John Maxwell - Cultivate the leader within you. Cultivate a leader in yourself Cultivate a leader in yourself

Develop a leader within yourself. John Maxwell
Universal principles are set out according to which a person who wants to inspire other people should act, influence their state of mind and encourage them to take real actions.

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This book is dedicated to a person I admire.

To the friend whose arms warmed me,

To the teacher whose wisdom guided me,

To the inspirer whose words lifted my spirit,

To the leader I love to follow...

To my father Melvin Maxwell


I will never forget this incident. That day I was giving a lecture on leadership. During the break, one of the listeners named Bob came up to me.

You saved my career! - he exclaimed. - How grateful I am to you!

Having said these words, the listener was about to step aside, but I managed to call out to him:

Stop! Tell me how I was able to “save” your career?

I am fifty three years old. For the past seventeen years I have worked in a position that requires leadership skills. Until recently, it was very difficult for me to work; I acutely felt that I lacked the ability to be a leader. And last year I attended your seminar on developing leadership abilities. After that, I immediately began to apply the learned principles of leadership in my work - and what I had dreamed of happened: although not immediately, people began to readily follow my instructions. Before that, I had a lot of work experience, but I lacked competence. You made me a leader. Thank you!

It is cases like the one I just told you about that make me invest time in developing leaders. That is why I conduct leadership development seminars about ten times a year in the United States and other countries. That is why this book was written.

Over the course of several decades, I have learned first-hand the leadership principles described in this book. I have been teaching these principles to people for about twenty years now, and then have great satisfaction in watching my students progress in their work. Now I have the opportunity to share these principles with you.

The key to success in any business is the ability to lead people.

The ups and downs of any business depend on leadership. When I say this phrase in lectures and seminars, listeners really want to tweak it slightly: “In almost every business, both the ups and downs depend on leadership.” Most people want to find exceptions instead of wanting to be exceptional themselves!

You already have certain leadership skills. As an example, let's assume that your leadership ability is rated a 6 on a scale of 10. I will say with all confidence: the effectiveness of your work will never exceed your ability to be a leader, your ability to lead people and influence them. In other words, your ability to be a leader determines the level of your success - and not only yours, but also the success of everyone who works with you.

I once read in Newsweek magazine the words of the president of Hyatt Hotels: “The main thing I have learned in twenty-seven years of working in the service industry is that 99 percent of employees want to do a good job, but the actual result of their work is just a reflection of the work. their employer"*.

Perhaps, one cannot say more precisely about the importance of effective leadership. Here's another

One story on the same topic. At a meeting of sales representatives, the manager gave his subordinates a dressing down for disappointingly poor results. “I'm tired of your excuses,” he shouted. - If you don’t know how to work, we’ll find others who can. After all, being a sales representative for our company is a great honor and a great opportunity.” With these words, the manager pointed to a newcomer to the team, a former football player, and continued: “If a football team plays poorly, then what do they do? They change players. Am I right?"

For some time, complete silence reigned in the office, and then the voice of a former football player was heard: “Actually, sir, if the whole team plays poorly, then they change the coach.”*

Leadership can be learned

Leadership is not a “closed, elite club for natural-born leaders.” The personal qualities necessary for effective leadership can be learned, and then you need to combine them with each other, putting your whole soul into it - and then nothing can

* Doug Lysen, Reader's Digest, February 1989.

It will prevent you from becoming a real leader. This book will give you the basic principles of leadership, all you need is the desire to master these principles and follow them. Leonard Ravenhill, in his book Messages of the Last Days, tells how a group of tourists passed through a picturesque village. Seeing an old man sitting on a bench near the fence, one of the tourists asked in a condescending tone:

Maybe some great people were born in your village?

“No,” said the old man. - Only children are born to us.

Leadership is not discovered in oneself, but rather developed. It is true that true “born leaders” always appear, but even they, in order to remain leaders, have to constantly improve the character traits given by nature. Having worked with thousands of people who want to become leaders, I have found that they all fall into four groups:

Born leaders:

■ Possess natural leadership abilities.

■ A lifetime of observing examples of leadership.

■ Learn and develop additional leadership skills.

Please note: three of the four listed qualities are acquired.

Trained leaders:

■ Spend most of your life observing examples of leadership.

■ Mastered the theory and practice of leadership.

■ They have self-discipline, without which it is impossible to become a great leader.

Potential leaders:

■ Relatively recently, they began to observe examples of leadership.

■ Learn the theory and practice of leadership.

■ They have self-discipline, without which it is impossible to become a great leader.

Please note: all three listed qualities are acquired.

Limited leaders:

■ See few or no examples of leadership.

■ Little or no learning in the theory and practice of leadership.

■ Have a desire to become a leader.

Please note: all three of these qualities can be mastered.

There are more than enough books on leadership, but there are clearly not enough books on leadership

It seems to me that very often people confuse the words “management” and “leadership”.

Former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare John W. Gardner, now director of the Leadership Research Project in Washington, identified five key characteristics that distinguish a “leader-executive” from the crowd of ordinary leaders:

1. A leader-manager knows how to look into the future, far beyond today's problems and quarterly reports.

2. The interests of a leader-manager are not limited to the department or workshop he heads. A leader-manager wants to know as much as possible about the interaction of structural units of the entire enterprise, without limiting himself to his sphere of influence.

3. A leader-manager emphasizes vision, values, and motivation.

4. The manager-leader has the skill to cope with the conflicting demands of multiple components of the entire process

5. The leader-manager does not perceive the current situation as something completed and unchangeable*.

The manager ensures the implementation of the program and the achievement of the goals of the organization he heads. A leader creates an image of the future and motivates people to realize this image.

“People don't want to be led. They want to be led. Have you ever heard of global leaders? And you’ve probably heard about global leaders. About political leaders, religious leaders, trade union leaders,

* John W. Gardner. "The Nature of Leadership", Leadership Papers #1, Independent Sector, January 1986.

Business leaders, scout leaders. These people lead others rather than control them. The carrot is always stronger than the stick. If you don’t believe me, ask a horse, which, as you know, can be led to water, but cannot be forced to drink unless the horse wants it himself. If you still want to lead, then lead yourself, and do it as best you can. Then you will be ready to move from management to leadership.”*

■ It is the duty of the worker to be able to do his job.

Book by John Maxwell "Cultivate the leader within you" is a collection of instructions on the basic principles of motivation and influence on people around you. It contains the key to one of the aspects of success - the ability to lead people.

Leadership can be learned

Leadership- this is not a “closed elite club for born leaders.” The personal qualities required for effective leadership can be learned, and then you need to combine them with each other, putting your whole soul into it!

The best way to understand the power of influence is to think about which events or individuals influenced us the most.

Ability to lead people

Take away all the moral aspects of this concept for a while, and one thing remains: Leadership is the ability to gain followers.

Both Hitler and Jim Jones were leaders. Jesus of Nazareth, Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy were all leaders.

No matter how different their value systems and abilities to lead people were, they all had one thing in common: each of them there were followers. And based on the definition of leadership as the ability to acquire followers, we can discuss the qualities of a leader and his leadership style.

  1. The higher you rise, the easier it is to lead people!
  2. A person who is unable to establish strong and lasting relationships with other people will soon inevitably find that he is unable to remain a real, effective leader for long.
  3. Being a leader and influencing people is a pleasure, problems are solved with minimal effort, people regularly receive fresh statistical data about the organization’s activities and are proud of its growth. Everyone is focused on achieving results; results are the main reason for all activities.

Leader Responsibility

A leader can refuse anything except responsibility. Every time there is a change in your work or when you enter a new social circle, you have to start from the bottom level.

Contribute to the success of those who work with you:

  • Be able to see things through other people's eyes.
  • To love people more than the process of activity.
  • Grow with other people.
  • Act in such a way that everyone emerges as a winner.
  • Treat “difficult” people with wisdom.

The ability to correctly identify the three or four most important tasks out of a total number of tasks is necessary for every leader. A life in which everything goes “as it goes, let it go” will eventually inevitably become a life in which nothing goes.

Requirements for yourself

Success is 95 percent of knowing exactly what you need!

The main key to greatness, Socrates reminds us, is to truly be what we seem to be.

A leader must hold himself to higher standards than his followers. Personal integrity- it's not what we do, but who we are. It is who we are that ultimately determines what we do. Our value system is inextricably linked with our personality; it cannot be separated from us without damaging the personality.

Do you want to maintain a leading position - constantly change!

A person's position is more important than his past, more important than education, money, circumstances, successes and failures. A person's position is more important than what others say, think or do!

We cannot determine how many years our life will last, but it depends on us how much life there will be in these years.


Discipline- this is a decision to do something that you really don’t want to do in order to achieve what you really want. But surprisingly: after some time, discipline turns into a decision to achieve what you really want to achieve, doing what you now want to do!

I firmly believe that a person can become disciplined and even enjoy it - through years of constant practice.

The most important result of any training is the ability to force yourself to do what you need to do when you need to, regardless of whether you want to do it or not.

This is the first thing a person should learn. But this is the most difficult lesson in a person’s life, no matter how early his education begins.

For success, a person needs a sense of belonging to a team, identifying himself with the team. Promote your organization's history and values ​​in every possible way. Organize shared events that create shared memories.

7 "deadly sins"

Great leaders avoid "seven deadly sins":

  1. Trying to be liked instead of being respected.
  2. Do not ask for advice or help from team members.
  3. Disregard people's personal abilities, emphasizing rules rather than skill and experience.
  4. Resort to unconstructive criticism.
  5. Do not contribute to the development of a sense of responsibility among team members.
  6. Treat all employees equally.
  7. Failure to provide employees with required information.

Always, in any situation, such a person remains himself, no matter where he is and no matter who is next to him. He does not pretend and does not “serve two masters” (that would be duplicity). The life of an integral personality is not torn into pieces. Such a person has nothing to hide and nothing to fear, his life is an open book.

Employee Relations

Regular and frequent monitoring of progress towards the goal plays several roles:

  • Firstly, it constantly reminds the employee that achieving the goal is important for his personal work career.
  • Secondly, it gives the manager the opportunity to monitor progress towards the goal.
  • Third, if progress is slow or lacking, the manager can listen to the subordinate's opinion about the reasons for the failure and try to help him solve the problems.

Who realizes that character is more important than position. Someone who forms an opinion rather than follows it. Who understand that their organization is a reflection of their character. Who never puts himself above others, with the exception of one thing - taking responsibility. Who disciplines himself so that others do not have to do the same. Who meets downs with dignity and turns them into ups. Who follows a moral compass that points in the right direction regardless of the prevailing trends in society.

If you want others to do what you want, you have two options: coercion and persuasion. Coercion is a slave's way; conviction is the choice of free people.

Retaining an employee who cannot cope with his duties, you undermine the “fighting spirit” of the rest of the team members forced to take on additional workload.

To succeed, you must not so much do well what brings you pleasure, but rather conscientiously do what you do not like.

A leader who continually grows himself and ensures the growth of his organization will influence many and surround yourself with a successful team.


Develop a leader within yourself


The key to success in any business is the ability to lead people.

Leadership can be learned

Born leaders:

Trained leaders:

Potential leaders:

Limited leaders:

There are more than enough books on leadership, but there are clearly not enough books on leadership



Each of us influences someone

We don’t know who we influence and to what extent

The best investment in the future is making the right impact today.

Influence is a skill that can be learned


Level 1: Status

Features of a “leader by position”

Level 2: Approval

Level 3: Productivity

Level 4: Mentoring


The higher you go, the longer it takes to climb

The higher you go, the higher the level of commitment

The higher you rise, the easier it is to lead people with you.

The higher you go, the more you grow

As you move up the ladder of leadership, you never leave the base level.

You are at different levels of leadership in relation to the members of the group of which you are the leader.

To keep your leadership as effective as possible, you need to help other leaders in your organization rise with you.


Determine what level you are currently at

Level 1: Status/Rights

Level 2: Approval/Relationship

Level 3: Productivity/Results

Level 4: Mentoring/Reproduction

Level 5: Personality/Respect



Practical tasks



It is important to work not with effort, but with intelligence

Organize, otherwise you will degrade


Choose, otherwise you will lose

Evaluate, otherwise you will end up in a dead end.


Priorities don't exist on their own.

It is impossible to overestimate the degree of insignificance of anything.

The good is the enemy of the best

How to choose between good and good?

It's impossible to have everything

Too much to do is paralyzing

When minor tasks require too much of us, big problems arise

Deadlines and urgent matters force us to set priorities.

How often do we find out too late what is really important to us?



1. Personal integrity creates trust.

2. Personal integrity has enormous potential for influence.

3. Personal integrity is the basis for high moral requirements

4. Personal integrity creates not an image, but a solid reputation

5. Personal integrity means that we cannot demand more from others than from ourselves.

6. Personal integrity helps a leader become not just smart, but reliable.

7. Personal integrity is the fruit of hard work






Innovation does not happen on its own

The usual course of events is disrupted

Coming changes cause fear of the unknown

The purpose of innovation is unclear

Change creates fear of failure

The benefits of change are not worth the effort

People are too happy with the status quo

If people think negatively, no change happens

Followers lack respect for the leader

The leader is too sensitive to personal criticism

Innovations can lead to losses

Change takes time

Close-mindedness and bias hinder the perception of new ideas

Tradition resists innovation



Innovators: Dreamers

Those who agree quickly: recognize a good idea instantly

Those who do not agree immediately: the majority

Late adopters: the last to support a new idea.

Laggards: those who resist change to the end


The leader must create an atmosphere of mutual trust

A leader must change himself before calling on others to change.

A good leader takes into account the history of the organization

The most influential members of the organization should take leadership positions

Check if your hands are empty

Good leaders gain the support of the most influential members of the organization before announcing upcoming innovations.

When preparing for a meeting, develop an agenda that promotes openness

Encourage the informal influence of the most influential team members on others

Show people how they will benefit from the changes you are planning.

Make people feel like it's their own innovation.

How to give people the opportunity to feel like they are masters of the coming changes


Not all change leads to improvement, but there is no improvement without change.

It's never too late to change


Everyone has problems

Problems make life meaningful

Many outstanding people have gone through life's challenges.

My problem is not “my problem”

A problem is something you can do something about

Leadership Test: Ability to Recognize a Problem Before the Situation Becomes Critical

Leaders are judged by the size of the problems they handle.

Challenge problems can be solved quickly; Problems with people take time

Correct approach to the problem

The right plan of action


Identify the problem

Set your priorities

Determine the essence of the problem

1. Ask the right questions

2. Be responsible when choosing an interlocutor to discuss a problem


Develop a leader within yourself


The key to success in any business is the ability to lead people.

Leadership can be learned

Born leaders:

Trained leaders:

Potential leaders:

Limited leaders:

There are more than enough books on leadership, but there are clearly not enough books on leadership



Each of us influences someone

We don’t know who we influence and to what extent

The best investment in the future is making the right impact today.

Influence is a skill that can be learned


Level 1: Status

Features of a “leader by position”

Level 2: Approval

Level 3: Productivity

Level 4: Mentoring


The higher you go, the longer it takes to climb

The higher you go, the higher the level of commitment

The higher you rise, the easier it is to lead people with you.

The higher you go, the more you grow

As you move up the ladder of leadership, you never leave the base level.

You are at different levels of leadership in relation to the members of the group of which you are the leader.

To keep your leadership as effective as possible, you need to help other leaders in your organization rise with you.


Determine what level you are currently at

Level 1: Status/Rights

Level 2: Approval/Relationship

Level 3: Productivity/Results

Level 4: Mentoring/Reproduction

Level 5: Personality/Respect



Practical tasks



It is important to work not with effort, but with intelligence

Organize, otherwise you will degrade


Choose, otherwise you will lose

Evaluate, otherwise you will end up in a dead end.


Priorities don't exist on their own.

It is impossible to overestimate the degree of insignificance of anything.

The good is the enemy of the best

How to choose between good and good?

It's impossible to have everything

Too much to do is paralyzing

When minor tasks require too much of us, big problems arise

Deadlines and urgent matters force us to set priorities.

How often do we find out too late what is really important to us?



1. Personal integrity creates trust.

2. Personal integrity has enormous potential for influence.

3. Personal integrity is the basis for high moral requirements

4. Personal integrity creates not an image, but a solid reputation

5. Personal integrity means that we cannot demand more from others than from ourselves.

6. Personal integrity helps a leader become not just smart, but reliable.

7. Personal integrity is the fruit of hard work






Innovation does not happen on its own

The usual course of events is disrupted

Coming changes cause fear of the unknown

The purpose of innovation is unclear

Change creates fear of failure

The benefits of change are not worth the effort

People are too happy with the status quo

If people think negatively, no change happens

Followers lack respect for the leader

The leader is too sensitive to personal criticism

Innovations can lead to losses

Change takes time

Close-mindedness and bias hinder the perception of new ideas

Tradition resists innovation



Innovators: Dreamers

Those who agree quickly: recognize a good idea instantly

Those who do not agree immediately: the majority

Late adopters: the last to support a new idea.

Laggards: those who resist change to the end


The leader must create an atmosphere of mutual trust

A leader must change himself before calling on others to change.

A good leader takes into account the history of the organization

John Maxwell's book "Cultivate the Leader in You" is an instructive book that sets a strict framework for self-control on the path to ascending to the peak of leadership. John Maxwell gives hope to every person, saying that leadership is not a closed club, that leadership can be learned if there is a strong desire. The book “Cultivate the Leader in You” sanctifies the basic principles of leadership; all that is required from readers is the desire to master these principles and follow them. John Maxwell, in his book “Cultivate the Leader in You,” divides people into natural leaders, trained leaders, potential leaders, and limited leaders.

Stage 1 of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is mastering the definition of leadership.

Leadership is influence (that is, the ability to gain followers). There are the following types of leaders:

Level 1: Status

Status - basic, entry-level leadership. It is influence that comes solely from office, title, or position. A person appointed to a position may have some power and the ability to control others, but real leadership is much more than just power, experience, knowledge and following certain rules.

Level 2: Approval

As Fred Smith said, “Leadership is the ability to persuade people to work for you even when they are not obligated to do so.” This becomes possible only when moving to the second level of influence. People don't care how much you know, but they want to know that you care! Leadership begins not with the head, but with the heart; the ideal environment for it is not strict rules, but meaningful, meaningful relationships between people.

Level 3: Productivity

At this level of leadership, many positive things begin to happen. Profits are increased, staff turnover is minimized, people are motivated, needs are met, plans are realized. At this level, work is literally in full swing. Being a leader and influencing people is a pleasure, problems are solved with minimal effort, people regularly receive fresh statistical data about the organization’s activities and are proud of its growth. Everyone is focused on achieving results; results are the main reason for all activities.

Level 4: Mentoring

A true leader has people who consistently produce excellent results. The greatness of a leader lies not in his own strength, but in his ability to give strength to those around him. Even if you have achieved success, if you have not prepared followers, then your victory is a Pyrrhic victory. If the main task of the employee is to do the work assigned to him, then the main task of the leader is to promote the development of people so that they can do the work assigned to them.

Level 5: Personality/Respect

¦ Your followers are devoted to you and are ready to make donations.
¦ You have devoted many years to nurturing and training leaders.
¦ You have become a public or government figure, consultant; people are eager to get your help and support.
¦ Your greatest joy is to see how people develop and grow as individuals.
¦ Your authority extends beyond the boundaries of your organization.

Stage 2 of developing a leader according to John Maxwell – the key to leadership is priorities.

Success can be defined as the consistent achievement of a predetermined goal. From this definition it follows that to be successful, a leader must have the ability to set priorities and the ability to direct efforts to achieve a set goal. I believe these qualities are the foundation of any leadership.

Pareto principle: 20 percent of established goals and objectives produce 80 percent of results,
IF you focus your time, energy, money and your organization's staff on the top 20 percent of your established goals and objectives.

The ability to correctly identify the three or four most important tasks out of a total number of tasks is necessary for every leader. A life in which everything goes “as it goes, let it go” will eventually inevitably become a life in which nothing goes. John Maxwell writes about priorities: “At the end of each month, I make a plan for the next month, immediately setting priorities. Having arranged my planned activities in order of importance and urgency, I ask my secretary Barbara to create a calendar of events for the next month. If something is categorized as High Importance/High Urgency, I let Barbara know and she puts it first. All true leaders have learned to say no to the good in order to say yes to the best.”

The 3rd stage of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is to become an integral person.

Within each of us there is a clash of conflicting desires. No one, not even the most “spiritualized” person, can avoid this collision. The integrity of the individual determines the winner in this war of desires. Every day we are faced with situations where we have to choose between “I want” and “I must.” The integrity of the individual creates the prerequisites for the right choice in each such case and determines our behavior in a conflict situation. The integrity of the individual unites our words, thoughts and actions into a single whole, so that neither words, nor thoughts, nor actions ever diverge from each other.

Stage 4 of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to turn changes in life to the benefit of yourself and the organization.

Once a leader has changed himself and drawn the line between “change for change’s sake” and the change that is needed, he must become a change agent in his organization. In our world, where everything changes so quickly, a leader must be at the forefront, determining the direction of further growth and development and showing the way to new goals.

First of all, he should learn two important components of the process of implementing change: firstly, to know the necessary “technical requirements”, and secondly, to understand the importance of a positive attitude and motivation of people. Both play a vital, decisive role in the entire process. But most often, failures are the result of a lack of motivation or the wrong attitude, and not at all a lack of technical knowledge and skills.

Stage 5 of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to effectively solve problems.

The winners, unlike the others, did not use the troubles that befell them as excuses. They turned their stumbling blocks into stepping stones to success. They realized that they were free to choose their position, their attitude to what was happening, even when they were unable to somehow influence the circumstances of their lives.

My only problem is something that I allowed to become a problem due to the wrong attitude towards what was happening. Problems may stop you for a while, but you and only you can stop yourself forever. Great leaders understand that it is not the hard blow that knocks you down, but the unexpected blow. Therefore, they always watch carefully for signs of a possible problem and evaluate their ability to solve it.

The 6th stage of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is acquiring a positive position in relation to failures and problems.

If we have a “tattoo” of negative thinking on our minds, our chances of continued success drop dramatically. We are not able to play a role for a long time. If we do not believe that we have a particular quality, then we will not be able to constantly perform actions that require the manifestation of this quality. How often do I see people suffering from self-sabotage due to their negative thinking.

You are capable of achieving the goal you set for yourself. Who said that you are not smarter, not better, not tougher, not more hardworking, not more capable than your competitor? It doesn’t matter if someone thinks you are incapable of doing this or that. It is important (and this is the only important thing) that you yourself do not think or assert this way.

The 7th stage of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to be a mentor and develop people.

A true leader always contributes to the growth and development of the people around him: the scale of the realization of his dreams depends on this. Every leader should know the following:

The high moral level and fighting spirit of the organization are rooted in faith in the leader - the person heading this organization.
Most people believe that success is luck and try to win the lottery called life. But life is not a lottery at all. Success is only possible through careful planning. It comes when opportunity meets careful preparation.

It is always necessary to help people improve their self-esteem and self-esteem. Improve your ability to make other people feel worthwhile and important.

The true secret of motivation is to create conditions in which people's interest will not fade.

The 8th stage of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is to be able to see the future of the organization.

A successful leader always clearly sees the goal he has to achieve. A clear vision of the achieved goal gives energy and strength to move forward, overcoming all obstacles. Such a leader becomes a “missionary”, and his ideas spread among his followers, filling them with inspiration and energy. For people to realize their dreams, they need unity. If there is unity, then people are ready to work for hours to achieve a common goal, sacrificing the personal for the sake of the general, part for the sake of the whole. This is how great, historic things happen - and all because the leader has a clear vision of the future!

A successful leader at Level 3 has three levels of vision:

Level 1. Perception: what is seen at the moment (objective reality). At this level, the leader listens.

Level 2. Probability: What will be seen (insight). At this level, the leader leads others.

Level 3. Possibilities: what can be seen (image of the future). The leader lives at this level.

A vision of the future is a powerful weapon in the hands of a leader. He believes not only in the possibility of realizing what he sees with his inner eye, he believes that it must be realized.

The 9th stage of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to pay the price for leadership - self-discipline.

Every great leader knows that their number one responsibility is self-discipline and personal growth. If a person does not know how to behave, then he will not be able to lead others. A leader cannot lead people further than he can go himself. But no one can begin to move externally without first moving internally! A great leader can lead a great organization, but it will only grow if the leader is willing to pay for that growth.

In the beginning, discipline is the decision to do what you really don't want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve. After some time, discipline turns into a decision to achieve what you really want to achieve by doing what you now want to do! A person can become disciplined and even enjoy it - through years of constant practice.

The 10th stage of developing a leader according to John Maxwell is the development of a team.

An outstanding leader creates a team of people who improve the overall performance of their work. The leader's influence and the effectiveness of his work begin to multiply, spreading through his immediate environment, and not add up, as it would have been if he had multiplied his efforts alone. As the philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said, no man can help another without simultaneously helping himself, and this is one of the most wonderful rewards in our lives.

Despite all the problems that arise during the development of a team, two things can be said with confidence. Firstly, only by creating a team of successful players can you achieve long-term success. Secondly, constant multiplication is possible only when we create a team.

A person will work harder, stay in a job longer, and achieve better results if they love their job. And this is an undeniable truth. The employee has a good attitude towards me as a leader, towards the rest of the team members, towards the demands made by the team, and towards the organization's plans for the future.

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