during sensitive moments);

Surprise moments (during NOD and during special moments);

Acquaintance with a new toy (practical examination, manipulative and plot play);

The element of the presence of a favorite toy during restricted moments and during direct educational activities.

I was convinced that gaming technologies combine well with the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). Since the educational level of my students is not yet high (due to age), I use individual TRIZ elements in my work:

Solving various problem situations (in a game form).

This helps me to intensify the cognitive activity of children, creates motivation for creativity (for now together with the teacher), develops mental activity, helps kids master figurative speech, and teaches the correct construction of sentences.

In the modern world, the upbringing and education of our children becomes impossible without the use of information and communication technologies. In direct educational activities, for better assimilation and consolidation of the educational material offered to my students, I use:

Listening to children's CDs (songs, relaxation music, sounds of nature);

Watching cartoons (educational and entertaining).

What attracts me to this technology is the fairly easy presentation of visual material and how quickly children remember the necessary information.

Health-saving technologies.

The respiratory system of 2-3 year old children has its own physical characteristics, which determine the frequency of viral and colds, which affects the level of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. Therefore, I use breathing exercises in my work as one of the hardening methods. In combination with acupressure and air aeration with phytoncides in a group room, it helps strengthen the immune system of children and promotes the full development of the respiratory system.

I also use breathing exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress in my students.

I carry out the exercises in a well-ventilated room during various routine moments (morning exercises, awakening exercises, games, etc.), during NOD as part of a lesson, or during a dynamic pause.

I believe that breathing exercises allow you to stimulate physiological breathing, regulate the force of inhalation and exhalation, and develop the smoothness of long exhalation. When conducting them, I try to use relaxation music as accompaniment.

I have collected and regularly use in my work a catalog of games for the development of breathing and breathing exercises. First, I use individual training in the elements of this gymnastics, then, when the children have sufficiently mastered the exercise technique, I combine them into small subgroups.

The toy serves as an additional incentive for kids in my classes. Gradually, in the second half of the year, I introduce some complications through the use of additional movements: finger exercises, eye movements, and hand movements. To achieve effectiveness, breathing exercises can be performed while standing.

Kids enjoy doing breathing exercises in a playful way.

In the parent's corner I have placed informational articles about the benefits of breathing exercises and a selection of special games and exercises for home use.

During the implementation of this health-saving technology in educational and daily activities, I came to the conclusion that the systematic use of breathing exercises has a positive effect on improving the health of children and their good emotional state. I will be happy to use this technology further.

Using the above technologies in my work, I came to the conclusion that only their systematic and rational use, as well as their integration both in educational activities and in various regime moments, determines the development in children of curiosity and the ability to independently solve assigned problems in various types of activities.

Educator M.M. Alkaeva

Head of MADOU "TsRR-d/s No. 2" V.I. Meshchanova


music directorMBDOU kindergarten No. 1

Art. StaroshcherbinovskayaT.L. Turchaninovaabout

  • Personality-oriented
  • Gaming
  • Design
  • Logorhythmics
  • Communicative dances
  1. 1.1.1.

Gaming technology.



Project technology.




Prepared and presented a master class on the topic: “Logorhythmics as a modern educational technology used in the formation of the rhythmic activity of preschool children” within the framework of the RMO of music directors on the topic “The use of modern educational technologies within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard in the formation of the rhythmic activity of preschool children” 21 April 2016.

Also, using logorhythmics, I prepared and carried out the following activities:

  • Vocal and choral studio class “Veselye Notki”, October 22, 2012,
  • “Kuban Fair”, October 30, 2014;

Communicative dances.

Target: Development of children's potential creative abilities.


  • Develop the dynamic side of communication: ease of making contact, initiative, readiness to communicate;
  • Develop empathy, sympathy for your partner, emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication;
  • Develop a positive sense of self, which is associated with a state of liberation, self-confidence, a sense of one’s own emotional well-being, one’s importance in the children’s team, and formed positive self-esteem.
  • To develop in children the ability to perceive novelty, the ability to improvise without prior preparation.

Communicative dance-games are mainly dances with simple movements, including elements of non-verbal communication, changing partners, game tasks, competitions (who can dance better), etc. The origin of this material is associated with the folklore of different nations. Subsequently, the use of such dances when spending leisure time with children and adults gave rise to many variations.

At first, I tried to teach children to move beautifully and consciously in accordance with the nature of the music, so that the connection between music and movement would become familiar and natural for the children. To do this, from the very beginning I included in the GCD simple, interesting, accessible exercises for children, movements that imitate the characteristic gait of an animal, elementary gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes that correspond to a certain mood of a person. When working with children 3-4 years old, I used visual aids: pictures, book illustrations, toys, observation of a living object. To develop children's expressiveness, artistry, and imagination, she included musical sketches and games in her classes.

I use communicative dances and games in a wide variety of forms of working with children - in classes, at holidays, at entertainment with the participation of parents, and on walks.

The “Communicative Dance” technology was used during a joint event dedicated to Mother’s Day on November 27, 2015.

  1. 1.1.2. Information and communication technology.

One of the important components of the competencies of a preschool teacher is ICT competence, which implies the use of information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Information educational technologies refer to all technologies in the field of education that use special technical information tools (computer, audio, cinema, video) to achieve pedagogical goals.

The use of information and communication technologies allows me to generalize my teaching experience by posting methodological developments and materials on the pages of Internet communities,, “Preschool child”

In my work as a music director, I use the following forms of information and communication technologies:

Electronic planning;

I create audio and video files;

I use personal email;

I use digital photography;

I publish my materials on various websites;

I use Internet resources.

I use ICT technologies in organizing educational activities for children, in working with parents and teachers.

I used this technology in my activities during the following open events:

  • Methodical association of music directors “Formation of musical culture based on familiarity with folk music” April 8, 2014.
  • Open viewing of the educational activity “Acquaintance with musical instruments as a means of developing the initiative and creative abilities of middle-aged children” on December 4, 2014.
  • She made a presentation of work experience on the topic “Social and educational project “Mom is a dear word” for older children within the framework of the regional methodological association of music directors of preschool educational institutions “Formation of cognitive interest and cognitive actions of the child in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities, as one of the principles Federal State Educational Standard of Education "February 16, 2016.
  1. 1.1.3. Health-saving technology.

When organizing interactions with children, I actively include health-saving technology. This technology is aimed at developing children’s health and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and stimulating health (technology of using physical activity, breathing exercises).

Conducted the following activities using health-saving technologies:

  • “Kuban Fair”, October 30, 2014;
    • “Easter event “From Heart to Heart”, April 23, 2014.
    • Methodical association of music directors

“Formation of musical culture based on acquaintance with

  • Open screening of the educational activity “Acquaintance with musical instruments as a means of developing the initiative and creative abilities of middle-aged children” on December 4, 2014.

The modern educational technologies I use are used throughout the entire period of children attending a preschool educational institution when organizing various types of activities, joint activities of adults and children. Thanks to the use of pedagogical technologies and their integration, the educational process becomes expedient, effective, efficient, projectable, modern and reproducible. The use of modern educational technologies has given positive dynamics in the development of students, which I track through systematic monitoring.


music directorMBDOU kindergarten No. 1

Art. StaroshcherbinovskayaT.L. Turchaninovaabout the use of modern educational (psychological and pedagogical), information and communication, including network and remote, health-saving technologies in the educational process.

The progress of education is in the direction of developing various options for its content, searching for new ideas and technologies. The teacher faces a problem associated with reconsidering his position in the educational process. Today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying and implementing an arsenal of educational technologies.

In my activities I use the following modern educational technologies:

  • Personality-oriented
  • Gaming
  • Design
  • Logorhythmics
  • Communicative dances

I also use information, communication and health-saving technologies.

  1. 1.1.1. Personality-oriented technology.

When interacting with children I use a person-oriented approach. Personality-oriented technologies place the child’s personality at the center of the entire educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, and the realization of its natural potential. The child’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but a priority subject.

I believe that every child is unique in his or her individuality and has the right to develop at their own pace, along their own educational trajectory. There are different children in the group, with different levels of development. An individual approach to a lesson is closely related to the methodology of conducting classes. I plan my work, taking into account the age, typical and individual characteristics of children, and conduct education and training so that musical lessons become a necessity for them, bring joy and inner satisfaction.

I pay special attention to a personality-oriented approach to education, to the development of creative initiative, individual qualities and abilities of children. My professional skills are aimed at the diversified development and preservation of children's mental health.

Using person-centered technology, I prepared and conducted the following events:

  • Joint leisure time dedicated to Mother’s Day “Mom is a dear word!”, November 27, 2014;
  • Educational activities with children of senior preschool age “Formation of musical culture based on familiarity with folk music,” April 22, 2013;
  • Open viewing of a class at the vocal and choral studio “Veselye Notki”, October 22, 2013.

Gaming technology.

Target: To develop children's musical abilities in an accessible playful form through musical teaching aids and games, to use games in all types of musical activities: singing, listening, playing music, moving to music.


  • Introduce children to musical culture and expand their musical horizons.
  • Develop musical and sensory abilities, activate children's auditory perception.
  • To develop knowledge about the means of musical expression and the properties of musical sound (pitch, timbre, loudness, duration, the ability to distinguish them in the proposed musical works).
  • To instill interest in independent musical activities (playing, research, performing).

Play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions. Therefore, games have been and remain a traditional means of pedagogy.

Play is an excellent form of activity that allows you to bring children closer and to your side, including those who are inactive. The whole personality of the child is involved in the game process: cognitive processes, will, feelings, emotions, needs, interests. As a result, amazing changes occur in this personality.

The game always causes children to be in high spirits and forms a stable, interested attitude towards the activity. In addition, play activities cause active work of the child’s thoughts. And conducting classes in a playful way, as practice proves, gives children great pleasure and saves them from boring learning of the repertoire.

Using gaming technologies in the educational process, I provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, and encourage any inventions and fantasies of the child. Only in this case will the game be useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults.

Prepared and conducted the following open events using gaming technology:

  • Vocal and choir studio class “Veselye Notki”, October 22, 2012.
  • “Kuban Fair”, October 30, 2014;
    • “Introducing Musical Instruments,” December 4, 2014.
    • “Easter event “From Heart to Heart”, April 23, 2014.

Project technology.

Target: formation in children of the foundations of musical, artistic and aesthetic culture, creation of a rich inner world of the child, development of children’s creative potential in various types of activities.


  • Ensure the emotional and psychological well-being and health of children;
  • To form musical and aesthetic consciousness; create conditions for the child to accumulate experience in perceiving art;
  • Enrich children's vocabulary;
  • Develop creative imagination;
  • Develop associative thinking;
  • Activate creativity;
  • Develop communication skills.

A project is a system of planned and implemented actions, necessary conditions and means to achieve certain pedagogical goals, which in turn depend on the choice of priority pedagogical values. What all projects in education have in common is their focus on solving educational problems and the real practical transformation of the current educational situation by the efforts of a teacher (teaching staff) over a certain period of time.

The design technology that I use in my work, as a modern method of integrating activities, allows me to solve a set of problems subordinated to one topic, using a variety of techniques and methods, gradually and in a system. The technology is relevant and very effective. It allows the child to synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. In addition, project-based activities allow children to develop research skills and cognitive interest.

Various events were held as part of the project: conversations, quizzes, joint leisure activities “Mom is a dear word,” exhibitions, didactic games that helped increase the child’s self-esteem. By participating in the project, the child felt significant in a group of peers, saw his contribution to the common cause, and rejoiced at his success. The project method contributed to the development of favorable interpersonal relationships in a group of children, helped the child learn to work in a team, developing his own algorithm of actions to achieve the goal.

I developed a short-term social and educational project “Mom is a dear word”, which I presented within the framework of the regional methodological association of music directors of preschool education “Formation of cognitive interest and cognitive actions of the child in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities, as one of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” 16 February 2016.

A short-term moral and patriotic project “Songs with which we won” has been developed.


  • Develop auditory and visual perception.
  • Form motor skills.
  • Activate mental activity through the development of auditory and visual attention.
  • Develop a voluntary, articulatory complex of movements.
  • Promote the development of a sense of rhythm.
  • Develop emotional feelings.

Logorhythmics is a system of movements combined with music and words. Understanding logorhythmics is based on the use of the connection between words, music and movement. With the help of logorhythmics classes, children acquire theoretical knowledge in the field of metrhythmics, musical culture, musical perception and impressionability. Speech therapy rhythm classes strengthen children's musculoskeletal system, develop breathing, and develop correct posture.

The educational objectives of these classes are varied: this includes the musical development of children - the development of a sense of rhythm, the ability to sense rhythmic expressiveness in music, movements and speech; also cultivating the ability to perceive musical images and the ability to move rhythmically and expressively in accordance with this image, that is, cultivating the ability to transform and demonstrate one’s artistic and creative abilities.

In my work I use the means of speech therapy rhythm as a system of gradually more complex rhythmic, logorhythmic and musical-rhythmic exercises and tasks that underlie the independent motor, musical and speech activity of children.

Such means are: walking and marching in different directions; exercises to develop breathing, voice and articulation; exercises that regulate muscle tone; exercises that activate attention; counting exercises that develop a sense of musical meter; rhythmic exercises; singing; exercises in playing instruments; play activities; exercises to develop creative initiative.

The basic principle of constructing all of the above types of work is the close connection of movement with music and the inclusion of speech material. I introduce the word in a wide variety of forms: these are the texts of songs, round dances, dramatizations on a given topic, dramatization with singing, commands from the driver in outdoor games.

I give children various rhythms in the form of games, dramatization, imitation of the movements of birds, animals, in the form of formations, etc. I select the content and forms of dramatization according to the age, general development and motor abilities of the children. At younger preschool age, the rhythms are light movements, and at older preschool age, I offer children a larger number of rhythmic patterns, which are formed in the images of animals, birds, and in different formations when working with objects.

Prepared and demonstrated a master class


1. Preserve and strengthen the health of children, form in children initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

2. To develop the creative abilities of children through exposure to art, visual and artistic-speech activities;

3. Foster a sense of patriotism through getting to know your hometown and region.



The world in which a child lives and is raised develops the need to take initiative and build social connections with others. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the cognitive, intellectual, physical and social-personal development of preschool children.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into the educational activities of a preschool institution, modern innovative technologies reflect the goals, content, forms, methods, means, results and conditions for organizing pedagogical work.


1. Preserve and strengthen the health of children, form in children initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

2. To develop the creative abilities of children through exposure to art, visual and artistic-speech activities;

3. Foster a sense of patriotism through getting to know your hometown and region.

In my teaching activities I use the following educational technologies:

1. Health-saving technologies.

2. Project technologies.

3. Developmental technologies

4. Personally-oriented technologies for interaction between teachers and children.


In the technology of health-saving education, I solve the following problems:

Master a set of simple norms and behaviors that help maintain and improve health.

Develop a positive attitude towards your own health and healthy lifestyle.

To consolidate the acquired skills that contribute to the assimilation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in a group and family.

In my work to instill the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and physical development, I not only use traditional forms and methods, but also manufactured non-traditional equipment under my leadership together with parents and children. Using non-traditional equipment, exercises are performed to develop physical qualities, exercises to prevent flat feet and scoliosis. During direct educational activities, music therapy is necessarily used.

Thanks to the health-saving direction in my work, students develop a meaningful attitude towards health as an important life value.

I. health group - 10 children

II. health group - 15 children

Work on health-saving technology is aimed at maintaining and increasing the level of health and healthy lifestyle of pupils:

1. Health-improving gymnastics (corrective, orthopedic, etc.).

2. Physical education minutes, dynamic pauses, acupressure, lifting gymnastics.

3. Independent activity of preschoolers.

4. Direct educational activities.

5. Working with parents.

I think that teaching a child various techniques and methods for preserving and strengthening his health is very important during further education at school.

The production and use of non-standard physical education equipment has a positive effect on instilling the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle in students. This confirms the participation of students in the sports festival “In the Olympic Country”

Thanks to the use of health-saving technologies, systematically conducted physical education activities, and the rational use of non-standard equipment, the motor density of physical education classes has increased significantly (up to 80% - 90%). Children's interest in different types of movements has increased, ingenuity in independent motor activity has appeared, and their emotional tone in physical education classes has significantly increased. The survey results showed:

1 health group - 4 people;

2nd health group – 9 people;

Health group 3 – 2 people


One of the innovative educational technologies is the technology of project activities. In close collaboration with parents, under my leadership, the following projects have been developed:

Project "Salt Stories"

The goal of the project: to create conditions for the formation of the foundations of a holistic worldview for children through inventive activities.

Project “Birds of our region”

The goal of the project: to form the ecological culture of children, to deepen knowledge about the birds of our region. The implementation of the project includes conversations “What do we know about birds?”, “Migratory birds”, “Wintering birds”. Bird watching on a walk, didactic games “Find out by description”, riddles about birds, reading fiction, memorizing the poem “Feed the birds in winter!”, art classes “Feathered Friends”, exhibition of children's works.

Design and research technologies. One of the listed methods in the development of cognitive interest, the desire to learn and master everything new, the development of cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge and types of activities.

In project technology, I strive to combine educational content from various fields of knowledge not only of children, but also of their parents, by including their interpersonal interaction.

Form of organizing project activities for preschoolers:

Work in groups, pairs.

Interaction method.

Experimentation method.

Method of observation, comparison.

Design technology is one of the forms of search activity that contributes to the development of their creative abilities. During the design process, I teach children the ability to work in a team, subordinate their interests to the common cause, calmly resolve creative disputes, reach agreements, provide assistance to project participants, discuss and evaluate each other’s actions.

At the heart of project activities, I see children’s activities, in which many new and previously unknown things are revealed. This is obtaining a result in the process of joint work between an adult and children on a specific problem. Such cooperation develops the ability to work in a team, subordinate one’s character and temperament to the interests of the common cause, resolve creative disputes, reach an agreement, the ability to discuss achieved results, and evaluate everyone’s actions.

In project activities, I try to reveal the individuality of each child, realize his interests and needs, which contributes to the development of the children’s personality.

Introducing the technology of project activities into teaching practice, I draw attention to the comprehensive development of the student’s personality:

identifying talented children;

activation of the educational process;

developing students’ interest in research;

developing public speaking skills.

Educational technology of projects is used in the educational process, directly educational activities with the integration of educational areas “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Artistic Creativity”.


Developmental learning technologies allow me to look at the idea of ​​learning that comes ahead of development and child-oriented activity as the main goal. Knowledge is not the final goal, but merely the environment for children’s development. I bring to the fore the development of children in various types of activities, the formation of cognitive, intellectual, and creative qualities of the individual.

Of no small importance is the planning and organization of interaction with society, the implementation of set goals, and analysis of performance results.

The use of developmental learning technology allows us to move from what a child can do independently to what he can do in collaboration with a teacher and parents. I consider gaming activities to be a developmental technology, which creates a friendly mood for the perception of educational material. The game creates a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults.

An important feature of the use of gaming technologies is that gaming moments penetrate into all types of children’s activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities associated with the implementation of the regime and play. Gaming technologies are aimed at developing mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

Theatrical and play activities enrich children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature and theater, form dialogical, emotionally rich speech, activate the vocabulary, and contribute to the moral and aesthetic education of each child.

The main factors in speech development are communication with adults and peers, organized word games and educational activities. A good result is obtained by introducing into the learning process the method of using mnemonic tables for:

vocabulary enrichment;

when learning to compose stories;

when retelling fiction;

when memorizing poetry.

A mnemonic table is a diagram that contains certain information. Like any work, it is built from simple to complex.

Work in the classroom using mnemonic tables consists of:

1. Looking at the table and analyzing what is shown on it.

2. Information is obtained and converted from abstract symbols of words into images.

3. A fairy tale or story on a given topic is retold, a descriptive story is compiled on the lexical topic being studied.


In implementing personality-oriented technology, I strive to create conditions in which the individual interests and needs of children are realized. When working with children, I provide for the establishment and development of a positive relationship in communication at the “teacher – children – group” level. I involve children in all types of activities in order to identify their abilities and character traits.

Personality-oriented technologies provide comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for the development of children and the realization of their natural qualities. The child’s personality in this technology is open to education and the conditions of new knowledge, awareness and responsible choice in various situations.

I believe that every child is unique in his or her individuality and has the right to develop at their own pace, according to their own educational capabilities.

In my group there are children with different levels of development. Using personality-oriented technology, I conduct individual lessons with children, taking into account their developmental characteristics. I take into account the personal relationships of students to the surrounding reality, the degree of mastery of program material, interest in learning new material, relationships with the teacher, and the peculiarities of the development of mental processes. I select didactic material that varies in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques for completing tasks.

I build the educational process in this way:

in the course of organized educational activities, I take into account the age capabilities and interests of children;

I organize educational activities in the form of a joint game;

I organize the game in a joint activity with one child, a small group of children or all of them in such a way that every child participates in it;

I conduct training in a calm tone;

I respond to any child’s request for joint activities and help, and if it is impossible to implement them, I calmly explain the reason and ask them to wait;

During a joint game or organized educational activity, I find the time and opportunity to address each child by name, give them the opportunity to show their interest and complete tasks correctly.

Interaction with parents and their active participation in the life of the group and institution give positive results. We are participants in various exhibitions and competitions (for the 70th anniversary of the Victory “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, for Defender of the Fatherland Day, “Portrait of my mother”, “Visiting a fairy tale”). The use of personality-oriented technologies, interaction with children and parents, contributed to the creation of brochures, recommendations, consultations, exercises and games “I and WE – today and tomorrow”, which is used by parents.

The presented educational technologies are used in organizing direct educational and independent activities with the integration of educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Regional component.

I approve

Head of MBDOUKV No. 34


Information report on the subject-development environment

Mozdok 2015

I approve

Head of MBDOUKV No. 34


02.09.2015__________Petrova I.V.

Information report on the use of modern forms of cooperation with families

Mozdok 2015

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 29 in the village of Mostovsky

Written report

on the use of modern educational, information and communication technologies, including network and distance learning,

health-savingtechnologies in the educational process

Ponomarenko Tatyana Ivanovna,

primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 29

Mostovskogo village

Written report

on the use of modern educational, information and communication, including network and remote, health-saving technologies in the educational process T.I. Ponomarenko, primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 29 in the village of Mostovsky

municipal formation Mostovsky district

I consider the main direction of work at school to be the development of the professional competence of a teacher who is able to skillfully organize the activities of students, transfer to students a certain amount of knowledge to master their abilities for active action. My task is not to present ready-made knowledge to the student, but to competently organize an independent cognitive process. That is why I consider it necessary to use in my teaching practice technologies that implementstudent-centered learning , ensuring the involvement of each student in an active cognitive process. To increase the efficiency of the educational process when conducting lessons in primary schools, I use modern educational technologies.

In my teaching activities I regularly useinformation and communication technologies , which contribute to students’ better assimilation of program material, broaden their horizons and cognitive activity. Visual-figurative thinking is formed, the child learns to plan and predict the results of his actions. At the same time, the sign function of consciousness develops.

The widespread use of IC significantly improves the positive dynamics in children's education and their qualitative component. Of course, this happens subject to the competent use of communication technologies. In my practice, the main areas of application of ICT have already been formed:

Preparation of didactic material for the educational process (printed materials, own presentations for lessons);

Maintaining an electronic journal, teacher and class teacher documentation;

Participation in distance competitions, teacher and student competitions;


Making report;

Searching and using information from the Internet for preparing lessons, design and research work, practical work on the world around us, for extracurricular and educational work;

Conducting parent meetings and lectures;

Museum lessons, virtual travel, museum visits;

The systematic use of electronic educational programs in combination with traditional teaching methods has significantly increased the efficiency of the educational process. I widely use ready-made computer presentations, andI use them at all stages of educational activity: when preparing students to master new knowledge, when consolidating it, and when reflecting. Using a computer programMicrosoftPowerPointI’m working on creating a media library on my own and involving students in this process.With the help of a presentation, I introduce children to scientific material in a fun, accessible and visual way.Educational activities using ICT significantly increase the creative and intellectual potential of schoolchildren.

Analysis of lessons using ICT showed that cognitive motivation and activity increases, making it easier to master complex material.

I presented this technology at an open mathematics lesson on the topic “Solving simple and compound problems” as part of a master class on April 12, 2017. Present were Tseplyaeva O.N., primary school teacher at MBOU Secondary School No. 9, Miroshnichenko I.M., teacher primary classes of Gymnasium No. 4, Redkina I.S., primary school teacher of MBOU secondary school No. 15.

Health-saving approach can be traced at all stages of my lesson, since it provides for a clear alternation of activities.

The lesson includes gymnastics, dance-rhythm breaks (to music), physical education minutes, motor-speech exercises, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, conversations with a nurse on the topics “Healthy Products”, “Health and Safety Lessons”. During my extracurricular activities, I talk to the kids about healthy lifestyles. I choose a physical education lesson depending on the predominant activity in the lesson: if the predominant activity is writing, then I use exercises to relieve general or local fatigue, exercises for the hands; if reading - gymnastics for the eyes.

Lesson fragment

I offer you guys an unusual Russian language lesson. Today we will strengthen not only our knowledge of the Russian language, but also our health. To do this, I have prepared a whole mountain of different medicines that will certainly help us improve our health. Do you agree? (Children’s opinions differ: yes and no.) Why?

- Then how, without using medical means, can we strengthen and develop our health during the lesson? And is this possible? How? (Children give various recommendations: correct posture, lighting, etc.)

In different lessons I offer tasks with health-saving content:

- What do you do to keep your teeth healthy? Select the correct answers and circle their numbers.

    I never brush my teeth.

    I brush my teeth twice a day - morning and evening.

    I clean my teeth with a needle.

    I rinse my mouth after eating.

    I chew nuts and candies to strengthen my teeth.

    After brushing my teeth in the evening, I don’t eat sweets.

I presented this technology at an open Russian language lesson on the topic “The concept of animate and inanimate nouns” on January 12, 2017. Primary school teacher N.G. Tsyplakova was present.

In my work I try to use various modern educational technologies. This is, first of all -gaming Play is a natural and humane form of learning for a child. When teaching through play, I teach children not how it is convenient for me to give educational material, but how it is convenient and natural for children to take it. Exercises of a playful nature enrich students with new impressions, perform a developmental function, and relieve fatigue. They can be varied in their purpose, content, methods of organization and implementation. With their help, I solve any one problem (improve computing, grammatical skills, etc.) or a whole complex of problems: form speech skills, develop observation, attention, creative abilities, etc.

I use gaming activities in the following cases:

To master a concept, topic, and even a section of a subject;

As a lesson or part of it (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, exercise, control).

These are various games - competitions, relay races, in which you are asked to find the meaning of an expression, insert the desired sign, come up with an example, etc. Such games are undeniable in assessing the automaticity of skills and abilities.

In my lessons I use:

Games with words: “Complete the word”, “Inverted words”, “Connect halves of words”, “Complete the word (restore the proverb)”;

Game warm-ups: warm-up riddles, ratios.

The use of game techniques allows you to diversify the lesson, activate children, and involve each student in the work.

But when including games and playful moments in the process of teaching children, the teacher must always remember their purpose and purpose. We must not forget that behind the game there is a lesson - this is an acquaintance with new material, its consolidation and repetition, this also means working with a textbook and notebook.

I presented this technology at an open lesson in mathematics “Arithmetic operations on numbers” on 04/25/16. Primary school teacher N.M. Denisova was present.

An important place in the modern school is occupied byproject activities students. And I try to use this technology in my lessons. I use the project method in lessons on Kuban studies and the surrounding world. My task is not to present ready-made knowledge to the student, but to organize an independent cognitive process. Of course, kids who are just starting to master the computer do not yet create their own presentations. However, most of the guys are actively collecting materials on the proposed project topic. A kind of competition arises between them: who found the information faster, who got hold of rare information and facts?

Creative research activities occupy a special place. Its main goal is to captivate children in search, show them the significance of their activities and instill confidence in their abilities.

Primary school subjects provide opportunities for a variety of studies: from small short-term ones (within one lesson) to long-term and deep ones, which are formalized in research projects, with which children then take part in scientific and practical conferences.

The results were the following projects:

- “The magical transformation of milk”,

- “Why does a hamster stuff its cheeks?”

I presented this technology at an open extracurricular event on the topic “Family and Fatherland” on May 24, 2017. The director of MBOU Secondary School No. 29 S.G. Matychenko was present at this event.

Any modern lesson cannot do without technology.problem-based learning or without its elements. In overcoming feasible difficulties, students need to acquire new knowledge, new ways of acting, abilities and skills. Most often, I pose the problem at the beginning of the lesson or at the stage of initial consolidation, where I give the children, for example, the opportunity to independently determine the topic of the lesson or derive a rule based on the proposed material. Children learn better not what they receive ready-made and memorize, but what they themselves discovered and expressed in their own way. To ensure that teaching using this technology does not lose the principle of science, I must confirm the students’ conclusions and compare them with the rules and theoretical provisions of the textbooks.

I will give an example of using this technology in a Russian language lesson on the topic “Unpronounceable consonants.”

The word is written on the boardmessenger


Read this word spelling, spelling. (Bulletin, [v, e, sn, ik].)

What surprised you? (The letter t is written in a word, but when reading, the sound [t] is not pronounced.)

What question do you have?

(Why are some consonants written where the sound is not pronounced?

How can we find out or check whether we need to write a letter in a word that denotes a consonant sound if we can’t hear it?)

So, the children independently came up with a new topic and set the goal of the lesson. The term “unpronounceable consonants,” like all terms and facts in general, can be presented by the teacher in a ready-made form. I always let my students come up with their own names and then compare them to scientific terms. In this case, students can be brought closer to the correct name:

The sound is NOT PRONUNCIED, so it is called...

The problem can be stated using graphs, drawings, drawings, etc. Work on a problem is successful when a problematic situation arises.

I presented this technology at an open lesson in the Russian language “Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement” on 04/07/17. Primary school teacher N.M. Koptsova was present.

Collaboration technology. Collaborative learning, small group learning, I begin by diagnosing the level of knowledge and capabilities of each student in the subject, and then group forms of work are used:

Study pairs (creating pairs: a strong student and a lagging student, two weak students, two strong students);

Team training (formation of homogeneous groups and selection of a leader);

Small groups of “low-performing” students (training to reinforce the material learned)

Small groups of “strong students” (method of problem situation, “brainstorming”)

Doing homework in groups that are formed according to interests.

Working with this technology, one has to play a new role, no less important for the educational process - the role of the organizer of independent, cognitive, research, and creative activities of students. The task is no longer limited to transferring the amount of knowledge and experience accumulated by humanity; it is necessary to help students independently obtain the necessary knowledge, critically comprehend the information received, be able to draw conclusions, argue them, having the necessary facts, and solve emerging problems

I presented this technology at an open lesson on the surrounding world “Natural zones of Russia” on 02/27/16. Primary school teacher O.N. Efanova was present.

The results of using the listed educational technologies are a consistently high quality of knowledge in subjects (68-75%), participation and prizes of my students in school scientific and practical conferences, creative competitions, and olympiads. In addition, the use of health-saving technologies makes it possible to maintain the health of schoolchildren and instill in them the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Conclusion: modern technologies make it possible to diversify the lesson and make it more rich. Information and communication technologies make it possible to carry out various types of control. The technologies I use help me solve many pedagogical problems, and I will continue to use them in my activities..

List of sources used.

    Kuzmina, N.V. Pedagogical skill of a teacher as a factor in the development of students’ abilities / N.V. Kuzmina // Questions of psychology. – 1984. - No. 1. – P. 20-26.

    Kuzmina, N.V. Professionalism of the personality of a teacher and industrial training master / N.V. Kuzmina. – M.: 1990.

    Martynova, E.B. New technologies in pre-vocational training of schoolchildren / E.B. Martynova // Biology at school. – 2004. - No. 8. – P. 36 – 39.

    Mirzoev, S.S. Activating the cognitive interest of students / S.S. Mirzoev // Biology at school. – 2007. - No. 6. P. 35 – 38.

    Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. M., 1987.

    Maksimova V.N. Problem-based approach to learning at school. Methodological manual for the special course L. 1973.

    Makhmutov M.I. Organization of problem-based learning. M. Pedagogy 1977.

    Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning. M. Pedagogy 1972.

    Skatkin M.N. Problems of modern didactics. M. Pedagogy 1980.

Deputy Director Tsyplakova N.G.

according to MR

Report on the use of modern educational technologies that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard

The main goal of our preschool institution is the comprehensive development of the child’s personality by preschoolers. We see our main goal in providing a holistic approach to organizing work in this area.

Throughout my teaching career, I try to keep up with the times, study and apply traditional and innovative pedagogical technologies in the system. Based on the educational needs of the children in the group, as well as the conditions available in the preschool educational institution, in my practical activities I used both traditional and modern technologies: health-saving technologies, collaborative pedagogy, which allows the pedagogical process to be carried out in accordance with the interests of each child, unobtrusively, without pressure, and always be close to the child, help him; gaming technologies that help increase interest in various types of activities, create a favorable emotional environment, and encourage the activity of each child; project method; individually differentiated approach, educational games.

Using health-saving technologies, I systematically introduce non-standard methods and means of healing: breathing exercises, herbal tea, oxygen cocktail, aromatherapy, eye exercises, facial warm-ups, psycho-gymnastics, “Healthy” weeks, health-improving exercises after sleep, corrective and orthopedic exercises. The use of such methods made it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational process and to form value orientations among students aimed at preserving and strengthening health.

Personally-oriented learning technologies contribute to the development of the child’s personality. Here I use an integrated structure of classes. And this, in turn, gives children the opportunity to develop communication skills, creativity, the ability to express their thoughts, share impressions, develop cognitive interest and activity.

Gaming technologies are leading in preschool age; they most effectively solve the problems of social and personal development of preschool children. Therefore, I use them in my work and pay special attention to creating conditions and planning creative games with a gradual complication of tasks according to the age and development of children’s playing skills.

In my work I use a wide range of forms of games: travel games, competitions, quizzes, entertainment games, role-playing games, fantasy games and improvisation. Playful partnership with children allows me to develop leadership skills in shy and insecure children, and for children with high self-esteem to learn to negotiate and take on secondary roles.

Introducing the technology of project activities into teaching practice, I pay attention to the comprehensive development of the student’s personality and pursue the following goals: identifying talented children;

activation of the educational process; developing students’ interest in research; developing public speaking skills.

In my work, I integrate the cognitive content of education, implement an activity-based approach, and create a motivational and developmental environment for children’s search activities. To satisfy children's curiosity and inquisitiveness in my work I use the technology of experimental activities. Experimental activities belong to the field of children's amateur activities, are based on the interests of children, bring them satisfaction, and therefore are personally oriented towards each child.

Based on an analysis of the system of work in kindergarten, conditions and approaches to environmental education, as a means of developing children’s cognitive activity, I designed my subsequent work, where the implementation of the assigned tasks was carried out in three main forms: direct educational activities; joint activities of adults and children; independent activities of children; joint activities of a child with a peer.

When working with parents, I use various forms of work: open days, entertainment, exhibitions, videos from the life of children in kindergarten, information stands, presentations about children’s achievements, meetings with specialists, joint project activities, etc. This is all done by the educational process open to the active participation of parents and other family members.

Sukhomlinsky believed: “Success in learning is the only source of a child’s internal strength, which generates the energy to overcome difficulties and the desire to learn.” To maintain interest in learning and the desire to learn, I use information technology. Programs related to the use of computer technologies: presentations, testing, training. Preschool education faces an important task - to educate a comprehensively developed person with an information culture, which will allow him to successfully adapt to new living conditions. Achieving this goal is possible through the active introduction and use of modern educational technologies, especially health-saving and information and communication technologies, in the educational process. Modern preschool children, for the most part, are computer literate, so it is important that educators improve their skills through mastering computer and communication technologies. This allowed me to use information and communication technologies in various classes. In my opinion, working in an innovative mode allows you to optimize the educational and educational process, makes it more rational and effective, and also increases the motivation of learning in children. Working with Internet resources allowed me to get acquainted with the system of educational portals, in particular with the Federal Portal “Russian Education”, the Russian General Education Portal, the Federal Portal “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, etc. The information presented on the sites is very important and necessary. These are catalogs of educational resources, and an electronic library of educational materials, including various electronic dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, information on various types of classroom activities, and much more. The modern educational process involves the use of tools and techniques that help children “discover” themselves, reveal their personality. It is important to use educational technologies that not only form knowledge, skills and abilities, but also allow for an activity-based approach to learning. The use of modern educational technologies in the educational process gives good results. Digital educational resources, computer technologies, and the project method help to increase learning motivation, as well as improve the information culture of preschoolers. Project activities actively develop communication skills, which is very important in modern society. Working in an innovative mode changes the worldview of the teacher himself. An innovator educator becomes interested in mastering modern technologies and using them in the educational process. Thus, the teacher increases his social status, and his authority also increases. The result is an increase in the teacher’s professional skills and recognition of his merits at different levels.

The use of innovative educational technologies in our work made it possible to increase the level of physical, intellectual and emotional-personal development of the children in my group, adapt them to society, and instill in them the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

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