Cinquain on the theme of the school year. Examples of syncwines


- This is one of the methods for enhancing students’ cognitive activity in the classroom. The word "cinquain" comes from the French word for "five" and means "a poem consisting of five lines." This methodological technique is described in the audio lecture of the “Legal Education” project of the Russian Foundation for Legal Reforms. A cinquain is not an ordinary poem, but a poem written in accordance with certain rules. Each line specifies a set of words that must be reflected in the poem. Line 1 – heading, which contains the keyword, concept, theme of the syncwine, expressed in the form of a noun, Line 2 – two adjectives,Line 3 – three verbs,Line 4 – 4 words, a phrase that carries a certain meaning, aphorism, with which you need to express your attitude to the topic. Such an aphorism can be a catchphrase, quotation, proverb, or a phrase composed by the student himself in context with the topic, Line 5 – summary, conclusion, one word, noun.

Sinkwine on the theme "State" ,

State.(Title) Independent, legal.(Two adjectives) Collects ( taxes), judges, pays(pensions). (3 verbs) The state is us!(Phrase that carries a certain meaning) Protection.(Summary)

Sinkwine "Proverb"

Proverb, kind, warm-hearted, cares, tunes, protects. The world illuminates like the sun. Good. Sinkwine is not a way to test a student’s knowledge; it has a different task, and a more universal one.

Sinkwine is a way to check what students have at the level of associations at any stage of the lesson, studying a topic. The teacher begins to study a new topic and at the beginning of the lesson gives a syncwine: “What do you already know about this? What do you think?" After analyzing the results obtained, you can correct the student’s ideas about this concept while studying the topic. ...The middle of the lesson. The topic is very difficult to understand. The students are tired. Offer them a syncwine on some section of the topic being studied, and you will find out how students perceive new material. A quick way to change the type of activity without leaving the topic. The topic has been studied. The quality, depth and strength of knowledge will be shown by a survey and a final control section.

And now, at the end of the lesson - cinquain. A worthy result of studying new material, which will demonstrate not so much knowledge as understanding, value judgments, and value orientations of students. Ultimately, with a detailed analysis of syncwines, the teacher will see how much he managed to achieve the previously predicted result.

SINQWINE- This is a five-line verse.

The ability to summarize information, to express complex ideas, feelings and perceptions in a few words is an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock.

A cinquain is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in brief terms, which allows you to describe or reflect on any occasion.

The word cinquain comes from a French word that means five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines. When you introduce students to syncwines, first explain to them how such poems are written. Then give some examples (below are some syncwines). After this, invite the group to write several syncwines. For some people, writing syncwines will be difficult at first. An effective means of introducing syncwines is to divide the group into pairs. Name the theme for the syncwine. Each participant will be given 5-7 minutes to write a syncwine. Then he will turn to his partner and from two syncwines they will make one, with which both will agree. This will give them the opportunity to talk about why they wrote and re-examine the topic critically. In addition, this method will require participants to listen to each other and extract ideas from others' writings that they can relate to their own. Then the whole group will be able to familiarize themselves with paired syncwines. If overhead projectors are available, it is useful to show a couple of syncwines. Each of them can be represented by both authors. This could spark further discussion.

Synquains are a fast and powerful tool for reflecting, synthesizing and summarizing concepts and information. It is important to do these exercises systematically, purposefully and with clear pedagogical goals.

When this is done, learning and thinking become a transparent process accessible to everyone. There will be no mysterious or subtle processes that only those who are lucky will be able to notice. When processes become transparent, students not only learn content, but also learn how to learn.

Sinkwine from a pedagogical point of view

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. In addition to using syncwines in literature lessons (for example, to summarize the completed work ) it is also practiced to use syncwine as a final task on the material covered in any other discipline.

Sinkwine on the theme "Vitamin" 1. Substance 2. Useful, necessary 3. Absorb, take, use 4. You can’t live without vitamins! They are reliable friends. 5. Health Benefits

Sinkwine "Human"

Man, Beautiful and Happy. He thinks, he does, he speaks. And he does not forget that he is an individual.

Cinquain for the word "Tolerance": 1. Patience 2. Non-hostile, constructive, non-conflict 3. Interact, respect, listen 4. Human wisdom lies in tolerance. 5. Peacefulness

Sinkwine on the theme "Nature" 1. Life 2. Fertile, nurturing 3. To be born, to live, to exist 4. Nature is an endless source of inspiration 5. Mother Earth


Creativity active, creative be able to do, love to create - be able to develop love

Water useful, transparent flows, flows, splashes the most soluble minerals on earth

Justice pure, faithful, does not lie, tests, enriches You are safe with her Sister of WISDOM

Life interesting, difficult to be born, grow, decide life everyone wants to know hope

Books Mysterious, deep They help, teach, make you fall in love with your eternal heroes Thank you

City Beautiful, noisy Buzzing, blinding, living City, filled with movement, bustle Life.

- This is a five-line verse. The word cinquain comes from a French word that means five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines. It enriches vocabulary; prepares for a brief retelling; teaches you to formulate an idea (key phrase); allows you to feel like a creator, at least for a moment; everyone succeeds.

RULES FOR WRITING SINQWAIN 1 line– one word – the title of the poem, the theme, usually a noun. 2nd line– two words (adjectives or participles). Description of the topic, words can be connected by conjunctions and prepositions. 3 line– three words (verbs). Actions related to the topic. 4 line– four words – a sentence. A phrase that shows the author’s attitude to the topic in the 1st line. 5 line– one word – an association, a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic in the first line, usually a noun.


Kind, smart

Helps, understands, works.

She's a good friend.


Affectionate, kind.

Loves, teaches, understands.

A loving mother who always makes you feel warm.


kind, affectionate

loves, sleeps, scolds

I can't live a day without my mom!

Holidays. Bright, cheerful. We walk, relax, sleep. Rest - don't work! Happiness!


    Illustrious, brave .

    Fought, rejoiced, fled .

    Scary p go through Russia .



    Valiant, insightful .

    Led, defeated, conquered .

    Rus from enemy released .

    Hero .

Parents and teachers are concerned that children have stopped loving reading. But it is important not only to cultivate an interest in books, but also to teach them to analyze what they read. That is why in literature lessons, techniques aimed at developing critical thinking - for example, composing a syncwine - become especially relevant.

The essence of the methodological technique

Cinquain (senkan) is translated from French as “a poem of five lines.” Originally, the short rhyming work was a kind of American “answer” to Japanese haiku and tanka, invented in the 20th century by the poet Adelaide Crapsey. Sengkan was built according to a certain syllabic pattern: 2 in the first line, 4 in the second, 6 in the third, 8 in the fourth and 2 in the fifth. There were 22 syllables in total. In pedagogy, the structure of syncwine has become not syllabic, but semantic. It reflects the result of synthesis and analysis of this or that information, that is, each line meets certain requirements of the topic:

  • 1st - word-concept (noun or pronoun in initial form);
  • 2nd - two words describing qualities (adjectives or participles in the nominative case);
  • 3rd - three words telling about actions associated with the concept (verbs or gerunds in the initial form);
  • 4th - a sentence (4–5 words) reflecting the attitude towards the concept;
  • 5th - a summary word that expresses the essence of the topic.

Sinkwine is an effective reflection tool that allows children to develop the following:

  • the ability to briefly express the essence of a particular issue;
  • systems thinking;
  • analytic skills;
  • respect for the word.

In addition, composing five-line unrhymed poems expands students' vocabulary and implements the principle of a creative approach to learning.

Why write a syncwine in a literature lesson?

Sinkwine can be used both when compiling notes for a literature lesson and at the stage of testing knowledge acquisition

Sinkwine is part of the technology of critical thinking, which is based on three stages of organizing the learning process:

  • challenge (updating past experience, for example, checking homework);
  • comprehension (contact with new information);
  • reflection (consolidation of acquired knowledge).

Shinkan can be used at any of these stages. When used in a literature lesson, this method of organizing information helps:

  • study the images of heroes (analyze the positive and negative aspects of the character, the motives of his actions);
  • understand certain concepts (syncwine helps not only to interpret the term, but also to provide a specific example);
  • understand the point of view of the author of the work and his contemporaries (what is duty, honor, morality, and so on).

Using a five-line poem composed by a child, a teacher can easily draw conclusions about the quality of learning the material, the depth of understanding of the problem, the degree of development of imaginative thinking and the gaps in knowledge that the student has.

Rules to help you make syncwine (with diagram, plan and example)

The syncwine scheme is simple and understandable to students of any level

An exciting and creative activity - composing a syncwine - teaches children to organize their thoughts. In order for the technique to meet the teacher’s expectations, it is necessary to clearly explain to students how senkan is done:

  1. From a problem or a new body of information, one main word stands out.
  2. The most appropriate definitions for the phenomenon are selected. These can be both real-life signs and associative ones (for example, Pushkin’s Onegin is dapper, that is, this characteristic is objective; curly-haired - by analogy with the author, who is often called the prototype of the character - an associative sign);
  3. Then there are action words that describe the concept. It is desirable that these verbs are actually present in the text when working with a literary work.
  4. To describe the concept, you need to come up with a short phrase. For elementary and middle school students, it can be a proverb or saying, but older students can write their own statement.
  5. The compilation of the syncwine is completed by selecting a word that denotes a concept synonymous with the original one.

For example, the simplest senkan could be like this:

  • BOOK
  • Interesting, new
  • Enrich, teach, distract
  • Reading is the path to the world of images.
  • Pleasure

Tips on how to compose senkan in a literature lesson (with examples)

With the help of syncwine it is very convenient to characterize a character’s image

Sinkwine can be used in lessons in any class. The teacher's task is to make the work feasible for children of different ages. Methodological recommendations for composing an unrhymed five-line poem can be divided into advice for elementary, middle and senior levels.

1–4 grades

In a primary school lesson, when compiling a senkan, you need to do the following:

  • Together with the students, highlight the general concept - the first line;
  • for the second and third lines, choose the first word collectively;
  • give examples for the fourth line;
  • in case of difficulties, help with the selection of a synonym or allow you to express the essence of the phenomenon not in one word, but in a phrase of two.

5–9 grades

At the middle level, it makes sense to give an alternative for the first word, since the psychological characteristics of children at this age determine the negative attitude of adolescents towards the lack of choice and can cause children to refuse to complete a task because of its “difficulty”. It is better for schoolchildren to work on lines 2 and 3 themselves: choosing words of these categories is not so difficult, it is almost impossible to make mistakes, but making an independent choice will increase the authority of the young poet in his own eyes. Finding the appropriate phrase and synonym for the original concept can be much more difficult. In this case, you need to start from the capabilities of a particular student: perhaps it makes sense to help the child or make this stage of compiling a syncwine a group one.

When compiling a syncwine in a lesson in primary school, the teacher is recommended to help a student experiencing difficulties

10–11 grades

At the senior level, the teacher may limit himself to suggesting the use of senkan to work on a particular literary work. Students can complete all stages of the work without outside help. At the same time, five-line poems can be used to compile a summary, and to analyze the character’s actions, and to evaluate the role of the hero in the system of the entire work.

Samples to help you compose a syncwine

A five-line poem without rhyme in a literature lesson can relate to different aspects of the course: both theoretical and practical. Theory includes familiarity with the conceptual apparatus. For example, kids need to learn what a fairy tale is:

  • Magic, household
  • Tell, listen, read
  • A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it
  • History (as an option - a magical story).

This is how the essence of other concepts can be expressed: poem, true story, story, and so on.

In the middle level, many lessons are devoted to getting to know the areas of literature. This could be an example of a syncwine based on one of them:

  • Fictional, sentimental, tragic
  • Add up, suffer, think
  • Romanticism is the flowering of literature.
  • Pushkin (this line can contain any name of a romantic writer).

In a similar way, one can imagine the trends of the Silver Age (Acmeism, Futurism), and the genre uniqueness of modern literature (free libre, tragifarce).

Younger schoolchildren can compose a syncwine collectively

As for the study of specific literary works, this is the most fertile ground for using the technique. For example, kids will remember Carlson’s characterization faster if they make up a syncwine during class:

  • Fat, kind, cheerful
  • Play naughty, fly, calm down
  • A man in his prime.
  • Propeller

The study of characters in grades 5–9 is based on comparing the moral principles of different personality types. The task of the subject teacher is to show the children that a person is a tangle of contradictions that does not fit into the framework of only a positive or negative set of qualities.

  • Young, seeking, extra
  • Serve, love, die
  • Pechorin is the image of Lermontov.
  • Onegin (or Chatsky, representative of the galaxy of images of the “superfluous man”)

For high school students, images of writers are no less interesting:

  • Talented, sick, allegorical
  • Ironize, be afraid, suffer
  • Bulgakov is a genius of his time.
  • Master

Sinkwine in a literature lesson is not only a great way to make students think and analyze, but also a technique that allows you to unleash the creative potential of the younger generation. In addition, the methodological features of using senkan in different classes make it possible to place it in first place among the universal methods of presenting material.

Recently, it has become popular to use a method called “syncwine” in school classes. It is believed that this stimulates the mental activity of students, promotes the development of creative thinking, writing and reading skills, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, briefly formulating them. In addition, making syncwines is very interesting and children enjoy doing it.

What is syncwine?

This form of versification appeared at the instigation of the American Adelaide Crapsey at the beginning of the last century, thanks to the eastern principles of poetry - haiku and tanka. The result was a cinquain - a laconic five-line poetic form that carries synthesized information. Sinkwine is divided into several varieties, each of which has certain composition rules.

Crapsey came up with the traditional form of composing a pentaline, where the work included 22 syllables and had a structure like this: 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 2, where the number indicates the number of syllables in each line.

The didactic form of syncwine began to be used to teach American schoolchildren. It differs from other five-line verses in that it is not the observance of the syllable structure that is important, but the semantic information of the lines.

The classic traditional syncwine is composed as follows:

  • The first line is the topic, noun or pronoun;
  • The second line is two adjectives or participles, they briefly characterize the topic, describing it;
  • The third line is three words of verbs or gerunds that reveal the action;
  • The fourth line is the author’s opinion about the topic being described in four words;
  • The fifth line is the final line, the essence of the topic, consisting of one word and any part of speech.

Of course, these are the general basics of writing a syncwine that you should try to adhere to. But small adjustments can be made if the meaning of the poem benefits from this. To prevent a five-line text from turning out to be a jumbled collection of words, it is allowed to increase the words in a line or replace parts of speech, and so on. The main thing is that as a result the author creates an interesting creation with important information.

Pedagogical value of syncwine

This poetic form began to be used in Russian schools not so long ago, in the last decade of the last century. But it has been successfully used in Western school curricula for almost 100 years.

From a pedagogical point of view, syncwine is an excellent way for a student to realize his creative potential. This poetic form helps to find and highlight the most important points in the information field, compose them and briefly bring them to the attention of others.

Sinkwine helps overcome speech monotony in a child, helps enrich vocabulary, and accelerate mental development. Compiling pentaverses helps develop analytical thinking skills. It is convenient to use it as a final task to check the material covered. The simplicity of constructing a poem makes this development method very effective for children of different ages.

To take syncwine, you need to have knowledge and understanding of the material covered. This form can be used not only in literature or the Russian language, but also in such subjects as physics, chemistry, biology, you can check the student’s level of knowledge by compiling a syncwine. Moreover, although it takes less time than writing a standard test, it will require no less intensity of mental work. And the result will be much more original, interesting and revealing.

Let's try to understand step by step how to write a non-rhyming poem using the word “book”.

1 line

Line 1 is the topic, which means the word “book” is the finished starting line of our poem. But books are different, what characteristics should we give them? To do this, you need to specify the topic (in this case, the book). Let's move on to the second line.

2 line

Line 2 gives a description of the subject (topic). What do you think of when you hear the word “book”? Everyone has their own associations, for example:

  • Electronic, paper;
  • Interesting, fascinating, with pictures and illustrations;
  • Boring, technical, with formulas and diagrams;
  • Old, ancient, with notes in the margins.

The list can be very long and there is no definitely correct definition, since everyone has their own first perception when pronouncing a word. Some people imagine their favorite children’s book, some imagine a hefty tome in their father’s office, others have an abstract image in the form of store shelves with many creations. You need to write what you think is related to “your” book. For example:

  • bright, colorful;
  • boring, instructive;
  • historical, interesting.

From the second line the character of our book is already clearly presented.

3 line

Line 3 should describe the action. What actions generally happen with the book? It is composed, written, published, sold, on the shelf, and so on. But it would be more correct to describe the actions in relation to the author: captivates, puts you to sleep, makes you bored, teaches, tells, makes you worry. The choice of characterizing verbs depends on the description given. Let’s say that the boring, moralizing line in the second line cannot captivate or awaken the imagination in the third.

When writing the third line, the main rule is to stick to the image that has already been created. You also need to monitor the use of cognate words; if the book was described as interesting, then you should not characterize the action that interests it. The result will be a transfusion of “water”. It is better to use a word with a similar meaning: an interesting book captivates.

4 line

Line 4 of the pentaverse implies an expression of personal attitude towards the topic (book). As a rule, this line is the most difficult to formulate. Schoolchildren are constantly taught that thoughts must be expressed directly and unambiguously: I love to read, I find books useful and moralizing. In practice, syncwine does not require an assessment and implies a free interpretation. You need to determine what is most important in relation to you and your life related to books.

For example:

  • I hate sitting with a book;
  • learned to read at age five;
  • I have a lot of books at home.

If the imagination pictures deforestation to produce paper for books, then there may be the following formulations:

  • published a book - destroyed a tree;
  • books made of paper - a planet without trees.

That is, an expression of personal attitude towards books in a clear and understandable form. If it is difficult to immediately compose a short, succinct phrase, then you can write your thought in free form, not counting the number of words, and then decide how to reduce it to the required size. For example: “I love reading historical novels and can sit over a book all night until the morning.” As a result, the shortened version will look like:

  • I read all night long;
  • I’ll read the whole book before morning;
  • a book in your hands - a dream is at your doorstep.

5 line

Line 5 is the final line, its task is to summarize the entire work in one word. First you need to write the resulting four lines and read them. This is an almost finished unrhymed poem. Let’s say you remember children’s works:

  • Bright, fabulous.
  • Entertains, fascinates, lulls.
  • Mom read it before bed.

To formulate the main idea of ​​the syncwine, you need to draw a conclusion from the resulting work: “I remember how, as a child, I liked it when my mother read bedtime stories.” Most likely, the final word will already be contained in the final phrase. In this case, the word “childhood” would be appropriate.

Examples of syncwines

Writing syncwines is a creative and exciting process. Children love such activities and often suggest topics for poems themselves. Here are some examples of creating simple unrhymed five-line verses for younger students.


Warm, sunny.

Swim, relax, walk.

The best time of the year.



Cruel, scary.

Kills, tortures, shoots.

I've seen films about the war.


Big, noisy.

Teaches, helps, guides.

I like going to classes.


Caring, affectionate.

He takes pity, nurses, looks after.

Grandma has the most delicious pies.


Fragrant, sweet.

It blooms, smells, ripens.

I love cherry jam.


Brilliant, colorful.

It shoots, sparkles, roars.

It is a symbol of joy and victory.


Small, defenseless.

Laughs, rejoices, grows.

Children are the flowers of life.


Brave, brave.

Catches, protects, guards.

My city is the safest.

September 1

Festive, elegant.

Let's go, study, get acquainted.

For the first time in first class!


Active. Conscious.

Builds, performs, monitors.

Together - we are force.

If you need to compose a syncwine on any topic, but are having difficulty with it, we can help you. Write the topic of syncwine in the comments to the article, and we will try to compile it for you.

From work experience O.N. Polishchuk, teacher of Russian language and literature

1. Introduction. What does the ability to compose a syncwine give a student?

2. History

3. Compilation rules

4. Didactic syncwine

5. Sinkwine from a pedagogical point of view

6.1 Ease of construction

6.2 Formation of analytical abilities

6.3 Variability

7. Synvane is an excellent way to control.

8. Material from practical work of 5th grade students B.

SINQWAIN is a technique for developing critical thinking at the stage of reflection.
SINQWAIN is a short poetic form used to record emotional assessments, describe one’s current impressions, sensations and associations.
SINQWAIN is a short literary work characterizing a subject (topic), consisting of five lines, which is written according to a certain plan.

The word "cinquain" comes from the French word for "five".

SINQWAIN is a tool for synthesizing and summarizing complex information.

SINQWINE is a means of creative self-expression.


enriches vocabulary;

prepares for a brief retelling;

teaches you to formulate an idea (key phrase);

allows you to feel like a creator at least for a moment;

everyone succeeds.


There is a fashion for certain tasks in school practice: just as there is a fashion for certain clothes or music. And now many teachers include in their lesson plans writing syncwines. In fact, they can be written on absolutely any subject, but teachers of Russian language and literature still have a special love for this French task. What is this unusual task?

When you hear the word “syncwine” for the first time, it seems that it is something incomprehensible and exotic. In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated here.


Cinquain is a five-line verse.

This poem is written according to certain rules. Compiling a syncwine requires the student to be able to find the most important elements in the educational material, draw conclusions and express all this in brief conclusions.

The ability to summarize information, to express complex ideas, feelings and perceptions in a few words is an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock. A cinquain is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in brief terms, which allows you to describe or reflect on any occasion.

The word cinquain comes from a French word that means five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines. When you introduce students to syncwines, first explain to them how such poems are written. Then give some examples. After this, invite the group to write several syncwines. For some students, writing syncwines will be difficult at first. An effective means of introducing syncwines is to divide the group into pairs. Name the theme for the syncwine. Each student will be given 5-7 minutes to write a syncwine. Then he will turn to his partner and from two syncwines they will make one, with which both will agree. This will give them the opportunity to talk about why they wrote and re-examine the topic critically. In addition, this method will require participants to listen to each other and extract ideas from others' writings that they can relate to their own. Then the whole group will be able to familiarize themselves with paired syncwines. If overhead projectors are available, it is useful to show a couple of syncwines. Each of them can be represented by both authors. This could spark further discussion.

Synquains are a fast and powerful tool for reflecting, synthesizing and summarizing concepts and information. It is important to do these exercises systematically, purposefully and with clear pedagogical goals.

When this is done, learning and thinking become a transparent process accessible to all. There will be no mysterious or subtle processes that only those who are lucky will be able to notice. When processes become transparent, students not only learn content, but also learn how to learn.

History of origin

At first XX century developed a form of syncwine American poetess Adelaide Crapsey (Adelaide Crapsey), based on familiarity with Japanese syllabic miniatures haiku And tank. Cinquains were included in her posthumous collection of poems, published in 1914 and reprinted several times.

Sinkwine(from fr. cinquains , English cinquain) - five-line poetic form that arose in USA at first XX century influenced Japanese poetry. Later it began to be used (lately, since 1997, and in Russia) for didactic purposes, as an effective method of developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results. A number of methodologists believe that syncwines are useful as a tool for synthesizing complex information, as a snapshot for assessing students’ conceptual and vocabulary knowledge

Compilation rules

1 line – one word– title of the poem, theme, usually a noun.

Line 2 – two words(adjectives or participles). Description of the topic, words can be connected by conjunctions and prepositions.

Line 3 – three words(Verbs). Actions related to the topic.

Line 4 – four words- offer. A phrase that shows the author’s attitude to the topic in the 1st line.

Line 5 – one word– an association, a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic in the first line, usually a noun.


Bright and warm

She decorated it, came, and lit it.

Gives people hope and dreams.



Creative, kind

Teaches, educates and cares.

I like the job of a teacher.


Traditional cinquain consists of five lines and is based on the count of syllables in each verse:

its syllable structure is 2-4-6-8-2, for a total of 22 syllables (haiku has 17, tanka has 31).

Reverse syncwine(Reverse cinquain) - with the reverse sequence of verses (2-8-6-4-2);

Mirror syncwine(Mirror cinquain) - a form of two five-line stanzas, where the first one is traditional, and the second - back syncwines;

Cinquain butterfly(Butterfly cinquain) - nine-line form with syllabic structure 2-4-6-8-2-8-6-4-2;

Crown of cinquains(Crown cinquain) - 5 traditional cinquains forming a complete poem;

Garland of cinquains(Garland cinquain) - analogue wreath of sonnets, a crown of syncwines, to which is added a sixth cinquain, where the first line is taken from the first syncwine, the second line from the second, etc.

How do you spell syncwine? The conditions for writing it are as follows:

The first line contains one word - noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

On the second line they write two adjectives, revealing the theme of the sequel.

Third line - three verbs, describing actions related to the topic of syncwine.

The fourth line contains the whole phrase - aphorism, with which you need to express your attitude to the topic. Such an aphorism can be a catchphrase, quotation, proverb, or a phrase composed by the student himself in context with the topic.

The fifth line includes summary word, which gives a new interpretation of the topic, expresses the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic.

Didactic syncwine

Didactic syncwine developed in the practice of the American school. In that genre the text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the content and syntactic specificity of each line.

First line - sequel theme, contains one word (usually noun or pronoun), which denotes the object or subject that will be discussed.

The second line is two words (most often adjectives or participles), they give description of features and properties the item or object selected in the syncwine.

The third line is formed by three verbs or participles, describing characteristic actions object.

The fourth line is a four-word phrase expressing personal attitude the author of the syncwine to the described item or object.

Fifth line - one word-summary , characterizing essence subject or object.

Strict adherence to the rules for writing syncwine is not necessary. For example, to improve the text, you can use three or five words in the fourth line, and two words in the fifth line. It is possible to use other parts of speech.

Sinkwine from a pedagogical point of view

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the student to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. In addition to the use of syncwines in literature lessons (for example, to summarize a completed work), it is also practiced to use a syncwine as a final assignment on the material covered in any other discipline.

Ease of construction

The simplicity of constructing a syncwine makes it one of the effective methods of student development, which allows you to quickly get results. In particular, getting to know the very concept of a word and expanding your vocabulary to more effectively express your thoughts.

Formation of analytical abilities

Compiling a syncwine, a short summary based on large amounts of information, is useful for developing the ability to analyze. Unlike a school essay, a syncwine requires less time, although it has more rigid boundaries in the form of presentation, and its writing requires the compiler to realize almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative). Thus, the procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented.


Various variations for composing syncwine contribute to the diversified composition of tasks. In addition to compiling a new syncwine independently (or in pairs or in a group), options are possible with:

compiling a short story based on the finished syncwine (using words and phrases included in the syncwine);

correction and improvement of finished syncwine;

analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without indicating the topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the existing ones).

Cinquains are an excellent way to control.

For literature lessons, syncwines are a real Eldorado. Students love these French poems because they are short in length, easy to compose and quite interesting. With the help of syncwine, you can express the whole essence of a literary character in a few words. At the same time, the teacher not only saves time, but also simultaneously checks the readability of the text, the depth of its understanding and the student’s ability to correctly express his thoughts. If a 45-minute lesson allows you to read aloud only a few essays, then everyone will be able to present their own syncwine, and there will still be time to discuss everything.

By composing a syncwine, each student realizes his or her talents and abilities: intellectual, creative, imaginative. If the task is completed correctly, the cinquain will definitely turn out to be emotional.

Here are some examples of fairly successful syncwines:

It is impossible to write a poem correctly without reading the text. I propose to get acquainted with several syncwines from my own teaching practice. The sixth grade students were syncwines dedicated to the heroes of the story Vladimir Osipovich Bogomolov “Ivan”.

Brave, bold.
Swims across, takes revenge, scouts.
Ivan will never give up.
(I note that the student received a “3” for this syncwine, since she presented the main character in a very one-sided way).

Real, brave.
He scouts, runs away, dies.
A boy who serves the Motherland.
Intelligence service.
(Sinquain is rated higher because it contains a more in-depth study of the character and fate of the hero).

Disciplined, inquisitive.
Serves, gives, wins.
Keeps his promise.

Cowardly, selfish.
Betrays, gives, receives.
The thirst for profit is the source of evil.

If suddenly a student has difficulty finding words that are appropriate in the syncwine, then the problem is most likely explained by the following. Either the topic of syncwine is not close to the student (it is not understood by him or is simply not interesting). Or the student needs to work on expanding his vocabulary.

And also syncwines are very convenient to use for self-control or in mnemonic purposes. If students can easily compose a poem, then rest assured that the topic has been mastered well. In addition, syncwine contains the quintessence of the material - its emotional perception. Therefore, you can later repeat this topic by simply remembering your syncwine.

As for literature, for it syncwines are even more than a method of control or memorization. Try writing a syncwine about your favorite book character. And when you select the only correct adjectives, verbs and aphorisms for him, you will definitely feel how much closer, understandable and dearer this or that character has become to you. It’s as if you are passing the art of words through yourself. And this exactly the effect that Russian literature lessons should ideally achieve.

Cinquain on the theme of Lefty

talented Russian
shoed, drank, died
story by Nikolai Leskov, written and published in 1881


Sinkwine on the themeSummer

hot sultry
swim sunbathe swim
go on vacation

Sinkwine on the topic of Literature

artistic, scientific
written, contains, read
a set of any verbal texts
manuscripts don't burn

Cinquain on the theme of Lyceum

general education, specialized
teaches, prepares, educates
prepares for admission to universities
educational institution

Sinkwine on the topic of Personality

individual, unique
not born, formed, becomes
the result of the process of education and self-education
individual behavior system

Sinkwine on the theme of Love

Love is deep, ecstatic
give, forgive, adore
the eternal desire of the lover for the beloved
the feeling of love is passionate, insidious
to languish, to fall in love, to suffer

the only thing we can give

and yet it remains with us the priceless gift of love
deep, intimate sung, excites, feels
true love is not between bodies, but between souls

Cinquains in Russian lessons

Beautiful and smart

Raises, makes and cares

Nature knows best.


Kislyakov Vitalya

Beautiful, useful.

Makes you happy, heals, feeds.

She helps people live

Golubeva Ulya

Nature. Nature.

Beautiful, useful. Beautiful and smart.

They take care, help, study. Lives, grows and exists.

We need to take care of her. It's great to be in nature.

Reserve. Beauty.

Vakhromeeva Alena Bylkova Vika

Flower. Nature.

Wonderful and beautiful. Strange, beautiful.

It grows, develops, dies. It pleases, saddens and surprises.

Loves to be watered. Our nature must be protected.

Rose. Enchantress.

Gurulev Valera Kolotukhin Dima

Nature. Nature.

Alive, green. Beautiful, alive.

It grows, makes noise, cries. Pleases, decorates, feeds.

I really love nature! I love my native nature.

Beauty. Plants.

Shlyufman Ksyusha Neupokoeva Nastya

Beautiful, smart.

Teaches, helps, punishes.

She's doing everything right!

Fedyushkin Vlad

Cinquains on the theme “Apprentice”

Student. Student.

Curious, experienced. Smart, busy.

Reads, draws, studies. Reads, draws, learns,

The boy gets straight A's. I started to study well.

Schoolboy. Inhabitant.

Buslenko Katya Dinges Maxim

Student. Student.

Curious and experienced. Busy and attentive.

He learns, gets smarter and performs. Learns, performs and gets smarter.

A smart citizen reads a story. The boy studies at school.

Inhabitant. Schoolboy.

Zhuntova Yulia Kim Vlad

Student. Student.

Smart, well-mannered. Attentive, experienced.

He learns, gets smarter, performs. Learns, writes, reads.

A schoolboy goes to school. I will study well!

Citizen. Schoolboy.

Penkina Ksyusha Popov Vlad

Sinkwine on the theme of A.S. Pushkin.

Smart, talented.

Writes, composes, creates.

He is a very good poet.


Popov Vlad

Cinquains on the theme of Russian fairy tales

Wolf. Wolf.

Angry, hungry. Greedy and boastful.

Howls, sings, eats. Sings, lies, eats.

The wolf ate the whole family. Why did the owner listen to the wolf?

Sly. Singer.

Isaev Nikita Arkhipets Sasha

Wolf. Peasant.

Gray, hungry. Stupid, greedy.

Lured, lay in wait, waited. He listened, admired, gave.

He ate the whole family. Left alone in the house.

Sly. Fool.

Neupokoeva Nastya Popov Vlad

Crow. Crow.

Stupid and timid. Boastful, talkative.

He deceives, sings and flies. Got ready, flew, saw

No point in flying south! On the island, a crow was pecked to death.

Singer. Chatterbox.

Dovgalev Zhenya Penkina Ksyusha

Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden.

Snowy, sad. White, smart.

She ran, jumped, melted. Works, sings, hides.

The white girl sings cheerfully. The Snow Maiden jumped and melted.

Daughter. Girl.

Shaporina Angelina Popov Vlad

Cinquains in extracurricular reading lessons.

City. Birobidzhan.

Beautiful, wonderful. Beautiful, big.

Helps, grows, shows off. It’s being built, I like it, I’m interested.

I like my town. I love my city.

Birobidzhan. Homeland.

Popov Vlad Arkhipets Sasha

City. Birobidzhan.

It is being built and growing. Big, beautiful.

Handsome, cheerful, young. It stands, grows, becomes prettier.

I love my city. Our city is very beautiful.

Homeland. Handsome.

Vakhromeeva Alena Neupokoeva Nastya

City. Birobidzhan.

Big, beautiful. Beautiful, northern.

It stands, becomes prettier, becomes greener. It builds, it lives, it grows.

We love our city. I love Birobidzhan.

Birobidzhan. City.

Popov Vlad Isaev Nikita

Homeland. City.

Dear, beloved. Young, beautiful.

Born, protects, protects. Lives, grows and breathes.

Our Motherland is Russia. My city is the most beautiful.

House. Birobidzhan.

Kolotukhin Dima Dovgalev Zhenya

Birobidzhan. Homeland.

Beautiful, educational. Big, beautiful.

It is under construction, developing, making us happy. Feeds, protects, protects

I like my town. Our homeland is very beautiful.

House. A country.

Golubeva Ulya Kislyakov Vitalya

Dad. Mother.

Good, kind. Beautiful, kind.

Raises, earns, travels. Works, cooks, helps.

He loves the whole family. My mother is very smart.

Father. Mommy.

Dinges Maxim Konovalova Nastya

Family. Parents.

Friendly, cheerful. Happy and sad.

Pleases, educates, helps. They work, study, teach.

I love my family. Lives well with parents.

House. Love.

Popov Vlad Kolotukhin Dima

Mother. Homeland.

Beautiful, kind. Beautiful, fair.

Works, cooks, loves. Protects, raises, educates.

I love my mom. I was born in Birobidzhan.

Mistress. Fatherland.

Archipets Sasha Kim Vlad

Dad. Mother.

Tall, kind. Tender, affectionate.

Works, educates, helps. Helps, walks, works.

At work he makes furniture. The whole family loves mom.

Father. Human.

Zolotukhina Tanya Neupokoeva Nastya


5th grade B students

schools 5

2009 – 2010 academic year

Friend. Friends.

Kind, good. Kind, good.

Helps, gives, makes friends. They go, they advise, they help out.

My friend is the best. Help in difficult situations.

Comrade. Assistant.

Kim Vlad Kislyakov Vitalya

Friends. Friend.

Good, kind. Kind and honest.

They help, protect, rescue. He went out, played, hid.

I have such good friends! He will always help you.

Comrades. Comrade.

Popov Vlad Dinges Maxim

Friend. Friend.

Cheerful, healthy. Experienced, smart.

Plays, sings, whistles. He works out, studies, walks.

My friend and I are playing. A friend will always help me out.

Actor. Vania.

Konovalova Nastya Fedyushkin Vlad

Friend. Friend.

Good, best. Experienced and real.

Helps, treats, gives. Helps, does and comes.

My friend is very good. A friend in need will help.

Buddy. Human.

Kolotukhin Dima Dovgalev Zhenya

Friend. Friend.

Reliable, cheerful. Good, faithful.

Helps out, helps, gives way. Helps, intercedes, makes friends.

My friend is the best! A friend helps me make friends.

Support. Buddy.

Gurulev Valery Leskova Lera

Cheerful, friendly.

Playing and having fun.

Friends can always help you out.

Buslenko Katya


1 Yu.I. Ravensky. "Reasoning of a problematic nature."

2 S.A. Nikolskaya. "Sinquain."

3 K.P. Shchepina "Cinquain in the lesson."

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Slide captions:

What is syncwine? He who thinks clearly speaks clearly. (Ancient proverb) Psychologists and practicing teachers note that older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren often have speech impairments, a poor vocabulary, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, and it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart. Drawing up a synquain is one of the ways to partially solve these problems. Sinkwines are often used by modern teachers. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwines in the form of a game.

Cinquain is not an ordinary poem written in accordance with certain rules. Cinquain is a French word that means “poem of five lines.” The cinquain form was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey.

To compose a syncwine, you need to learn to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and summarize. We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

Rules for compiling syncwine. Sinkwine consists of 5 lines; Its shape resembles a Christmas tree. 1 word 2 words 3 words 4 words 1 word

The first line of a syncwine is a title, a topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question). The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine. The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of the subject. The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text. The fifth line is the last. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

What can we write a syncwine about? The topic can be anything about nature, about a painting, about a literary character, about mom or dad, about mood, about a lesson learned

House 2. Big, beautiful…. 3. Protects, warms…. 4. All people need…. 5. Shelter 1. Children. 2. Beautiful, mischievous. 3. They play, play pranks, and make them happy. 4. Flowers of our life. 5. Joy. Parents are kind, caring... They work, care, protect.... We love our parents... Family…

1. Vacations 2. Spring, summer… 3. Relax, walk, draw…. 4. Breaks in classes in educational institutions during the academic year…. 5. Rest 1. Book 2. Wise, useful. 3. Read, learn, advise. 4. A book is your best friend. 5. Library.

1. Butterfly. 2. Orange, blue... 3. Reproduces, feeds, flies away. 4. It is born, transforming from an ordinary caterpillar. 5. Insect. 1. Mathematics. 2. Accurate, useful. 3. Calculates, trains, develops. 4. Queen of all sciences. 5. Teacher.


Quality of knowledge

ways to improve it

“Compiling a syncwine in elementary school”


primary school teacher

First qualification category

Lashtur Evgenia Stepanovna


Target: increase the motivation of colleagues to master the reflective activities of students.


  • Introduce colleagues to the concept of “syncwine”.
  • Give an idea of ​​composing a syncwine at different stages of the lesson.
  • Show specific options for conducting syncwine in the classroom.

What is syncwine? Slide 2

Psychologists and practicing teachers note that older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren often have speech disorders, a poor vocabulary, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, and it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart.

Drawing up a synquainis one of the ways to partially solve these problems.

Cinquains often used by modern teachers. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwines in the form of a game.

Cinquain is a special poem that arises as a result of the analysis and synthesis of information.The thought translated into an image precisely indicates the student’s level of understanding. This technique allows you to develop the ability to summarize information, express complex ideas, feelings and perceptions in a few words, requiring thoughtful reflection. It's a quick but powerful tool for reflection.

(Slide 3) Cinquain- a French word, translated means “poem of five lines.”

The cinquain form was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey.

Sinkwine – this is not an ordinary poem written in accordance with certain rules.

Relatively recently, teachers began to use syncwine to enhance cognitive activity and began to use it as a method of speech development.

(Slide 4) To compose syncwine , you need to learn to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and summarize.

We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

(Slide 5 - 6) Rules for compiling a syncwine.

Thus, a cinquain is a poem of 5 lines, where:

  • First line. 1 word – concept or topic (noun).
  • Second line . 2 words – description of this concept (adjectives).
  • Third line . 3 words – actions (verbs).
  • Fourth line. A phrase or sentence showing an attitude towards a topic (aphorism)
  • Fifth line . 1 word is a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

The versatility of this technique is amazing. All students like him. I use syncwine at different stages of the lesson: at the stage of challenge, comprehension, reflection. We write syncwines when we study the images of heroes, talk about morality, duty, honor. This gives students the opportunity to say what they think, and for me to understand how deeply the child sees and understands the problem we are talking about.By composing a syncwine, students realize their personal abilities: intellectual, creative, imaginative, etc. A correctly composed syncwine has a pronounced emotional overtones.

How to work with syncwines.

Compiling a short story based on a ready-made syncwine using words and phrases that are part of the syncwine.

Correction and improvement of the finished syncwine.

Analysis of an incomplete syncwine and determination of the name of the theme of this syncwine.

Compiling syncwines in groups, followed by a competition for the best syncwine.

Writing a story using syncwine with creative tasks.

What can you write a syncwine about?

(slide 7) Its topic can be varied:

About nature;

About the picture;

About a literary character;

About mom or dad;

About the mood;

About what was learned in class, etc.

How did we start compiling syncwine?

(slide 8) Showing the photo to the guys on the screen, I ask the question:

Who is this? Children are happy to see themselves on the screen.

This is us.

How to call it in one word? (students, schoolboy, children) We stopped at the word children. Subsequent actions are carried out according to a plan or herringbone pattern.

Sinkwine can be used in lessons of literary reading, Russian language, the surrounding world, technology, music, art, physics, traffic rules, life safety.

Students' syncwines.

Cinquain themes:

Slide 8) “Family”,

(slide 9) “Book”, “Fairy-tale hero”, etc.;


2. Wise, useful.

4. A book is your best friend.

5. Library.

Russian language “Vocabulary words”


2. Spring, summer...

3. Relax, walk, draw….

4. Breaks in classes in educational institutions during the academic year….

5. Rest

(slide 10) “Mathematics” - study of mathematical terms: problem, units of mass, units of time.

Accurate, useful.
Calculates, trains, develops.
Queen of all sciences.

The world around us when studying various topics: animals, plants, birds, insects, etc.

1. Butterfly.
2. Orange, blue...
3. Reproduces, feeds, flies away.
4. It is born, transforming from an ordinary caterpillar.
5. Insect.

(slide 11) Sinkwine is one of the effective methods for developing the speech of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

What is its effectiveness and significance??

Firstly , its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain.

Secondly , in composing a syncwine, every child can realize their creative and intellectual capabilities.

Sinkwine is a gaming technique.

Compiling a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Conclusions about syncwine

Sinkwine - This is a French five-line poem similar to Japanese poems.

Sinkwine helps to expand your vocabulary.

Sinkwine teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.

Writing a syncwine- the process is creative. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Make a syncwine everyone succeeds.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.

Sinkwine - this is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

Dear colleagues, I would like to end my speech with the following words:

He who thinks clearly speaks clearly.

(Ancient saying)

I wish you all creative success!

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