Is it possible to take pictures of yourself in the mirror? Why can't you take pictures in the mirror? Dangerous? How to protect yourself from such pictures

Each of us has a lot of photographs. They depict different us - cheerful and sad, alone or in company, at home, in nature, at a feast. There are also photographs that are not worth looking at at all - these are photographs from funerals. It’s better to do without them, this is not the same memory for a person close to you. There are photographs where we appear in mirrors. And such photographs must definitely be abandoned. We have already written about how you shouldn’t look in the mirror at night, you shouldn’t hit them, and you shouldn’t give mirrors as gifts. Today is about

Why can't you take pictures in the mirror? Reasons at the “subtle” level

A photograph displaying our image in a mirror places us, as it were, in a mirrored corridor where spirits “from the other side” walk. And we involuntarily, albeit not physically, but on a subtle energy level, find ourselves between worlds. Not our body, but our “psychological component”. But we have no power over her in the mirror corridor, and it is very easy for the forces of “the other side” to do anything with her. We may not even feel their impact. Or perhaps we will suddenly suddenly feel bad, or things will go wrong, or our personal life will crack.

By taking a photograph when displayed in a mirror, you unwittingly send an impulse from your soul to that world, which it very greedily absorbs. And then he can give it back, but not to you, but to someone who will look at it after you. In this case, you have a chance to receive an energetic “gift” through a photograph reflected in the mirror from a person who is negatively disposed towards you. But this is if you take pictures in front of a home mirror. Still, there are few people in our house who are unfavorably disposed towards us.

You ask: “Why can’t you take pictures in mirrors, because you look at them at home?” Undoubtedly, all the people in your house are good, and you have nothing to fear from them. However, someone simply looked in the mirror in a bad mood. This could be a relative, a friend, or even a child. A mother upset by her son’s deuce, a father irritated after problems at work, a neighbor in no mood due to poor health - and all this was passed on to you.

And not only that, it was transmitted. Maybe you don't really perceive the negative energy of the mirror. But you captured her in the photograph - along with you. So it turns out that when you appear in a mirror in a photograph, with your subtle consciousness you constantly absorb everything negative that this mirror once saw. What if his positive energy is cut off? Still, the mirror absorbs negative energy with much greater “enthusiasm.” By the way, you shouldn’t sleep in front of a mirror either, as it can “pull” something good out of you. And seeing a broken mirror in a dream means trouble.

Avoid taking photos in public places!

Imagine that you took a photo of yourself near a huge mirror in some shopping or entertainment center. How many people do you think left their “energy trace” there? Countless multitude. And people looked at it with very different thoughts, because not everyone knows why you can’t take pictures in the mirror. And all their thoughts, especially negative ones, were absorbed by this huge mirror. And you transferred all this negativity to your photo.

Now, looking at your photo, you involuntarily, through the mirror in the photo, absorb into your energy shell all the negative that the mirror projects on you.

In addition, when you looked in that mirror, you also left “your energetic trace” in it. Consequently, they gave the opportunity to everyone who looked into it before, and everyone who looks into this mirror later, to “see” your reflection on a subtle level. You gave the mirror a piece of your soul, and it is unknown who will be able to use it. This is especially true in situations where it is impossible to hold back tears. We all often like to cry and choose a mirror as our “interlocutor.” But in vain! You can't look in the mirror when you're crying!

Why can't you take pictures in the mirror? There is a high probability of getting damaged

With the help of photographs they create both damage and evil eyes. If you don't believe it, they won't have any effect on you. What if you, even subconsciously, are able to detect subtle energy vibrations? Then this may well have an effect on you.

And when a photo of you falls into the hands of a person who wishes you harm, in which you are not only captured yourself, but also displayed in the mirror, the negative impact will be doubled. Real magicians have a keen sense of such things. And the likelihood that damage or the evil eye will reach you increases many times over.

So choose a background for your photos so that only the good and the bright can be reflected, and avoid taking photos in mirrors.

In the age of incredible technical achievements and scientific discoveries, photography no longer seems like some kind of magic, an incredible sacrament that can harm the human soul. The technology for producing mirrors and the physical properties of the reflective surface are also known to every schoolchild. However, the combination of these phenomena still causes an incomprehensible attack of superstition in many.

One part of humanity enthusiastically takes photos of their own image in the mirror. Another community is equally insistent that such a habit can lead to dire consequences for the model. What kind of troubles can come from photographing reflections?

Where did “mirror” superstitions come from?

The answer to this question lies in the centuries-old history of mirrors. Initially, the appearance of a polished surface capable of reproducing the appearance of a person looking at it inspired superstitious horror among ordinary people. It was firmly associated with the ability to penetrate into other dimensions, which sorcerers and magicians actively used when conducting their mysterious rituals.

Later, ordinary people also learned to use mirrors in various fortune-telling, believing that they lifted the veil of the future. In everyday life, the reflecting plane was treated with superstitious reverence, not only because of its high cost. It is still believed that shiny glass is a portal to another dimension: either the afterlife, where the souls of ancestors exist, or an unknown space filled with incomprehensible and therefore potentially dangerous entities. In addition, there is an opinion that any glossy surface has the ability to accumulate and return both positive and negative.

What does a photo shoot of one’s own reflection promise to a person?

Immediately after the advent of cameras, esotericists began to assert in unison that each photograph steals a piece of a person’s soul, which remains imprisoned in a photo card. When photographing a reflection, you aggravate the harm done to the energetic aura by capturing mystical entities hiding in the looking glass next to your own soul. Why is such a neighborhood dangerous? There are several opinions on this matter, so choose for yourself the one that is closest to your perception of the world.

  • The imprinted particle of the soul becomes more vulnerable than the part that remains with you. Therefore, it is much easier to damage you or the evil eye through a photo. It is worth considering that in the captured reflection a piece of your essence is multiplied many times over, and therefore a negative impact on it will cause much more harm.
  • It is no secret that mirrors accumulate not only positive, but also negative emotions that they have “seen” during their existence. The process of photography, as it were, pulls them out of the looking-glass world, and you are exposed to a powerful charge of negative energy, which cannot pass without leaving a mark on a person’s mental and physical health. Even the photograph itself, taken in this way, will “work” like a real energy vampire, gradually having an increasingly negative impact on your well-being.
  • Another side effect of careless photography is attracting spirits from the other world to your home. The camera lens shows them the way, and after a while you begin to feel a foreign presence in the house. Attentive and not always friendly entities watch you around the clock. In addition, sometimes for fun, and sometimes with bad intentions, they can begin to create incomprehensible, unnerving and even dangerous situations, which will definitely not add comfort to your home.

If, through carelessness or ignorance, you still photographed your face in a mirror image, then do not print the photo, and once printed, do not store it for a long time. In this case, negative consequences can be minimized or avoided altogether.

Why can't you take pictures in the mirror?

  • Why is it considered impossible take pictures in the mirror, you can’t take pictures of your reflection in the mirror?

    A little history to begin with))

    Many people ask themselves: why is it forbidden to photograph your reflection in the mirror?

    People began making the first mirrors already in the thirteenth century; they cost a lot, and only rich people could afford them. Today it is impossible to imagine an apartment without mirrors - in many houses and apartments, as a rule, there are more than one or two mirrors hanging - and in each room there is at least one.

    If you look in different mirrors, you will see that each mirror is unique in its own way. No mirrors are exactly alike, so in all mirrors your reflection will be slightly different. Slightly different eye color, different skin tones, and so on.

    For a long time it was believed that mirrors have magical properties and that they can reflect not only the external image of a person, but also the qualities of character, his soul, and inner world. In addition, many people still think today that a mirror can store people’s energy, their essence. There is even a belief that looking in the mirror after an evil person has looked there is harmful to health, and that it can lead to a kind of evil eye. Some argue that this is why looking into mirrors in a public place is also dangerous, since you never know who just looked there, and that your mood and well-being may worsen.

    But what do mirrors and photographs have to do with it?

    Well, it is believed that a camera, just like a mirror, preserves not only the external appearance, but also the inner world, thoughts, soul. That is, it is as if the soul is OPEN in front of the camera, and this makes a person vulnerable to another person who will subsequently look at this photograph. By the way, this is why many are sure that it is possible to jinx and treat someone using a photograph.

    Here are some signs associated with mirrors. Photographing mirror reflections is also indirectly related to them.

    Remember the tradition according to which, if a person dies in the house, the mirrors are covered with sheets. Some people think that the soul of the deceased, remaining in the mirror, can take another person with it.

    Another sign says that you should not look into a broken mirror, and also keep such a mirror in the house. This means at least seven years of grief.

    Hanging a mirror opposite the bed is also a bad omen, as it is believed that in this way you can lose all your beauty, health and happiness. Why? Because during sleep we do not control our emotions, and evil forces can supposedly take advantage of this and take away the life force of a sleeping person.

    But, to be honest, is it worth believing in such signs? Is there even the slightest scientific basis for such signs? I have not personally heard of such evidence. In my opinion, these are all just beliefs based on emotions, religious misconceptions, and so on. Therefore, do not get carried away by signs too much, this can cause more harm. Belief in omens, like a drug, draws a person in and makes him dependent on the most banal circumstances, things, animals, dreams, and so on :)

  • It is believed that the mirror attracts a lot of negative energy from different people. And by photographing ourselves in the mirror, we take a photo with this negative energy, which can subsequently negatively affect us. These are just signs. And most often they come true when a person believes in them.

    In addition to the technical side (flash, the camera will cover the face, etc.) there is also a purely psychological one. We are all susceptible to superstitions to varying degrees - so, one of them says that a mirror has the ability to attract and store various types of energy - often negative. Consequently, by photographing ourselves in the mirror, we risk drawing some of this negative energy onto ourselves and, in addition, leaving its trace on the photo while it exists.

    But, after all, there is some grain of truth here - remember the psychics who, from just one photograph, can tell a lot about a person whom they have never seen in their life.

    Maybe there is some sign on this topic, but I don’t know for sure.

    As for the shooting process itself, it is better to shoot without flash. Although, in general, it turns out very original with flash, but only if the room is light enough, otherwise, apart from the flash, you won’t be able to see much in the picture, IMHO.

    It is believed that one should not take photographs in a mirror, since the mirror has seen many people in its lifetime and it remembers people’s emotions and facial expressions, absorbs negative information, so a person becomes vulnerable if he takes a photograph using a mirror, one must beware of any dangers.

    I haven’t heard at all that you can’t take pictures in the mirror, we bought a good DSLR and before that we also took pictures often, people have a lot of such photos on social networks and in stores in fitting rooms and at home

    The belief that you cannot photograph your reflection in a mirror has several explanations, and all of them are associated with a mystical attitude towards the mirror as an object endowed with the ability to absorb human energy. And only you can decide whether to believe in beliefs and signs or not.

    Why can't you take pictures in the mirror? Well, I don’t know the exact answer, probably there is some kind of sign, although many people take pictures and take pictures, in my opinion, nothing bad should come from this! although this question was asked for some reason!

    This is a very old sign. In the modern world, no one pays attention to this anymore, but it has even become fashionable. In general, it is believed that a mirror absorbs the energy of all the people who looked at it, and especially bad energy. And the flash of a camera can provoke the fact that all the bad energy will pour out into the person who was currently standing in front of the mirror. Therefore it is undesirable take pictures in the mirror.

    There are a lot of superstitions with mirrors in general. From time immemorial, the mirror has been used in magic and witchcraft. The mirror shows the image of a person, and the camera, as it were, captures the image. And by photographing yourself in the mirror, you kind of scan yourself. That's why you can't film yourself this way.

    Probably because the mirror is a reflection of our soul. All sorts of portals open in the mirror to another world; if this photograph falls into the hands of some witches, magicians or sorcerers, they can easily bring something bad to this person, such as illness or all sorts of misfortunes. Also, the mirror absorbs our energy and something very bad and incomprehensible to us may appear in the photographs.

    This is a common superstition. Since ancient times, a mirror has been associated with something otherworldly. With the help of a mirror, people tried to look beyond the world. Therefore, everything connected with it is considered mystical. People like to take pictures with a mirror, sleep in front of a mirror, etc. It's just superstition.

Photographing friends, events or nature is a common and beloved thing for many. But when it comes to the photographer himself, difficulties immediately arise: stiffness, uncertainty, and a feeling of dissatisfaction with the photo appear. They have a desire to take pictures of themselves. And here a safe, from their point of view, method comes to the rescue: take a photo through a mirror.

Is such an action really safe? Research into mirror properties has been going on for several centuries in a row. From the very beginning, magicians, sorcerers and wizards became interested in its unusual properties. They massively cast powerful spells on them, which they later sent to their enemies or customers. And the most interesting thing was that all their magical and witchcraft actions were performed in full. Fantastic?

No. Already in our time, some physicists became interested in this phenomenon and decided to conduct their own research. The analysis showed that harmless pieces of glass with the addition of chemical elements are nothing more than carriers and transmitters of emotions. And that looking glass with which many were frightened in childhood exists in reality. True, by “pulling” into this parallel world we mean such an effect as the imposition of other people’s thoughts, feelings and accidentally dropped phrases on the subconscious of the one who is looking in the mirror at the moment.

As for photographing, when you capture yourself on harmless camera film or in the phone’s memory, the photo card preserves the entire range of emotions from the looking glass and the photographer himself. In addition, there is a complete opening of the soul.

Thus, anyone who looks at this picture can, like a vampire, be imbued with this energy or be easily bewitched.

Please note: probably many of you, showing your fresh photos in front of the mirror to friends or acquaintances, felt some kind of fatigue, and all things fell out of hand.

Thus, photographing yourself in the mirror is a danger that leads to irreversible consequences. That is why taking such actions is strictly prohibited.

Reasons for mirror ban

Along with the reasons listed above why taking a mirror photo is strictly prohibited, there are a number of additional ones:

  1. This method of imprinting can lead to unpleasant consequences in business, study, work and even personal life.
  2. When a flash occurs, a portal opens for the transmission of all information programmed in the looking glass. All of it can immediately transfer to a person and be reflected in the form of diseases and troubles.
  3. When photographing, the mirror “ties” a person to itself, forcing him to return to it again and again. The destruction of this connection occurs when glass breaks, although with dire consequences for the human psyche.
  4. During the selection of a successful shot, a large number of changes occur in poses, looks and hairstyles, therefore, a person spends most of his time in front of the mirror. This has a negative impact on the psyche, as it can distort reality. And the more negative emotions in the form of dissatisfaction the photographer sends to the mirror, the stronger the response, expressed in the form of weakness, fatigue and emptiness.

Signs associated with photographing in the mirror

There are folk signs:

  1. In the event of an imminent death, the photographer may end up blurry or with a defect on the photo card.
  2. When organizing a photo shoot, you can feel like “Dorian Gray”: remaining forever young while the photo ages.
  3. When organizing photography of yourself and your loved one, this can lead to separation. The same applies to newlyweds.
  4. It is believed that some part of the soul is stuck in the looking glass forever.

Why you can’t put/hang photographs in front of the mirror and on the mirror itself

We are talking about those photographs that contain negativity or whose owners are weakened after illness. In addition, this also includes photographs of children and pregnant women.

It is believed that people who are shown frowning in the photo and whose image hangs opposite the mirror are directing the negative onto the mirror, which, in turn, projects them onto the household.

As for weakened patients, this condition will keep them for a long time. Healing will only be possible after the photo is hidden or destroyed.

Children, just like pregnant women, have no protection from negativity and are completely open to the outside world. Thus, a mirror containing negative emotions brings unbearable suffering and irreversible consequences to these categories of people.

What is a photograph in a mirror called?

When a person takes a photo of himself through a mirror, he is taking a “selfie.”

This method of photography was first mentioned back in 1920. Back then it was fashionable to send your image by mail to friends and acquaintances. Currently, selfies have become wildly popular. Moreover, photography occurs not only through the mirror, but also when turning the phone or camera towards you.

However, this method also has its own nuances, but from a purely technical side: wanting to take a truly gorgeous picture, people climb onto towers, trains and other dangerous places. In this regard, a ban on taking selfies has been introduced at the official level.

Switch and find out. . .

Well... not only is it forbidden to take pictures in a mirror, but it is absolutely forbidden for two people to look into it together! - !

Still want to take a photo, but broke your mirror? - !

Find out why you can't take pictures in the mirror if you believe in omens


Why can't you take pictures in? This question often arises for those who like to click camera lenses and take selfies. After all, the most attractive photographic portraits are obtained when you pose for yourself, and it is most convenient to do this in front of a mirror. And romantic scenes, made, for example, through the looking glass, turn out to be the most magical and effective.


But for some reason there is a ban on taking photos in the mirror. Didn't it come out of nowhere? Some associate it with superstitions and mysticism, others - with a tribute to established traditions. We offer with understand the question of why you can’t take pictures in the mirror, and what danger a mirror can bring to our destiny.

The mirror has long been attributed magical properties. People believed that glass coated with amalgam reflected not only a person’s appearance, but also his inner world, i.e. soul. A mirror can both embellish reality and distort it beyond recognition.

In addition, this amazing glass is able to accumulate and store the energy of those people who have looked at it throughout their lives. Do you remember the good old fairy tale about “The Secret of the Third Planet”, which, by the way, talked about similar properties of living mirrors in a flower meadow? But in every fairy tale, as you know, there is a fairy tale element.

And it’s good if this energy is kind and positive. And if not? Such information first accumulates in the mirror; it, as it were, “remembers” what is happening around it. And then at some point it can splash out on people looking at it. And such an exit can be provoked by the click of the camera shutter.

This is just fantasy, you say. Right. How long ago were computers, super-fast cars, or, for example, wireless communications over a distance a science fiction thing? Jokes aside, but literally for our grandparents it also sounded fantastic and implausible that you could talk and see each other on Viber or Skype without any problems, being on the other side of the Earth. And now we don’t even think about it.

Science fiction in the IT industry has become a reality thanks to the rapid development of science and technology. But mysticism remained less studied and therefore, perhaps, did not develop to the level of the obvious. But this did not stop it from being potentially real.

It is believed that the camera is capable of capturing not only the visible image of a person, but also the other world. Have you sometimes gotten strange spots or overexposed fragments of a photo where they shouldn't have been? Some will consider this effect a marriage, while others will consider it an otherworldly entity, invisible in the real world. A photograph taken in the mirror greatly enhances this effect and is capable of imposing the energy of the mirror on the person posing in it.

Such pictures taken in the mirror can attract the attention of people with bad energy or those capable of causing damage. And if the defenselessness of your soul in the photo is invisible to the naked eye of an ordinary viewer, then an experienced magician or psychic can take advantage of this for selfish purposes.

There is also an opinion that photographs in which a person is depicted in a mirror image, i.e. "inverted" reflection also negatively and "inverted" influence his fate. For example, if in reality a person is healthy and happy, then a mirrored photograph can cause illness and trouble.

In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether this is really so, and whether you should believe the arguments why you shouldn’t take pictures in the mirror.

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